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Chapter 781 Changes in the copy

Chapter 784 Changes in the copy

The purpose of Mrs. Generosity's visit is simple and straightforward. She wants the Taha Gang to become partners and the player's body supplier.

Facts have proved that although those degraded clone bodies are cheap and easy to use, they cannot give players the growth curve that meets their expectations.

They cannot awaken to become superhumans, and because the cultivation time is too short, many reserve bodies have various hidden diseases, and most of these hidden diseases cannot be discovered until the players actually arrive.

At the same time, the life cycle of these degraded bodies is also very short, which makes it difficult for the pioneers to allow players who use the degraded bodies to use the Blood of Greed potion.

All of this ultimately makes it difficult for players who come into this world to get positive feedback during the game, so the morale of the players is low.

Moreover, the vast majority of the natural population is distributed in the Federation and the European Union. Due to the barrier of the Atlantic Ocean, it is difficult for the two sides to achieve mutual exchanges, and each has become an isolated island.

For the players, compared to the crisis-ridden Federal Continent, life in the European Union is undoubtedly easier. If possible, they naturally hope to stay away from Mikkelsen and Tanguy.

In short, Mrs. Generosity needs a stable body supply channel to increase the positive income of players, and the Taha Gang is currently the largest political entity in the European Union.

Thanks to the sound network of underground facilities and Tianqi's recent ride on the coalition forces, although the Taha Gang is not a refuge in terms of material reserves, it is still better than a refuge. Therefore, today, the Taha Gang's general

The population has exceeded 700,000

If it weren't for a superpower like Big Valentino who adapts to the birth of the version, the Taha Gang could completely remove the restrictions of the European Union and say that they are the largest political entity in the future of Apocalypse.

Boyle only realized this a week after he woke up. All his ideas for the Taha Gang were lagging behind the original version. Under the leadership of Philip, the Taha Gang was no longer the Taha Gang, and it was not just the Taha Gang.

Party, but the Republic of Taha!

Of course, this was also the main reason why Mrs. Generosity came to the door. She didn’t want to waste too much time, so she simply looked for the biggest one.

Because of the different authority, Mrs. Generous has a better understanding of the company and the goals and bottom lines of the three major committees. In other words, these goals were originally submitted by Mrs. Generous.

Now the mother world is determined to get the secrets of this world. They don't care how many bottom players will die. Tangji's biggest deterrent to players no longer exists!

It's just that this point has not been fully rolled out yet, and the company itself is still hesitant, but Mrs. Generosity knows that sooner or later they will compromise, because - this is the will of the Supreme Being.

"It's you, Mrs. Generosity. After experiencing those terrible things, I feel deeply honored to see you again in such an environment." Boyertaha's somewhat rickety figure walked out of the ruins in the sun, and just

Standing opposite Mrs. Generous like this, I bent down with some emotion to hold Mrs. Generous's hand and kissed it, expressing my welcome to the lady's visit.

Mrs. Bountiful had only seen Boyle in documents before, but to Boyle, Mrs. Bountiful naturally didn’t need to be said much.

Before the Apocalypse, the Taha Gang also participated in the war with the players as a part of the coalition forces. With Boyle's caution, he almost remembered all the high-ranking players among the players.

What's more, Mrs. Generosity has an extremely eye-catching appearance, and any man will never forget such a person.

Mrs. Generosity seemed to be very satisfied with Boyle's attitude, and a smile broke out on her face: "I took the liberty to come here without bringing any gifts. I can only use this small means to increase our friendship. Please wait a moment.


Boyle was stunned for a moment, not understanding the meaning of Mrs. Generosity's words, but after just ten seconds of waiting, Mrs. Generosity nodded with satisfaction: "Our people have just helped you clean up the hidden objects in the tower.

There are nine Mikkelsen clones in the Harbin Gang. Obviously, you are no longer under Mikkelsen’s secret surveillance.”

Boyertaha's eyes immediately widened, with a trace of surprise and anger flashing in his eyes.

Mikkelsen had an insider in District 13. He could understand that although he didn't have much contact with him, veterans like Boyle had already heard of Mikkelsen's style. What surprised him was who was it?

It's Mikkelsen's clone. Even the Taha Gang can't figure it out. Why do the players know it?

Angry is angry. His District 13 seems to have been penetrated like a sieve. Those people can not only find Mikkelsen's secret identity, but also have the strength to carry out assassinations in District 13!

Even Mikkelsen's death is unclear, so how much room for resistance can the senior leaders of the Taha Gang have?

This makes Boyle naturally the weaker party in possible negotiations.

"Very good, now we can talk openly and honestly." Mrs. Generosity didn't seem to think that taking Mikkelsen's flag was a big deal at all. She already knew Mikkelson's current predicament.

Although nine Mikkelsens died, the other Mikkelsens knew nothing about it. They could only wait until a clone planned to create a new clone, and that clone would realize that other clones had accidents, but

He had no idea how big the accident was or how long ago it happened.

This change has drastically reduced Mikkelsen's threat. At least Mrs. Generous plans to ignore Mikkelsen directly.

"We need physical bodies, and you need safety and supplies. I think we can reach an agreement." Mrs. Generosity stated her request: "I can guarantee that you will not suffer retaliation from the coalition forces for this."

Boyle's expression was very wonderful. Mrs. Generosity was just here to discuss business, and she was just here negotiating the terms with herself, as if everything around her, these ruins, the bones in the ruins, and the lives lost, had nothing to do with them.


"You are humiliating me, ma'am." Boyle tried his best not to pull out his gun and shoot Mrs. Bountiful.

Although he knows that it is just a mantis trying to control the situation, at least he can express his attitude!

"Area 13 is a very large area. Your people are really good at digging holes. Even Mikkelsen can't fully figure out how many secret passages you have, right?" Mrs. Generosity still said with a smile: "

So I guess you actually don’t remember how many tunnels you dug, so you can’t conduct a systematic census.”

"So, before you agreed, some players have already lurked into your underground shelter. Although I don't want to say it, this time I am just informing you politely." Mrs. Generous shook her head: "

How do you say that? Oh, by the way, those who know the current affairs are called heroes."

After Mrs. Generosity finished speaking, she reached out and snapped her fingers in the air. A large explosion suddenly occurred in District 13, and the thick black smoke could be seen clearly from here.

"Our people have planted a total of 300 bombs of varying powers in the past few months, twelve of which are nuclear bombs." Mrs. Generous asked again: "Now, can we talk?"

Boyer Taha stared hard at Mrs. Generosity's pretty face, and finally sighed: "What do you want?"


Madagascar, formerly the province of Fianarantsoa.

At this time, there is no Fianarantsoa province here. Under the special care of Mikkelsen, this was once one of the 780 blasting points on the Apocalypse.

The power of the phased array nuclear explosion device directly tore this land into pieces, removing more than ten meters of material from the surface. But what really made it disappear was the rise in sea levels.

As the ice caps of the Arctic and Antarctic melted, and a large amount of dust material was blown into the sea by big storms, the sea level rose year by year. Eventually, two-thirds of the island of Madagascar was submerged below the sea level, leaving only the plateau in the central region.

Tenaciously exposed above the sea level.

Apart from this, the only thing standing above sea level is the copy that once stood in the province of Fianarantsoa.

It is like an invisible but bounded square Rubik's Cube that drains away the surrounding seawater. The five exposed sides reflect the sky and the sea at the same time. Whenever the waves hit the edge of the 'Rubik's Cube', a dazzling light will bloom.

Complex refraction.

Villalba is considered a local, but of course he himself does not have the concept of a local. He was born after the Apocalypse, and his parents were survivors on a large ship.

It was a large ship similar to the Moonlight Gold, with a certain degree of submarine capability. It was the most reliable evacuation plan that a group of middle-class people in the European Federation could think of. Unfortunately, they chose the wrong route. Although

He successfully survived the apocalypse, but ended up crashing into the Rubik's Cube.

Villalba's parents were both lucky and unfortunate. They survived the shipwreck. The ship got stuck on the invisible Rubik's Cube. Most of the crew members were killed immediately. A few survivors survived.

Survived tenaciously in the cabin that was not flooded.

But these people lost most of their supplies and had to rely on diving to fish for a living starting in NC-13, when Villalba was only six years old.

There is a never-ending storm on the sea level, and they have to dive to 70 meters below the sea level to find some peace. Some algae have become their main food source, but this is far from enough.

However, the brilliance of human nature bloomed in this small space. The survivors did not choose to eat the same kind, but chose to end their lives decently, leaving the hope of life to a few children. Villalba is

one of them.

Of course, he is the last one now.

Even as the big storm weakens, it is difficult for them to get enough food. Hunger, disease, and hypothermia are all the enemies that this group of children have to face. With the oldest child drowned, the remaining children are alone.

One died in various accidents.

The young Villalba has lived in such a confused way until now. The last time he spoke was one thousand one hundred and twelve days ago.

This sea, this Rubik's Cube, all belong to him alone.

Villalba now has a small 'home' floating above the sea level near the Rubik's Cube. He dives underwater every day at noon when the temperature is the warmest to find some food for himself.

I don’t know since when, Villalba no longer needs those auxiliary equipment to dive underwater, and over the years, he has never choked or suffocated like other children.

Villalba can breathe underwater, and his skin is covered with light blue scales. If there were adults alive back then, they would tell him that he was a superhuman, but he was not, and Villalba was not.

Tomoe doesn't care either.

He didn't know why he was living. It seemed to be just the inertia of life. Those friends in his memory all tried their best not to lose their breath. They all wanted to struggle to live, so Villalba felt that he should also take care of himself.

To survive, life goes on like this.

For Villalba, the entire world is made up of three parts, the sky, the sea, and the Rubik's Cube.

The sky is beyond his reach, and the sea is ruthless. There is only the Rubik's Cube, which seems to connect the sky and the sea. When the wind and waves are big enough, it will shine and illuminate the underwater darkness for Villalba.

So Villalba worshiped the Rubik's Cube. He walked along the Rubik's Cube day after day and knew everything about the Rubik's Cube.

Until one day, Villalba saw a boat on the sea that was completely different from his boat speeding towards the Rubik's Cube, and his world view completely collapsed.

In this world, besides the sky, the sea, the Rubik's Cube, and him, there are other things.

"What is that?" Player Nold looked at Villalba rowing in the distance with a telescope, a trace of surprise flashed across his face. Before coming to this world, the training he received told him that this was a very technological thing.

world, but what is that in the distance on the sea? Primitive man? Or fish-man?

"I guess he's a local aboriginal?" Another player took the telescope and saw Villalba, and said nonchalantly: "It's not like you haven't seen this kind of aboriginal who is out of touch with the times before. Give him a shot when he passes by.


"How about a bet on who can hit him?" Several players on the boat suddenly became interested and stood up to join the game.

They were sent by the pioneers to investigate the situation in the Madagascar dungeon. The previous dungeon of the circular defense zone in the Ardennes Forest could not be entered normally, so these selected hard-working players could only set out from the Red Sea Strait and travel thousands of miles away to come here to have a look.

The reason why the situation is the Red Sea Strait is because there is the closest ship to Madagascar that the player can find.

Villalba just stared blankly as the people on the boat in the distance aimed at him with an iron pipe, and then a bullet hit his chest. These players had perfected their marksmanship during the few months at sea.


However, the bullet hit Villalba's chest and was directly deflected by the scales. It only made Villalba feel a little pain.

Villalba felt that he was offended. He picked up the fish that he usually polished when he was free, jumped into the water with a splash, and then rushed out like a torpedo!


This chapter has been completed!
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