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Chapter 725 My name is Tang Ji

"So, while I was washing dishes in the back kitchen of a restaurant and making money to fill my stomach, you and Tang Anran had an in-depth discussion about the future of the world in a high-end hotel. I understand this right, right?" Karl Wile stood in his dream world.

Under the bodhi tree there, my hands were shaking with anger.

In the pure white dream space, gusts of cool breeze blew the bodhi tree that was constantly shedding leaves, making a pleasant rustling sound, but it could not soothe Carl Weiler's soul.

"You are right to say that, but after all, I am also one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Is there anything wrong with discussing the future of the world with me?" Anne rolled her eyes and was very dissatisfied with Carl Wiler's question: "Otherwise, how can we discuss the future of the world with me?

Do you want to talk about it?"

"Then you should at least solve my problem first! It's just a dream anyway. Why don't you open an unlimited credit card for me so that I can barely have enough to eat!" Carl Weile was stunned after saying this.

for a moment, and then suddenly realized that the reason why he was keen to go to that dream world was that the most attractive thing was that he could be an ordinary person there.

But the life of ordinary people is so damn sad, and I don’t know how I survived in the early years.

"Then have you reached an agreement? Tangji is about to wake up?" Carl Weile shook his head and cleared away the distracting thoughts in his mind. He had been sleeping for several years and still didn't know if the No. 2 shelter where he was located had any plans to return to the surface.

, but he doesn’t want his descendants to live in such a miserable world in the future.

"I don't know, Tang Anran's speaking style is similar to Mikkelsen's. He likes to talk about one third, leave one third out, and let you realize the other third yourself." Annie kept wondering about Tang Anran's final result.

What does it mean, but she found that she got nothing.

"I'm just saying, it's so irresponsible to leave the future of the entire world to people like you!" Carl Weiler sighed and sat cross-legged under the bodhi tree: "I need some time to be quiet, thank you."

Thousands of miles away, the Australian wasteland is an area forgotten by human civilization.

Before the Apocalypse, it had withdrawn from the ranks of developed countries due to the shrinkage of global shipping business. As the biggest loser in the second corporate war, it completely fell into a state of stagnant development after the war, and had been in a state of stagnation for twenty consecutive years.

There has been a population outflow every year.

It can be said that after the Apocalypse, Australia's voice in the world is weaker than that of Africa. No one cares about what happened to the remaining residents there. Only agricultural production is still going on in an orderly manner on the huge land.

Because the land is sparsely populated and there are not many industrial clusters to attack, only two explosion nodes were deployed in the northwest coastal areas of Australia during the Apocalypse to ensure that the population there would be cleared.

The remaining large swaths of no-man's land became the 'pure land' of the Apocalypse in the future. Even though Mikkelsen was unable to allocate expensive nuclear explosive devices to those 'old Australians' on a per-capita basis, the big storm helped completely destroy them.

to protect the eastern part of Australia from the impact of a nuclear explosion.

In the past twenty-five years, the eye of the storm formed after the Apocalypse has slowly moved along the northwest corner of the Pacific toward the Drake Passage in the southeast direction, and its cyclone size has shrunk to 34% of its original size.

However, because of its change in location, survivors in eastern Australia did not notice the weakening of the storm in the first ten years, until the impact of the storm was further weakened in the past few years.

The coalition forces have only established four large numbered shelters in Australia, and they are all concentrated on the northwest coast. Those living in eastern Australia have to rely on themselves.

Fortunately, during the Corporate War, the most intense fighting was in Australia. They were already accustomed to this extreme environment. Many survivors even experienced the nuclear bombing during the Iron-Stone War.

Therefore, there are many private shelters scattered on this land. Since NC-15, many shelters that were lucky enough to survive have opened their doors, trying to restore production order, or at least grow food.

The ancient desert located in the center of Australia has become a natural chasm that cuts off the connection between the east and west of Australia. These old people who do not have new era communication tools have no idea that there are their compatriots on the other side of the desert. Many of them

He simply thought that he was the last hope of mankind.

Against this background, a rusty life-support tank tank washed up on a beach in the east.

"Grandpa, I think I saw something!" A little boy with curly hair stood on the hillside, wearing a thick poncho, holding an old-fashioned binoculars in his hand and shouted in the direction of the coastline.

Less than a hundred meters away from the beach, something that could barely be called a ship was floating on the sea, swaying with the waves, and the child's task was to ensure that if the ship sent out any signal, it would

Tell your grandfather the news immediately.

"Give me the telescope!" An old man also wearing a poncho took the telescope and looked around on the beach, saying to himself: "It doesn't look like garbage, O'Brien, let's go see what it is.


"No more trash cans. Three trash cans have been recycled this month." O'Brien, who looked less than twenty years old, complained softly, but still put on his raincoat and walked out with the old man.

Their 'little bunker'.

That was a bunker that was dug out ten years ago, mainly for the convenience of monitoring the coastline. Their location is almost at the commanding heights on the nearby coastline.

Like other human children born in the New Hope Era, O'Brien has never seen the prosperous era of mankind, but fortunately, he has read enough books and listened to enough stories, and he has pieced together a picture of human beings in his mind.

Pattern of the beauty of civilization.

This bit of imagination prevented him from becoming a plunderer. Instead, he joined the Seamen's House, a relatively neutral organization. Their goal was to wait until the storm weakened a little before setting sail to find the legendary Promised Land.

The founder of Seamen's Home is the old man in front of O'Brien. Even though his beard and hair have turned white this year, he was a good man on the ship when he was young. He worked as a mechanic until he retired as first mate.

In essence, the Mariners' Home is a loose organization. Everyone in the organization knows that this is a long-term plan. No one knows when they will find enough parts to salvage the big ship that sank in the bay. No one knows.

Do they really have a chance to repair such a ship?

But in this doomsday era, in order to prevent oneself from going crazy, one must have hope in order to survive these difficult days.

Because of this illusory goal, members of the Seamen's House not only repaired a ship that had returned from the past, but even hand-made a diving bell that can send two people into the water thirty meters deep at a time for construction.

"Captain Geraint, what do you think that is?" O'Brien carried a shotgun on his shoulder. In an environment like the seaside, many weapons and bullets from the old era cannot be used due to poor storage. A gun that can fire can't be used.

Anyone is a deterrent.

"I think? I think it might be a storage tank filled with various supplies, maybe it leaked from that ship." The old man straightened his poncho and took off his captain's hat. The sparse raindrops were blown by the wind.

Hit it in the face, making it hard to open your eyes.

A few years ago, they were worried about whether the rain would contain radiation, but later no one cared about it. Regardless of whether there was radiation or not, the rain would not stop due to human will.

It wasn't until they walked into the position less than ten meters away from the metal can that the old man found something similar from his long-lost memory. When he was smuggling, he once helped someone transport this kind of thing.

It is a dormant warehouse.

"What the hell, where did this come from?" Captain Geraint hurriedly stepped forward and motioned for O'Brien to work hard with him to turn the dormant cabin around and expose the front, with green fluorescent lights flashing on it.

The small screen just appeared in front of the two of them.

The old man reached out to brush away the mud and stains on the top of the panel. In the opaque observation window, a sleeping man was lying in it sleeping soundly.

"Is there someone in here?" O'Brien was startled and took a step back: "There is someone in here!"

"Stop shouting, I'm neither deaf nor blind!" Geraint looked back in the direction of his grandson and waved to him, gesturing for him to call others over. After a while, more than a dozen people with various weapons appeared.

Men and women appeared on the beach.

Less than a third of them had survived the Apocalypse. When these people saw this dormant warehouse that was still running, they all showed expressions of surprise and excitement, while the faces of other young people were all blank.

"Geraint, is he, he, the person in that boat underwater!" An older woman covered her mouth to make herself less excited: "Does this mean that the boat is still clean?


"We don't know yet, but the people inside must know it, so now work harder and get our 'distinguished guests' into the house first. None of you want those predators to know what's going on here, right?"

Geraint looked at his watch: "It's almost time for their reconnaissance, so move quickly!"

Under Geraint's call, people dragged the dormant warehouse back to the small fortress where they lived.

"Open it now?" the woman suggested excitedly while looking at the man in the dormant cabin. She also had a daughter at home, a sick daughter. She joined the Seamen's Home just for her daughter's life. She knew if there was another daughter nearby,

Wherever there was a cure for her daughter's disease, it had to be on that ship.

The existence of the ship is no secret to the survivors nearby. It is so big that when the weather is clear, you can see a little outline through the water when you look at it from the air or from a high place.

The same goes for the predators, so they waste precious fuel and fly the plane in the sky every few days to prevent the Seamen's Home gang from actually finding a way to enter the ship.

It is a treasure that everyone wants, but not many people are willing to dig for it.

Of course, those predators rarely come to cause trouble for them because of this, they just wait for them to work hard and finally come out to take advantage.

"Wait a minute, let me think about what preparations are needed to wake up the dormant ones." Geraint thought hard for a long time, but found that his head was empty, and the events before the Apocalypse were as far away as his previous life.

While Captain Geraint was digging through his memories, O'Brien was already curiously looking at this unusual artifact.

He wiped the surface of the dormant chamber clean with a piece of cloth, hoping to see it more clearly. As a result, the dormant chamber, which was supposed to have an authentication procedure, opened because the panel was touched.

"Damn, what are you doing!" Geraint tried to push back the lid of the dormant chamber. He vaguely remembered that after a long period of dormancy, in order to restore the body to normal state, several drugs need to be injected to revive the blood vessels, nerves and so on.


"I didn't mean it!" O'Brien took a step forward in panic, and together with Captain Geraint, tried to hold down the rising lid.

But at this time, the low-temperature gas in the dormant chamber had spread out, and when it touched O'Brien's skin, he shuddered.

"Okay, okay, it just depends on whether he is alive or not." Upon seeing this, Geraint let go of his arm and allowed the dormant chamber to be fully opened, revealing the strong body inside.

"Hell, it doesn't look like he's been sleeping for many years. He looks like he just laid down in it yesterday." Geraint looked at the other person's muscle lines, muttered, and at the same time tightened the gun in his hand.

After a few minutes of waiting, the low-temperature gas emitted from the dormant chamber gradually returned to normal, and the sleeping beauty finally opened his eyes.

The world was spinning, it was cold, there was a stench, there were several stenches. Who am I? Where am I? The man looked around slowly, distinguishing the environment.

There were several malnourished humans in a low, dark room. They looked harmless. Apart from being surprised, they had no ill intentions.

"Where is this?" The man spoke, but his voice was like a gearbox that had forgotten to refuel, and every word was hoarse.

"Thank God, he's still alive!" O'Brien finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"This is a small village on the east coast of Australia. I am Geraint. What about you, stranger? What is your name? Where are you from?" Captain Geraint stretched out a finger in front of the other person's eyes in a decent manner.

Move: "Follow my fingers and move your eyes. Very good. Listen, I'm not a doctor. There's only so much I can do for you. You can sit up again after a while."

"What's my name?" The man listened to Geraint's question and covered his head with one hand as if he had a headache. It wasn't until he sat up slowly that he said with some uncertainty: "My name is Tangji."

I took the time to play Starry Sky for three days. How can I say, as a veteran player of B Club games, all my expectations for this game have been met.

Better picture quality, larger map, and original B-style RPG game.

Let’s see how the mod responds in the future. If it doesn’t keep pulling its hips for so many years like Mount and Blade 2, then it will be a perfect Bethesda game. I would like to recommend this game to all players who like sci-fi background RPG games.

This chapter has been completed!
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