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Chapter 820 Building momentum

Odyssey Conway is a standard Texas redneck, and I am afraid he is also one of the few original rednecks who have survived from before the apocalypse to the present.

Before the Apocalypse occurred that year, he was lucky enough to be kidnapped near Tijuana, and was kidnapped by a group of Extensive Reading organizations all the way to Mexico City, intending to use them in exchange for a senior executive of the organization who was unfortunately arrested by federal law enforcement.

Then the unlucky kidnappers were killed by Tlaloc who took time to clean up the surrounding environment. Odyssey, as the rescued hostage, was temporarily placed in the residential area built by Tlaloc. As a result, something went wrong.

Next, when the Apocalypse happened, Tlaloc was lucky enough to be given a ticket to enter the sanctuary.

Odyssey Conway always felt that she was lucky enough to enter the shelter because of her flawless resume.

Not only is he a qualified 'cowboy', he has served as a soldier and fought in the war, but he is also a skilled veterinarian. He has been running his own herd for many years, and the quality of the beef he produces has always ranked first in his town.

But no matter how versatile Odyssey was before the Apocalypse, he now only holds a position as a technical soldier. He is a member of the Tlaloc Army, serving as a medic and part-time team commander.

Because of its special background, Tlaloc's army is full of young people who have just grown up. Apart from their passion and the skills they have developed in the shelter, they can be said to have no experience.

As for Odyssey, he had worked as a mercenary for the Texas Arms Group for a while. If those Mexican girls hadn't been too hot, he wouldn't have been taken away so easily by the kidnappers because of his weak legs.

So Odyssey, who had slept in the shelter of Tlaloc for more than twenty years, has now become the 'father' of this team. Because of Odyssey, this team is also called the Buffalo Team.

There are a total of twenty-four people in the Bison Team. In addition to Odyssey himself, there are three old popsicles who also spent the entire storm in the dormant cabin. These people basically have service experience and have good service records.

Tlaloc has been very thorough in this regard, and any retired soldiers who do not meet General Martinez's requirements will basically have no chance of entering its shelter.

So Odyssey's life was relatively easy. The Bison Team he commanded had made many meritorious deeds in the past six months, wiping out several small-scale raider tribes. The young people in the team had also been trained and looked more energetic than before.

too much.

This time, the Bison Team has become a pawn on the chessboard of Tlaloc and Lady Bountiful. The mission they just received is to go to the direction of Queretaro to detect the movements of players.

The most nervous person in the team may be Odyssey himself. After all, the young people in the team don't know what the players are or what kind of existence they represent. To them, the players are just another name.

Just predators.

Even the other three old popsicles in the team did not realize how difficult this task was. They were all natives of Mexico, and before the Apocalypse, Mexico had never been the main activity area for players.

Only in Odyssey did he actually meet the player.

Odyssey knew how those people were so excited that they spent half a month completely destroying the entire town, killing everyone in it, not even the animals, and truly leaving no one alive.

The reason is simply that they want to artificially create superhuman beings through pressure.

At that time, the federal government had not yet collapsed and the coalition had not yet been established, and Tanguy Tanguy was probably the kind of 'superhero' who paid little attention to remote areas. Anyway, Odyssey had never seen him be interested in border areas.

Of course, red necks are more accustomed to solving these problems on their own. As a temporarily recruited member of the National Guard, Odyssey participated in the siege of the players with more than two thousand others. The final result was that nearly two hundred of them died, while the players

After leaving behind more than a dozen naked corpses, everyone else left.

So in the memory of Odyssey, players are still in the so-called ‘first stage’——

At that time, the pioneers had hundreds of thousands of superhuman bodies stored in their hands, and even provided players who first came to this world with a guaranteed selection of superhuman bodies, as well as a global express dimensional door service, which was almost the player's choice.

This is the most prosperous period of this world.

At the same time, on the route of the Bison Team, another player team with a similar number of people, similar weapons and equipment, and similar tasks was also scouting forward.

In this player team, there are rookies with no Advent experience, and veterans with several Advent experiences, the ratio is almost four to one. Player teams with this combination are very common, and the Blazers tend to generously grant these willing

Reward new and old players with some extra points.

But even so, there are still many old players who are unwilling to do this kind of task. They think it is too waste of time, especially the newbies who will ask all kinds of stupid questions all the time, which is annoying.

Alberto 073 is a very patient old player. The professional tendencies he obtained in the previous worlds are all towards the Paladin style, so this time he will be selected first and come to this world.

"My eyes widened. If you don't want to use those cloned bodies next time you go online, you'd better protect the ones you are using now." Alberto 073 walked at the front and warned the rookies behind him.

They: "Don't underestimate the bodies you are using now. They are all native to this world, and they all have the potential to awaken and become superhuman."

"You have all heard of superhuman beings. They can ascend to heaven and earth, breathe fire and ice, just like the magicians you can see in other worlds. As long as your physical body can become a superhuman, you will immediately become rich."

Alberto 073 encouraged the rookies behind him: "Whether you plan to keep it for yourself or sell the body to others, you will all make a lot of money!"

Hearing what Alberto 073 said, the rookies' hearts were filled with excitement, and they suddenly felt that their original body, which looked very unhappy at first, became cute.

Only the veteran players in the team were holding back laughter in their hearts, because they knew that such words would deceive these rookies. Although the possibility of what Alberto 073 said does exist, from the time the server was launched until now, there has been no such thing.

Who has ever witnessed such a thing.

"Look at my physical body. I'm tall and strong. I'm a good material for awakening as a Red Warrior!" A rookie happily showed off his biceps to his companions. His body was that of a tall black man with muscles.

The lines are obvious and look really intimidating.

It's a pity that he is blind in one eye and wears an eye patch to cover up the data interface left after the prosthetic eye is removed.

This body obviously has many stories. There are many neural implants all over the body, but all of them were removed in order to adapt to the environment on the surface. However, the effect of the surgery was very poor, causing the body itself to endure pain all year round.

So in the end, after this body got an opportunity, he chose to dedicate his body to the players without hesitation, just as Mrs. Generous asked, working eight hours a day, six days a week, but at the same time

He also signed a liability exemption agreement. No matter what the player did with his body or what kind of damage was caused, it didn't matter to him even if it resulted in death.

Such a 'harsh' agreement ultimately resulted in a life of abundant food and clothing eight hours away, as well as unlimited amounts of 'pure things' produced by the Paradise Company before the Apocalypse.

Yes, players in this area have at least one warehouse filled with addictive compounds produced by Elysium Company. The good news is that even though they have been buried in the sand for more than twenty years, they are still more effective due to proper storage.

No less than before.

The bad news is that the reason why players purchased this batch of supplies was because Elysium Company was promoting a new product. The product’s slogan reads: “Containing 46% pure natural plant ingredients, it is a wonderful combination of tradition and modernity.

Top art of the new era!”

And now, time has proven that Elysian Paradise's advertisements deceive consumers. As long as they contain a trace of pure natural plant ingredients, these drugs will now go bad.

But fortunately, people who use this batch of drugs don't care about this small flaw at all. Whether they are old poisonous insects who survived before the Apocalypse Day, or new poisonous insects born after the Apocalypse Day, they are all equally excited because this product still exists.


Even the pioneers did not expect that after they expended so much effort in searching for celestial bodies in various shelters around the world, their efficiency was ultimately far less effective than these 'little gifts' from the old era.

Because of the enthusiastic pursuit of the body, many players have tried these addictive compounds after the advent, and the feedback from almost all players is that they have witnessed the existence of miracles.

So when the two reconnaissance teams looked at each other in the vast wasteland and discovered each other's existence, the rookies led by Alberto 073 almost made the same move in unison——

They reached into their arms and took out a small blue bottle with the Paradise Company logo printed on it, and took a deep breath into their mouths in unison.

"I've wanted to try this for a long time!" The players, whose eyes were red due to the stimulation of the Paradise Potion, instantly entered the state.

They don't need this addictive compound to avoid the fear of death and pain, but they obviously enjoy the double stimulation of fighting people in this excited state, which in turn triggers the secretion of adrenaline.

The conflict started very quickly and ended very quickly. The bison team led by Odyssey was no match for the players.

Those young people who blindly worshiped Tlaloc quickly collapsed under fear. If it weren't for the players' poor marksmanship, they might not have had the chance to retreat.

After losing one-third of his team, Odyssey took the remaining people and hid in a nearby mine, which was marked on their map by Tlaloc in advance.

In times of great storms, survivors on Mexican soil relied on these underground passages to escape the harsh surface environment.

And now, under the planning of Tlaloc and Lady Generous, these mines, tunnels, and underground passages once again have a new meaning of existence.

Of course, at this time, Odyssey did not know that his defeat and the evacuation route into the mine had been planned in advance. He only knew that he seemed to have accidentally broken into the players' secret operations underground.

Here they discovered a supply center left behind by players, as well as a communication trench that was unknown how many meters deep underground.

In his surprise, Odyssey did not notice the new openings at the edge of the tunnel and other places.

Among the underground passages all over this land, nearly half of the underground passages and underground spaces were newly dug after Tlaloc and Lady Bountiful reached an agreement.

Lady Bountiful has a reserve of superhuman bodies with the ability to do this, and Tlaloc also has several shield machines produced before the Apocalypse.

At the same time, Alejandro, who was also venturing deep underground, was also drilling holes, and he was drilling deeper and deeper. He was currently about 120 meters below the surface, and was located in No. 18 of Ganges 11 Shelter.


"Hey, you know, Rudolf, the 18th floor is an unlucky place in Asia." Frans glanced at the blood-stained wall. The orange number 18 looked extremely weird in the dim light.

"I don't know whether I should complain about the weird aesthetics of the Ganges people's color scheme first, or the fact that there is electricity in this damn place. It's a bit hard to choose." Gremory held the gun and widened his eyes, trying to find potential in the shadows.


Strictly speaking, the Cowboy Team has not received any supplies for more than twenty-six years, so their technical equipment has suffered heavy losses. Among the remaining members, less than one-third of them still have operational tactical eyepieces.

"This at least proves that their reactor is still running normally, but the lines are obviously aging seriously." Rudolf wiped the nameplate on the wall with his gloves: "Bad news, guys, there is a restaurant on this floor, and there is also a matching restaurant

Krill breeding tanks.”

The cowboy team has been in the shelter for forty-two hours. They have summed up a way of survival and have a basic understanding of the ecological environment here.

The simplest and most direct one is that things that take up more protein here will always be stronger.

And now Rudolf said that there is a restaurant here and a protein production factory, and everyone knows what this means.

With the pursuers behind them, another strong enemy appeared in front of them.

"Old rules, deploy explosives, then find a place to rest for fifteen minutes." As the strongest individual in the team, Alejandro also carried the most equipment and was dragging two wounded people in his hands.

Looking at the severely exhausted team members, Alejandro placed the wounded and equipment beside him, took a deep breath, and walked back to the passage he came from while carrying a long-edged machete.

Fifteen minutes of rest time, someone has to go behind and hold the monster back to get it

This chapter has been completed!
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