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Chapter 1009 Not scratching your head

"Dodel..." Si Xizhi chewed the name softly: Just a small lord?

But in fact, the ranking of noble strength is not entirely based on the title.

After getting to know him, Si Xi learned that Lord Dowdle was a small family branched off from a large family.

Dozens of generations ago, my ancestor was a marquis, and when the family was separated for the last time, he was just a lord.

The previous generation of lords were about to cancel their titles, and it was unthinkable that two supreme lords would appear in a row.

There are only two Supremes, so there is nothing to be afraid of, but these two brothers actually teach in Glory College!

A large number of students in Glory College are children of nobles, and this college is naturally a social circle for nobles.

Later, the younger brother continued to teach, and the older brother was responsible for managing part of the school property of Glory College.

This branch property flourished in his hands, and he himself grew into a wealthy man.

The business empire established by this person also has many high-ranking nobles as shareholders, and the main idea is to share profits equally.

When Gustin's family moved away from Qingyuan, they chose to rent their land to him because they knew that this person was reliable and loved feathers.

At that time, Lord Dowdle's family was not bad at strength, but it was able to develop so well mainly because of its excellent reputation.

The Gustin family lost the noble war and had many enemies, but who had the nerve to take action against the Lord of the Honors College?

However, it is very regrettable that there are only two ZTE masters in this noble family.

When the two brothers were old, they managed to cultivate a Supreme by selling everything they could, but they accidentally died in battle!

The current Lord Dowdle family does not even have a supreme leader, and its business and influence are not as good as before.

But what’s interesting is that there is currently a supreme teacher in Glory Academy, who is the son-in-law of the Dowdle family…

In short, as far as Si Xi is concerned, the Dowdle family is not worth mentioning.

However, if he wanted to suppress it forcefully, he would have to consider whether the noble group would agree.

Although Si Xi has high vision, he is not so arrogant as to make enemies all over the world.

So he asked someone to find the Dowdell family and wanted to know who subcontracted the Gustin family's fiefdom.

But unfortunately, no one can answer his question.

When handling the subletting matter, the two supreme beings were still there, and the others were not qualified to participate.

The current supreme son-in-law... after all, he is just a son-in-law, not a member of Dodel's clan.

The person who inquired about the information apologized and said that this was not the Dowdle family targeting Si Xi... not long ago, many people had asked about it.

Didn't get the news? Si Xi wasn't too frustrated. The Dowdle family had limited background, and the power they could come into contact with was just that.

Moreover, this group of people has never gone out since they entered the Gustin family's fiefdom, which shows that they may not be very strong.

As for the fact that they were very cruel to the Stephen family? This is not too unusual, it is just to scare others.

A ruthless move can buy peace for a long time in the future. Such an exchange is still worth it!

Si Xi waited for another seven or eight days and found that there was no new news, so he finally decided to give this group of people a try.

He did not go to Gustin's fief in person, but sent his assistant to go see the tenants of the fief.

After receiving the other party's request and verifying his identity, the housekeeper felt that he had not seen him for a long time.

You, the head of the military police, sent someone to the door. What are you doing?

However, he had good professional qualities and maintained basic etiquette, "Sorry, distinguished guests never see outsiders."

The assistant couldn't be pushed back by this sentence. He emphasized again, "My master is the new Mr. Si Xi. Please inform me."

Of course the housekeeper knew Sisi, wasn't he the one who forcibly moved into Cicero's house when he arrived?

So he said very politely, "Of course I can report it, but the result may not change."

The assistant did not respond. He only did what he should do and would not make any decisions on his own.

The housekeeper took out his mobile phone and called, explaining the situation again.

A female voice came from the other side, with a very impatient tone.

"We have emphasized repeatedly that we are not meeting anyone. Can you please show professionalism?"

The housekeeper spread his hands at the other party and replied helplessly, "You also heard that my professional ability was questioned."

The assistant was silent for three or four seconds before adding, "Don't they even want to hear the reason for asking for a meeting?"

"It's always been like this," the butler said calmly, "Our aim is to serve our distinguished guests well."

His answer was quite satisfactory, without any bias.

But when the assistant hears it, he can always feel a vague sense of ridicule - you really shouldn't feel that you are important!

So he snorted coldly, turned around, got in the car and left.

Although Hua Scorpion rejected the other party's request to see him, he still felt that this matter was a bit strange.

All right, what is this Si Xi man doing in the Gustin fief?

So she reported the situation to the boss - that guy, who had made quite a splash a while ago.

Qu Jianlei was also a little confused. The other party was obviously a military policeman, right?

He has dealt with many departments in the empire, but the military police... this is really his first time.

But he didn't take it to heart, because from any point of view, he and the military police had no overlapping business.

So he just arranged for Xiaohu to pay attention to investigate the other party's situation and beware of possible troubles.

Big-headed Butterfly did its due diligence, but three days passed quickly and it found nothing.

The military's evaluation of the battle formation is still a little bit negative, but this thing has been around before, and it doesn't think there is anything wrong with it.

Later, Qu Jianlei didn't mention it again, and it just silently verified it.

On the fifth day after the assistant arrived, someone found the Gustin family's fief again, and people from the government and the military jointly came to visit.

This time, no one from the military police came.

The military's attitude was not very good. They wanted to meet the tenants of the fiefdom, and said that if they didn't meet, there would be consequences!

The housekeeper didn't think it was a problem at first. Although fiefdom laws and so on were imperial laws, the army was a violent machine of the empire.

There is no reason to argue with violent machines. You know, the empire also emphasizes the sanctity of private property!

However, once the military decides to requisition, it will be useless even if it is "inviolable"!

So the housekeeper could only inform the distinguished guest that the military had such an attitude.

Hua Xiezi was also confused when he received the news. What information did the other party have, and how dare he be so tough?

After all, the identities of their group cannot be revealed to the public, and once their identities are exposed, the fiefdom laws cannot fully protect them.

Just when she didn't know what to do, Nutrient came over and asked, "What happened?"

Hua Xiezi knew that this guy knew all the rules of the empire, so he briefly introduced the situation.

Nutrients blinked and said, "Then let's go and have a look. I don't believe you... If you have the guts to label us as rebels."

In other words, in his impression, except for those big things, there is really nothing to worry about.

If anyone wants to blame someone...then don't blame him for being rude.

When the two came to the gate of the fiefdom, they saw people coming from the other side. There were four vehicles and more than a dozen people from the government and the military.

Neither of these two families expected that the other party would show up so simply - weren't they always very arrogant?

The military people wanted to be tough, but they accidentally discovered that... there was actually a Supreme Being showing up on the opposite side?

The Supreme Being cannot be insulted! Even if the military is performing military duties, as long as the other party does not hinder it, the military personnel are not allowed to offend!

Otherwise, the Supreme Killer is really licensed!

To actually provoke a supreme leader... The military personnel thought about it and expressed their intention.

"The Supreme Commander of the Gendarmerie Department, Si Xi, has invited you. I hope you can go to the Gendarmerie Department of the Military Region. You can also go to the Cicero fief."

"Is there something wrong?" Nutritionist's face turned dark when he heard this, "What does the military police have to do with us?"

Of course he had heard of Si Xi. Even if he didn't remember it, the other party had just reminded him - the one who lived in Cicero's house.

But no matter how famous this person is or what he has done, he is still in charge of the military police, okay?

When the military personnel heard this, their faces suddenly darkened, "That's our commander, please be careful when you speak!"

"Shut up!" Nutrient's face sank, "Who gave you the courage to talk to the Supreme Being like this?"

The military personnel were immediately startled when they heard this. Being scolded by the supreme leader, he really couldn't help himself.

Fortunately, it's not like there's no one behind him to make the decision.

However, before he could say anything, Nutritional Agent continued to speak sternly, "Sixi came to us, what do you want to do?"

The military man choked on his words and was immediately confused.

But it was impossible for him not to answer this question.

He could only bite the bullet and say, "This is how the commander arranged it. This is how the army is. We didn't ask any questions."

It really wasn't that he was causing trouble and deliberately hiding it, but that Si Xi really didn't say it explicitly and just asked them to notify someone.

It is not difficult to understand Si Xi’s mentality. He believes that this is a rare opportunity and he must beware of others taking the credit!

This is not because he does not give his colleagues opportunities. The opportunities were there before he came to Qingyuan, but it is a pity that no one knows how to cherish them.

He also knew very well what others were worried about, but with someone behind him, he really wasn't worried about that.

Now he is aiming for this opportunity. If others find out, they might be tempted to take credit for it.

Yes, disgusting things like this exist in the military too.

If he doesn't take action, no one will dare to care about him, but once he takes action, people seeking credit will swarm in!

Even if it doesn't work, they will consider helping to raise the flag so that they can get some credit. This kind of thing... is really too common.

Si Xi was disgusted by this kind of person, and he planned to monopolize this credit to show that he was different from those idiots.

Why should we give the credit to those guys who are just sitting there and eating nothing when they can obviously take it all?

When Nutraceutical heard this answer, he sneered, "If he just says one word, we have to go see him?"

This chapter has been completed!
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