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Chapter 767 Chaos

Chapter 770 Chaos

The scoring thing was just an excuse. Ding Yue just wanted to vent his unhappiness.

After risking his or her life for the future of the entire world, what anyone wants to see is a brand new world. It can be dilapidated and full of crises, but it must not be indifferent and worse than the original world.

Ding Yue was from Night City. He always felt that Night City was bad enough, but now this place is completely bad.

"Hey! Look here!" Ding Yue whistled at the leading officer, and then he stretched his body to the extreme like a bow, and then Ding Yue threw the shield with all his strength.



It was clearly a shield, with a completely unaerodynamic shape, but it turned into a shadow in the air, and with a somewhat harsh whistling sound, the shield penetrated the officer's body.

The shield is passed through horizontally, from the chest down, because there are strobe lights on the front and back of the shield, arm hangers and other sundries, so the incision is not smooth, and the part above the officer's chest is even more covered by the arm.

The hanger was dragged along and separated from the body.

The officer only felt a sharp pain, and then he saw that his body below the chest gradually became farther away in his sight, and he himself seemed to be on the fast lane of life.


With a muffled sound, one corner of the shield was directly inserted into a concrete wall ten meters away, and was embedded into it for more than ten centimeters.

The officer's upper half was held by the shield on his concave surface, and the gun in his hand was still held tightly in his hand.

"What the hell?" the officer trembled and left his last words, then reluctantly vomited a few mouthfuls of blood and died.

The entire reconstruction area of ​​the Hena Shelter became quiet. The soldiers who had originally walked towards Ding Yue with fierce expressions all froze on the spot, not daring to move, because there were still a lot of leftover materials for building houses at Ding Yue's feet.

Anyone who has seen the scene just now, they don't want Ding Yue to throw anything else because of misunderstanding.

Ding Yue turned his head and glanced at the camera. It was a pity that the speaker was broken by him, otherwise he would have wanted to hear what those people were planning to say now.

"Put down the gun!" Ding Yue shouted loudly with his hands behind his back. The dozen soldiers holding guns suddenly trembled, and nearly half of them threw their guns on the ground.

The other half only hesitated for a few more seconds because Ding Yue picked up a fist-sized stone.

Judging from the situation just now, Ding Yue's behavior can probably be loaded with anti-material weapons.

"Is there anyone here who was born before the Apocalypse?" Ding Yue threw the stone aside, picked up a gun thrown on the ground, skillfully turned off the safety, and ejected the bullet from the gun chamber.

The gun is M251S-Ajax, a mass-produced product of military technology. At that time, the regular armies of various countries in the European Federation refused to purchase military technology products. As a result, with the outbreak of the war, the military output of the European Federation could not keep up with the consumption of the war.

In terms of military weapons, we have no choice but to open it to a few large companies.

The closed market that had been closed for decades was broken. In the quarter before the Apocalypse, several large arms companies such as Military Technology, Arasaka Group and even Constitution Military Industry even experienced growth against the market during the financial crisis.


No one answered Ding Yue's words, and he didn't know whether these people were survivors before the Apocalypse, so they still didn't dare to come forward.

But judging from their age, these soldiers, prisoners, and residents of the reconstruction area all look quite young.

"I, sir, I was born in 2046." A man who looked to be in his early thirties hesitated and stood up. Judging from his clothes and the work he did, he was a farmer who tended the land.

"Very good, come and tell me what's going on here." Ding Yue felt comfortable all over and wanted to light a cigarette like Tang Ji, but unfortunately there was nothing in his pocket.

The man who stepped forward was named Franz. He was still a child when he entered the shelter. He entered hibernation with his parents, but was awakened in NC-15. The reason was that the shelter's energy supply was insufficient, causing some dormant areas to be unable to maintain low temperatures.


After that, Franz and his family experienced the entire changes in Vault 301. When Ding Yue was awakened, Franz not only lost his parents, but also owed the shelter more than one million henna.

Even though he slept ten years less than Ding Yue, he still had to eat, sleep, breathe, etc. in these ten years?

"It will take me about fifteen years of continuous work to pay off all my debts and become a free man. If I perform meritorious service, I can get lower interest rates." Franz first introduced his situation, and then said to Ding Yue: "

As for those people, they should be nearby survivors. Herner is at war with a small nearby shelter alliance, and a group of people will be captured every once in a while. Their few shelters are too small to make bullets.

, the firepower is not good, so I can only buy it from the Ark Organization."

"Ark Organization?" Ding Yue couldn't easily hear a force he was familiar with, but its behavior was a bit inconsistent with his inherent impression: "They are in the arms business now?"

"It also started a few years ago, a little before Hener took over the shelter. Not only is it an arms business, they also sell addictive compounds and various brain films that record the prosperity of the old era. Everything you can think of is high.

They all do profit business." Franz had already stepped forward to cooperate anyway, and he didn't care to say a few more words. He pointed directly at the prisoners and said: "Including those people, the Ark Organization is now the largest slave trader in the Mediterranean."

Ding Yue suddenly felt that the world was hopeless. After all, he had always felt that the Ark Organization people were a bit too white lotus. But now that the white lotus has turned into a black beast, can other forces still watch?

"Is there any news about Tang Ji?" Ding Yue asked, but thinking that the man with a withered face in front of him was born in 2046 and was only ten years old when he entered the shelter, he added another explanation: "That one has a bad temper.

He was so furious that he slashed people in the Square of Victory."

"There is no news about him. There has been no news about Tang Ji since the day I woke up." Franz knew who Tang Ji was. Before the Apocalypse, his group of children even played a game with Tang Ji as the protagonist.

Anyway, Tang Ji doesn't have an agent or a legal team. He doesn't care at all about people using his image to make money, so those entertainment manufacturers are not polite. Of course, no one dares to play with fire.

Because everyone also knows very well that Tang Ji doesn't care about these little fights, but if you go too far and make him angry, he will probably not care too much about the constraints of secular laws and will be honest with you.

After filing a lawsuit and going through the procedures, the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean is probably the best place to end up.

Ding Yue was a little disappointed when he heard the news, but he was not desperate.

He shook hands and glanced at the shield mounted on the wall. The fact that he was still alive and well was the best evidence.

He is the scarlet disciple of Fury, and all his power comes from Tang Ji. Since he can still use the power of Fury, it has already been proved that Tang Ji is safe and sound, and he may just not want to come out for the time being.

Fuck, in this damn world, if he hadn't been dragged up and asked for a loan to work, he wouldn't have wanted to get up!

"If you were to evaluate Herner, what kind of person do you think he is?" Ding Yue asked Franz: "No, let me put it another way, if I take that bastard who put me in debt out of the shelter

Come out, bring it to you, and give you a gun, will you choose to shoot him or let him go?"

"Do I have to use a gun?" Franz grinned and raised the farm tool in his hand: "I can use this more easily."

"Come on, then I understand everything." Ding Yue clapped his hands, stood up from the ground, and walked toward the main entrance of the shelter.

Those Hena soldiers who had not been disarmed were sitting on the spot without moving, while many of the captured men and women in the distance began to sneak away while they were not being watched.

After realizing that Ding Yue didn't care about them at all, even more people left. At this time, the only ones left here were the mother and daughter whose husband had just died, their father had just died, and a few people who seemed to want to gamble.

A handful of men.

They had been watching Ding Yue's movements, their eyes full of anticipation.

Ding Yue stood in front of the shelter door. To be precise, this door is not actually the door of Shelter 301. It is an access door to facilitate the entry and exit of maintenance personnel. The real shelter door is about five hundred meters to the north.

, that is a lifting platform with a diameter of more than five meters. I don’t know why they are accustomed to using this door to enter and exit.

Dang! Dang! Dang!

Ding Yue knocked on the door politely. Even if it was an access door, it was a heavy metal door that met the requirements of a shelter and could withstand nuclear explosions.

So to make such a crisp sound, Ding Yue used enough force to break the head of a person wearing a bulletproof helmet.

"What is he doing? Is he knocking on the door?" In the monitoring room, several senior officials of Hena Shelter looked at each other, feeling that they were finally freed from the fear just now, and there was finally a sound in the room.

From the moment Ding Yue appeared until he split the officer in half with his shield in front of everyone, everyone was in shock and speechless for a long time.

There are very few superhumans in Hena Shelter. If they had known that Ding Yue was a superhuman, they would have used another method to awaken each other. However, the information Ding Yue left in Shelter 301 showed that he was just an ordinary person.

logistics engineer.

In the post-apocalyptic world, the role of a logistics engineer is worse than that of a dog.

They watched through the surveillance camera that after Ding Yue knocked on the door and mouthed the word "open the door" to the camera, they all laughed.

That is the door that can block a nuclear explosion. If you are out, what else can you do? Can you still wait outside the shelter for the rest of your life?

No matter how powerful the superhuman is, he still has to eat, right? They know very well the supplies they have in the reconstruction area. Even if the superhuman takes all the supplies for himself, it can only last for three months at most.

By then, the consul Henry himself would have returned with his army, and then everything would be over, and no one would be able to rival the consul.

Thinking of this, the several senior officials staying in the shelter all breathed a sigh of relief and began to find a place to sit for a while. They had just been highly nervous and exhausted their physical strength.

Outside the shelter, Ding Yue naturally had no intention of going in just like that. He was just mocking the people watching the surveillance in the shelter.

Ding Yue fumbled along the door frame for a while, then suddenly exerted force with his fingers and pulled off a camouflage plate that was deliberately made old and the same color as the door frame, revealing the password lock with a biometric sensor underneath. Then he smiled at the camera and put his hand

on top.

Seeing this scene, the senior people at the Hena Shelter behind surveillance were stunned.

"What is that!" A chubby man screamed in a sharp tone: "Who is he? How does he know these things?"

"Who are you asking me to ask! You were at least born before the Apocalypse! I haven't even seen the old times!" Another tall and strong man retorted, but this could not stop Ding Yue from continuing his actions.

When his palmprint recognition was successful, a pupil recognition device popped out, and Ding Yue calmly posed and put his eyes close to it.

Not to mention the high-level officials in the Vault, even the first supervisor of Vault 301 probably didn't know that this Vault had such a setting.

It is a hardware backdoor illegally installed by the contractor responsible for building the shelter. In addition to the main entrance, the shelter has a total of two access doors and two secret entrances and exits, all of which are equipped with identification devices that can identify specific information from the outside.


The contractor thought he had done a perfect job, but he did not know that his status as a naturalized person had been noticed by the ECS Bureau at that time. It was precisely because of this incident that the completion of Vault 301 was delayed.

In the end, in order to rush the work, we had no choice but to abandon the demolition and reconstruction of these entrances and exits, and only destroyed the internal data.

Ding Yue was very sure that the naturalized person had not yet had time to report the relevant information to others, because the other party originally planned to use these secret facilities by himself in an attempt to survive the apocalypse.

The reason why he chose to live in seclusion in Vault 301 was not only to get rid of Mikkelsen's surveillance, but also to prevent players from infiltrating Vault 301.

As a result, this has now become one of his trump cards.

For the new generation of people who have grown up in shelters and regard shelters as a place of eternal safety, Ding Yue's behavior is too irritating. It is much scarier than him hitting people with a shield outside. He breaks

Learn the common sense of the new hope generation!

When the door of the shelter was opened by Ding Yue from the outside, a large group of soldiers and staff inside seemed to have seen Godzilla crawling out of the subway station. They were all stunned on the spot, their brains completely shut down.

"Get out of the way. From today on, this place will be renamed 301. No, it will be called Ding Yue Shelter." Ding Yue laughed and pushed away the soldiers blocking the way, enjoying his own bad taste.

But when someone started to kneel down and repeat his name like a maniac, Ding Yue began to feel that it was not so interesting.


This chapter has been completed!
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