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Chapter 736 The Shadow of Greed

"Sir, it's done." Forman walked into the bar, sat next to Wolfgang, snapped his fingers at the bartender, ordered a glass of gray beer, and took a long sip with a frown.

That's right, gray beer is a wonderful fermented beverage under the Gray Field Project. Its technology fully meets the relevant requirements of beer, but in fact, people who drink it would rather say that it tastes delicious than call it beer.

But this stuff is better than antifreeze and toner

"Your movements are getting faster and faster." Wolfgang glanced at the time. In just a few hours, Forman had managed to defeat a superhuman. Although he could also use mind control to do it directly,

There is a butler who can always meet your various requirements in a high-standard way. This feeling once made Wolfgang return to his childhood.

"Thanks to this era, they are all willing to believe me." Forman smiled humbly. His method of coaxing ingredients was actually very simple. He just took out a needle of greedy blood potion as bait, and he was invincible.

As for his master, there is as much greedy blood as there is to drink. Foreman's bag now contains more than fifty doses of greedy blood potions with different abilities. His semi-public identity is also open to the public.

He is a dealer in supernatural abilities.

"How are today's ingredients?" Wolfgang had been bored listening to the radio to pass the time, but now he finally became interested.

"Female individuals, sir, rare uncontaminated female ingredients, even you haven't seen such high-quality ingredients for a long time." Foreman smiled proudly.

"In that case, let's eat sashimi today." Wolfgang thought about it carefully, and found that the last time he ate food of this quality was in the golden age of superhumanity before the Apocalypse.

"Respect is not as good as obedience, sir. Although my knife skills are not as good as the chef before you," Foreman said, looking at Wolfgang who was wearing a pirate eyepatch, and said the second half of the sentence directly.

Wolfgang frowned subconsciously, scratching his fingers on the edge of his blindfold and hat. He was shot twice and survived, and he didn't know whether it was luck or misfortune.

"My assistant, Miss Clementi is missing!" Hundreds of meters away, in an underground hotel dedicated to diplomats in Taha Gang, Lindsay Legriz, who had added a lot of mature atmosphere, was facing the tower.

The soldiers from the gang described what happened: "This is her photo. I hope you can check the surveillance system immediately to see where she went. I don't want to use my privileges, but Clementi's father may have

To become the next president of the Gallic Republic, his father assigned her to be my assistant this time because he does not want the tragedy of the past to happen again."

Lindsay tried to keep her tone as calm as possible. Only real old Gauls know how complicated the relationship between the Gallic government and the Taha gang is. This is why she was awakened from sleep to carry out this mission.

s reason.

The Gauls may be the country in the entire European Federation that retains the most strength after the Apocalypse, but at least a quarter of this country's power is concentrated in District 13, where the Taha Gang shelters.

The underground bunker used to protect the Gauls has now become a safe house to protect them through the Apocalypse. The irony in this is self-evident.

But fortunately, those politicians who made the decision to isolate District 13 are all dead. Even if there are some who are not dead, they have no say now. Clementi’s father was a coalition officer before the Apocalypse, and the support behind him

The person is General Zay Wangchuck.

Lindsay had mentioned the name Zay Wangchuk before the Apocalypse, and was not surprised that he had now become the shadow prime minister behind the Gaul government. After all, the opponent had faced players on the front line, and such a fighting hero would always

Much better than any other politician.

In order to ease the grievances between the Gallic government and the Taha gang, Clementi's father regarded Clementi as a mascot and sent it to Lindsay.

Although the other party didn't say it, Lindsay could also tell that the other party meant to ask Clementi to find a senior person with suitable status within the Taha Gang to achieve a political marriage, in order to ease the relationship between the two parties, and at the same time, for

Express the sincerity of the Gallic government to change its mind.

As a result, Clementi disappeared in the Taha gang's dungeon. Lindsay felt that her hair had turned a lot whiter in an instant.

"Maybe Clementi is just going shopping. Don't worry, wait for the reply from the Taha Gang. Their surveillance setup here is very complete." Organa, who was in charge of the mission's security mission this time, comforted Lindsay.

They are old acquaintances. Organa was responsible for Lindsay's security before the Apocalypse. The two of them had escaped from Wolfgang many times, but now Organa has silver hair.

She did not choose to enter the hibernation chamber, but has been shouldering responsibilities in the shelter, and is now a high-ranking member of the new regime.

This time, Organa was willing to take charge of the mission's security work just to reunite with her old friends and temporarily escape from the shelter environment where the political struggle was getting increasingly intense.

"Ogna, we all know Clementi. She can't miss time because of shopping or having fun. Something must have happened!" Lindsay's tone was full of impatience, and her patience was facing Taha.

I'm already exhausted from helping officials.

"Wait another ten minutes. If there is no news, I will use my ability." Lindsay took a deep breath and made up her mind.

"What you do may cause misunderstandings between us." Organa frowned, but she soon became calm and relaxed: "But we don't have to worry about this matter, let those people have a headache."

Listening to the comfort from her old friend, Lindsay felt a little better.

She is not a novice who doesn't understand anything, so she naturally knows the consequences of what she wants to do.

There has always been a grudge between the Gallic government and the Taha Gang. As a result, the mission used the excuse of someone missing to forcefully activate the scanning capabilities to determine the number, type, and intensity of superhumans within the Taha Gang. Even with her eyes closed, Lindsay knew what would happen to these people.


But the faint feeling of uneasiness in her heart made Lindsay no longer care about the worldly disputes.

If an apocalypse and a huge storm can't calm mankind down, then this alliance will be nothing more than a display in the window.

A few minutes later, Boyle Taha and Philip Taha appeared in the hotel at the same time.

"Is there any news about Clementi?" Lindsay had seen them before the Apocalypse, but the joy of seeing her old friends again was diluted by the worries in her heart.

"Nice to see you again, Ms. Lin, you are still so young." Boyle and Lindsay hugged, then frowned and said: "We are still querying monitoring, you know we have been lacking computing power hardware

, coupled with the impact of the Apocalypse Day and the big storm, our situation is even more difficult, so we still need more time."

"But something might really have happened to Clementi, and I feel very bad!" Lindsay's voice was a little excited: "I think, no, I have to."

"I know, Ms. Lindsay, we are all superhumans. I know this intuition. I have seen Mr. Tanguy behave in this area before, so I know what the problem is and I am here to solve it."

Boyle glanced at Phillip, who just smiled and nodded, indicating that you have the final say now.

"I now formally implore you to help us find the missing members of the mission, Ms. Lindsay, please use your ability to help us." Boyle said gently.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Lindsay knew how much of a concession the other party had made. This was not only a political concession, but also an attitude. It showed the attitude of the Taha Gang, which would make them lose money in subsequent negotiations.

A lot of initiative, but

The next second, Lindsay opened her own territory, and the rainbow-colored shock wave instantly spread out with her as the center.

The first people to have projections were naturally Boyel Taha and Philip Taha, who were very close at hand. They were both injected with the Greedy Blood potion with the ability of [cancer recovery].

This ability is projected into a strange shape with teeth and claws, constantly squirming with a disgusting yellow light, and the overall image is similar to a starfish.

"This is really disturbing." Boyle looked at the projection of his ability with some disgust. Directly opposite him was Organa with the image of a golden Valkyrie standing behind him.

The projection of the Valkyrie was like a real thing, tall and mighty yet beautiful and elegant, with a double-edged spear spinning constantly in her hand.

Walking outside, under the influence of Lindsay's ability, not a single superhuman in the entire Taha Gang's territory could hide his traces. There were no less than twenty superhumans inside and outside this hotel exclusively for diplomats.

Most of them were diplomats from different sanctuary forces who came here to coordinate. Philip Taha was somewhat displeased to find that almost half of these people were unregistered superhumans.

But this is not the point. The real point is that a blood-red mist-like light in the northeast of the shelter has enveloped most of the shelter.

Lindsay froze on the spot as if she had been struck by lightning, her face pale.

"Miss Lindsay, what's wrong?" Boyle also saw the red light. Because of the appearance of the red light, the guards had already sounded the alarm. They thought the shelter had been attacked.

"It's Wolfgang. I've seen his projection once before!" Lindsay's tone was weak, as if the last trace of blood had been drained out of her.

At this time, on the surface, Wolfgang's projected power shrouded the sky above District 13, and thousands of dead souls flickered in and out of the blood mist like swimming fish.

"Oh, this is it." Wolfgang, who was sitting at the dining table waiting to enjoy the food, looked at the projections that appeared out of thin air around him. He reacted for a few seconds before smiling: "It looks like an old friend is here too.


Forman, who had already cleaned the girl and was choosing the place to perform the knife, asked, "I didn't expect you still have an old friend alive. Do you need to invite him?"

"No, we're not really friends. I just didn't have the chance to eat her at that time. Maybe now is a good opportunity." Wolfgang said lightly, not wanting to admit that he was actually considering eating Lin.

Will Selegriz be offended or unhappy?

Thinking of Tangji, Wolfgang looked at the girl who awakened naturally instead of becoming a superhuman through the greedy blood potion. He hesitated and finally said to Forman: "Wait a moment, now is not the right time.

, we still need to conceal our whereabouts to avoid being plotted by Mikkelsen every day."

"What about this ingredient, sir? Can you take it away?" Forman asked as he put away the knife.

Wolfgang glanced at the girl on the table with some nostalgia. It was the look of a predator looking at its prey. There was no trace of lust between men and women. In the end, he just shook his head and remembered the other prey he asked for but could not get: "

No, just let her go, someone gets lucky every day, why can't it be her?"

"I appreciate your kindness, sir." Foreman put away the knife gracefully and gave the girl an injection to relieve the sedatives in her body: "She will wake up in an hour, sir."

Wolfgang glanced at the projection of a small silver beast huddled next to the girl, and ignored it with some disdain. The girl's ability was invisibility. Invisibility in the literal sense meant nothing to Wolfgang.

Her interest stems entirely from appetite.

"Sir, are we leaving now?" Forman asked after packing his simple luggage.

"That's right, let's leave now." Wolfgang didn't want to waste time. There must be a clone of Mikkelsen in a large shelter like the Taha Gang. Until he found a way to completely eliminate the opponent, Wolfgang wouldn't

I plan to give the other party a chance to catch up with me.

"Sir, if you are not in a hurry, can you wait for me nearby for a few days?" Forman said respectfully: "I previously handed over several Greedy Blood potions to a local black marketeer and also ordered from him.

I bought some kitchen utensils and seasonings, I want to take them before leaving, Taha Bang has a relatively complete range of things."

"Okay, I'll give you three days. I'll wait for you at the same place after three days. If you miss the time, you'll be free." Wolfgang glanced at Forman, which was the sign of the other person's past twenty years.

For the first time in many years, a request was made to him that was entirely based on his own wishes.

But Foreman has been the person who has been with Wolfgang the longest in his long life. Wolfgang helped him explain in his heart that maybe if he lived longer, the clones would become more mature.

Subjective initiative.

"Don't worry, I won't miss the time." Foreman said respectfully, then watched Wolfgang disappear into the room, thoughtfully folded Clementi's clothes and put them on her desk.

A place within sight, and then left the room.

Because of Lindsay's ability, Wolfgang couldn't remain secretive, so he didn't stop until he ran out of the coverage of Lindsay's ability. At this time, Forman had enough time to stay on certain occasions.

I wrote a letter with enough information

This chapter has been completed!
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