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Chapter 748 Gathering

Chapter 751 Gathering

Muggsi's death was just the beginning. That night Tang Ji showed off his skills in killing in the camp. He killed all 132 looters in the camp with only 70 rounds of bullets, which was close to 100%.

Half of the looters were beaten to death by Tang Ji with his fists.

In terms of damage alone, there is actually not much difference between the two, except that the body of the person who was killed by the fist is more complete.

When the sun rose again, the smell of blood in the camp even attracted many insects. This was actually a miracle. The small biosphere in the wasteland was destroyed more thoroughly than human civilization. The insects currently active in the wasteland

Most of them are 'domestic' insects that spend long periods of time with humans in shelters during big storms.

At present, those attracted by the smell of blood are already wild versions that have reproduced in the natural environment for countless generations. It can be predicted that the microbial environment here will recover faster than other areas in the next one to two years.

Standing in front of Tang Ji were four people, three men and one woman, who were considered representatives elected by the slaves in the camp.

Judging from the body shape, these slaves can be divided into two parts. One part is emaciated, as if the fire of life will be extinguished in the next second. These people are slaves who have been in the camp for more than three months. They were previously

Have the group of survivors been completely destroyed, or have they been abandoned?

The other part is much better. They can at least be guaranteed basic food needs. Their respective survivor groups have been providing various supplies to the predators to ensure that their own people can survive to obtain them.

In this regard, Magsi still kept his word. If the survivors working under him could provide supplies for three consecutive months, he would put them back unscathed.

"Sir, what are you going to do with us?" A man who looked relatively healthy asked cautiously: "We are from Holmes Town. If you are willing to let us go home, I think they should be willing to use the same weight as me."

exchange for food.”

Tang Ji took the map he found from Muggsi's room and compared it with the map in his hand while looking at it. He said without raising his head: "I have no plans for you, you can leave now and wait!"


The slaves who were originally beaming with joy were frozen in place by Tang Ji's words before they could smile.

"I need a guide. You decide who to let go with me. I'm looking for Keao's camp." Tang Ji threw the map on the table and looked up at the slave representatives: "I passed by Huo before.

Mus Town, if any of you have nowhere to go, just follow them and let them take care of your meals. When I come back, I will take you to a larger gathering point. The food you consume will be counted on me.

Come on, Lip will agree."

"Sir, you are joking. You saved our lives. We won't be so stingy." The man from Holmes Town smiled a little reluctantly. As a slave with a 'background', he was actually very concerned about what happened today.


He was afraid of Keo's revenge in Homs Town. After all, working in the slave camp was a bit tiring, but in these lousy times, where could life be easy?

The work may not kill you, but the revenge of the predators will definitely kill you.

If Tang Ji hadn't been more violent than ordinary predators, many slaves here would have blamed Tang Ji for being nosy.

Of course, now they don't dare to fart even more. Even after hearing Tang Ji's request, they have to discuss with each other who should be sent to be the ghost. Yes, in their eyes, Tang Ji is willing to die, although he behaves like

Very powerful, but Kaio is not bad at all, and has even deeper prestige.

In the end, this unlucky guide task fell on a girl who was only sixteen or seventeen years old. She was the kind of slave with no 'background' behind her. Basically, the people in the survivor settlement she was in were still alive.

Here it is.

But compared to those mummy-like slaves, this girl at least still had a few ounces of flesh on her body, and she wasn't that downtrodden. She was dragged out of Muggsy's house and was one of his collection of toys.

"Sir, she can understand maps, and she has been to other camps with Muggsy several times before, so she might be able to help." The man from Holmes Town accompanied Smiley and brought the girl to Tangji.

While enjoying breakfast, the other party had become the leader of the entire slave camp and managed these slaves in an orderly manner.

Or it should be said that it was so organized that Tang Ji even felt that once he was far away, the camp might be able to start excavation work again without guards.

In fact, it was almost the same. The man had no intention of taking anyone away. At least, they would not take the risk until the dust had settled.

Tang Ji could only feel a little emotional about this. An apocalypse day made the human beings in this world behave so much that they didn't even feel anything wrong about becoming slaves. They just changed their places to eat.

Tang Ji had no intention of changing the current situation of others. He just picked and packed things he found useful in the camp into the trunk, such as fresh water, food, and fuel. This was everything he needed.

"What's your name?" Tang Ji asked, looking at the girl sitting in the passenger seat with dull eyes.

"Clara" the girl's voice was as weak as a mosquito's. When Tang Ji asked, her whole body suddenly trembled and she answered like a reflex.

"Relax, Clara, I'm not a predator, and I don't intend to eat you." Tang Ji started the car and slowly drove out of the camp. His eyes swept over the slaves in the camp who had regained their freedom, and every one of them

Everyone he saw subconsciously hunched over, as if they were afraid that they would be noticed.

"Are you hungry?" Tang Ji dug in his pocket and threw a piece of chocolate to the other party. When the Allied Forces participated in the World War, the Marine Corps used chocolate to clear the way to stabilize the emotions of the local people. This was obviously based on evidence.

The girl's eyes kept switching between her hands and the chocolate, and finally she grabbed the piece of chocolate and held it hard in her hand, her whole body trembling with nervousness.

Tang Ji did not ask the other party any further questions, and there was nothing to ask. There are some things that you only need to take a look at to know what the other party has encountered. And to be fair, if she fell into that group of predators, what Clara encountered would definitely not count.

The worst.

After all, strictly speaking, Clara is a pretty girl, but she looks a little immature due to malnutrition.

Tang Ji has been thinking about whether the collapse of human civilization should be counted from the Day of Apocalypse, or from the appearance of the first person who gave up everything in the past in the face of hunger and started cannibalism.

Silence and yellow sand became the main color of the journey. Two hundred kilometers was a long distance in the wasteland, but for Tang Ji, who was well-supplied, it only took about four hours.

Clara was awakened by a bump. The first reaction of the girl who suddenly woke up was to cover her mouth hard to prevent herself from screaming until she realized that she was still sitting in the car, sitting in the passenger seat.

While driving, all this was not a dream, and then I covered my face with my hands and cried silently.

Tang Ji casually took out a tissue from the paper drawer and handed it to the girl. Clara took the soft and white paper in a daze, and even forgot to cry for a moment. She had never seen this kind of paper in her young life.

Paper, I don't know what it is used for.

"Wipe your tears." Tang Ji pointed out that these little things were basically put by Forman in the car. Otherwise, given Tang Ji's temperament, he would have been looking for rocks after going to the toilet.

Clara's eyes widened, and she used the back of her hand to wipe away her tears a few times. Then she carefully put the tissue away. To her, this was the emperor's golden pole.

"Have you been to that camp?" Tang Ji lit up and took a cigarette. Ever since he was thrown into this wasteland, his addiction to smoking has become more and more intense. When he doesn't smoke, he always wants to kill someone.

Order some offal.

"Muggsy took me there once." Clara still spoke softly, and the wind and sand outside the window were just a little bit louder to cover up her voice.

"How many people are there? Have you ever seen that kind of metal door with a code?" Tang Ji actually didn't care how many people were inside, but he had to consider his own efficiency and plan how to kill as many looters as possible.

But since it's a military base there, it would be great if they could close the door and beat the dogs.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know that I was brought in in a box. Except for Muggsy's room, I only knew that the door was a long, windowless corridor." Clara looked at Tangji carefully.

His expression seemed to be that he was afraid that the other party would vent his anger on him.

She lived with Muggsy for four difficult months. She had seen too many times when Muggsy accidentally broke other 'toys' when he was excited, and she was completely frightened.

"Can you give me a gun?" Clara asked softly after another period of silence. She saw the pile of bullets and explosives on the back seat. Tangji also picked out a few guns found in the slave camp and threw them.

In the back seat: "Just a pistol"

Tang Ji casually threw a Lexington that was not too badly worn to Clara: "Can you use it?"

Clara nodded first, then shook her head vigorously: "My father taught me before, but he died before I had time to learn it."

Tang Ji reached out and took the gun back, loaded it with a click, and pointed to the safety position: "This is the safety, turn it on first and then pull the trigger."

As he said this, he reached out of the car window and fired three shots into the sky. Then he turned off the safety and threw the gun to Clara: "Try it yourself."

Clara carefully picked up the gun, followed Tang Ji's example and opened the safety, held the gun with both hands, stuck it out the window and pulled the trigger, bam!

With the sound of a gunshot, Clara's thin arm rose up and hit the B-pillar, almost throwing the gun out of the car, but Clara held on to the gun tightly and did not let go.

When she took the gun back, the car drove over a ravine again. The novice who didn't turn off the safety fired a shot directly in the car. The bullet hit Tang Ji's neck and then bounced to an unknown location.

Clara glanced at Tang Ji with some fear, and put the gun on the center console in horror: "I didn't mean it!"

"This is the function of insurance." Tang Ji smiled and asked: "What do you want a gun for? To cover me?"

"If you die, I want to die quickly." Perhaps it was Tang Ji's smile that made Clara less nervous, and the girl stated her intentions honestly.

"Then you have to watch me die with your own eyes before taking your own life. I am a very tough person." Tang Ji was silent for a while before continuing: "I am a tough person."

At this time, in the Arland camp, Keio had gathered nearly 300 raiders. These raiders were different from the ones he had before. These people were all elites in the true sense.

These raiders from the west of the Great Swamp are all well-armed and are ruthless characters in their own territory who can make children stop crying.

For example, Tamsanga was one of the raider leaders who responded to Kaio's call. Compared to the others, he led thirty good boys across the Great Swamp.

He rules a 200-member raider warband on his own territory. His sphere of influence encompasses 17 survivor strongholds with a total population of more than 2,000 people.

Tamsanga is also a superhuman. He can transform himself into a half-human, half-animal form, with his strength, speed and reflexes all increased exponentially.

He responded to Kaio's call because he wanted to see Kaio's current state. Tamsanga gave Nekaio a good beating and recognized Kaio's leadership, but he never dreamed of how to replace him.

"Keio, you have been here for almost three years. No matter what you are looking for, it is over." Tamsanga looked into Keio's eyes and accused: "We should join forces and turn everyone into

To achieve our capabilities, we should have built a city!"

"A city where beasts put on clothes and become humans?" Kaio seemed to be amused by Tamsanga's words. He looked at Tamsanga with interest and asked slowly: "Do you want to escape from the city?"

What do you get, Tamsanga?"

Tamsanga was asked by Keo. He really didn't know what he wanted to get from the city. After all, he didn't lack anything.

What he really cares about is Kaio's attitude, which seems to have no flaws.

"Boss, our driver saw a car seventy kilometers away." The two were talking. Tamsanga saw a plunderer walking into the conference room, and whispered to Kaio: "It was you who asked us before.

Stare in this direction."

"Is there any trouble, Keo? Why do you want people to stare in that direction?" Tamsanga seemed to smell the bloody shark, and immediately asked: "Do you need my help?"

"Oh? That's fine." Kaio looked at this idiot who had appeared on his own and decided to satisfy the other party's request.


This chapter has been completed!
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