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Chapter 762 New Situation

The attack and nuclear explosion near Hawaii Island were just an inconspicuous episode. Perhaps even the Mikkelsens didn't know which one of them had given such an order, so when the action plan failed, they did not test it.

After it was revealed whether the returnee was Tang Ji himself, this news was buried in the back of his mind.

After all, Mikkelsen doesn't even care about the Apocalypse, let alone a few human lives.

Moreover, he was already prepared for Tang Ji to return one day, otherwise Anne would have been eaten up and Wu Qianying would have probably been sent to the moon as a brain worker. All of this was just a plan without being put into practice.

, completely because of Tang Ji.

As long as Tang Ji is alive, even if it is just existentially alive, no one will dare to touch his people.

But it is urgent to solve the problem that happened to him.

Suppose that the impact of the big storm on superhuman beings on a global scale was indeed caused by Tang Ji, but he himself was not affected in any way in this environment, and even his people were not affected in any way in the face of this possibility.

Even Mikkelsen would have a headache.

On the other side of the world, in the European Federation, Wang Zhengdao had just completed a series of somewhat bloody purges.

These new generations have completely forgotten who Wang Zhengdao is and what he can do.

He is the top killer, or more arrogant, he is the number one killer in the world, with a success rate of 100% on his resume, and for a long time, his attendance rate has been terrifyingly high. You know,

The list compiled by the prophet was originally very long, and the names alone took up several pages.

After Wang Zhengdao started working, the list quickly shrank.

To use a more popular term to describe Wang Zhengdao, it is that he has a dark history.

Even for a long time, Tang Ji treated Wang Zhengdao very cautiously, thinking that he was a very dangerous person.

Wang Zhengdao truly changed from a dangerous person to a means of transportation only after Tang Ji was promoted to LV2 and violently beat up Wolfgang. At that time, Tang Ji already had the title of the strongest in the world.

The New Hope generation didn't know any of these things, or they didn't care after they heard about it. In an environment that had no authority and was too left-leaning, they developed lawless arrogance.

Fortunately, this problem has been corrected now.

Wang Zhengdao only killed fifteen people and sent more than fifty people to prison to await subsequent trial.

These changes are not terrible. In the process of fighting for power, these New Hope Generations have done worse things and caused greater casualties. When expanding externally, they also behaved very radically, causing great harm to the surrounding survivor forces.

irreparable damage.

But what Wang Zhengdao did was completely different, because the whole process happened within twelve minutes.

Vicki took Wang Zhengdao throughout the entire shelter in three days, marking and introducing all relevant personnel. Then all Wang Zhengdao needed to do when he started to take action was to suddenly appear and shoot.

Then he suddenly appears, and then he shoots again, and the cycle goes back and forth.

In fact, the difficulty of catching someone alive has not increased much. Wang Zhengdao may not be able to defeat a superhuman of the level of the Seven Deadly Sins with his own martial arts ability, but others?

"Bertie Santos, do you still know me?" Wang Zhengdao sat behind a metal table and looked at the man in front of him with a gloomy tone.

He still had an impression of the man in front of him, but the last time Wang Zhengdao saw him, he was just a teenager. He had the unique stubbornness of teenagers and liked to break rules and secretly do mischief.

But Wang Zhengdao really didn't expect that the other party would become such a bastard more than ten years later.

Bertie Santos was mainly responsible for external liaison. To be more precise, he was responsible for managing several surrounding survivor groups that relied on the Ark organization for survival. According to current incomplete statistics, Bertie Santos needed to manage at least fifty survivors.

Responsible for his death.

Some of them were executed by him personally, while others died indirectly because of his choice of interests.

According to the information provided by Vicki, Bertie Santos, on behalf of the Ark Organization, has transactions with several larger predator organizations in the European Federation.

Because of the special nature of the Ark Organization, even counting the numbered official shelters, the Ark Organization's shelters are still one of the most productive organizations in the European Union. In the past two years, the Ark Organization has even used its own

Supplies built a Mediterranean fleet of fourteen warships

Of course, the entire fleet conforms to the post-Great Storm era style, which is technically equivalent to the purely mechanical style at the end of World War II to avoid ubiquitous electromagnetic interference.

"Are these kids crazy?" Wang Zhengdao didn't understand why they did this, but he was shocked. They were almost used to using the metal reserves of the Ark Organization. This kind of thing was probably equivalent to the prodigal kids demolishing their own house.

Play every family.

"This is a new world. If you don't rob it, someone will rob it. We just don't want to live in a shelter for the rest of our lives. What's wrong?" Santos sneered: "You have enjoyed the prosperity of that golden age of mankind.

We lived in the shelter with the name of the Savior and full of glory, but what about us? We have nothing!”

Wang Zhengdao looked at Vicky again, but Vicky was silent at this time. Although she lived in this shelter, nearly thirty years was too long, and she spent most of her time in the dormant warehouse.


And too many people in the Ark organization chose to spend this period of time in a dormant warehouse. Maybe this was the reason that ultimately led to the collapse of the New Hope Generation in the Ark organization?

Wang Zhengdao spent several hours interrogating most of the prisoners, but the final conclusion he reached was ridiculous.

There is no conspiracy and no trajectory. The New Hope Generation of the Ark organization chose this path and put it into practice during their long life in the shelter.

This seems to be an inevitable change. No matter how gentle and noble the Ark organization was before, it was established as a paramilitary organization. Its original intention was to fight against players. This policy was fully implemented to the

New Hope Generation.

But after the Weather Day, in the long era of great storms, as the players disappeared and the world withered, this sense of mission gradually evolved into a brand new militaristic thought.

Without the existence of an imaginary enemy like the player, the Ark Organization, a paramilitary organization that is neither a country nor a religion, finally needs a brand new goal to continue the meaning of its existence.

At that time, due to the existence of the prophet, the entire Ark organization actually lacked a real leader. After the prophet, only Wang Zhengdao could control this huge organization by relying on his personal prestige and personal ability.

And because of that accident, Wang Zhengdao was trapped in the Federation and unable to return when the organization needed his guidance the most. A new trend of thought eventually formed within the organization that had lacked strong leaders for a long time. The New Hope Generation planned to take over the world. In the new world

Establish a new order.

But the young people who were eager to show themselves to the top quickly began to deteriorate. They were addicted to the game of power and could not extricate themselves, and quickly became corrupted.

From the initial establishment of a new order to the current dictatorship, it only took them two and a half years.

The main reason for Vicky's silence is that her brother was once the main leader of the New Hope Generation, or to be more precise, the ideological mentor. The leaders of the New Hope Generation currently in power are those who were ruled by the King.

Most of those whom Zhengdao directly killed and imprisoned were her brother's students.

The only good news is that before the entire Ark organization became what it is now, Vicky's brother was deposed as an ordinary person due to route issues and is currently living a semi-imprisoned life in a shelter.

Vicky had persuaded her younger brother to leave here as soon as possible several times, but Artyom, who had grown up and was nearly ten years older than Vicky in terms of biological age because he had never entered a dormant chamber, did not obey his sister's advice.

Instead, he insisted on staying in the shelter and trying to get the change back on track.

"It seems that I have to go see your brother." Wang Zhengdao finally sighed. What he actually wanted to know more was that such a big change had occurred in the Ark organization. Is there any supernatural power at work? Is there any interference from the outside world?

, such as players, such as Mikkelsen

"Boss, welcome back." When Surte took Tang Ji to the federal land again, he stopped, exited the super-time flow, grabbed a handful of soil from the ground and handed it to Tang Ji: "Follow this

Martin's hometown tradition, you should kiss the dirt"

Surte himself laughed in the middle of speaking. He was stunned by Tang Ji's eyes: "Okay, boss, it seems that even if you lose your memory, I can't lie to you. In fact, there is no such legend."

Before Soult finished speaking, Tang Ji suddenly smiled, stretched out his hand and pressed Soult's hand back to his face: "But I still plan to let you help me complete this tradition."

"Head!" Soult yelled with a look of displeasure, but he also smiled: "Welcome back, Head."

Half an hour later, this sentence was mentioned again by different people, and Soult directly took Tangji into the Davis Mountain Shelter.

At this time, the Davis Mountain Shelter is no longer the same shelter where people just walked out of the shelter and struggled to survive.

With Martin's strong support, the survivors of the Davis Mountain Shelter have built a large surface settlement on the surface, and about a thousand survivors have chosen not to return underground.

"Chief, hand over that steel beam, thank you!" Several young workers shouted to Martin from the half-built high-rise building. The reason why the survivors of Davis Mountain were able to develop so fast was because

The main reason is that they have Martin, who can complete all the work from bulldozers, forklifts to cranes by himself, and he can do it quickly and well.

"This one?" Martin held a cigar as thick as a child's arm in his mouth. He picked up an eight-meter-long steel beam from the ground. Seeing the other party nodding, he handed it over directly, as if he was handing it to the other party easily.

Like a stick of ice cream.

Because of his height and weight, Martin doesn't like to stay in shelters. He prefers to be active on the surface.

Moreover, the group of marauders have been dishonest recently. When Gu Nin and his friends were flying around in the sky, they even accidentally discovered that the group of marauders was equipped with tanks, which had to be taken seriously.

Even today, the Davis Mountain Shelter has only repaired less than thirty construction machinery of different models, but tanks? What kind of person would give priority to repairing and modifying a few tanks in such a situation?

What about tanks that Taiwan can use in the wasteland?

Martin was puzzled, but it didn't stop him from watching the busy construction sites and the buildings rising from the ground, just like farmers watching the seeds they planted and starting to harvest food during the harvest season.

All this was done under the protection of Martin. He not only helped those dead comrades raise their children, but even helped them survive the end of the world, so Martin could not tolerate anyone destroying his kingdom.

Doomsday can't do it, and predators can't do it either.

"Chief!" Every resident who passed by Martin would take the initiative to greet him, and Martin was used to such courtesy until a familiar voice was mixed in.

"Chief?" Tang Ji, who had left the super-time flow, was still a little uncomfortable with the noise in the real world.

"Is this all nonsense? Head!" Martin bit into the big iron-wrapped cigar with a clang, and his movements became much more agile: "Is it really you?!"

He was so excited that Martin even forgot to inform others of the news. He just asked Tang Ji over and over again. Isn't this a joke?

"Except for the memory, I'm sure I'm a real person." Tang Ji reached out and patted Martin's arm. This big man was much bigger than what he saw in the video.

When Soult showed up with the news that Tang Ji had arrived at the Davis Mountain Shelter, almost all the old team members showed expressions of surprise and excitement, and dropped the mess on their hands one by one, as if they were crazy.

Run outside.

Only the saint took out his New Testament in a hurry, kissed the cover, knelt down on one knee, and prayed devoutly - he is Alpha, he is Omega; he is the beginning,

He is the end

The adopted daughter Claire also knelt down on one knee with the saint and repeated the saint's words, but she did not know the power of these words and was just curious about Tangji.

She had heard too much about Tang Ji, and most of the contents sounded less exaggerated than the contents in her adoptive father's Bible.

Eclair could not imagine at all how those things could all happen to the same person, or in other words, how those things could really happen.

And today, she finally had the chance to meet the legend.

This wave of Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the old Jewish propaganda has not been fully understood, all the money has been wasted these years, 23333

This chapter has been completed!
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