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Chapter 91: Provoked

"Attention, someone is shooting! Protect the Lord Bishop!" In the chaotic scene, the Atonement team surrounded Nicholas and began to withdraw from the slum.

The redeemers arrogantly used their rifle butts to clear the way and force their way through the crowd. As for the priests who also wore red robes, they could only rely on their own two legs.

Those who have lived in slums for a long time have never been afraid to show their evil ways in order to survive, and they will show their fangs once they find an opportunity to take advantage of them.

Tang Ji has already seen someone picking out weapons and preparing to launch a wave of federal-style self-poverty relief.

"These people have weapons! Fire! Fire!" The Atonements didn't care who was blocking the road in front of them. They raised their guns and instantly cleared the crowd of people three meters away from them.

The violent firing made the people in the slums even more panicked. There were cries and curses everywhere, and those who fell down by accident lost the chance to stand up again.

Tang Ji saw Nicholas being surrounded by people and left the scene without looking back. He was protecting a child in front of him, standing like a rock in the crowd.

Nicholas seemed to feel something, and suddenly turned around and smiled contemptuously at Tang Ji.

Tang Ji's heart tightened, and he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Nicholas walked too calmly, and he looked back at himself too quickly just now. He did not search the crowd and directly locked onto himself.

He's exposed... No, it's a trap!

Tang Ji suddenly felt a chill on the back of his hand, and the boy standing in front of him grinned, holding a dagger in his hand.

The light and shadow flickered, and the little boy's face melted like a candle, revealing another face full of wrinkles: "Be careful with children and dwarfs, Sheriff."

After the dwarf finished speaking, he rolled on the spot and disappeared into the crowd, another super human.

Tang Ji froze on the spot, losing control of his body. The dagger was probably smeared with neurotoxins, and he couldn't even look down at the wound.

In the crowd, there were also seven or eight poor people with weapons approaching him. They were not in a hurry to shoot themselves, but were cautious to determine whether Tang Ji had been poisoned.

Tang Ji watched as one of them approached him with a restraint ring. That device is often used to control extremely dangerous superhumans. After being put on, if the movement range exceeds the threshold, it will release strong electric shocks.

These guys want to capture him alive?

An unknown fire burned in his heart. In the past few months, Tang Ji had been wandering between life and death, either killing people or on the way to kill people. His real aura had undergone a transformation.

His eyes widened, and he actually frightened the believer of the Adventist Sect!

"What are you afraid of! He can't move now!" Nicholas's voice echoed through the loudspeaker. At this time, he had entered a safe house dozens of meters away.

This is a trap specially set by the Adventist Sect for Tang Ji and Wang Zhengdao. Since Nicholas joined the sect and held a high position, he has been acting in a high profile and has never hidden himself. He has long known that he was exposed to the eyes of other forces.


Now that the Ark organization has taken advantage of the players' departure to launch a purge, Nicholas naturally knows that he is on the list, but he has strong self-control and is not afraid of assassination at all.

Since Lopez's death, Nicholas has been holding missionary meetings in the slums every day to lure enemies to his door.

One-tenth of the poor people who come to listen to the missionary meeting are believers placed here by the Advent sect. They may have no training or professional knowledge, but their faith is devout enough and they are willing to obey the orders of the sect's top leaders.

When Nicholas shouted, the believer holding the restraint ring mustered up the courage to walk up to Tang Ji and began to exchange the bracelets and put them on him.

Nicholas looked at the surveillance camera with some excitement. He still had a backup plan. If the accomplice with the ability to jump in space would show up to rescue Tang Ji, he would kill two birds with one stone!

One is a special target specially marked by the Adventers, and the other has strategic superpowers. If these two people are handed over, Nicholas can not only prove his ability, but also prove that the Adventist sect is far better than other naturalized people.

The power is useful!

But until Tang Ji's restraint ring was activated, Wang Zhengdao did not appear.

Tang Ji knew that Wang Zhengdao must be observing in the dark. He was not completely sure that he would not appear. He would have made the same choice if it were him.

Nicholas waited for a full three minutes, Tang Ji stood there for a full three minutes, and the crying crowd around him gradually quieted down.

The red priests from before began to comfort the injured, distribute medicines, and more food was piled up to make up for these 'extras'.

Under the instigation of the priests, people around him gradually looked at Tang Ji with hostility. The priests said that today's conflict was all due to Tang Ji and the Ark organization behind him.

Although these people don't know who Tang Ji is or who the Ark Organization is, they know who gives them everything they eat now, and these people must have a channel to relieve the deaths of their relatives and friends.

The crowd yelled at Tang Ji and threw stones at him, but Tang Ji just narrowed his eyes and carefully felt the signals from his body.

There was no reaction, except for the facial features, and he couldn't even move his fingers.

Tang Ji had never seen such a toxin, and he was not even sure whether it was a toxin or not. It was also possible that it was done by another super human with evil abilities.

Nicholas was not greedy. Catching one of the two big fish was a great achievement. After confirming that Tang Ji's accomplices would not show up, he ordered Tang Ji to be loaded into a car and taken away.

The believers moved Tang Ji all the way to the truck as if they were moving a statue.

The moment he entered the truck, Tang Ji finally regained his ability to move. Before the door was closed, he saw the dwarf again, and there was a gypsy witch standing beside him.

The witch held a lifelike doll in her hand, which looked like Tang Ji. There was a stream of blood on the chest. The witch waved the doll towards him, covered her mouth and smiled.

At this time, the restraint ring had already begun to operate, and Nikolai's men had already adjusted the sensitivity to the maximum. Tang Ji just moved his wrist and received an electric shock. He knew that he had no chance to escape for the time being.

"I heard that man killed an adult." The escort sitting in the passenger seat pointed to the car behind him: "Do you believe it?"

"Maybe, who knows, they don't pay so much attention to others anyway." The driver smoked a cigarette, started a fire and went on the road.

Neither he nor the co-pilot's escort are believers. The Advent sect needs devout believers to expand its scale and capable manpower to support the operation of the organization, and most of these people take orders from Nicholas.

Nicholas is the top leader of the Adventist sect. He not only put the Adventist sect on the road of rapid development, but also used clever means to transform this sect established by fanatics into a modern religious organization.

His most significant achievement was to develop a development plan for the Advent sect, which greatly increased the number of believers, created internal conflicts many times, and took the opportunity to kill competitors.

But deep down, he doesn't believe in any descendants. After all, he made up more than half of the teachings. He is just a sophisticated egoist. He doesn't care about players or not. He just wants to live a better life, and he will do it at any cost.

When he was young, Nicholas was a financial manager who made profits for himself by hiding profits and making false accounts. After he was kicked out of the industry, he plunged into the financial fraud industry and worked for half his life. He can be called a model worker.

As a maggot within the financial industry, he, like other jackals with a keen sense of smell, was the first to smell something was wrong.

First, the prices of some sensitive materials increased, and then a large number of high-quality industries were sold off for no reason. Many large companies began to trample on their bottom lines, abandon their previous gentle masks, and use any means to achieve their goals.

When retail investors and less sensitive people started to party, Nikolai was already looking for the cause, and almost eight years ago, he caught something fishy.

The Advent sect was just an unexpected discovery that Nicholas made during his investigation. He didn't even take this disorderly organization seriously at first.

But after he confirmed the existence of the players and the existence of the naturalized people who were attached to the players, Nikolai had a crooked idea. He felt that the Adventist sect could be profitable if the right people gave guidance.

He was conceited, and he was the right person. In fact, he did it, and those players also gave him positive support, which was one of the rewards for his ability.

"Is the cell we prepared for the guests available?" Nicholas's car was not far behind the truck. He was used to doing things by himself, and he couldn't rest assured until he was trapped in a trap.

"Report to the Bishop, the cage is ready." The subordinate's affirmative answer came from the other side of the phone, making Nicholas nod with satisfaction.

Then he saw the bald mark on the top of his head in the mirror. The bullet almost scratched his scalp, cutting a broad road through his not-so-thick hair.

"Damn it! You almost hit me!" Nicholas touched his scalp, feeling frightened. He hadn't experienced anything so exciting for a long time since he gained that ability.

His ability is called Lucky Charm, one of the few abilities that cannot be used by players, so it was given to him as a reward. It is said that in order to obtain this ability, the Adventers spent a lot of effort.

Along with the ability, a simple instruction manual was handed out——

[Lucky Charm: When danger comes, if you firmly believe that you cannot be harmed, the danger will avoid you. The more you firmly believe in this, the farther away the danger will be from you.

——We can’t use this thing, what a pity]

Nikolai is very satisfied with the ability he has obtained. In his opinion, there is no more useful ability than this. However, what the Adventers did to their former masters has always reminded Nikolai that this ability has no future.

It seems so useful.

"I want to rest for a while, call me when you get there." Nicholas ordered and fell into sleep, where there was another distinguished being waiting for him to report on his work.

He has always felt that his life only lasts for a few decades, so he should not be bound by too many responsibilities and stay in the same place. He should constantly look for new profit points and use his current identity and status to mobilize more interests.



Tang Ji raised his arm tremblingly, gritted his teeth, and then let his arm fall down. A violent electric shock penetrated his limbs.

In addition to being electrocuted on his own initiative, every time a vehicle ran over an uneven road, the vibration would trigger a disciplinary electric shock. Tang Ji could not remember how many times he had been electrocuted along the way.

Tang Ji is not a masochist, he just knows that the power of this thing is not that big, and this high-end electric shock can only last twenty-five to thirty times.

Of course, this number of times is enough to make anyone who tries to drain its power go crazy, but Tang Ji is not an ordinary person.

Ever since he came back from the dead, he knew this. His muscles were stronger, his heartbeat was stronger, and all data showed that he was in extraordinary health.

Now, Tang Ji only hopes that his heart will be as exaggerated as Wu Qianying said, and it must withstand at least eleven more electric shocks.


The electric current penetrated Tang Ji's body quickly. He gritted his teeth and did not make a sound.

A few minutes later, Tang Ji keenly noticed that the intensity of the electric current had decreased, and he had already seen hope.

But he had exhausted all his energy at this time, and waves of dizziness came over him, as if he could fall asleep in the next second. In fact, this was indeed the case. The moment Tang Ji closed his eyes, he fell asleep.

"It's funny, I never noticed you." The sweet voice seemed to be behind Tang Ji's ear, but when he turned back suddenly, there was no one behind him.

Tang Ji frowned and glanced around the room. Every plant and tree here was unforgettable to him. This was his former home.

Angelina chose the color and color of the wallpaper, and it took the two of them three days to put it up. Angelina also chose the floor. She had always wanted to get a dog, but she didn't want to take care of the fur.

Although there are several genetically modified non-shedding breeds on the market, Angelina doesn't like the kind of pet dogs that can be bred.

Tang Ji liked the look in her eyes when she was struggling. The light seemed not to be making choices about trivial matters in life, but to choose the chocolates in the box.

Angelina is like a light, lighting up Tangji's world.

But he knew that the light was no longer there, and his anger and helplessness filled the world that had lost the light.

He can accept eternal night, but he will never accept someone trying to disguise himself as his light!

"Tang, are you back?" The voice that haunted him came from the kitchen. Tang Ji walked forward expressionlessly, leaving gray flames on the ground with every step he took.

"Who are you?" Tang Ji leaned against the door of the kitchen, looking at Angelina in the kitchen who was wearing a black cheongsam. His tone was calm, but the raging flames behind him were swallowing up this dream bit by bit.

"I was rude when we first met." Angelina's face changed rapidly, and finally settled on Wu Qianying's image, and then she said hastily: "It seems that this is not a suitable place for chatting. Let's see you next time!"

"There's no next time!" Tang Ji grabbed the other person's wrist: "Who are you?"

"Let me go!" Wu Qianying screamed and slapped Tang Ji's hand, and gray flames were already burning along the place where the two touched.

The next second, Tang Ji suddenly felt a stinging pain and woke up from his dream.

It was the truck that had just passed a deceleration barrier and activated the punishment electric shock, causing Tang Ji to escape from the dream.

It's just that the electric shock was weak enough to restrain Tang Ji's actions. He stretched his muscles with red eyes, and the continuous electric shocks made his whole body convulse, and the dream just now stimulated his spirit.

Tangji is like a bomb with a matchstick that is slowly burning out.

This chapter has been completed!
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