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Chapter 772 Night City, Night City

Tang Ji did not stop the car, but the bearded man did not fire in the end because Tang Ji got out of the car.

The wild wolf still kept running at a speed of 60 miles on the road, which did not affect Tangjis from opening the door and getting out of the car smoothly, and then pressed down on the bearded man's armored patrol car.

The powerful engine of the patrol car screamed with all its strength at that moment, but it could not change the obstacle in front of it at all. It was stopped by a hand.

The vehicles manufactured by these Apocalypse Future Shelters have almost no electronic parts. They are all mechanical structures. Naturally, there are no airbags. All safety measures revolve around seat belts.

As for the mercenaries in the bearded man's car, except for you, the co-pilot, almost no one is wearing a seat belt.

So when the vehicle suddenly stopped, the people in the car learned a hard lesson. If they were lucky, they would suffer multiple fractures. If they were unlucky, they would hit a vital part and die immediately.

But the bearded man was lucky enough to sit in the passenger seat and wear his seat belt.

Tang Ji walked to the side of the car, ripped off the severely deformed door as if tearing paper, broke the seat belt, and directly took the bearded man out: "Who is the boss of the Valentino Gang now?"

"It's Gusvota!" The bearded man's face was pale now. He had just broken several ribs due to the seat belt, and Tang Ji pulled and pulled him, almost killing him.

"Is Gusvota already the boss? Where's the machete?" Tang Ji continued to ask. Seeing the cigarette case exposed in the other party's pocket, he took it away and put it into his own pocket.

"Boss Scimitar has been dead for many years." The bearded man no longer had the arrogance he had before. He would answer whatever Tang Ji asked, and seemed particularly obedient. This kind of obedience gave Tang Ji a very familiar and strange feeling.

These survivors from Night City and Heywood Shelter are actually a very unique group.

Most of them are the New Hope generation, or children born a few years before the Apocalypse. They have been exposed to gangs in the Haywood shelter since they were young, and they yearn for street life. However, before they can stand out, they are attacked by Valentino.

Crackdown on asylum.

The identity they were most proud of was being part of Valentino, and this identity was also taken away by the new Valentino people, which seemed so ironic, so many people finally chose to become exiles, or like

Like the bearded man in front of me, he stayed away from his hometown and became a mercenary, doing jobs near Night City that the orthodox Valentinians looked down upon.

Of course, these people still have a higher status within Valentino than outsiders. Just looking at the weapons and equipment of this group of people, you can tell that they are much stronger than common predators.

Therefore, when the bearded man begins to show the survival philosophy unique to street fighters, it can be regarded as a kind of inheritance.

As for the 'victims' themselves, after Tang Ji knocked over their car with one fist, the bearded man already knew that they had kicked the iron plate.

The man in front of me is the kind of super human who is not affected by big storms!

Some superhumans can use their abilities on the surface without being affected by big storms, and the most famous among them are naturally the heroes of Davis Mountain Shelter and the great predator Kona, and the man in front of him is from Davis

Si, Mengshan Shelter, I should have thought of it a long time ago!

"Listen, friend, I'm blind to the mountains. Now that you win, since I didn't cause any damage, give me a way out. The conditions are whatever you want, as long as you give me a chance!" the bearded man sincerely begged.


Tang Ji has no doubt about this. Even if you want his mother's life at this time, he will agree on the spot, but as soon as you turn around, he will find a way to shoot you.

But Tang Ji didn't plan to kill another one today. You can think of this as nostalgia. Tang Ji planned to throw him on the roadside and leave his fate to the judgment of the world itself. Anyway, one of them had a broken leg and three broken ribs.

It is impossible for a person to climb to the previous gas station alone, nor to Night City.

So Tang Ji just smiled, picked up the weapons scattered on the ground one by one, and then trampled them into scrap metal. Then out of nostalgia, Tang Ji left a bottle of water for the other party: "I don't

I know how you usually treat the drivers and workers passing by on the road, I hope they are willing to give you a hand."

The bearded man's face turned pale, and he immediately wanted to reach out and grab Tang Ji's clothes, but Tang Ji had already turned around and chased after his car.

He originally ran a little faster than that car, especially on such road conditions. Driving was actually more like a ritual and a way to save face than eating.

After all, driving back to my hometown is somewhat different from running all the way back to my hometown.

The road that followed became much quieter. After driving for less than four hours, Tang Ji arrived at the area that was once supposed to be a small town on the edge of Night City.

But now there is nothing here, it is completely deserted, and naturally the shocking city cluster cannot be seen in the distance. This location should have been a tourist attraction for most people who came to Night City for the first time to check in and take photos.

Tang Ji drove forward for another 20 minutes and finally saw some people appearing.

A small gathering place with a pioneering nature is located around a well. Several strong men are holding guns and standing on a simple sentry tower, staring at Tang Ji's car intently, but their expressions are not nervous. This place is already

The edge of Night City is now within range. The Valentinos have reestablished order in this area, and their safety is still guaranteed.

Tang Ji just looked at them silently and did not slow down.

Three kilometers later, Tang Ji finally saw something that once belonged to Night City. It was a guard tower, or to be precise, the foundation part of the guard tower.

These things were said to be defense bases built to resist the federal army when Night City was first built. The bases were made of solid reinforced concrete. By the time Tang Ji grew up, the main function of these guard towers had become monitoring and deterring smugglers.


In the sea of ​​​​sand, every few dozen meters there is a guard tower wreckage that is only one or two meters high, like a broken tooth.

From here on, the influence of the Valentinos also began to appear.

Tang Ji even saw that they had roughly restored a guard tower, with several soldiers with guns standing on it, looking around. When they saw Tang Ji's car, they even signaled for him to get out of here.

Under Valentino's control, Night City is an open area. There is no way, even if they want to close it, they can't.

Night City was once a super city with a population of tens of millions. Its area was very large, including residential areas, agricultural areas, industrial areas, commercial and financial areas, and even ports. Even though Night City had the highest density of shelters,

After the Apocalypse, only less than 500,000 people remained.

What the Valentino people really developed as their core territory was the triangle area surrounded by Vault 97, Valentino Vault, and Heywood Vault.

Dots of gathering places sprang up in this triangle area to accommodate the wealthy population in the refuge. It was here that Tang Ji finally encountered obstacles.

The Valentinos used wired connections to lay telephone lines between the peripheral defense nodes and the living strongholds in the city, so he was targeted by the Valentinos from the moment he entered the city.

However, compared to the group of mercenaries they encountered before, these Valentinos, who claim to be the restorers of order, were a lot more polite. A Law Enforcement Bureau-style painted drone followed Tang Ji from a distance.

Behind the vehicle, two jeeps carrying four soldiers each approached Tang Ji's starting point and gestured for him to slow down.

Tang Ji reduced the speed of the car, stopped on the spot, then rolled down the window and watched as several soldiers with guns got out of the car and walked towards him.

Then, a soldier looked at Tang Ji's face and suddenly froze on the spot, as if someone had cast a spell on him. He pulled up the cross on his chest and muttered in his mouth: "Dios mio! Dios mio!"

"Nicholas! What's going on!" The other soldiers immediately raised their guns and aimed at Tang Ji, and the machine guns carried on the two vehicles were also loaded with a clatter and turned around.

"It's him! I've seen him! It's definitely not bad!" The soldier nicknamed Nicholas stared wide-eyed, pointed at Tang Ji and murmured: "That's Tang Ji!"


In the City of Night, among the Valentinians, the name Tangi is definitely the most commonly used name in prayers after God and Our Lady of Death.

For the New Hope generation, even if they have never seen Tang Ji's photo, they have definitely heard of his name.

But considering the location and occasion where this name appeared, others present obviously did not believe Nicholas's words. He was originally an old popsicle and his relationship with other people was average.

"I'm not lying to you, that's Tang Ji! I swear on my life!" After saying that, Nicholas threw away the gun, walked toward Tang Ji with his hands spread out, and knelt down on one knee two meters away from Tang Ji.

He looked up and asked, "I didn't lie. You are him, right?"

"Stand up." Tang Ji lit a cigarette with some irritability. This sudden admiration made him feel inexplicably disgusted.

Nicholas stood up straight as he was told, still looking at Tang Ji expectantly, waiting for a definite answer from him.

"I am." Tang Ji finally responded to the other party, then turned around and drove away, leaving only a few Valentinos standing there dumbly.

Tang Ji arrived at Night City at around two o'clock in the afternoon. After walking around in Night City, he identified his location based on the remains of some buildings, and finally made up his mind to move towards the central area.

At this time, the news of Tang Ji's return had begun to spread in Night City.

Because one of the soldiers told the story clearly, the matter has reached the ears of Valentino's senior officials, such as Gusvota, John Fleming, and Luther.

Yes, with the development of Valentino, people like Fleming and Luther who have the means, power, and team naturally become important figures around Gusvota and hold high positions.

Of course, Valentino's senior management also includes several Mikkelsen clones, but few people know about it.

Because of Tangji's special nature, Gusvota had to urgently convene a high-level meeting.

"I have already asked about the situation at that time. We will not care whether this matter is true or not for the time being. Let's treat this matter as true." Gusvota opened the meeting and set the tone for today's meeting.

He was probably the one who had the deepest impression on Tang Ji among all the people.

Gusvota has known Tangji since he first emerged. Of course, their status was very different at that time. He was a rising star of the Valentino Gang and the successor chosen by Scimitar.

, and Tangji Tangji is just a law enforcer who is said to be very tough.

Soon after, Tangji gradually gained a bit of fame in Night City, while Gusvota focused on reforming the gang management system and setting traps with those old foxes.

Gusvota's first head-to-head confrontation with Tangji can be traced back to that unique seashell dance drag race.

Then, Tang Ji transformed into a troublesome figure who made the entire city powerless and a dangerous figure who made the entire federation helpless. Finally, he became a legend that the entire world admired.

Gusvota experienced the whole process of ignoring Tang Ji, looking down on Tang Ji, looking squarely at Tang Ji, not looking at Tang Ji if he was disrespectful, and looking up to Tang Ji, so he would never take any news related to Tang Ji lightly.

"We must be vigilant and send people to search and find out the purpose of his coming here!" A senior member of the old Valentino gang who had entered the shelter a few days ago expressed his suggestion with a trembling voice.

Judging from the sound, his blood pressure is now conservatively estimated to be above 160.

"Why are you so nervous?" Luther raised a different opinion. He was the second most relaxed among everyone present. After all, he had erected a sculpture for Angelina. It might become the most cost-effective in his political career.


"We are not that regional gang now, okay? We are a country, a local force that is working to restore the light of human civilization!" Luther glanced at John Fleming and continued: "I don't think we are the same as

Is there any conflict between Tang and Ji?"

Many people present secretly rolled their eyes. Of course they knew Tang Ji's nature, but if you think that the federal government is so bad and big companies are also bad at each other, then you shouldn't treat the gangs as the foundation.

What to expect from the Big Valentino.

They were more thoroughly rotten, but compared to the looters running rampant in the wasteland, they were still a little better.

But this one is better, but it obviously cannot pass the quality audit of Tangji brand.

And now, Tang Ji's return means that he will intervene in all the things that he can't bear to see as long as he is unhappy, and Tang Ji is always unhappy. If there are no restrictions, the people who come to the meeting next month will

If they can fill half of the seats, these people are considered to have done good deeds and accumulated merit.

Night City, Night City, this poor place has never changed. They naturally like to live on other people's heads.

This chapter has been completed!
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