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Chapter 1013 Unbearable

In a real battle, "textbook-style operations" are basically impossible.

Actual combat and theory are not the same concept at all. The situation on all battlefields is complex and ever-changing.

The opponent's performance was so perfect that Xiaohu subconsciously made a judgment: It should be driverless!

Strictly speaking, the opponent's operation is slightly inferior to it, but Big Head Butterfly doesn't think that anyone's operation can be better than his own!

Even in the field of artificial intelligence, it will not be worse than anyone else.

So the other party must be driverless... There's no way, he's just so confident!

Qu Jianlei also agreed with its speculation, "Let's just assume it. There is no need to verify it. Any result will not affect our counterattack."

They have already decided to fight back, the truth is not important.

Since the other party is very strong in digital control, it would be bad if Xiaohu's existence is exposed.

With the starships struggling to support themselves, the seven attacking attack ships in pursuit approached the distance of 500,000 kilometers.

One large and three small starships suddenly all counterattacked, targeting two small ships.

In the battles hosted by Xiaohu, it rarely focuses on one starship, because that attack efficiency is too low, and it prefers one-to-many attacks.

But in fact, in ordinary space battles, concentrating superior forces to attack one point of the opponent is the most common tactic.

It is better to cut off one of his fingers than to injure ten of them. The right way is to gather small victories into big victories.

It's just that the opponents in the past were too weak to push Xiaohu's true strength.

This time it's different. Since the other party is quite intelligent, it should take it seriously!

The starship that had been escaping suddenly launched a counterattack, and the pursuers really didn't have the ability to guard against it.

Although they also raised their protective shields and tried to evade when they saw the fire coming back from the opposite side, they were not spared in the end.

An attack ship was directly hit and burst into flames.

The other small ship that was targeted by fire was luckier. It avoided the most important part in a hurry and was only damaged.

However, the injury was also very serious and he lost his combat effectiveness directly.

Fortunately, these attack ships are truly unmanned. If there were people, the crew would have no choice but to abandon the ship and escape.

However, despite this, the pursuers behind were also surprised, "How... is this possible?"

Although these small ships are unmanned, their data processing capabilities are very powerful.

The intelligent programs existing in these control systems are associated with huge databases and have undergone long-term training and learning.

On the battlefield, although you will be temporarily disconnected from the database, the various operations you have developed are the best of the best.

In their associated projects, these ships are used to train elite personnel.

That's right, these unmanned attack ships play the role of instructors and are used to cultivate the space combat capabilities of elite warriors!

Of course, instructors can make mistakes sometimes, but losing two ships in the blink of an eye is still a bit shocking.

The most important thing is that the opponent is not using a saturation attack - in that case, appropriate losses are completely acceptable.

But it was just the simplest two against one, and it caused such a loss. It feels really unacceptable.

However, some people responded quickly, "Be careful, the other party will continue to attack!"

Unfortunately, although they had thought of it, the gap in strength could not be undone by preparation.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaohu attacked two more small ships. One was knocked to anchor, and the other was also seriously damaged.

At this time, the people behind were anxious, "Let out a few more ships and we must catch them!"

There are not many small ships like this that have undergone long-term training, and each one is quite precious.

Of course, these intelligent systems can be copied, and once they are opened for operation, the copied systems will not be much worse.

However, when it comes to this, we have to mention the concept of "effective control" again.

The copied control system can quickly form a huge combat effectiveness, but this is not allowed by the rules.

The forces that study these artificial intelligences control the related risks very strictly and will never indulge in this kind of behavior.

If every time something unexpected happens, you can copy it without restraint, and things will soon get messy.

Everyone likes to have huge combat power, but if you don't know how to control your ambition, you won't get far.

Therefore, the small ships they carry are limited, and each one is precious.

But at this time, the anger is rising, and I can no longer care about so much. I must entangle the other party.

This order seems a bit confusing to most people - the opponent is obviously very capable of fighting, so why waste our resources?

But in Star Wars, the commander's wishes are above all else, and everyone must implement them even if they don't understand them.

It wasn't until three more attack ships flew out that someone said, "I wonder if we can get the opponent's system?"

"Don't think about this now," the commander replied solemnly, "try to entangle the opponent first, then there are other possibilities."

Some people couldn't help but ask, "What if the other party's system is destroyed?"

The commander remained silent for a while before replying, "If it can be damaged so easily, there is no need to capture it!"

This is war in the eyes of the superior, destroy everything that can be destroyed, and the leftover will be king!

There is no need to cherish those things that can be destroyed.

But obviously, it would be difficult to keep the other party with just their four starships and a few attack ships.

The commander called for support, and then said, "...our attack now will force the opponent in the direction of the reinforcements."

Qu Jianlei and the others were still fleeing desperately, and before they knew it, they had killed five small ships.

But the remaining five ships were much more cunning. They actually kept a distance and only harassed them from a distance.

Among these five small ships, two are still seriously injured, that is, they are unmanned, otherwise they have lost their combat effectiveness.

As the other party launched a inducing attack, not only Qu Jianlei, but also Hua Xiezi gradually realized that something was wrong.

"They seem to be... driving us in the designated direction."

It's really possible! Qu Jianlei nodded and secretly asked Xiaohu, "How likely is it that we will be ambushed?"

The big-headed butterfly turned around, "There are no decent stars 20 million kilometers ahead. This is good news, but it is also very inconvenient."

Without the protection of the stars, it would be difficult for them to fight back heartily.

If they don't rely on data intrusion, they can win a victory, but the whole process will not be easy and there are risks.

"What's especially bad is that they have the ability to mimic, and some ambushes may not be discovered until they get closer!"

Qu Jianlei nodded, and then he thought, "Launch an attack on the space fluctuations!"

Xiao Hu was a little surprised when he heard this, "An attack there may bring unpredictable consequences!"

Where spatial fluctuations can occur, the only thing that can be certain is that there is huge uncertainty.

If you attack it, even if it is far away, safety cannot be completely guaranteed due to the interaction of energy fluctuations.

Qu Jianlei sighed secretly, "But is there any other choice now?"

The big-headed butterfly turned around, "Isn't it a bit extreme? This space fluctuation...may be a chance."

He is still as obsessed with money as ever! Qu Jianlei asked silently, "The other party obviously has support. Is it possible for us to get a chance?"

No matter how good the opportunity is, what you can't seize is not yours!

Qu Jianlei is not a big-hearted person, but he is not a person who doesn't like other people's good deeds and has no interest in destroying other people's opportunities.

But the other party is ambushing here, obviously thinking about the benefits of spatial fluctuations.

Under such circumstances, the other party would attack him without any warning, so how could he generously give up the opportunity?

At worst, we all break up, I don’t believe the other party will really ignore it!

The next moment, the ominous ship sent out two yellow rays of light, shooting towards the fluctuations in the space.

The range of spatial fluctuations is actually not small, with a radius of more than a thousand kilometers - and this is only at the relative core.

With such a large space, as long as you attack with intention, it is impossible to miss.

These two blows from the ominous ship made all the pursuers dumbfounded. Some people instantly became angry and exploded, "Asshole, how dare they!"

They were lying in ambush in the surrounding area, with the purpose of observing the fluctuations in this space and waiting for possible opportunities.

Seriously, it was a temporary idea to deal with these sudden starships.

The opponent's reaction was a bit too strong, so they pursued it as a matter of course, which is also a normal reaction.

Originally, they just wanted to capture each other and figure out what happened.

It was only when the other party showed too much guilt and forcibly terminated communication that they made the decision to "do life or death".

Of course, there is nothing right or wrong about this decision. They have already made their identity clear and emphasized that they must "bear the consequences at their own risk."

That's what a violent machine is, it only considers its own position, and it's impossible to reason with everyone.

Until now, they found that the other party started to attack the fluctuation point, and they couldn't bear it instantly!

You must know that the current spatial fluctuations are very slight, and it is difficult to make accurate judgments without specialized equipment.

Although the other party arrived out of nowhere, he did not appear to have similar equipment.

Of course, these ambushers must still suspect that the other party may have discovered space fluctuations.

It was precisely because of such speculations that they were so ruthless in their actions - they were killing someone in error.

But now, after running away for a while, the opponent started to explicitly attack the space fluctuation point!

This is really unacceptable to them. It is not a matter of the other party's courage, but - you are not at a disadvantage now!

Five of the ten small attack ships were destroyed, and it was not easy for the capital ships to catch up with the opponent.

Under such circumstances, you actually choose to destroy the fluctuation point - what the hell do you think?

In fact, this kind of intentional damage to resources is disgusting to all right-thinking people.

Even hunters know that they should try not to kill pregnant female animals, as this will cause unnecessary waste of resources.

The other party is so crazy that he destroys the common wealth of the imperial society. How can you tolerate this?

This chapter has been completed!
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