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Chapter 854 Plan Advances

"Hey, long time no see. How old have you become?" Ding Yue, who was far away in the Europa area, saw Surte who came to pick him up after leaving the shelter. He immediately recognized the man who had been with Tang Ji.

Little clever ghost.

Ding Yue, who was born at the bottom of Night City, has a good relationship with Surt, especially when Surt was in Night City, Ding Yue often gave Surt directions.

"You are the same, you have gray hair." Surte smiled and hugged Ding Yue. His sunshine can infect almost anyone.

Surt is definitely the person in the world who is least affected by the Apocalypse Day. After all, the place where he originally grew up is probably no different from the current wasteland.

"Do you have any good stuff here?" Surte asked Ding Yue very familiarly, as if the nearly thirty years of unfamiliarity didn't exist at all.

"I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. There's no chewing gum here, and it's hard for them to even have enough to eat." Ding Yue shrugged. It was impossible to say that he didn't have any resentment towards Vault 301.

He almost reshaped the order of the entire shelter with his own hands, but apparently there was another force that grew up with him somewhere that Ding Yue didn't notice, and made a completely opposite decision to him at the last moment.


The survivors in the shelter eventually turned to that side. They were unwilling to fight anymore. Compared with this, they would rather lock themselves in the underground for another century.

"What a pity, the world is so rotten, isn't it?" Sirte smiled freely, and then said: "Are you ready to go home? Our trip is an express train!"

"Let's go home!" Ding Yue decided to leave all the unpleasantness that happened here. Not everyone in this world would choose to be a coward.

The horse that Rickard captured from Narezzano was absolutely extraordinary. It could run at a speed of 120 kilometers per hour for four consecutive hours before stopping for a short rest, so it was just a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Galloping, it captured Rickard's heart.

"Good horse, should I give you a name?" Rickard found a bunch of green jelly-like objects from the storage compartment on the horse's back, and then the horse took a few bites of his own initiative.

Ate those jelly.

Hearing Rickard's words, the horse snorted, seeming to acknowledge it.

"In that case, how about I call you Sir Rothschild?" Rickard patted the horse's head and said with satisfaction, and the horse also kissed his face affectionately.

"Such insults are meaningless to you and me, Rickard." That annoying voice appeared in the distance again, and Narezzano Rothschild stood almost a foot away from Rickard in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

On a hillside a hundred meters away.

This time, he was airdropped through Ghost's large transport plane. Thanks to the interference of the big storm, even Ghost could not create a transport plane as sophisticated as Apocalypse to fly in the sky. Ghost could only choose to use a large number of wet parts.

Make up for the deficiencies in electronic systems.

After all, Phantom itself is the most sophisticated wetware in the world, so it is making rapid progress in this industry, but it is not yet fast enough to completely replace traditional technology.

Therefore, the wet parts of the transport plane behaved very irritatingly. It seemed to be very jealous that Narezzano had his own body and could walk in the world as a human being, so it tested the entire transport plane again and again during the entire flight.

The limits of the body.

Narezzano was like a bouncy ball, bouncing around in the cabin.

"Seriously, how on earth am I supposed to get rid of you?" Rickard sighed. He didn't feel much anger when he looked at Narezzano now. After all, he looked too much like a clown.

And from the last time they met, Rickard had already realized the problem between the two parties. The idiot seemed to have completely forgotten how he died at that time. And now based on the electromagnetic environment on the earth, it is obvious that he killed him last time.

The memory is still not preserved.

So Narezzano will probably never learn from his own death.

"Maybe this is actually a good thing, right? Sir Rothschild?" Rickard shrugged, then picked up a stone from the ground, weighed it in his hand, and threw the stone away with a fierce wave of his arm.


The arm, which did not look strong, threw the stone at an astonishing speed. It even left a small detonating cloud less than one meter in front of Rickard the moment it was released.

The next second the stone hit Narezzano in the face. Then this time he chose a body with amazing physical strength. Although the entire skull was dented, Narezano still stood tenaciously.

He stood up and pointed at Rickard. One eye was pushed out of its socket by intracranial pressure, hanging on his face and drifting in the wind.

The remaining eye was filled with fear and surprise, seemingly surprised by Rickard's strength.


Another stone that also produced a sonic boom completely ended Narezzano's reincarnation.

The bionic horse named Sir Rosechild seemed to be very satisfied with this ending and snorted beside Rickard's face, as if urging him not to waste time and continue on his way.

"How do you feel?" Tang Ji looked at Wang Zhengdao who was undergoing rehabilitation exercises and reached out to help him.

Including Wang Zhengdao, nearly seven percent of the existing human individuals have acquired the gluttony gene to a certain extent due to the use of therapeutic injections and other items containing gluttony ingredients.

Therefore, their recovery speed is much faster than normal, especially when supplemented with medical drugs such as injections.

So after splitting himself in half, it only took Wang Zhengdao two days to stand up again, unable to move around in his own ward.

"Of course I feel bad. I have seen this scene in countless nightmares. During the space jump, my lower body fell on the same place." Wang Zhengdao smiled weakly; "No.

I know if you have seen the movie "Harry Potter", there is a magic called Apparition, and users often have such accidents."

Tang Ji shook his head, let alone seeing it, he had never even heard it.

"Unfortunately, the prophet likes that series of movies, so I watched them. This has caused me to have this fear all the time, and now the nightmare has finally come true." Wang Zhengdao sighed: "I am a martial arts practitioner.

I have spent a lifetime building my body into a weapon. Before awakening, I could kill fifteen people with my bare hands without using firearms."

Tang Ji recalled the first time he met Wang Zhengdao. At that time, he was keenly aware of the dangerous aura exuding from Wang Chengdao.

"As a result, a wave of superhuman beings appeared overnight. Many people just took a nap, and when they woke up, they had already wiped out all the hard work I had spent a lifetime on." Wang Zhengdao sat on the chair with some difficulty: "

This feeling is difficult to calm down, and it still exists even after I awaken, because I truly feel how much it has improved me after becoming a superhuman. From that moment on, I am no longer a pure warrior."

"In comparison, my junior brother is much simpler, so later he gained the 'endless' ability when he awakened. I sometimes think that if I had been more determined at that time, maybe I could also awaken similar abilities.

." Wang Zhengdao picked up the treatment injection with some disgust, inserted it into his previous 'break', and injected the liquid in the treatment injection into his body.

Tang Ji knew that what Wang Zhengdao needed now was just to listen, and he was very good at listening, because all he needed to do was remain silent.

"Speaking of your existence, it actually breaks my persistence more." Wang Zhengdao handed the treatment injection to Tang Ji and pointed to his back: "When I first saw you, for me

, you are just a stronger ordinary person, but every time we meet, you make me feel more dangerous than the last time. In the final analysis, my way of doing things has been eliminated by the times."

Tang Ji injected the therapeutic injection into Wang Zhengdao's back, then patted him on the shoulder: "Don't forget that you were behind me on the Trail Blazers' wanted list."

"I remember that they also produced a set of playing cards?" Wang Zhengdao and Tang Ji were recalling the past together. In a daze, he even felt that it was a lifetime ago.

"Seriously, Tang Ji, if one day, we reach the last step and successfully send you to that world, but you can't stop them from destroying this world." Wang Zhengdao felt the power of gluttony surging in his body.

: "I hope you won't give up when the time comes, and I hope you will live strong."

"There is no such possibility, my friend." Tang Ji said with a smile: "The moment you send me there, this game will be over. I will find their supreme leader and let them die ugly.

Then I will set that world on fire and burn their world to ashes."

Although Tang Ji finished this sentence with a smile, Wang Zhengdao heard an unprecedented sense of anger in his tone.

Since the last time they told Tang Anran and Angelina to say goodbye in the bar, everyone can feel that Tang Ji has become gentler than ever before. Sometimes you can even see it on his face.

See smiles.

This was almost impossible before that incident happened. I am afraid that no one except Wu Qianying really understood what Tang Ji was really thinking.

But one thing is certain, that is, Wolfgang has always behaved himself without any extravagant behavior. Mikkelsen has never been alone with Tanguy since then, and even every time he sees him

They will all go around after that.

And Annie, who used to always want to stay close to Tang Ji and create chance encounters, has become a complete homebody, hiding in her room and never coming out.

"You are only at the LV3 stage now, Tang Ji, and they have a whole world. Maybe what you need is time." Wang Zhengdao finally said: "If everything is irreversible, remember that you still have a future."

"Dr. Wu Qianying's greedy blood potion has been produced. According to your request, we have made the [Thinking Acceleration] potion based on your ability, and the [Dimension Gate] potion." In the biological laboratory, wearing

The scientific researchers in protective suits handed Wu Qianying the greedy blood potion they had just prepared.

"The corresponding culture medium has completed the destruction process." The researcher finally said: "If you need a new greedy hemostatic agent, the entire team can complete all preparations within 6 hours."

"Very well, thank you for your hard work." Wu Qianying locked the container containing the Aquamarine blood potion and ordered: "But I need you to be on standby in the laboratory at any time. This is our last chance, so I shouldn't need to say more.

What happened?"

"We fully understand the current situation, Dr. Wu, no one will take it lightly, I promise!" the researcher said with certainty.

Wu Qianying picked up the box and walked to the next room. Through the huge one-way glass, she saw Hogan Locke looking at Wolf just sitting at the dining table with horror on his face, cutting a large piece of meat with joy on his face.

Wolfgang was keenly aware of Wu Qianying's figure outside the glass, turned to face him with a shark-like smile, and then viciously ate the meat on the plate: "Man, your character is too cowardly, and your ability is not strong enough.

They have sold you to me now, understand?"

Hawkinlock's eyes were full of fear, but he couldn't move a finger. His whole body was controlled by Wolfgang.

As Wolfgang said, Hawkinlock's abilities are not strong enough, and his character is too cowardly. The world has no time for him to grow, and they need stronger 'auxiliary personnel'.

However, the threat in Wolfgang's mouth was basically to intimidate Hawkinlock. The meat Wolfgang was just eating was the cloned tissue of Hawkinlock that was cultivated through the gluttony gene. The reason why he wanted to stage such a scene in front of Hawkinlock

The only reason for playing is to satisfy the sense of ritual required in the concept of greed.

The more Hodgkinlock believed that he had fallen into Wolfgang's hands, despaired in fear, and felt conquered, the faster Wolfgang gained abilities through those cloned tissues.

If the amount of information about the Seven Deadly Sins is too great, then let Wang Zhengdao master the ability of the [Dimension Gate] and first send a few entities with less information to test the waters.

Alejandro volunteered to become a volunteer, and he happened to be the most similar to Tangji among all the Scarlet Disciples. He directly controlled the ability of [Flame of Hatred], so he was the most suitable candidate.

Of course, Wu Qianying herself has other plans in the works. After the Lunar Mikkelsen Group provided Dr. Hofheim with a complete set of information on the "Corpse Project", she has made a major breakthrough in weaponized gluttony.

This chapter has been completed!
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