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Chapter 75 Accidental encounter

 The Saint is the fastest. He has only one mission, to rush upward, find the computer room, and prevent the enemy from destroying the data.

Tony follows closely behind, his mission is to create chaos and clear the entire first floor, looking for possible passages to the underground.

Anthony moves a little slower. He is responsible for checking for deficiencies, harvesting the fish that have slipped through the net, preparing to support others, and playing his role as a medic.

As for Tang Ji, he is the heavy hammer responsible for ultimately destroying the enemy's organization.

The rope gun fired from behind was nailed to the wall on the seventh floor and pulled Tangji up. He started from the fourth floor with a prelude in his left hand and a grenade gun in his right hand. He opened the window and fired the grenade gun, shooting high-temperature smoke bombs into the corridor.

Toxic and harmful gases with temperatures as high as 80 degrees are enough to dispel any intention of counterattack. What Tang Ji needs to do next is to destroy the anti-aircraft weapons on the rooftop so that Ethan, the combat power amplifier, can take effect.


Shadow killed a daredevil who leaned out on the roof of the building. He could not directly kill the enemies on the roof, but he could ensure that no one could interfere with Tang Ji's actions.

He saw in the scope that Tang Ji had successfully reached the seventh floor. The crosshair stayed on him for a while and then moved to other directions, searching for targets that could be shot.

The door of the Black Building crashed to the ground amid a violent explosion. Martin, wearing exoskeleton equipment, walked in from the door and stopped the perimeter guards who were trying to return to the Black Building for support.

The Mammoth exoskeleton produced by Military Technology can carry a full load of 450 kilograms, including a bunker-style shield with a protection angle of up to 180 degrees, a micro-missile nest with sixteen built-in missiles, and a dual-gun

It is equipped with a 15MM cannon and a full 500 rounds of ammunition.

The price of the entire set of equipment and weapons, on the Black Market in Night City, starts at at least three million federal coins. The only reason that restricts its complete market dominance is the battery life. The combat time of this thing is only twelve minutes.

The moment he saw Martin, the guard on the outer wall gave up his plan to shoot, turned around and ran in the direction he came from.

But Martin just stood there and pulled the trigger, and the 15mm of heavy firepower turned the two warehouses in that direction into parts.

The recoil caused by the gunpowder explosion was easily absorbed by the hydraulic system. Martin didn't even feel like firing a gun. He sighed regretfully, and then the hydraulic connection mechanism at his waist lifted up the heavy bunker-style shield and followed Martin forward.


There were only four enemies on the top of the building, and one of them was eliminated by the shadow. One of the remaining three rushed into the stairs before Tang Ji appeared.

The remaining two put up meaningless resistance. Their bullets could not penetrate Tang Ji's body armor at all, but Tang Ji could use grenades to send them and the anti-aircraft missile launcher behind them into the sky.

Five seconds later, a swarm of drones controlled by Ethan arrived, and scanners with various functions made the entire black building one-way transparent.

A total of one hundred and twelve heartbeats appeared in Tang Ji's eyes, and coupled with the three-dimensional map, everyone's location was clear.

Tony quickly found the passage to the basement and sealed it with two spider mines. Then he kicked open the door of each room and judged whether to shoot or take prisoners based on their clothing.

Anthony followed closely and cooperated with Tony to use a tranquilizer gun to reduce the threat to the captured target.

The Saint had already rushed to the third floor, leaving a trail of blood behind him. He had found the location of the control room, which was on the right side of the fifth floor, but the enemies rushing down from the fourth floor blocked his way.

The smoke bombs fired by Tang Ji caused these people to stagger when they came down, with their eyes closed tightly. The saint with the mask wanted to step over them and go straight to the fourth floor, but an enemy who happened to rush out of the smoke was severely beaten.

He kicked.

That kick even reminded the Saint of boxing champion Okanda in mid-air. Their strength was almost the same.

Okanda's strength comes from artificial muscle fibers, so what does the other party rely on?

The saint hit the wall behind him with a clang. If it were not for the protection of his helmet, he would have fainted just now.

"The Saint encounters a superhuman!" The Saint only had time to shout over the communication channel before the enemy on the opposite side picked up his companion's gun from the ground and fired at the Saint repeatedly.

The Saint's body armor protected him from bullets, but it could not stop the impact of the bullets, further deepening his internal injuries.

He stumbled back to the third floor and fired repeatedly around the corner, making it impossible for the superhuman to show his face.

"The target is short in stature, less than 1.5 meters. He has protective equipment and is extremely powerful." The saint quickly expressed what he saw: "I am temporarily suppressed on the third floor and need support!"

"God is with me, and sinful men will not be able to stop me." The saint gasped and injected himself with a green potion.

The potion is a new product from the Lazarus Group. It has not yet been named. No one understands its ingredients and functions except Anthony.

I only know that the specific effects are to relieve pain, stimulate nerves, allowing people to temporarily ignore injuries, and accelerate blood coagulation to prevent users from excessive blood loss.

"Got it, we're getting closer to you." Tang Ji looked at the green dot on the map and reloaded the grenade gun with high-explosive shells.

The map showed that on the fifth floor, more than thirty people gathered together. Unlike other targets running around, those people seemed not to be affected by the smoke bombs at all and were heading to the control room.

Tang Ji entered the sixth floor from the stairs and fired a high-explosive bomb into the corridor. The exaggerated explosion even hit the corner where Tang Ji was hiding along with debris and air waves.

He may not be able to understand the principle of [Revolver Revival] in his life, but this does not prevent him from making great use of this ability.

Tang Ji glanced at the map and found that the heartbeat responses of the few enemies on the sixth floor had disappeared, so he continued down to prepare to enter the fifth floor.

Then he hit a wall, an invisible wall.

It's super human.

Tang Ji raised his hand and fired the remaining bullets at the air wall. The bullet hit the opposite wall without any hindrance, but when Tang Ji reached out to touch it, the air wall was still there.

He smiled, they were probably in the right place!

Tang Ji turned around and ran towards the corridor window, jumped up and grabbed the rope left before, slid down from the air, kicked off the wall with his legs, and swung straight into the fifth floor!

He rolled, his left hand preluded, and his right grenade gun immediately aimed at the location of the previous enemy, and then he froze on the spot!

A group of children no more than thirteen or fourteen years old were standing in the corridor. They were of all races. The youngest among them looked to be only two or three years old and was being held in the arms of the older children.

"Cease fire! Cease fire! Saint, don't fire!" Tang Ji only had time to warn, but the next second a little boy suddenly inhaled and exhaled and blew Tang Ji out of the window!

This chapter has been completed!
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