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Chapter 741 Reunion of old friends

"Mom, I really learned it, I can fly, you believe me! Let me try!" Konstantin Taninin, who was already taller than Miwako, grabbed his mother's hand and shook it hard, begging: "Eclair just

I can fly a plane when I get my pilot’s license, why can’t I?”

"Because you passed the exam by cheating!" Miwako revealed Constantine's true face without mercy: "Cheating with supernatural powers should be punished with an additional penalty!"

"I didn't! I just" Konstantin Guren secretly rolled his eyes and continued to try to pass the test by being cute: "Good mother, you also know that that old plane can fly even children who can't read, let alone me.

, I promise to drive it back intact!"

It's a pity that Constantine, who is almost 1.8 meters tall, has passed the age of being cute. He is sixteen years old this year.

"Or let him." Ethan carefully shielded himself from the side, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Miwako mercilessly suppressed him.

"Shut up! Without support, how could he take the pilot's license test?" Miwako was furious when she saw Ethan.

If you want to say what resource is most abundant in the Davis Mountain Shelter, it must be all kinds of scrapped aircraft.

Before the Apocalypse, this place was the largest aircraft cemetery in the Federation and even the world. Although the Apocalypse and the big storm completely destroyed the place, there are still nearly a thousand 'scrap' aircraft in the underground hangars near the shelter.

Although these aircraft are scrapped in name, in fact most of them have been eliminated because they cannot keep up with the times.

As the big storm gradually subsided, the wanderers of the Adecado family naturally focused on these scrapped aircraft.

Before the Apocalypse, Martin used his personal connections to obtain more than twenty Skyraider AD-1s from the coalition forces. This classic propeller aircraft designed as a doomsday aircraft can take off and land without relying on any electronic parts.

The Adecados, who are good at this field, borrowed parts from scrapped aircraft and carried out drastic modifications on these aircraft.

In theory, anyone who can drive a tractor can fly this kind of plane into the sky, but as the first person took the plane into the sky, these children born in the shelter became completely obsessed with this cool 'big toy'


In order to ensure safety, Miwako and the others had to come up with a decent test, requiring only those who had passed the pilot's license test to be qualified to fly a plane.

This also strengthened the motivation of the children in the shelter to learn, until Constantine Valley Shinobi awakened.

His ability is very simple - [Perspective]. As the name suggests, Constantine can selectively let his eyes penetrate obstacles. On the day of the exam, he arranged for a friend to help him turn over books outside the classroom.

If she hadn't been caught on the spot, Miwako wouldn't even know that her son had awakened as a superhuman. After all, compared to those she had seen, Constantine's awakening was a bit too natural, with no signs at all.

After knowing this situation, the first question Miwako asked was whether Constantine had used this ability to spy on other people. But for a sixteen-year-old boy who has mastered the ability of perspective, there are many things in this world.

What could stop him from doing this?

The answer is of course no. Even if the Apocalypse were to happen ten more times, it would not change the choice Constantine made.

He looked through all the girls of the right age in the shelter, and even made a ranking list of the top ten with the best figures. Fortunately, Constantine is a smart little kid, and the list is

The title is - the list of the most beautiful voices, otherwise waiting for him now would be another form of 'interrogation'.

Because of his clairvoyance ability, Constantine showed unimaginable talents in mechanical transmission and mechanical maintenance. He stunned those old Adecado masters and felt as if he had seen the Ohm Messiah alive.

The machine god appeared, and each one cried and shouted that he wanted to teach Constantine his secret knowledge of auto repair.

This also led Constantine to save a motorcycle with quite good performance and a wasteland style without the help of his parents. It was just because he was almost robbed by his own people when he came back from an adventure.

After he shot and killed the motorcycle, he put the motorcycle into storage and sealed it.

Now, Constantine is eyeing those propeller planes with outstanding performance.

When the weather is clear and the wind is low, even if the Skyraider takes off, it is a great enjoyment. Especially for the New Hope generation, contacting and embracing the sky is almost their most instinctive need.

And the adopted daughter Eclair, who was picked up from the wasteland by the Saint, has now become the light of refuge in Davis Mountain Shelter. She is the best sniper, the best stalker, and now she is also the best sniper and the best stalker.

The best pilot.

Anyone who sees Eclair flying a propeller fighter plane and performing Cobra maneuvers in the sky will yearn for the sky, and Constantine has an advantage that others don't have. The chief flight instructor of the shelter is his father, Old Ethan

Ethan's method of teaching pilots to learn flying postures is very simple. He uses a drone to pilot the aircraft, and at the same time, he uses the drone to simulate the pilot's flying posture, so that the other party has a third-person reference directly in front of the field of vision.


"Mom, I really want to try flying." Constantine raised his hand and swore: "I swear in the name of Uncle Martin, I promise to spare four hours a day to help in the workshop!"

This is what makes Miwako and Constantine angry. Their son has awakened such a useful ability, which can be used not only in the industrial field, but also in external exploration. However, he concealed it and used it for sneaky purposes.

, this made Miwako feel that her son’s education over the years had completely failed.

This huge frustration made Miwako very dissatisfied. When she was sixteen years old, she had already joined the True Butterfly Project for two and a half years, and had even killed two people. However, her son still only wants to play.

But in the end, Miwako let Constantine go and agreed to his dream of becoming a pilot because she worked hard to get rid of the Arasaka Group and even rejected Prince Arasaka's love. In the final analysis, she hoped that her children would not have to live the same life as herself in the future.


Although accidents like the Apocalypse Day were later interspersed, life was relatively easy in Davis Mountain Shelter. It can even be said that because of Martin's ultimate 'social' ability, life here is better than most shelters in the world.

Everything is much better.

This is undoubtedly recognized by Anthony. In his words, no dog would go to Night City.

"Uncle Anthony!" Constantine, who had just received a severe beating, sneaked into Anthony's clinic and whispered: "My mother has already known about my awakening. Please do me a favor and help me get a doctor."

Prove, prove that I worked in your clinic before and didn’t do anything serious.”

To say that Constantine did not do anything serious and indeed wronged the child, at least he helped Anthony cure several early-stage cancer patients.

Most of the prosthetic soldiers in the shelter have been injected with the Greedy Blood potion with the [cancer recovery] ability. Back then, when life could not be saved on the battlefield, this was naturally a life-saving medicine, but now as we grow older,

This ability becomes a chronic poison.

When Constantine was spying on the eldest sisters in Tony's family, he accidentally glanced at Tony. Although it was a bit jarring, he still saw the tumor in Tony's body, and promptly asked Anthony to find a reason to drag him to the operating table.

That’s it.

Since then, Constantine has been working with Anthony. Anthony helped him write sick leave notes, and Constantine went through the people in the shelter, which gave Anthony a very good understanding of the physical conditions of the people in the shelter.

Learn more.

"I knew you couldn't hide it from Miwako. Your mother was a spy back then." Anthony was showing his age at this time, and his character was far less tough than before. The most direct example is that Anthony has learned to enjoy life.

The small clinic is full of life, with green plants and half-painted sketches. It is obvious that Anthony is enjoying his retirement life very much.

"So, you're going to be a pilot?" Anthony made himself a cup of coffee. Although he also had a supply of coffee in Vault 97, compared to the coffee beans he grew in the greenhouse, it was nothing but shit.

"Yes, that's right! I'm going to be a pilot!" Constantine became happy instantly. He and Anthony had a strange rapport, and they had a relationship with each other in previous years.

He was willing to tell Anthony many things that he didn't want to tell his parents.

"Let me tell you, you have never seen how beautiful the internal operation of the plane is, the perfect mechanical linkage." Constantine talked excitedly for several minutes before he stopped and concluded: "You know how fast the plane flies.

Huh! It’s only a few hours from here to Night City! When the weather is nice, how about I take you back for a walk?"

"Forget it, I'm allergic to Night City, that place is poisonous." Anthony smiled and shook his head. After the torture in Vault 97, he really missed Night City.

But in the end, under Constantine's persuasion, Anthony came to participate in the ceremony of his first test flight.

The Davis Mountain Shelter was once a military base. It has its own runway. Although it has been damaged in the big storm, it is more convenient to clean it up and rebuild it than to build a new one.

What's more, the Skyraider, which is built as a doomsday aircraft, is not picky about the runway itself. It can take off and land as long as it is on a hardened road surface.

As Constantine said before, the simplified operating system allows fighter pilots to return to the era of Sky Knights where one control stick ruled the world. Anyone who can drive a tractor can get started with this aircraft after training.


Although Constantine passed the exam by cheating, as a superhuman with enhanced vision, he still had talents that were unmatched by ordinary people. The moment he got on the plane, he knew he could fly.

And this is indeed the case. No need for his father to say anything more, Constantine was like a fish returning to the sea and flew into the sky in the blink of an eye.

"I think he has talent." Anthony stood next to Ethan with his arms on his shoulders and said, "He is ready. The child has grown up."

"This has to be decided by his mother, otherwise he will still be a minor even if he is thirty years old." Ethan replied with a smile: "I hope he is really ready, he still doesn't know our purpose of restarting these planes.

For air raids on others."

"Attack the predators." Anthony emphasized the goal: "This is a good thing for the entire world."

"Maybe, we thought the same way when we were dealing with players back then, but that bastard Mikkelsen blew up the whole world." Ethan complained, and then his face suddenly changed: "Damn! Those looters

Where did the plane come from!”

As the strongest force in central Arizona, the Davis Mountain Refuge has gradually become the main target for the expansion of the Big Predator Kona in this direction in the past few years.

There have been rumors on the road that Koner has been hunting those who captured him, which is why he has been relentlessly sieging the Palm Springs sanctuary over the years.

As the instigator, Anthony has been in the Davis Mountain Shelter and does not care about this threat.

In the past few years, they have expanded the arable area on the surface five times, and even have extra food as commodities, exchanging oil and other commodities from several wandering groups, and do not pay attention to the big predator Kona.


It wasn't until Kona dug out a dozen Skyraiders from a pre-war warehouse that the situation began to change.

Ethan has drones in his hands. Before the Apocalypse, Ethan could control the drone swarm to destroy aircraft like the Skyraider with just a thought. But now, those precious ones in his hands have been destroyed since the Apocalypse.

The remaining drones cannot be replaced at all

At this time, Constantine was completely unaware that the danger in the air was approaching. He just watched the drone in front of him continue to make various complicated movements, and followed along with it, enjoying it endlessly.

But in fact it was Ethan trying to warn Constantine that there was danger.

Sirte, who was riding a motorcycle through the wasteland, looked up at the sky, where a classic Skyraider aircraft was constantly making judgments and sending action signals to him from time to time, indicating danger. He looked confused.


"What is he doing?" Anne in the back seat asked curiously.

"Indicating danger." Before Sirte could finish his words, three black-painted Skyraiders appeared from the west side of Sirte and the others. As they passed by Sirte and the others, they opened fire without hesitation as a warm-up.


Without saying a word, Soult appeared more than a hundred meters away with Annie in an instant. He saw that his motorcycle was swept into a ball of flames and was completely unrepairable.

"Take my bag." Soult moved his ankles, waiting for a suitable opportunity.

This chapter has been completed!
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