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Chapter 823 The Special Characteristics of Human Beings

The Mikkelsen Group, which is far away on the moon, can see Tang Anran sleeping peacefully in the sleeping cabin every day. He has countless opportunities to forcefully open the sleeping cabin to wake Tang Anran up and talk to him face to face.

But every time things came to a head, Mikkelsen hesitated. As we all know, Tang Anran was in poor health. The only reason why he was frozen in a hibernation chamber was because his genes were on the verge of collapse.

Even Dr. Wu Qianying has not found a way to reverse this collapse.

Therefore, it would be safest for him to lie in this special sleeping cabin. Even Mikkelsen could not predict the consequences of opening the sleeping cabin rashly.

But one thing is certain, if something unexpected happens to Tang Anran after doing this, I am afraid that Tang Ji’s primary revenge target will no longer be the players, and by then the distance from the earth to the moon may no longer be

It's dangerous

Of course, the above are just excuses used by Mikkelsen to convince himself not to do that. Under these disguises is Mikkelson's "special care" for Tang Anran, and he just can't do it.

From the time Mikkelsen grew up until now, the journey he has gone through is not as long as Wolfgang's, but it is far more fulfilling and more existential than Wolfgang's.

During the United Nations Cold War, Mikkelsen was deeply involved; when the CCCP first disintegrated, Mikkelsen was the man behind the federal government think tank. It can be said that the entire federal government think tank was just used by Mikkelsen to cover up his own existence.


He has experienced several Apocalypse Day-level world-destroying crises in his life, but in the end he managed to resolve them without any danger. However, the outcome was unpredictable, and in the end it was he who personally started the Apocalypse Day and destroyed the entire world.

For Mikkelsen, this was an unbearable irony.

He was so proud that he put himself above the entire human civilization, but under the coercion of the players, his bottom line retreated again and again, and finally retreated from winning the war to ensuring that he would not be completely destroyed in the war.

wipe out.

For a proud being like Mikkelsen, there is nothing more humiliating than this.

Moreover, after traveling all these years, Mikkelsen has no other companions except himself. No one knows what he is thinking deep down, and he does not need others to know.

But even in the Seven Deadly Sins, Mikkelsen was still born out of human beings and was once a mortal body. Especially after the big storm started, the hive network thinking was cut off, which gave Mikkelsen's individual more time to think.


Mikkelsen, who was left on the moon, did nothing for a long time.

He drove the lunar rover for dozens of hours, starting from Amarobhati and arriving in the middle of the Sea of ​​Tranquility. He sat on the beach chair where he left him in the middle of the Sea of ​​Tranquility. He sat there for more than ten hours, looking at the earth.

It was spinning in circles in front of me like a globe.

During those times, only Tang Anran was by his side, silently listening to his complaints and the unknown thoughts hidden in his heart.

Mixon wanted to know why Tang Anran hadn't responded to his call until now. He felt that he really needed to talk to that brat, just like Wolfgang, a smart man like Michaelson.

He also noticed clues of the existence of Gaia's will.

But unlike Wolfgang, Mikkelsen is more interested in how intelligent the Gaia conception of this world is? Is it a vague existence similar to the subconscious, or is it smart like Wu Qianying, who is able to control the world he covers?

Know everything in the field?

If it's the former, how can you use this kind of person to achieve your own goals? If it's the latter, Mikkelsen is also very happy to try to cooperate with the other party.

In the end, there was only silence in response to him. Apparently, just like everyone else, the Gaia will of this world didn't like Mikkelsen very much.

"If you don't come out to see me, I will attack your father. Although I can't cause him any real trouble, I have the ability to make every minute and every second difficult for him." He said this

Threatening, Mixon was not exaggerating in this regard.

He is indeed capable of doing this. Whether he wants to share some technology or airdrop some supplies, there are a lot of survivors on the surface who are willing to risk their lives for Mikkelsen.

Especially those of the New Hope generation, who have never had enough to eat since birth and are always hungry for food and other nutrients. Tangji is nothing to them.

Maybe it was Mikkelsen's illusion, maybe it was the diffuse reflection caused by the sun's rays shining on the surface of Tang Anran's dormant chamber. In short, at that moment, Mikkelson saw Tang Anran's little face wrinkled and looked away.

He curled his lips, as if dismissive of his threat.

When Mikkelsen carefully looked at the dormant cabin, Tang Anran still had the same stiff expression that had not changed in more than 20 years.

Others might have believed that it was just a coincidence, but now the two people looking at each other on the Jinghai Sea, one named Mikkelsen and the other named Tang Anran, are both insulated from ordinary people.

So Mikkelsen insisted that it was Tang Anran who controlled his body to make that expression at that moment, so he knocked hard on the tempered glass on the surface of the dormant cabin: "At 8 o'clock tonight, moon time, I will go to sleep.


After leaving such a sentence, Mikkelsen returned to Amarobhati. He was actually quite busy during this period. The technical team in Amarobhati recently made a new breakthrough. They developed a

A new cloning technology that grows faster and does not damage the brain, causing clones to become mentally retarded.

The clones cloned by this new cloning technology are called fourth-generation clones, which preserve the genetic diversity originally belonging to humans at the genetic level, or in human terms, the biotechnology team believes that the fourth-generation clones

Naturally awakened superhumans can appear among clones.

Although this is a conclusion that needs to be verified, it is obvious that they are on the right track.

If they really succeed, what will be the difference between humans and clones? Who is the being who can measure the specialness of human beings? Who is the being who gives human beings specialness?

Underground in Mexico, the Webway War is already in full swing. Thanks to the tacit understanding of the top leaders of both sides, this conflict has shown its most intense aspect from the beginning.

The New Hope generation who were brainwashed by Tlaloc were absolutely loyal to Tlaloc. When Tlaloc told them that players are the cancer of this world and that the world has become like this because of the existence of players, Tlaloc

Every member of the army became a fanatical war fighter.

The team led by Odyssey were all awarded the Medal of Honor for discovering traces of players in the tunnel.

Tlaloc even stated in his declaration of war that if the team led by Odyssey were not brave enough and alert enough, the entire shelter might be exposed to threats from players.

And now they have a chance to fight back and even avenge those who lost their lives in the Apocalypse.

With the efforts of the giant shield machine, several underground passages from the Mexico City subway system to the tunnel where the player is located were formed in just seventy-two hours, and then the first batch of Tlaloc Army elites passed through

These passages enter player-controlled areas.

In fact, for Odyssey, he was not interested in this sudden war. He had no intention of getting involved in this war with the players before the Apocalypse.

He just wants to guard his small farm, and while everyone is planting those gray crops, he can keep the pure natural farmland on his land. Whether he eats it himself in the future or sells it to others at a high price, it is still a business.


However, no one asked Odysseus for his opinion, and the world was destroyed.

What's even worse is that after the destruction of the world, the conflict that led to the destruction of the world has not ended yet.

Less than three months after waking up from hibernation, he came to fight again. What's more important is that Odyssey is really not familiar with Tlaloc, and he has no interest in serving Tlaloc.

But right now, in order to have enough to eat, Odyssey has no other choice but to serve as a soldier and fight.

"Listen! I don't care what you people are thinking in your hearts and what training you have undergone. Now you are under my command, and I am your commander." Odyssey looked back at his men before entering the player's territory.

Those new recruits felt like they were getting dizzy.

"I swear, anyone who disobeys my orders, I will shoot him in the back." The red neck threatened the recruits who had never been on the battlefield in a vicious tone.

Judging from the expressions on their faces, Odyssey felt that his speech was successful. At least these children are now much more honest than before.

"Okay, now understand that our mission is to enter that passage, conduct an armed reconnaissance three hundred meters to the north, and establish a defensive point." Odyssey briefly introduced the mission: "Then we will stay there for sixteen hours, ten

In six hours, people from other teams will come to replace us, and we can return to the shelter with glory. Then there will be many girls who will pounce on you, just to touch your medals!"

That's right, Tlaloc's computer accurately targeted their mission to the unit of meters. Odyssey had never fought such a battle before, but he could only adapt.

However, this also greatly simplifies the tasks that Odyssey needs to shoulder. As the mission briefing said, they walked through the cave, conducted an armed reconnaissance three hundred meters north, and then established a defensive node.

But something unexpected happened from the first second of the damn mission. The moment the soldier walking in front of the Odyssey jumped out of the hole dug by the shield machine, his parts were scattered all over the ground.

The blood in the young soldier's body illuminated the trap left at the entrance of the cave for others.

Someone set up a sharp cutting net near the entrance of the cave. The extremely thin cutting lines were almost invisible to the naked eye. They were only noticed when they were stained with blood.

One-third of the soldiers behind Odyssey had seen blood and death for the first time. Their expressions changed immediately, and the two worst performers vomited out. They were not qualified at all.

Soldiers, no matter how hard training is, it is not worth the experience that actual combat can give people.

"Damn it! Back up! Back up! Everyone, back up!" Odyssey opened his hands to stop the soldiers behind him and pressed them back, like a kindergarten teacher playing with the eagle and catching the chicken.

As one of the few old humans in the shelter who was born before the Apocalypse, Odyssey always subconsciously assumes the role of protector. He always feels that the young soldiers behind him are still children.

But now these children, encouraged by Tlaloc, are going to fight with guns.

Obviously those players knew they were going to come out of this hole, and the TBM had just left this branch less than ten minutes ago.

In other words, there are players ambushing nearby!

Odyssey stretched out his hand to signal everyone to be silent, and then he touched the hole again alone. The blood of the deceased was dripping down along the sharp cutting lines.

Seeing that this invisible murder weapon was about to become invisible again, Odyssey could only take out his military dagger and try to cut the cutting lines. As expected, the blade of the military dagger directly collapsed.

Odyssey cursed secretly and left a grenade at the entrance of the cave. Then he moved away and waited for the grenade to explode, which more than doubled the size of the cave entrance.

He braved the dust and touched back again. He used the muzzle of his gun to test the area near the cave entrance several times, but found no other traps. Then he blew a whistle and asked the team members behind him to follow.

This is a task assigned by Tralock himself. For these young people, they can only move forward. Even if Odyssey is unwilling, he can only put away his opinions at this time, otherwise he may be the first to be blackmailed.


Odyssey carefully climbed out of the hole. The drop was only half a meter high, but a life had already been taken away. He had a hunch that this underground war would be very bloody.

In fact, this is indeed the case. At least in Tlaloc's plan, there is no reserve force to take over their defense nodes in sixteen hours.

According to Tlaloc's calculations, the team led by Odysseus will push forward with difficulty to complete the three hundred meters distance, and then all the remaining people will be killed in the next six hours, and no one will survive.

All of this is designed, and every life has already been marked with a price. Their life is just an assistant to the player's background information.

But no matter how much Tlaloc calculated, it could not calculate the small probability event of human beings awakening into superhuman beings. At least it could not calculate what kind of supernatural abilities the awakened ones would acquire.

Take Odyssey, for example, this rugged-looking Texas redneck. After nearly a third of the young soldiers around him died in battle, he awakened as a superhuman, and the abilities he gained were particularly evil——

He can summon spirits from the past.


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