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Chapter 787: Familiar with you

Chapter 790: Familiar with you

Nolde had no idea what was happening, but he just felt that the ship he was on suddenly shook, and then began to tilt at a large angle. Only then did he realize that the battleship he was on had been penetrated.

This is the most common attack method of the water monster. It will approach the battleship from underwater like a torpedo, and then directly ram through the battleship and watch it sink.

When Nold climbed up from the deck, his face was covered in blood, and his brow bone was scratched on the console in front of him.

The players on the bridge staggered up one by one, complaining to each other, but no one was really angry, they just regarded this as an impressive adventure.

As for whether the mission can be completed, and how long it will take after the battleship sinks this time, they don't care at all. After all, most of them are ordinary players, and the word responsibility is not linked to them at all.

But as the leader of this operation, Nolde immediately realized that there seemed to be something on the bridge, which made the indigenous crew members silent.

Then he heard someone whisper the name Tangji.

This name spread quickly among the indigenous people like a curse, and soon turned into screams.

"Tang Ji! Tang Ji is here! We are dead!"

"Impossible! Isn't he dead?"

Nolde had heard the name several times, but he didn't pay much attention. He felt that the old pioneers were scared out of their wits.

But now for the first time Nolde saw the intimidating power of this name. When he saw several aboriginal crew members, he almost did not hesitate to take out his pistol and kill himself.

The level of decisiveness and fierceness made him think that the consciousness of the natives had been overwritten by the players.

However, when he saw several pioneers also taking out their pistols and killing themselves as quickly as possible, Nolde was afraid.

The legends about Tang Ji that he actively inquired about, or heard passively, began to turn into fear, attacking his consciousness.

For a moment, Nolde wanted to use a pistol to give himself pleasure like those people, but he could not convince himself to just run away in front of an aborigine.

Tang Ji walked on the deck, passing over the dying people like the black god of death. The black windbreaker dripped with sea water, leaving behind black footprints on the deck.

Who is the player? Who is the naturalized person? In fact, it doesn't matter at all, Tang Ji has no intention of keeping him alive.

Although the adjustment has lost some memories and lacks the unforgettable hatred for players before the Apocalypse, Tang Ji is still Tang Ji, and he is naturally full of disgust towards players, creatures that create chaos.

Tang Ji sprinkled death on everyone's head fairly, with one bullet for each person. Soon the deck returned to silence, leaving only Norde and a few lucky ones who didn't block Tang Ji's path.

Players are hanging on for dear life.

Is he Tangji? Can he really kill the player? Nold huddled behind the console, holding his breath, praying that he wouldn't find him.

But what actually exposed his existence was the sound of his heartbeat. He was so nervous that his heart was beating vigorously like a war drum.

As the little leader of this mission, the data that Nold received was naturally the one with the best quality. He was a naturalized person who was only 30 years old, had outstanding physical fitness, and was handsome. He chose to enter hibernation before the Apocalypse.

I slept until NC-25 years,

He couldn't accept the world becoming like this, so he simply gave up on his future and dedicated his body to his faith.

At this time, Nolde regretted extremely that he had chosen this overly healthy body. Even he could hear his own heartbeat clearly, let alone Tangji?

He kept trying to control himself and calm down so that he could log off in time, but he failed until Tang Ji came to him.

Nolde choked up when he saw Tangji holding up the scary big revolver.

He had never felt that the weapons of the aboriginal people of this world were so terrifying before. After all, he had been to several worlds before, and in those worlds, he had been a frightening warrior, mastering the weapons skillfully.

Although most of those memories of how to use dozens of different types of weapons have been erased, Nold still feels that the weapons in this world are very girly.

After all, a small stick that can generate fire can be very scary. It was only today that Tang Ji pointed it at his forehead, and Nolde finally understood the horror of hot weapons in this world.

"Don't kill me!" Nolde finally chose to succumb to the fear of death, but at that moment, he was sure that he felt an unprecedented stimulation.

He had never experienced excitement in his life. At this moment, he even felt that he was a little bit more reasonable than those lunatics from the Death Worship Cult.

"A coward is exactly what we need." Tang Ji calmly took out a plastic box containing injections, opened it, and threw an injection to the other party: "Give yourself an injection, and then you can live."

That medicine was developed by Dr. Wu Qianying in his spare time. It is an emergency medicine used to replace the electronic restraint ring. It can replace the electric current and stimulate the heart every few seconds, preventing the player from going offline smoothly for four hours.

Of course, the side effects are quite serious. If you use four such medicines in a row, a healthy person will almost have a heart attack. However, at this time, no one will shout such nonsense that the life of the body is also life.

Nolde gave himself a shot without hesitation, and then felt a stinging pain, and his whole body curled up like a shrimp.

But after watching Tang Ji turn his gun and send several of his colleagues away with a few bangs, Nold felt that he was worth it again. Now he even hoped that the legends about Tang Ji were true and that those players really

He will die, but his ugly behavior will not be posted on the forum.

A few minutes later, Tang Jilin, the dog-like Nolde, stood on the deck. The entire battleship was tilted at an angle of more than 30 degrees. The aboriginal sailors who did not know what happened on the Cambridge were frantically injecting water in the reverse direction under the organization of the damage control team.

, this end brings the angle of the ship back.

The people on the bridge died so quickly. The crew on the deck and in the cabin didn't even know it was Tang Ji who attacked the ship. They thought it was the superhuman in the water who did it.

Such attacks have happened many times recently. The fish-man-like superhuman does not have the ability to destroy a battleship head-on. He needs more than ten nautical miles of acceleration to accelerate himself fast enough to ram through the battleship.

, and then without stopping, accelerated directly and escaped from the other side.

Otherwise, crew members and players equipped with large-caliber armor-piercing projectiles can easily penetrate his defense with their weapons.

Villalbaña suffered a lot in the first few contacts. He had no idea that other weapons existed. If it weren't for his childhood memories and the teachings of the survivors before they died, he might have fought with him.

There is no difference between the fish in this sea.

He was shot three times, the first two shots, the bullet penetrated the muscle and bone and broke one of his calves. If it weren't for the tough skin, he would have been disabled at that time, but fortunately Villalba found himself in the sea

The speed of wound recovery is much stronger than on the water.

However, even so, his legs have not fully recovered until now, and Villalba's speed in the water is much slower than before.

The third shot was the one he had just received a few minutes ago. An Apocalypse passing through the sky used its own onboard cannon to fire from the sky. A large-caliber, armor-piercing bullet hit his shoulder blade from diagonally above.

It was injected in the posterior position and passed through the fifth rib, making a big hole.

Villalba's speed slowed down at that time. If Tangji hadn't happened to fall from the sky, he might have died today.

But now Villalba was fished out by Wang Zhengdao, and he was thrown on the deck, maintaining his weak breathing. He glanced at Wang Zhengdao and Tang Ji with his pure eyes, sighed, and just closed his eyes, as if

Accepted his fate.

He thought they were on the same team as those bad guys driving boats.

But immediately after Wang Zhengdao injected a dose of therapeutic needle into Villalba, the surging vitality from the gluttony gene immediately exploded in the body of the foolish boy!

Villalba groaned, feeling that the wound on his abdomen slowly began to heal, a little faster than when it was in the water!

"Thank you," Villalba said in a daze. His holy brain was temporarily unable to handle the intrigues in human society. He had only accepted the concept of enemies for a few days.

It would be too complicated for him to understand the relationship between humans, players and pioneers.

Villalba only knew that as the wound gradually healed, he clearly felt hungry, so he directly said to Wang Zhengdao: "I'm hungry, I need it, go to the sea to fish and eat!"

When he encountered a shipwreck, he was already 6 years old, and he had lived with a group of survivors for several years. Daily communication was no problem, but he had not had any occasion to communicate in the past ten years, so

My language skills have deteriorated a bit, but I am quickly picking them up again.

Seeing Wang Zhengdao nodding, Villalba turned around and jumped directly from the edge of the deck into the sea.

As the leader of a force, Wang Zhengdao naturally knows how useful an aquatic superhuman can be.

Since the corporate war, the ecological environment of the sea has been destroyed, making it difficult for humans to continue to obtain natural gifts from the sea. It seems to have completely closed the door to humans.

First came offshore fisheries, then offshore fisheries, and then shipping. Finally, only some specially treated ships were left on the ocean to safely cross the ocean. The high costs were unacceptable to all logistics groups.

Back then, Mikkelsen had a superhuman named Neptune, and God knows how much dirty work he did for Mikkelsen secretly.

But now, Wang Zhengdao sees in Villalba a potential that far exceeds that of Neptune.

He knew that Tang Ji wouldn't care about such a thing, so Wang Zhongdao was unscrupulously wooing this fish-man boy.

The Ark organization's shelter was originally built underwater. With such an aquatic superhuman joining, Wang Zhengdao would probably laugh out of his dreams.

At this time, on other battleships outside the fleet, the players still don’t know what happened on this ship. They are using artillery fire to cover the area where Villalba may enter and exit according to the original plan.

Compared with the vastness of the sea, these ships scattered into the sea are like a few sesame seeds scattered in the desert. The distance between the ships is very far. When you look at it from above, you don’t feel that far away.

But in fact they can only communicate with each other using semaphore.

At this time, he saw that Nord's ship was under attack, and the two closest ships had begun to speed up and get closer.

"Dr. Wu Qianying gave us a chance to catch more people alive. I have to ask you to send them over." Tang Ji pointed to the player captives at his feet: "By the way, bring back some food and drink. I think you will be the best in a short time."

No progress can be made."

Wang Zhengdao nodded, he was ready for a protracted war.

In any case, the plan proposed by Dr. Wu Qianying at least sounds more promising than that bastard Mixon's plan.

Even if it is also a dead end, Wang Zhengdao would rather die on the road looking for opportunities to fight back.

For this reason, he even abandoned the Ark organization, which was undergoing reintegration, and once again left his responsibilities behind.

Of course, Wang Zhengdao cannot rule out his escape mentality. He feels extremely unfamiliar with the current Ark organization. Even if he wants to reform, he has no way to start.

It was not a waste of time to send Nord back to Shelter Zero. Wang Zhengdao also spent a few minutes going back and forth. When he returned to the deck of the previous ship, he saw Tang Ji picking up a cannonball with his bare hands.

, and threw it back towards another battleship from a distance.

Facts have proved that in this era without artillery radar, the accuracy of the artillery shells thrown by Tang Ji with his bare hands was much higher than that of the unskilled gunners on the opposite side.

Tang Ji's first hit hit, and the shell explosion left a large gap in the surface of the ship's hull.

However, those desperate players were angered by Tang Ji's counterattack and ordered the aboriginal crew to turn on their horsepower and approach the sinking warship at a faster speed.

However, maybe someone among the aboriginal crew saw Tang Ji's face clearly, or maybe the player who committed suicide and quit posted the news about Tang Ji's appearance to the forum in time.

When there were still 400 to 500 meters to go, he suddenly braked and started to reverse to try to distance himself.

But how can a player who has fallen into Tang Ji's eyes escape so easily?

Villalba watched in the water as Tang Ji smashed the deck of the ship with his foot. He shot away like a sharp arrow from the string! He directly crashed into one of the warships. In a short time, he was

Accompanied by a violent explosion, it burst out from the other side of the ship.

And Wang Zhengdao appeared near the ship with a tacit understanding and screened the players for Tang Ji. Just like in the past, all those who were identified were directly transferred to Wang Chuandao and sent to a free fall at an altitude of 25,000 kilometers.

Wang Zhengdao has tested it many times. In this free fall state, players cannot log off normally. We have already learned from experience!


This chapter has been completed!
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