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Chapter 818 The place where the real copy is established

"Great Tlaloc, we have discovered a group of infiltrators, and they seem to be aware of your existence." The officer in green military uniform stood in front of Tlaloc's incarnation with some anxiety: "The guards only caught one infiltrator.

, but he is a non-human with steel and iron bones, and he suddenly exploded when we caught him."

In the large bunker of the Federal Intelligence Agency in central Mexico, in the room set up as a reception hall by Tlaloc, an officer was reporting on the situation they had just discovered.

In fact, Tlaloc knew very well that the infiltrator must be a mechanical agent sent by the ghost.

I'm afraid that in this wasteland world, apart from Mikkelsen and Dr. Wu Qianying, only Ghost still retains such a level of technology.

Whether the first two knew of its existence is still a question. After all, from an 'official' level, there is almost no difference between Tlaloc and the ghost. If it weren't for some accidents, Tlaloc would have been a ghost.

It's just a backup server.

But it is obvious that the technology of soul digitization is already at the forefront of human scientific exploration. Even without more data, Ghost cannot accurately calculate the relationship between General Martinez’s soul and this so-called special machine.

What will happen when Larocque's hosts are combined?

So to put it simply, Specter has failed in this regard. It not only lost supercomputing centers like Tlaloc, but also almost the entire Mexican region.

But Tlaloc is not without defensive measures. As early as the beginning of the Apocalypse, the first thing he started to do was to protect himself from the inside out. After all, his personification was General Martinez. You know, even if

It was Tang Ji who wanted to dig him out from the Fort Hood military base, but it took a long time.

Without the constraints of the federal government and the interference of those politicians, General Martinez, who has gained super computing power and is completely digitalized, can be said to have improved his efficiency a thousand times, and the big storm spread for twenty

For five years, he also strengthened himself in this bunker for twenty-five years.

It's just that this time the mechanical agents sent by the ghost were too targeted. Not only could they disguise themselves as humans, but they also used an unknown technology to strengthen the coating, causing the various sensors deployed in the bunker by Tlaloc not to detect it.

to their existence.

However, the members of Tlaloc's army that Tlaloc had worked so hard to train were not machines after all. They keenly discovered that these mechanical agents left traces.

At this time, in this bunker, a mechanical agent code-named N7 is cracking the door to the database.

From the appearance point of view, it is almost the same as a normal human being, but in fact, under the simulated skin is an artificial human composed of carbon fiber skeleton and artificial fiber neurotechnology. Except for the brain, it has almost no real human parts.


In principle, n7 should not be classified as a mechanical agent. It is still essentially a human being, but it has completely abandoned its body, just like the player, only retaining its soul in the brain, and then through a

The artificial body realizes the interaction with the world.

There is no way, in fact, the ghost does not want to retain this human thing, but the residual power of the big storm is still there, and pure artificial intelligence has not been developed enough to deal with such a complex situation, so the ghost still retains the human part of n7.

The human name of n7 is Marco Owen. He was once an agent of the Intelligence Agency's operations team. Yes, he was one of the agents who was ruthlessly left to die outside the shelter by Tralock.

When the ghost realized that it had been tricked by Tlaloc, it only recovered a mere sixteen survivors with missing limbs.

So there is no need to say much about Marco Owen's hatred for Tlaloc. He came here to destroy Tlaloc.

There is a set of virus codes in Marco Owen's body that are enough to completely destroy Tlaloc. All he needs to do is enter the database and then upload the set of data in his body into the database.

Those data will naturally spread through the database to Tlaloc's body, and eventually the supercomputer will be completely formatted, allowing it to return to the ghost camp.

However, when Marco Owen worked hard and sacrificed almost all his companions to reach the door to the database, and used all his computing power reserves to crack the code lock of the door, he was desperate after opening the door.

Because behind the gate is a metal wall with a binary code engraved on it - 'Surprise, please don't look back to avoid pain'.

Marco Owen listened to the advice and did not look back. The next second, flames with a temperature of several thousand degrees erupted from the jet hole on his back, completely burning the mechanical body into rubbish.

"Wonderful, so wonderful." Mrs. Generosity applauded in the observation room not far away: "I didn't expect the competition between you to be so fierce. You, and the ghost, your feelings are so full,

There are so many things in this world that fascinate me.”

"It is naturally an honor for me to be able to enter your eyes, so can our cooperation continue?" Tralock's voice sounded in the room, and there was even a hint of urgency in his tone.

Tlaloc is no longer the general of the Federation, but he is still full of feelings for the world, very sincere feelings, and he hopes to save the world in his own way.

Under Tlaloc's skin, its core still belongs to General Martinez. He is a competent soldier, and can even be said to be the most competent soldier in the federation. His existence saves the last face of the entire federal government.

But it is precisely because he is a competent soldier that General Martinez can clearly see that in this war, mankind has no hope of victory.

The reason why he sat back and watched the Apocalypse Day happen was because in his calculations, the Apocalypse Day was indeed the last chance for mankind to win the entire war. Unfortunately, the players were obviously more tenacious than they expected, and they came back. Since then, mankind has

This civilization has completely lost hope of resistance.

General Martinez has now become Tlaloc. It has a cold heart and supreme computing power. It can clearly calculate every possibility and the ripples caused by the flapping wings of every butterfly.

It can clearly calculate whether a storm has developed from thousands of miles away.

But even so, it still cannot calculate the winning rate of humans.

It even calculated Wu Qianying's plan through its observation of Tang Ji and Wu Qianying during this period. But in Tralock's eyes, Wu Qianying's counterattack plan is actually no different from Mikkelsen's Apocalypse Plan. After all, they don't care about this world.

Ordinary people.

But Tlaloc is different. Tlaloc hopes that the world can get back on track one day in the future.

Thanks to the existence of ghosts, Tlaloc is almost sharing information about players with the database of Shelter Zero in many aspects. It naturally also knows that the world is very likely to eventually become 70 under the squeeze of copies.

Eight falls.

However, it also calculated the abnormal behavior of Mrs. Generosity and calculated that Mrs. Generosity had a completely different stance from the company and the mother world, so it planned to try another possibility.

Just like Dr. Wu Qianying and Mikkelsen don't care about the mortals in this world, Tlaloc actually doesn't care about Tang Ji, or in other words, he doesn't care about the Seven Deadly Sins and the superhuman interests behind the Seven Deadly Sins.

In its calculations, Mrs. Generous has a 43% chance of leaving the world after getting what she wants.

So Tlaloc chose to cooperate with Lady Bountiful, but first he had to know what Lady Bountiful wanted.

"I want Tang Ji and the secret behind Tang Ji." Mrs. Generosity seemed very frank in front of this cold machine and directly said what she wanted.

But both of them knew that this was both true and not true.

Obviously Mrs. Generosity wanted more, but she couldn't directly say what she wanted, couldn't even think about it, couldn't even hint at it.

So at this time, it is necessary to test whether both parties can reach cooperation by guessing each other's intentions. Teslalock obviously has a unique advantage in this regard. It can calculate millions or even tens of millions in a few seconds.

There are hundreds of millions of results, and in the next few seconds, the most likely one is selected one by one.

Mrs. Generosity needs Tang Ji, not because of intellectual curiosity, but because Tang Ji has proven to be an effective and extremely sharp blade that can pierce the mother world.

He is a weapon, not only the weapon that Dr. Wu Qianying imagined, but also the weapon that Mrs. Generosity hopes for.

"We abandoned the concept of miracle weapons many years ago." Tralock responded in a low tone in the room: "Because miracle weapons that often have high hopes are always used too much and are beyond the times.

Technology causes instability and cannot produce its intended effect.”

Mrs. Bountiful just smiled and watched Tralock guess her thoughts, but there was no response. She even changed her expression.

"I think cooperation should be frank, and at least pretend to give us a little respect." Tralock continued: "Otherwise, it would be hard for me to believe that after everything is over, the world can really get a chance to breathe, after all, I treat you like this

In terms of existence, a world is too insignificant."

But it was obvious that no matter what Tlalock said, Mrs. Generosity did not intend to respond. She just kept her smile. If she hadn't blinked occasionally, Tlalock even suspected that the soul in the body had gone offline.


"But the reason why the miracle weapon is called a miracle weapon is because it creates miracles when it works." Tralock did not feel discouraged in his tone, but calmly narrated: "Obviously, what the world needs now is a miracle.


"My people have discovered your base in Mexico. You said before that you need a war, a grand enough war. I think I can satisfy you." Tlaloc said this, knowing that his portrait represents thousands of people.

Tens of thousands of people died, but for the long-term interests and the future of this world, this was no choice.

And after experiencing such a huge sacrifice on the Apocalypse Day, the value of human life has been lowered once again in the semi-artificial intelligence, semi-digitized soul algorithm like Tlaloc.

After all, some people have already studded all the cards on the list, leaving it with nothing more than an endgame. It needs to find a new path in this ruins.

"Our war will soon attract unnecessary attention." Mrs. Generous seemed to have completely forgotten the previous conversation and only focused on the war where the copy was established: "I set up both the Ganges area and the Neon area.

In the war zone, they may attract some attention, but as long as Wang Zhengdao is there, no matter where Tang Ji wants to go, it will only be a matter of thought."

"I thought you needed Wang Zhengdao to witness all this." Tlaloc still maintained his calm tone and asked in the most straightforward and least likely to arouse suspicion.

"You are very sensitive, little calculator, but I will not discuss any issues with you in this regard." Mrs. Generosity said with a smile: "I have my plan."

"In this case, we can fight this war into a webway war." Tlaloc ignored the contempt in Mrs. Bountiful's tone and immediately came up with a reasonable suggestion: "There is a very complex underground under this land.

With the Internet, we can limit the scale of war to underground network channels, but of course this also limits the scale and intensity of war."

"Obviously for our players, these are not the decisive factors for whether the war is grand or not." Mrs. Generosity smiled. After all, before coming to this world, there are countless players who have never had a gun. They are used to swords and weapons.

Magical battle.

"In this case, should I say that in this transaction, both of us can get what we want?" Tralock asked with profound meaning.

"Perhaps, Tlaloc." Mrs. Bountiful responded with a smile that was also full of meaning.

"When should we officially start?" This was the last question Tlaloc asked.

Mrs. Generosity’s answer was simple: “Now.”

So just like that, after the Apocalypse, the largest war between humans and players began, and at this time Dr. Wu Qianying in Vault Zero knew nothing about it.

But in the dream, Tang Anran and the little prophet Fengchengyin had been waiting for this war to begin for a long time.

It can even be said that the reason why the little prophet Feng Chenyin has remained silent for so long is because he is worried that he will do something unintentionally and accidentally change the future.

But compared to Feng Chenyin's calmness, Tang Anran's mood is still a little heavy now. Until this point happened, he still hadn't found what he was looking for.

This chapter has been completed!
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