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Chapter 784 Wu Qianyings new ideas

Chapter 787 Wu Qianying’s new ideas

Tang Ji, or Wu Qianying, did receive a distress signal from the Taha Gang, but Dr. Wu did not directly let Tang Ji be pulled by Surul across half of the earth to put out the fire like a firefighter.

They were doing this before the Apocalypse. Facts have proved that this fire is inextinguishable and has even had a certain degree of backlash. I don’t know since when, it seems that fighting against players has become Tang Ji’s own business.

When the coalition was established, they even had to pay a certain political price to draw people into their camp.

Wu Qianying has always felt that this is an act of putting the cart before the horse. Players' threats are not only directed at Tang Ji. On the contrary, Tang Ji may be the person in the world who least needs to worry about threats from players.

It’s just that before, Tang Ji was like an irritable groundhog, unable to control himself when he saw players. But now, Tang Ji, who has not experienced so many things, is much easier to control and persuade than before.

Wu Qianying just stated that letting the players spread out their plans would help them find the rules of the players' actions, so Tang Ji calmly agreed to the plan.

She is not lying, but is really looking for the player's 'weakness.'

Players' recent activities near the ring fortification copy have attracted Wu Qianying's attention. After gaining control of Base Zero, Dr. Wu had sixteen satellites in orbit in her hands, and she spent a few days

The identification algorithms of several satellites have been rewritten so that they can penetrate the influence of stratospheric debris and conduct more accurate ground reconnaissance.

Among them, the two copies left by the players are the key observation objects.

Players are in frequent contact with the two dungeons, but they have encountered a little trouble near the two dungeons.

Near the Ardennes Forest, the enthusiastic Wolfgang had just secretly attacked a player, leaving the players who were cooperating with him in a state of surprise, but they didn't know what happened.

Wolfgang knew that he could not kill the player directly, he was just deliberately 'cultivating' the player's habit of thinking that this area was a dangerous area.

As the most versatile of the Seven Deadly Sins, Wolfgang himself can’t even remember how many supernatural abilities he has. Especially after advancing to the LV3 stage, he has a feeling of breaking the boundaries between abilities and being able to interact in dreams.


Reflected in the real world, Wolfgang's ability is actually closer to the level of 'all your wishes come true'. Of course, its scope will naturally not exceed those ability combinations that Wolfgang has already devoured.

It's just that he has eaten so many superhuman beings that his abilities are as complicated as an encyclopedia of supernatural abilities.

At the moment, Wolfgang is repeatedly experimenting with how he should intervene in the body so that he can truly perceive the existence of the player in the body.

He tried to use jealous mind control, but obviously the player's descending behavior and the mind control ability exerted by Wolfgang are on two different tracks. He could not control the consciousness of those players. If he used force, he would get nothing.

The result is that the player's consciousness is directly disconnected.

Therefore, Wolfgang has been changing different abilities to cope with the arrival of players, such as parasitizing his own flesh and blood on the body, so that the body will gradually genetically transform into himself after the player arrives, such as taking risks and directly using

The method of soul conversion tried to exchange souls with players, but all these attempts failed.

In the end, Wolfgang could only look shy. After Wu Qianying and Tang Ji appeared at the same time, he took the initiative to contact Dr. Wu Qianying and expressed his hope to get Tang Ji's help. If Tang Ji didn't have time, a scarlet disciple would do it.


But as said before, Dr. Wu’s purpose is not to eliminate players, but to find a complete solution to players’ problems.

So after a short communication, Wolfgang decided to bring his own dry food to Dr. Wu, because in terms of cake painting alone, the cakes painted by Dr. Wu were larger than Mikkelsen's cakes.

"I need you to find out the purpose of their activities near the copy of the Ardennes Forest Ring Defense Zone. Since Tang Ji's power can penetrate the two worlds and project damage to the mother world, there must be a connection between the two worlds.

I don’t know, I don’t understand the connection point, my purpose is to find it and then use it.” When Wu Qianying spoke, her expression and tone were calm, as if she was stating that the sun will rise every morning, which is convincing.

"The two copies left by the players are the only evidence of their existence other than the act of coming, and they are also the only samples we can start to study." Wu Qianying not only explained her purpose, but also told Wolfgang in detail

Explaining his thinking: "Now, due to the interference of unknown reasons, players cannot enter the dungeon. This is our opportunity. We may be able to find the problem from their thinking."

Look at people!

This was Wolfgang's first idea. Compared to Riddler Mikkelsen, Dr. Wu Qianying didn't bother to consider the gains and losses of interests and politics. She just simply proposed ideas and then left the problem to the people who specifically solved the problem.

Solve it yourself.

This is also a cooperation model between academia and applied technology. Wu Qianying is a rare boss who straddles the two fields, so she knows better what problem solvers need.

After receiving strategic guidance from Wu Qianying, Wolfgang, an old monster who had lived for nearly three hundred years, came up with several ideas in the blink of an eye and immediately put one of them into practice.

"Head, something seemed not quite right just now." A player following 071 said with some confusion.

"What's wrong?" 071, who had just been lying on the edge of the instance looking for problems bit by bit, looked back at the player in confusion and asked.

At this time, 071 is leading the team to move around the circular defense zone. Their mission is not clear, because even the company and the three major committees have not found the reason for the mutation in the copy, so they can only use this method to spread the manpower to pull the net.

A stupid way to troubleshoot to find the cause.

Anyway, this is not the first abnormal point in this world, so as long as Mrs. Generosity is sure that someone is advancing the tasks of the company and the three major committees, she will no longer pay attention here, leaving only these players to do cool work here.

But what 071 didn't know was that at that moment, Wolfgang, who had been secretly observing them, had pulled the entire team of players into a fantasy world, and it was also a parallel fantasy world distributed based on head count.

The player currently seen by 071 is not a real player, but a parallel mirror created by Wolfgang. All reactions come from the player himself, and the 071 currently seen by this player is also controlled solely by Wolfgang.


Wolfgang, who has an exquisite mind, easily controlled such a complex system with as many as thirty-two parallel illusions, projecting each player's reaction into other illusions in parallel, but he projected some of them

Past images have been modified.

For example, right now, the player image in front of 071 is asking with just the right amount of confusion: "Boss, do you know what's going on with this dungeon? Why do you suddenly ask us to do such a stupid job?"

"Listen, I don't know what's going on." 071 sighed. He felt that he might have been exiled here to do this kind of work because he had secretly complained about the cowardice of the old pioneers before, so he felt a little uncomfortable.

He replied patiently: "In short, this is the highest contribution task assigned directly by the planning department, do you understand? Do it well, otherwise when those achievement explorers come in, this kind of job will not be your turn."

The player nodded in understanding and turned back to do his own thing.

But 071 was destined to not be able to spend a quiet time today. Within a few minutes, another sighing player walked up to 071 and found a topic to chat with.

The same thing was repeated in the thirty-two illusions. Almost every player received similar treatment, and the information Wolfgang obtained from it also increased significantly, and the number of topics he could initiate conversations also increased.


It's a pity that to control so many illusions at the same time, you have to consider the coherence of each projection. Even Wolfgang has difficulty maintaining it, especially as the branches in each illusion gradually increase, it becomes more and more difficult to control.

Of course, what really made Wolfgang decide to stop in the end was concealment.

Because with more and more exchanges between players in the fantasy world, some people have begun to become familiar with each other.

In order to prevent others from finding out that he was unable to perform, Wolfgang simply used one of his abilities at the moment he pulled everyone out of the illusion, turning himself into an alien similar to the movie "Alien" series, and struck out like lightning.

, instantly killed four of the loudmouths with the strongest communication skills.

Then, in the eyes of all the players with great excitement, they turned around and disappeared into the wasteland.

"Fuck! What the hell is that!" Players asked each other excitedly and jealously, obviously very interested in the unexpected situations that occurred during the mission.

Wang Zhengdao also received a distress message from the Taha Gang, so he took the initiative to contact Wu Qianying and said that he could cooperate with Tang Ji at any time.

As Tang Ji's best partner, he is actually a little regretful that Tang Ji has not contacted him until now. However, as a 'lord', Wang Zhengdao will not complain about his plans in a communication channel that may be monitored.

Complain in person.

The impact of the big storm on Wang Zhengdao at this stage is probably more than half that of his previous return from the Federation to the European Union. Although Wang Zhengdao cannot fly around the world as he did before the Apocalypse, it is still a one-day round trip commute.


So after communicating with Wu Qianying about the time point, Lao Wang stepped from the Ark Organization Shelter to Shelter Zero with a lot of resentment.

"Old Tang, this is not interesting! I haven't seen you for so many years, and I won't take the initiative to report that you are safe when I come back." Wang Zhengdao saw Tang Ji standing behind Wu Qianying with a serious expression. He was complaining, but his face was full of anger.

Showed a smile.

How should I put it, although I knew that Tang Ji would definitely not die, the fact that there had been no news so quietly still made people feel a little unsure. Now, the shoe has finally fallen.

"He has lost his memory. It's an old joke, but it's useful." Wu Qianying pointed at Tang Ji and said with an expression that said she wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh: "I would like to introduce you to you, an outstanding employee of the Night City Law Enforcement Bureau, the guardian of the community, and the nemesis of criminals.

Enforcer Tangji!"

Wang Zhengdao didn't think it was funny. He couldn't laugh anyway. He had not forgotten that when he and Tang Ji met for the first time, although the other party looked calm on his face, he was still very panicked in his heart.

Tang Ji has experienced the baptism of the Red Sun Incident and completed the first kill of the player.

And now Tang Ji is far more immature than when they first met. This is not funny at all!

What they needed was the Tsarist nuclear bomb! After all the hard work, what they dug out of the nuclear arsenal was the 'little boy'!

"Is there no other way to recover?" As one of the people who knows Tang Ji best in the world, Wang Zhengdao didn't need Tang Ji himself to speak, and he felt the difference in the aura exuded by the other party.

Although Tang Ji was also taciturn, that kind of silence was the kind of silence that comes after seeing through the world and not wanting to ask questions.

But now, Tang Ji's silence is more like that of a wild beast that has entered a new environment and is carefully observing the world, maintaining silence with a hint of caution.

That's right, beast. Wang Zhengdao originally wanted to use "little animal" to describe Tang Ji, but the other party instantly felt the slander in his heart. He frowned slightly and gave him a sideways look, which immediately made Old Wang look bad.

How dare you be so presumptuous.

Obviously, I am still unhappy, just a little bit more immature.

"I think he will be fine in a year at most." Compared to Wang Zhengdao, Wu Qianying was obviously another elephant in the Colosseum. She directly said to Tang Ji: "Otherwise, we can find an opportunity to kill him."

It will be fine if Tang Anran is given a beating."

"You mean, Tang Anran did this?" Wang Zhengdao felt that his gossip memory was a bit insufficient today: "Is he awake?"

"Man is still on the moon, but his consciousness has become a monster in the dream world. Now the big storm is running under his control. Otherwise, why do you think you can use your supernatural powers unscrupulously?" Wu Qianying smiled dangerously.

, obviously obsessed with Tang Anran's little butt.

"Actually, I'm not that able to use my powers unscrupulously." Wang Zhengdao corrected Wu Qianying's statement, and then he became even more upset. It turns out that the permission dog really exists, and it's quite embarrassing for you, Uncle Wang?!

"Okay, let's get back to the topic. You are the best space system user. I need your help for my new project." Wu Qianying opened a PPT file in front of Wang Zhengdao. The dense explanations on it instantly made Wang Zhengdao confused.

Zhengdao had a headache: "Theoretically, the process from the mother world to our world itself also involves the field of time and space jump. Now, what I can confirm is that the players must have used the fixed-line copy of our world in the process.

Part of it involves the spatial characteristics of the mother world, and I need you to help me analyze it."


This chapter has been completed!
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