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Chapter 728: Moonlight Golden Horn

How Tang Anran described Wu Qianying in his dream was a very serious question, so serious that Anne, one of the Seven Deadly Sins, immediately started sweating in her dream and almost woke up.

Annie always felt that she was indeed several levels behind Wu Qianying in terms of IQ, but she could definitely crush him in terms of emotional intelligence. But now she was confused, how could Wu Qianying, a rational animal like her, ask such a fatal question in the first place?


If it were in the real world, Annie Wu's subtlety of the moment would have been noticed by Wu Qianying, but this is Wu Qianying's dream world, and Annie is the master of happy dreams. She can at least adjust her time flow faster and achieve harmony.

Surte has similar abilities.

So she had enough time to recover and think about how to answer the question.

First of all, there is indeed a projection of Wu Qianying in Tang Ji's dream world, and Annie has seen it more than once.

In that dream world, Wu Qianying was a doctor in a hospital, or to be more specific, she was the personal doctor of Tang Ji's family. But for various reasons, Angelina never got sick in that world and was in good health.

It's like Tangji in the real world, so Angelina has never been to the hospital.

On the contrary, Tang Anran often went to the hospital for various reasons. From being held by Tang Ji with one hand, to riding to the hospital by himself, it was Wu Qianying who he met every time.

In addition, the principal of Tang Anran's school is also Dr. Wu Qianying. He wears gold-rimmed glasses and a striped black business suit with a bright red silk shirt, a classic school principal look.

Anne didn't know if she had found all the reflections of Dr. Wu Qianying, but what was certain was that the shadow of Dr. Wu Qianying had always shrouded the dreams of Tang Anran and his son.

"You are his teacher and also a doctor." After a brief hesitation, Anne decided that it would be better for her to tell the truth.

As the saying goes, a lie needs to be covered up by countless lies, but the problem is, not to mention countless lies. Annie could not cover up even one lie in front of Wu Qianying, so she decisively gave up this behavior of testing her IQ.


Wu Qianying frowned and looked at Annie for a while. At this moment, Annie felt like a student who had done all her homework during the summer vacation. Wu Qianying was checking her homework, and her life and death depended on each other.

"Teacher and doctor? Humph, you brat." Anne finally couldn't tell whether Dr. Wu Qianying was satisfied or dissatisfied, but fortunately the other party did not continue to ask, and just asked lightly: "What is the purpose of you coming to me again?"

"I think Tang Ji may have woken up, but he may have lost some power and may have lost part of his memory. I don't know how far Tang Anran can do it, but it seems that he can temporarily separate his soul and the Seven Deadly Sins from each other. I think

Maybe Tang Ji is in danger now." Annie said what she was thinking, and then looked at Wu Qianying eagerly, waiting for the strongest brain to give her a feasible plan.

"Tang Ji, are you in danger?" Wu Qianying smiled: "Why didn't I know you cared about him so much? If this is your purpose, don't worry. If Apocalypse failed to kill him, I'm afraid nothing in this world can.

Kill him."

"I know Tang Ji is very strong, but since he is so strong, shouldn't he stand up and make the world go on the right track?" Annie said somewhat flatteringly: "For example, how can we control Mikkelsen first? We are both at zero.

Base No. 1, it’s too unsafe here.”

"Are you still in Base Zero?" Wu Qianying frowned and looked at Anne: "I remember hearing you say before that Wolfgang has already gotten rid of Mikkelsen's attention, why didn't you leave?"

"How do I leave?" Annie had countless rushing thoughts in her heart, and finally controlled her emotions: "I have never found a chance. Shelter Zero has never been opened to the outside world. It is sealed tightly, and

Mikkelsen kept staring at me and I couldn't leave."

"Mikkelsen only has twenty-two clones in Base Zero, and no more than twenty-five clones at most. Can he see such a large base alone?" Wu Qianying looked at Anne carefully and said in a subtle tone:

"You are also a member of the Seven Deadly Sins. Although you are a bit cowardly in character, you can't be so substandard in ability, right? What you are facing is only 1/200 Mikkelsen. If I were you, what would he do?

More than twenty clones will not survive Christmas in NC-3."

Anne looked at Wu Qianying's expression and listened to her tone. She had no doubt that the other party had indeed considered the feasibility of 'killing' Mikkelsen alone, but in the end he did not actually take action.

So, I am actually the one with the advantage?

Anne asked herself, she seemed to have never considered doing this. A head-on conflict was never what she wanted to see, but what Wu Qianying said was indeed worthy of reference. She was not good at head-on conflict, and Mikkelsen was not good at head-on conflict either!

When she thought about how she had wasted twenty-five years of her youth, Anne felt like she should dig out her brain, throw it on the ground and step on it a few times.

"Don't think about Tang Ji coming out to help you, just find a chance to leave by yourself. Anyway, the storm is almost over. With your strength, it shouldn't be a problem to go out on your own." Wu Qianying waved her hand, motioning for Annie to get out, but immediately

Before leaving, she said again: "Assign someone to wake me up in a month. It's time to get up and move around."

For a moment, Annie suddenly realized that Wu Qianying's gesture of waving her hands away was almost the same as that of Tang Ji and Tang Anran, and she didn't know who among them infected whom first.

In the vast starry sky, the Phoenix City, once legendary by the world, floats alone in the void. Unmanned mining ships continuously shuttle back and forth, pouring the minerals they brought back from the asteroid belt into the artificial gravitational field.

Whenever the material quality is sufficient, the ore within the gravitational field will be sent to the smelting core, where impurities will be removed and then sent to a deeper processing workshop, eventually becoming part of the Phoenix City.

Exactly twenty-five years have passed, and Phoenix City has completed 62% of the original plan. Those newly added spaces finally solved the housing problem of overstaffed personnel, and also added more agricultural production modules to Phoenix City.

Industrial production module.

But this has not improved the living environment inside Phoenix, which is still considered to be divided into three distinct areas: upper, middle and lower.

The top level is naturally the ticket-holding passengers who own properties in Phoenix, the middle level is the technicians and service staff with work permits, and the bottom level is the so-called stowaways.

Of course, these three levels are not fixed, and there are stable downward channels for downgrading between them.

If an upper-class passenger does not have a stable income, he will eventually have to rely on selling the property on hand to make a living, and then be reduced to the middle-class area within a few years. If he cannot quickly adapt to the ancient method of exchanging labor for remuneration to stabilize his class, then he will

It won't be long before you will be reduced to the lower class area again.

Gerald Frederick, the true owner of the Moongold, had witnessed this happen, more than once.

But he was a smart man and acted decisively. He had already started another round of bloody capital accumulation as early as the day he arrived in Phoenix. He relied on the connections he had left on the earth at that time and his identity as the first batch of Phoenix immigrants.

Started a luxury goods business.

Those ticket holders who are eager to know the situation in Phoenix can get the information through old Gerrard, but in return, they need to make a little space for Gerrard in their precious luggage lists and help him

Bring some designated goods.

From expensive drinks and cigars at the beginning, to cola and fruits, in just seven or eight months, Gerard Lao was keenly aware of the trend of downgrading consumption and decisively made a transformation.

Now Gerald is the largest addictive compound merchant in Phoenix. He has everything from top-grade chemically synthesized products to pure natural hydroponically grown plants.

Old Gerald converted the living space he purchased into a production workshop. Although this caused dissatisfaction from several of his children, he expelled the daughter who made the most noise among them, forcing her to sell her body in the middle area in order to survive.

Later, others became honest.

And as time goes by, when those once arrogant 'neighbors' have spent all their savings one by one and have nothing to live on, they can only exchange their living supplies from the old Gerald by mortgaging their properties.

When they finally disappeared one after another, there was no more noise in the Frederick family.

Old Gerrard is still the uncompromising helmsman, and even has a second youth due to the replacement of a large number of prosthetic organs. Sometimes when he is in a good mood, he will patronize his unfilial daughter's business and experience other things.

A happiness that no one can experience.

"You have to thank me for bringing you so much business and allowing you to live without worries. Do you understand?" Old Gerald would repeat this conversation every time before sprinting: "They didn't get you, you are nothing."

The rotten meat that people want is not as good as a toe from a virtual sex doll, and what they want is me, the name Gerald Frederick! Trash!"

In the Frederick family, except for the younger Gerald, almost no one wants to be alone with the elder Gerald. He is like a lion, after losing the secular restraints of the human world, he shows his true self more and more.

The essence of the beast - a naked beast.

"Father, our profits have increased by 13% in the past few years. The population in the middle-level district is steadily increasing. However, the construction of satellite cities will inevitably divert some of the population away. This is not good for our business. Should we discuss it at the meeting? Protest?" Young Gerald is now a middle-aged man who is almost fifty years old. He is a little less like he was back then and is much more stable.

"Why object? The satellite city can be used to live in people, and it can also be used to develop our business. Those people can't be squeezed to death, but our cute little plants can be squeezed to death. Our output has become Bottlenecks that limit profits, do you understand?" There was a luxurious dinner on Old Gerald's table, and he was enjoying it.

Dinner includes a freshly grilled beef tenderloin, a glass of chilled Cabernet Sauvignon, a fresh fruit platter, and a glass of fresh milk.

Considering that the animal breeding program in Phoenix City has always been in a state of neither improvement nor decline, the value of this dinner can probably feed a family of three in a lower-class area on nutritional supplements for a year and a half.

Even little Gerald could only look at the dinner, swallowed, and did not dare to take another look: "One more thing, father, the latest photos of the earth taken by the observation system show a big storm. It has begun to dissipate, and the Council intends to explore the feasibility of sending a homecoming fleet."

Phoenix is ​​not as good as it advertises, Phoenix Orbital Giant Group has deceived everyone.

It says that this place will be the most luxurious place of enjoyment in the world, but in fact the only open function in terms of food here is a synthetic protein block, and there are only three flavors to choose from.

In addition, agricultural areas also produce enough vegetables and cereals for two thousand people every year, but there are a full 220,000 people in Phoenix.

Therefore, 90% of the residents dream of returning to earth one day.

"You want to go back too?" Old Gerald glanced at his favorite son and asked calmly.

"The Frederick family will always follow your will, father." Little Gerald sighed secretly in his heart. He missed his days on earth very much.

Sunshine, beach, beautiful women, that beautiful yacht and gentle father, there are some things that you only know how valuable they are if you lose them.

For example, the yacht named Moongold

"Moongold, what a wonderful name, isn't it?" Captain Geraint took Tanguy Tangji aboard the Pride, which was now moored directly above the Moongold.

"I have only heard of this kind of ship before. It can dive into the water like a submarine, and can also show its beauty on the water like a real ship." Captain Geraint looked at it with some obsession. Shadow under the water: "The moment I saw it, I knew this was God's Promised Land for us."

Captain Geraint's tone was pious and gentle, as if he was reciting a love poem to the woman he loved.

His son Miles was behind Geraint and smiled helplessly at Tang Ji: "When he talked about this ship, he was like this, let's go, I will take you to see underwater, I hope you really came from It comes out from the inside, so we don't have to go to the trouble of cutting a hole in its beautiful shell. My father was right about one thing, it's really beautiful."

Today is the thirty-second day that Tang Ji came here. Captain Geraint had a sudden idea and wanted Tang Ji to try it on the Moonlight Gold. If there is any biometric lock, the facial recognition lock can still be used, and Tang Ji

Ji Ye is indeed a passenger on the ship, then maybe a miracle will happen.

After all, in the captain's simple imagination, the only place in this damn place that has a dormant cabin is the Moonlight Gold.

This chapter has been completed!
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