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Chapter 732: Auntie, you respect yourself

Chapter 735 Auntie, you respect yourself

The speed of the predators is very fast. After all, there is nothing left on this land to hinder them. Although the east coast of Australia has not been directly affected by the nuclear explosion, it is still in the web of destruction woven by Mikkelsen.


Moreover, this place has also been devastated by big storms. Only because of the protection of the ocean, there are no deadly metal storms like those on the federal continent. Moreover, because of the moisture of the ocean, the green plants on the surface have gradually grown after the big storm has weakened.

It began to regain its vitality.

At least, weeds have begun to emerge on the land that has begun to become desertified, enjoying the rain and sunshine, showing tenacious vitality.

But the next second, it was mercilessly crushed by the car's tires. Even though the tires themselves were full of cracks, and even though the car would throw away some 'unnecessary' parts from time to time on the road, it still never stopped.

Industrial products inherited from Tianqi days ago.

In the confrontation between steel and life, the former always wins.

The car Marcus was riding in was an extended sedan equipped with off-road suspension. It looked very conflicting in style, but considering that the body was bulletproof, this car was considered a treasure among the Predator team.

Although Marcus has a very predatory appearance, such as large tattoos, a strong body, and a fierce appearance, Marcus, who is sitting in the back row, seems out of place with the entire team of predators. He is writing in his diary.


"If that ship can be used, maybe we can go all the way west along the coastline. I heard that there is a shelter established by Tianqi Days there, which is much more prosperous than here. But I first have to convince others that we cannot put the Seafarers' Home

Killed all the people.

I need someone to drive the boat, but there are too few people around me who are willing to learn new knowledge, not even Alstom. I feel that if I smash his head one day, what comes out will probably be liquid.

There is nothing left anymore.

Maybe I should keep more slaves who can think normally, especially the old humans, but how to convince others is still a problem.

I once saw a sentence in a book, which said - the more I see the world, the more dissatisfied I am. The more I understand this sentence, the arrogance and unrepentance of the old mankind, the new

The ignorance and stupidity of human beings are unbearable to me, and I hope they all die."

Marcus wrote down everything he thought about today in his diary. When he opened the skylight and poked his head out, he was already the perfect leader in the ogre's heart: "For food, and slaves! Speed ​​up!"

In fact, the predators don't need to be mobilized at all. They are just locusts in the wasteland. In order to survive, they will do anything and eat anything, without any bottom line.

Strictly speaking, Marcus actually restrained the group of predators on the east coast to a certain extent, allowing the survivors to have a breather before developing to the scale it is today.

Although Marcus had fewer than five hundred men, he killed almost twice as many of his colleagues during his rise to prominence, and secretly controlled several other groups of raiders that numbered over a hundred.

The ecological environment in the wasteland makes it difficult for the number of people in a settlement to exceed two hundred people, whether they are predators or survivors. If this number is exceeded, the resources consumed exceed the limit that the wasteland can provide.

The reason why Marcus was able to maintain the size of his camp ultimately relied on the clone factory controlled by Alston.

Because of the lack of Annie's controllable dream relief, the clones created by Alston lacked necessary common sense education. Except for a few "high IQ" versions left over from the pre-war period, all those produced after the Apocalypse were mentally retarded versions.

Most clones need repeated training to master basic skills, and a few talented ones will learn more complex skills as their survival time increases.

But the final destination of most products is food on the dining table. Of course, the dining table may be a bit too elegant. Predators actually don't care much about the eating environment or the presentation of the food.

Anyway, whether they are normal humans or clones, their performance as food is always much better than those products of gray fields. This is one of the reasons why groups of cannibals continue to emerge around the world, and it can even be said to be one of the main reasons.


Before the Apocalypse, even Wu Qianying was not perverted enough to foresee this possible direction. In order to satisfy their thirst for taste, humans would not hesitate to target their own kind despite the lack of supplies.

However, the closed era created by the great storm caused the survivors to survive almost completely in a closed environment, which ultimately led to an irreversible tragedy.

Tang Ji discovered the group of marauders a few kilometers away. He climbed to the highest point of the Moonlight Gold alone. In this unobstructed open environment, his detection range was greatly enhanced.

From a distance, the dust thrown up by the vehicles looks like something huge is about to emerge from the ground, but in fact it is just a bunch of broken modified cars.

No one among the survivors of the Sailor's Home knows how to use a sniper rifle because of the scarcity of bullets. Tang Ji himself is the best shooter on the ship. The second-ranked person is Forman, the steward on the ship.

"Sir, the current wind speed is about 15 meters per second. It is difficult for you to hit such a distant target. Mr. Butterfield has said before that you are not suitable to be a sniper." Foreman said to Tang Ji bluntly: "Suggestion

You should wait until the target is within 1,500 meters before shooting."

"Who is Butterfield?" Tangji asked, looking through the scope at the convoy in the distance. The name did not touch his memory.

"The sniper in your team, sir, is a true professional. You and the others will call each other by his nickname most of the time, Shadow." Foreman introduced and suddenly fired a shot.

Accompanied by the sound of gunshots, a car 2.2 kilometers away suddenly burst a tire after a short wait. The entire car began to perform a death roll, throwing various parts everywhere.

"Accuracy is uncompromising, sir. Tsunami Company is my favorite brand, and Nekomata is a weapon that requires careful debugging and maintenance before it can exert its power." Forman placed the electromagnetic sniper rifle that was cooling the barrel next to him.

On the table, he took out another tungsten nail bullet from his arms, gently wiped the lower surface with a handkerchief, loaded it manually, and started aiming again: "It's exactly what I like."

Tangji looked at the gun in his hand, and then at Foreman's gun, and felt that Butterfield was right, he was not suitable to be a sniper.

"I'll leave this to you." Tang Ji patted Foreman, turned around and climbed down from the mast. He was more suitable to appear on the front line, to face the hail of bullets, to cause pain, and to listen to the wailing.

"Sulte, are you awake?" Anne cautiously appeared in the awakening room, which is a room specially used to wake up dormant people.

At this time, the temperature in the room was 27 degrees, which was not too hot. The comfortable warm air was blowing continuously with comfortable wind. The background music played a loop of soothing and crisp music, which made people want to sleep for a while.


Surte, who had already developed a perfect figure, sat up from the hibernation chamber and stared blankly ahead, as if he couldn't figure out where he was.

Anne handed the other person a cup of espresso at the right temperature, and Soult drank it mechanically. It took half a minute for his pupils to gradually shrink and he regained consciousness.

"Aunt Anne? Why are you here? What year is it now?" Soult turned around, found his pajamas and put them on his body. He stretched out, and the bones and muscles all over his body stretched and tightened, making a sound.

There was a crackling sound.

"NC-25, you have been sleeping for five years. How many times have I told you to call me sister Annie!" Annie rolled her eyes. Although she had been trying to change the other person's name for her, Surte was obviously a very good person.

A stubborn person will never change.

"I got it, Auntie Anne." Soult jumped up and down in place for a while, like a basketball player about to play after halftime: "Why did you wake me up? I remember I said at the beginning, wait until you find me.

Call me again when Tangji comes."

"I found him." Annie said directly.

Soult was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "Don't be ridiculous, Aunt Anne, you can't even get out of the base, how are you going to find Tangji."

This ruthless ridicule made Anne's face darken, but she still explained: "I found Tang Ji's dream world, then woke him up and got up to save the world."

She didn't want to, and didn't dare to reveal anything about Tang Anran in the real world. After all, although she bypassed Mikkelsen's authority, woke up Surte privately, and conveniently tore off the monitor here, but Miko

Ersson will probably realize something is wrong here soon.

Soult drank the coffee in one gulp and threw the cup on the table. The next second, the man appeared in front of Annie and asked with some urgency: "Where is he!"

"I don't know yet, but I'm sure he must have woken up." Anne said to Soult: "How has Aunt Anne treated you over the years? Now do me a favor and take your Aunt Anne out of here. I will

I’ll take you to find Tang Ji!”

"Sister, sister Anne." Soult emphasized Anne's mistake.

"Don't learn everything from Tang Ji and his gang!" Annie was so angry that she kicked out a luggage bag from the corner: "The protective suit you used to have is here, take me away, leave now,

We still have three minutes and thirty seconds to prepare."

Soult stared at Anne's face, trying to tell whether the other party was lying. Anne subconsciously straightened her waist to make herself even more grand. Soult suddenly blushed: "Auntie, you respect yourself!"

"Only I can find Tang Ji. He was injured in the Apocalypse and has lost his memory. As long as he can still sleep, I can locate him!" Annie looked at the time and urged: "Three minutes and twelve seconds

Finally, there is a chance for the garbage incineration channel to be opened, and that is our only chance!"

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Soult was obedient. As soon as Anne urged him, he began to put on his own protective clothing: "Is Uncle Mikkelsen planning to attack you?"

"How did you know? Who did you listen to?" Annie's eyes widened. She was not surprised that Tang Anran said such things. After all, he was so amazing when they met once. Those who didn't know it thought it was Tang Anran.

Children of Ji and Wu Qianying

But how did Surte see it? Are these kids going to become sperms?

"Dr. Wu said it. She said you would have to come to me sooner or later and ask me to take you out, but I didn't expect you to keep me waiting until NC-25." Surte said as he picked and packed his backpack.

Pack your personal belongings inside.

"Have you known this for a long time? Wu Qianying said it a long time ago?" Annie felt that there was a stupid villain in her heart, which was expanding rapidly, squeezing out all the other villains.

"Ah, yes, almost seven or eight years ago, Dr. Wu told me that I didn't expect to wait until NC-25. What's going on outside now? Has the storm subsided?" Surte said in a blink of an eye.

In no time, I packed up my backpack and put on the special protective clothing. I jumped and complained: "It's a bit small. I should ask them to help me adjust it."

"Haha, the wind has calmed down a lot, let's go now, there's less than a minute left." Annie urged with a smile.

She had one thought in her mind now, I'm so stupid, really, I'm so stupid, I didn't expect that my only way out is right here. After so many years, no wonder Wu Qianying used to write her in a strange way every time she wrote an email.

There are phonetic symbols at the end of the words. It turns out that in her eyes, she has already looked this stupid?

"Time? There is always time. If you are worried, let's go outside and talk. I finally woke up and I want to go out and have a look." Soult moved his joints and put one hand on Annie's shoulder.

The next second he disappeared from the room.

Annie felt as if she had been swallowed up by a wormhole in an instant, and her vision went dark. When she returned to the real world, she was surrounded by vast tracts of desert scenery.

Surte stood there, looking at the world with his hands on his hips. He roared excitedly, then threw a piece of chewing gum into his mouth. Just as he was about to throw the packaging bag on the ground, he seemed to hear Tang Jing's voice in his ears.

With a sound, he subconsciously put the wrapping paper into his pocket again.

"Where are we?" Anne asked suppressing the excitement in her heart. She never expected that she would escape from Mikkelsen like this! So simple! So smooth!

Damn Wu Qianying, she knows everything. She has known for a long time that Mikkelsen is not that scary. She has known for a long time that all she needs to do is tell Soult and she won't have to worry anymore. She just doesn't tell herself and is just laughing at herself.


Anne wished she could slap herself twice, and then shout that she was the stupidest one among the Seven Deadly Sins, but Surte was right next to her, so Anne suppressed this impulse. She was already embarrassed enough.

"Twenty kilometers ahead is the Night City. I want to go back and have a look." Surte pointed in the direction and smiled, his white teeth reflecting in the sun.

The child is getting better, feels calmer, and has started writing to repay the debt.


This chapter has been completed!
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