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Chapter 756 Cleaning up the residue

About how the Ark organization gradually degenerated from an organization planning major events such as saving and destroying the world, to a local evil organization that competed with the pirate leader named Hairedin for golden routes in the Mediterranean waters and monopolized fishing grounds and trade routes.

It took Wang Zhengdao two full days to recover from this incident.

Overall, this is a story about the gradual decline of the superhuman class. After Wang Zhengdao left, as the big storm weakened, the Mediterranean area, which was originally less windy and wavey, was the first sea area in the world to restore its ecological environment.

While the pirates on the broken coast of the northern Federation are still lingering on the coastline, there are already iron-hulled ships with sails on the Mediterranean Sea trying to conduct trade.

Generally speaking, the survivor groups in the European Federation are not very interested in Shelter Zero. They have suffered enough from the Federation for a long time. Now the satellite signal is finally cut off, and even long-distance calls require special technical support.

, who would get on the pole and be a bitch?

Therefore, although the European Federation Region has begun to re-land on the surface like the Federal Region, trying to restore order, it has not truthfully reported its progress to Vault Zero. Similarly, Wang Zhengdao has also been isolated in the European Federation Information

outside the circle.

As for the Ark Organization, as the children born in the ten years before and after the New Hope Era grew up, their desire and desire for power also grew up.

The more than ten years since Wang Zhengdao left were the ten years when the children who followed their parents into the shelter at the age of five or six grew up and formed a stable worldview.

They grew up in the shelter. Although they received good education and training, they were not very impressed by the players or the Seven Deadly Sins. They only knew that the world was destroyed, and their duty was to rebuild the world.

Around the year NC-22, a small 'rebellion' occurred in the Ark organization's sanctuary. The reason why the qualifier "small" is added is because only six people died in this rebellion, basically all of them were killed.

He is an old-fashioned die-hard.

Of course, this die-hard faction was also promoted by latecomers. This faction represents the group of people who were once most loyal to the prophet and the prophet's ideals. Karsus, the temporary supervisor of the refuge that Wang Zhengdao originally selected, is such a die-hard faction.

, and also one of the six dead.

Karsus is a LV2 level super human. He can turn himself into a high-temperature body. The maximum temperature exceeds 3,000 degrees. Even bullets will melt instantly and cannot cause damage. However, Karsus died on the surface of the earth.

The leader of the New Hope Generation deceived the hardcore core members out of the shelter in the name of a friendly visit to other shelters, and murdered the six people on the beach. The whole process was easy.

Karsus and the others were completely unaware that the children they watched grow up would kill them.

Since there was no evidence of death, nominally Karsus and his group died in an accident during a big storm, but they forgot about Vicky, who was also present at the time and was in a "shielded" state throughout.

Although the performance of [Shielding] was weakened by the big storm, Vicky is still a rare LV3 superhuman, and her [Shielding] is enough to make others present ignore her existence.

Wang Zhengdao listened to Vicki's story in silence. Now he knew why Vicki took the initiative to expose her existence and boarded the ship to greet him. She wanted to give him a warning.

That day on the sea was indeed a trap. The current controllers of the Ark organization are trying hard to find opportunities to kill the group of pirates lurking nearby.

This time it was just a fishing trip using Wang Zhengdao's name.

"Who has the final say in the base now?" Wang Zhengdao, led by Vicki, followed the team at the end of the team and took advantage of others not paying attention.

They were all in the [shielded] state, eating and drinking in the Ark organization's shelter. Vicky was obviously used to this kind of life. Along the way, she only greeted people she was familiar with and who had given each other permission to see her.

Others ignored the two men entirely.

"It should be Youssoufa Alfaro. I'm not sure. Mbappe and the others fight quite fiercely. I usually don't pay much attention to their affairs." Vicky said with some embarrassment. She is indeed a bit too withdrawn on weekdays.


"I'm sorry, you have suffered here all these years." Wang Zhengdao looked at Vicky, who was becoming quieter and more introverted, and blamed himself. Maybe it would have been better for Vicky to leave her in the Federation back then.

"Why are you saying sorry? It's not you who did the wrong thing." Vicky smiled. She was no longer the little girl who needed to be coaxed. Over the years, she had been protecting her brother and living the simplest life.

There is nothing wrong with talking to only friends you recognize in your life.

"Give me a few days, and I will solve the problem here as soon as possible." Wang Zhengdao hurriedly finished his lunch and said to Vicky.

If Wang Zhengdao planned to go on a killing spree, he would be able to solve the problem that day, but the Ark organization itself has gone astray, and he cannot let the organization established by the prophet go down such a dark path.

At the very least, those people deserve a true trial.

Tang Ji doesn't care if the procedure is just, and he doesn't care if the world will get worse. No, that may be a bit too absolute. He really doesn't care if the world will get worse, but it can't be because of him.

becomes worse, otherwise he will be obliged to repair the damage he caused as before.

The two players who were sold by Lip were not dead yet, but they were about to die. In the past few days, Tang Ji did not ask any questions, but just tortured them over and over again.

This is of course not because Tang Ji is a pervert, he just forgot a lot of things, so that after trusting his intuition, he didn't know what questions to ask for a while.

Interrogation is all about information gap. When the unlucky guy being interrogated has a nuclear bomb hidden in his crotch, the first question you have to ask is whether he was involved in the robbery of the old lady's dentures last year.

, then this unlucky guy knows what he wants. He would rather be tortured by you until he urinates, rather than admit that he has a nuclear bomb.

Therefore, Tang Ji did not ask questions, but just kept torturing the nerves of the two predators.

What made Tang Ji a little excited was that the behavior of these two people was obviously not like ordinary looters. Those looters only needed to use some tricks, and they wanted to pour out everything they knew.

But these two people, no matter how hard Tang Ji tried, they had not said a word for two days.

Today is the third day. Tang Ji brought Foreman here, along with medical facilities brought from the Moonlight Gold, including nutritional solutions, anti-inflammatory drugs and other drugs that were rare after the Apocalypse.

"It seems that you have a new job. I need to check these two gentlemen first." Forman had no big reaction to the bloody scene in the warehouse. He just put on a pair of disposable gloves. The main purpose was to

It's to protect yourself.

After all, these two people seemed to have a lot of infectious diseases on their bodies. Tang Ji could ignore these sources of infection, but Foreman was just an ordinary person, so he had to take precautions.

"Gentlemen, your physical condition is very bad, but I am very sure that most of it is not caused by Mr. Tanguy." Foreman took a very serious look at the two people's unsightly cauliflower and further on.

He frowned and said: "My personal habits are very bad. I suggest cutting it off directly to prevent the possibility of spreading."

Although Nile Galindo was a player, his physical structure was not much different from that of humans in this world. Suddenly, his whole body felt a phantom pain.

In the many worlds expanded by the mother world, almost all intelligent creatures are humanoids. Even if there are some slight differences, they are only in skin color and some auxiliary organs. It does not affect your ability to tell at a glance that the other person is a human being.

"Then I'll trouble you." Tang Ji stood at the door with his arms crossed, obviously not intending to touch anything related to cauliflower.

"Okay sir, I have received complete medical training. Although I have no relevant surgical experience, I think these two gentlemen would not mind making some contributions to the medical community." As Forman spoke, he had already opened the bag he carried with him.

He took out the medical kit and took out the scalpel set.

Nel Galindo just watched helplessly as the other party cut off a piece of flesh from himself and his companions, but to him, it was just that.

Forman meticulously sutured the wound, then raised his head and said to Tang Ji: "Sir, I'm sure now, these two should be players."

Nair's eyes suddenly widened. Why don't you aboriginals play your cards according to the rules? Why am I a player? The guardian dog system testifies that I have never said a word from the beginning to the end!

Tang Ji nodded and agreed with Foreman's judgment. If these predators remained calm despite the pain of snatching the chicken, they should have been studying how to launch rockets and land on the moon by now.

Knowing the identity of the other party, Tang Ji felt confident.

"How many of you are here this time, and where is the login point? Who helped you arrange the physical bodies? What is the purpose?" Tang Ji started a targeted interrogation based on the information he had about the players.

Nair glanced at his companion, who just closed his eyes and didn't say a word. Naturally, he refused to speak either.

The physical bodies they used this time were all forcibly arrived. The integration of the soul and the body was not high enough. Reflecting on the specific situation, it is easy to become dazed and distracted. The nerve response speed is slow and the limbs are not so coordinated. It always gives people a feeling of high delay.


But Nair and the others are a blessing in disguise. Their pain connection is only one-third that of normal players, and most of the punishments that can cause people to collapse are actually not too exciting for them.

At least it was nothing to Nel. He had been roasted on the fire by goblins before.

"I know that you don't care about the damage on your body, and you think that if you die, you will just go offline, but I am different." Tang Ji looked at the two players, and his tone naturally became lower, not at all.

It's like reading lines.

These words were summed up by him based on Foreman's knowledge and surveillance video, and they seem to be effective so far.

Nel Galindo had always felt intimidated by Tangji, always worried that he might accidentally win the prize, and now he felt even more unsure.

He kept looking at his companion, expecting the other party to speak first, but considering that the other party did not know the characteristics of black hair and dark eyes, Nair doubted that he could survive him.

Seeing Tang Ji pick up the scary revolver, Nair, who had received a common sense education about this world, immediately recalled why the teacher in class specifically gave a class about conventional weapons in this world to his group.

The teacher also specially took out the revolver, or rather, the revolver named Prelude, and taught a whole class, from history to development to roulette.

Nair watched as the man named Tang Ji poured the bullets out of the bullet chamber, then filled two more bullets in, closed the gun with a click, and flicked the bullet, and the bullet chamber immediately began to rotate at high speed.

"Start with you." Tang Ji pointed the prelude at Nair, who immediately broke out in cold sweat on his face.

At this moment, Nair felt that he had definitely won the lottery. What repeatedly appeared in his mind were the players who suddenly disappeared on the night of death, and the legends about this world that were widely circulated on the black market - this world has a power,

It can turn the player's death into a real death!

Maybe it was fear that froze Nair's brain, or maybe Tang Ji moved too fast and didn't give Nair time to react. In short, when he came back from his thoughts, he only heard a crisp click in front of him.

rang in front of me, and then I realized that I had been on the edge of life and death.

After realizing it, Nair stood still for three seconds before suddenly feeling his bladder heat up, and a stream of heat flowed along the cut part all over his legs.

"I, I" Neal Galindo wanted to say something incoherently. He had both a kind of realization and a kind of gloating about his misfortune. He knew the rules of roulette, and it was his turn to be his companion next.



Tang Ji's gun did not move and he pulled the trigger again. The smile on Nair's face disappeared in an instant, and his entire face turned pale as if he was suffering from severe emotional torture.

"Don't be too happy too early. It will be your turn soon." Tang Ji smiled at the other party and shook his head: "Two shots were empty. If it were me, I wouldn't be too happy too early."

After all, according to simple probability knowledge, the theoretical probability of firing a two-bullet roulette is 33%, but now it has become 50%.

With a meaningful smile, Tang Ji pointed his gun at another player, but his eyes were still looking at Nair. This player's mood fluctuated so much that it was difficult not to think of him as the main target, but

"I'm taking action! Don't shoot!"

This chapter has been completed!
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