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131 New idea - 132 Favorite end)

 Chapter 131 New Ideas (Third Update)

After Qu Jianlei was sure that his idea was OK, he started coding the article.

However, there are also many problems here, such as...the standardization of format and writing!

When Qu Jianlei was at Blue Star, he really appeared in top journals. After he became famous, the queues for journal requests became very long.

At that time, format and writing were not important. As long as it was his article, top journals were rushing to get it.

But he really has not forgotten how demanding the requirements of those top journals were when he first submitted articles to journals.

When he was paying attention to the journal, the opponent blocked him lifelessly.

When he no longer cared, more and more people came up to the pole to beg him to write something.

Most of them come directly to the door with cash - nothing is immune to the unpredictable situation.

Qu Jianlei has read a lot of journals here in the wasteland, and he must admit that they also talk about format and writing.

However, he read the film... he read it countless times and could feel it, and the format was not very strict.

After all, this is a post-apocalyptic wasteland with a dwindling talent pool. There are even many popular science articles published in many journals.

Qu Jianlei didn't bother to write popular science articles - we went there for the subsidy, we couldn't afford to lose that person!

But for professional articles, in addition to the standard format and writing, there is another problem - professional terminology!

The language and writing in the wasteland are actually a bit strange. Most of them are phonetic, somewhat similar to alphabetic languages.

But there are still quite a few that are ideographic or even superficial, and it feels like a hodgepodge.

But here in the wasteland, these three have reached a perfect integration, which makes people feel...a little confused.

Qu Jianlei didn't bother with this. He felt that it was normal for the civilization tree to grow a little crooked during its development.

But the professional terminology still made him a little confused.

I originally thought I could write it in one day and perfect the format in one day, but now I had to spend three days.

He roughly calculated that this article would take up more than four pages. If it was less than five pages, he felt... it was a bit small.

If it were sent to a journal with a subsidy of twenty silver dollars per page, it would still be less than one hundred silver dollars.

Earning this amount after three days of work is really a bit speechless.

But Qu Jianlei really likes to make money like this, and this is what he is best at.

So he could only say to himself: Once he becomes familiar with how to write journals and his reputation spreads, it will be much easier to make money.

He had just finished writing the article, but before he could ask Bentley to help deliver it, the old man introduced him to another business.

Bentley's cultivation has recently been on the right track, he is busy purchasing a large amount of various resources, and he is particularly concerned about making money.

This order was to test the fresh air system. Previously, Qu Jianlei repaired the mecha in the garrison for almost free, which made the old man a little unhappy.

Qu Jianlei could only follow him. Although his appearance was exposed, he still wore a mask.

Interestingly, he met the maintenance personnel of the system supplier at the customer's gate.

He didn't pay attention at first, but the man kept staring at him with obvious malice.

The sentiment even caught Bentley's attention.

He looked sideways and recognized the other person. After all, this person had been repairing the fresh air system recently.

However, he ignored it. So what if the opponent was from Central City? How dare he bar his teeth at the Ultimate Warrior?

However, their ignorance completely angered each other. The one stepped forward and said in a deep voice, "You stole our job!"

Bentley looked at him indifferently, not even bothering to argue, "So what?"

This person's face suddenly turned red, "We also have the ultimate warrior at home!"

It turned out that he didn't know that the other party had killed an ultimate warrior, but he still couldn't swallow this breath.

Bentley waved his hand and replied impatiently, "Then let him come... A little guy like you, stay away!"

For such an expensive system, the profits are sky-high. It is impossible to say that there is no strong support behind it.

But how many Ultimate Warriors were there in the entire Central City? So he ignored them at all.

For this small amount of money, risking your life and coming to fight in the settlement below... Are you crazy?

His arrogant attitude made the other party even more angry, but at the same time, he also completely calmed down.

For such a small matter, do you need to invite the Ultimate Warrior to come? Moreover, it seems that having one Ultimate Warrior is not enough.

Qu Jianlei's test went very smoothly this time. It took almost half a day, and then he collected the money and left.

The maintenance man was still waiting outside, but they ignored it.

What Bentley cares about is, "Look, I can earn hundreds of silver dollars in half a day... isn't it delicious?"

Qu Jianlei looked at him helplessly, "How many systems like this are there in Houjing?"

Bentley snorted softly, "Four capitals and one capital...isn't it enough to make a living?"

Qu Jianlei didn't even look at him and spoke directly, "First of all, I'm too lazy to run. Time is not wasted like this..."

"Secondly, do you really want to provoke the ultimate warrior on the opposite side?"

Bentley was stunned for a moment and stopped talking. It took him a long time before he muttered in a low voice.

"Back then, I really didn't take Ultimate Warrior seriously. The longer I live, the more I go back."

"The main thing is that you can practice now," Qu Jianlei said lightly, "Back then you were barefoot, but now you have shoes on."

Bentley was silent for a long time before sighing softly, "Every gain must come with a loss."

After the two returned to the courtyard, Qu Jianlei suddenly came up with another idea, "I can write another article."

This time he wrote about the improvement method of geothermal heating, which is combined with the characteristics of fresh air system.

Because he focuses more on practicality, he wrote this article very smoothly.

It only took two days to write the article. Then he gave the two articles to Bentley and asked him to go to the city and give them to Dai Xingyan.

When the acting president saw the manuscript, he almost cried, "I finally remembered and agreed to submit it to me!"

After briefly looking through the manuscript, she was a little stunned, "Well... why didn't he send it over by himself?"

Qu Jianlei is currently busy helping Hua Xiezi calculate the exercises, and he simply cannot control himself.

But Bentley would not say this. He said that Jian Lei did not have the status of Hou Jing and could not enter the city.

"What a big deal, I'll give him a pass!" Dai Xingyan said that this is not a problem.

But Bentley refused, "If he wanted to go into the city, why couldn't he get the papers? He's not interested in socializing."

"This is really difficult to handle," Dai Xingyan frowned in distress, "These two articles... I want to communicate with him."

Despite her young age, her theoretical level of mechanical maintenance is not bad.

In similar industry associations, if you are not strong enough, no matter how powerful your family is, you will not be able to convince the public.

But she really couldn't fully understand Qu Jianlei's thoughts and felt that it was necessary to communicate.

"Then you go to the outskirts of the city to find him," Bentley replied matter-of-factly. "I think he is a bit dishonest in doing this."

The Ultimate Warrior is so awesome that he even asked the president of an industry association to visit him and complain about how little money he makes.

However, Dai Xingyan really didn't care, "Then I'll just take a trip. This subsidy... is indeed a bit small."

Even if this subsidy is given to A-level maintenance technicians, it is still affordable. After all, many people in the maintenance profession still care about reputation.

If it were given to a B-level maintenance technician, he would probably wake up laughing in his dreams.

But Jian Lei is not only a maintenance technician, but also a transformation warrior, so this subsidy is really not enough.

Dai Xingyan also had a cheerful temperament, so she came to the outskirts of the city that afternoon and found Qu Jianlei.

She first asked about the transformation of geothermal heating, "...I feel that this transformation method uses Jinye's heat exchange idea?"

"Other settlements have already had similar ideas," Qu Jianlei replied sternly, "It's just that they don't have the channels to publish articles."

"The main reason below is the lack of materials, and the heat exchange efficiency cannot be improved. It is common for people to freeze to death in winter."

Dai Xingyan thought about it, and then said awkwardly, "But these materials...are expensive."

"You should know that in their eyes, Tianzi District is a wilderness, let alone other inhabited areas?"

"But it involves a lot of lives," Qu Jianlei replied sternly, "Whether it's expensive or not, at least I think it's necessary to raise it."

Dai Xingyan stared at him for almost five seconds before sighing softly, "You... are a bit weird."

Qu Jianlei doesn’t think he’s weird, “I just put forward ideas and am not responsible for solving problems.”

"Okay," Dai Xingyan didn't want to argue with him anymore, she said with a little regret.

"This kind of article can only be submitted to relatively low-level journals, and the subsidies are not high."

Qu Jianlei smiled nonchalantly and said, "It's just a matter of human nature. The main reason is that I feel that the residential area down there is too miserable."

"Central City doesn't treat them as human beings," Dai Xingyan couldn't help but complain.

Then she retracted her emotions, "What I want to ask is mainly about the bypass thinking of this sensor... It's an amazing idea."

"How amazing is this?" Qu Jianlei shook his head indifferently, "It's just a reasonable use of resources."

"It's very practical!" Dai Xingyan gave a thumbs up, "I guarantee you can get into "Mechanical Mystery"."

"Mechanical Mystery" is the top journal, which is a high evaluation of the article.

"The main reason is that materials have been in short supply. It is very important to make rational use of existing resources."

"But I don't quite understand your bypass operation ideas... Can you discuss it?"

Qu Jianlei nodded when he heard this, "Maybe there is something wrong with the terminology I expressed. You know, this is my first time writing this."

Dai Xingyan's eyes lit up, "It doesn't matter, just tell me in detail."

"Let me tell you in detail," Qu Jianlei looked at her curiously, "Are you still responsible for reviewing the manuscript?"

"Reviewing..." Dai Xingyan's eyes became brighter and brighter, "Do you even know this?"

"Of course I am not qualified to review the manuscript, but I plan to send your manuscript to "Mystery of the Machine"."

"They are discriminating against manuscripts written in ghettos, so I have to explain my ideas personally..."

At this moment, her eyes were as bright as two light bulbs, "Believe me, I can't tolerate being ignored for such a good manuscript!"


Chapter 132 Preference (fourth update)

When Qu Jianlei saw Dai Xingyan's anxious look, he almost thought that this guy wanted to plagiarize his article.

However, he could somewhat understand the other person's personality, so he suppressed his doubts and started communicating with the other person.

Dai Xingyan's level is indeed very high. After twenty minutes of simple communication, she completely grasped Qu Jianlei's ideas.

Then she left, vowing that just wait for my good news.

Qu Jianlei and Bentley calculated it together and felt that this generation of Xingyan might also have come from Central City.

Ordinary people can't even enter Central City, let alone go to various journals to lobby.

But twenty days later, Dai Xingyan came back again in disgrace, "Did you write another article?"

"No, I can't care less," Qu Jianlei said simply, "Ben...Terry feels that repairs are more profitable."

In fact, he is mainly perfecting Hua Scorpion's cultivation techniques, because it has great reference significance for him.

Then he asked, "Has the draft of 'Mechanical' been finished?"

Dai Xingyan's face sank and she murmured in a low voice, "I've helped you with the draft of "Mechanical Quest"."

"Mechanical Quest?" Qu Jianlei's expression also changed slightly, "A subsidy of fifty silver dollars per page?"

Fifty and one hundred are twice as different.

Dai Xingyan's face didn't look good either. She was so high-spirited at first, but now she is so downcast.

She defended in a low voice, "They are just a bunch of blind people... But don't worry, I will find someone else next time."

Qu Jianlei frowned, "Since I can find it next time, why not this time?"

"We have already found someone this time. It would be inappropriate to find someone else," Dai Xingyan said straightforwardly. "It will be difficult for the person involved."

"Forget it, I think it's quite boring," Qu Jianlei was really uninterested.

He intended to make money from this, but it was unnecessary to earn so hard.

He really doesn't lack the means to make money, he just wants to make money like this. Is it difficult to help people with repairs or kill people to buy goods?

"If you write, the subsidy will be doubled!" Dai Xingyan said straightforwardly, "I will pay for it!"

Qu Jianlei looked at her and said seriously, "I don't want money, I want cultivation resources."

"No problem," Dai Xingyan replied without hesitation, "I must express my anger."

Venting your anger? Qu Jianlei shook his head speechlessly, "There is so much free time to be angry? If you are really angry, just kill someone."

Dai Xingyan was stunned when she heard this, "Killing... Why are you talking about this? You like killing so much?"

Qu Jianlei spread his hands, "Can a maintenance engineer earn enough money to practice?"

Dai Xingyan was immediately speechless. This was really not possible. Let alone the ultimate warrior, transforming a warrior would be very expensive.

Then she thought about it and asked in a deep voice, "Can you kill anyone?"

Huh? Qu Jianlei was stunned when he heard this, "I thought you asked me to write a thesis... now you want me to be a killer?"

"Who doesn't have a few enemies?" Dai Xingyan always spoke so directly, "It's just that I originally wanted to solve it myself."

"Then you can solve it yourself," Qu Jianlei shook his head. He was not a murderer.

Dai Xingyan has always been more dedicated to her duties. Until just now, she was still thinking about how to get the other party to write articles.

But once this thought arises, I can no longer hold it back, "Then you kill it for me, and I'll pay you."

"This is not a question of money," Qu Jianlei replied seriously, "Do you think... I am that kind of person?"

"Ten thousand silver dollars!" Dai Xingyan offered the price simply, "It's just two ordinary people, I'm not short of money!"

Qu Jianlei shook his head, "No!"

"Fifteen thousand!" Dai Xingyan gritted her teeth, "This is really the upper limit. I can't afford more."

"No," Qu Jianlei continued to shake his head. He was a person with a bottom line.

"Forget it," Dai Xingyan shook her head dejectedly. Her offer was indeed more honest, and the room for movement was not very large.

"Let's discuss where to focus your research, and don't take "Practical Mechanical Technology" anymore."

The article that appeared in "Practical Mechanical Technology" was about the improvement methods of geothermal heating.

In Dai Xingyan's words, the reason why the article was published in this publication was because she risked her life to ask for help, otherwise she would not have been able to pass the manuscript.

It can also be seen that those low-level residential areas are really not taken seriously by the central city.

"Wait a minute," Qu Jianlei said seriously, "It's not that I don't think you gave me enough, but I don't want to be bribed to kill people."

"I have killed a lot of people, but I dare to say that I have a clear conscience. As for the wealth, I just took it from the other party."

He didn't wait for the other party to answer, and said simply, "Does the other party have a way to die? The key is...does he have money?"

Dai Xingyan was stunned for a moment before reacting, "Are you such a pretentious person?"

Qu Jianlei answered calmly, "Only when you have a bottom line can you be called a human being. Otherwise, what's the difference between you and an animal?"

Dai Xingyan nodded thoughtfully, "The opponent is also very strong, so I'd better pay 10,000... There is a way to kill him."

Qu Jianlei raised his chin, "Then tell me?"

In Dai Xingyan's words, her family is in Taidu and she runs a large business.

Competition is inevitable when doing business, and the Dai family's fleet has been attacked several times.

The Dai family is not a soft persimmon, and they took revenge on all possible competitors, and then this kind of thing never happened again.

What bothered Dai Xingyan was that her eldest brother was injured and died while escorting a car.

Although the competitors were retaliated against, the robbers were never caught.

Later, she roughly confirmed the information about the robber, but he had become an official resident of Qianjing and had a considerable net worth.

In view of the competitive relationship between the four capitals and one capital, the Dai family cannot reach out to the former capital for the time being.

Dai Xingyan's father has already stated that he will never let those two people go when the conditions are ripe.

But now that Qu Jianlei can consider taking action, Dai Xingyan is willing to pay.

After Qu Jianlei listened, he nodded slightly and said, "I can accept this order, but it will take at least half a year."

Bentley has just started practicing, and Hua Xiezi has not even started practicing. He wants to calculate the exercises for her.

Their current wealth is said to be tight, but even if they just practice cultivation and don't make money, they can still persist for three or four years with nothing to show for it.

Qu Jianlei does not dislike killing, and he has tasted the benefits of the golden belt of murder and arson.

However, I originally wanted to make a fortune by writing papers, but this change... came very suddenly.

"No problem," Dai Xingyan nodded simply. She had been waiting for so many years, so she could wait a little longer.

"You can wait a year and start next summer. Rain is the best cover... Those two guys are indeed rich."

With this commitment, her attitude towards Qu Jianlei became better and better, and she even sent out some maintenance tasks taken over by the association.

The tasks assigned by the acting president were easy and lucrative, and her decisions even caused some complaints from members.

Everyone knows that Jian Lei and Terry are not easy to mess with, but they can still do it by putting some pressure on the young president.

However, Dai Xingyan retorted plausibly.

"Whoever can publish some articles in heavyweight journals, I will also tilt my resources towards him. The question is who can do it?"

The maintenance engineers have all shut up. Jian Lei can produce one or two articles in the journal every month. Who wouldn't be jealous of the subsidies he receives?

But they are just jealous. Most of the maintenance technicians still focus on hands-on work and playing with words...the difficulty is too high.

Some maintenance engineers were unconvinced and tried to write articles and submit them, but very few were able to pass them.

Three months have passed, and not counting Qu Jianlei's manuscripts, only two articles have been published in Houjingcheng.

One article was published in "Practical Mechanical Technology", and the other article was purely a popular science article, which is incomparable with the quality of Qu Jianlei's.

At this time, Qu Jianlei completely perfected the technique for Hua Xiezi, but a new problem arose.

Flower Scorpion needs to modify the potion as an introduction, otherwise the threshold will be too difficult to enter.

After Bentley heard about it, he took the initiative to go to Central City to get the potion and come back.

He has now started practicing cultivation, and as his strength has grown, his confidence has also expanded a lot.

Qu Jianlei and Hua Xiezi were not sure about him and asked if they could go together, but he sternly refused.

After all, he is a native of Central City, so taking these two there would be no ordinary trouble.

At the same time, he did not forget to emphasize: I am not doubting that you two are not strong enough, it is simply that the identity check over there is too strict.

However, Hua Scorpion snorted coldly, "It's not just a day or two that you dislike me. Do you really think I can't remember it?"

The old man was really rude to her, "Then just think that I dislike you, but Xiaoqu... that's different."

However, even if he said this, Hua Scorpion could only roll his eyes - after all, he was getting a transformation potion for himself.

Bentley had been away for four months, and it was already late winter when he came back.

Qu Jianlei was not idle either. In addition to making money through repairs, he also perfected the "Unknown Qi Refining Technique" by referring to Hua Xiezi's exercises.

Then, he rushed to the seventh level of Qi Refining very solidly.

In these four months, he did not write many professional articles, only four in total.

Dai Xingyan knew very well that Jian Lei was a productive guy, but the other party didn't want to write more, so she didn't force him.

The key is that the quality of this guy's articles is gradually improving, and the platforms on which they are published are becoming more and more high-end.

The acting president even used his personal authority to take out some books that were prohibited from being borrowed by outsiders and let Master Jian Lei read them.

Under this situation, Qu Jianlei's time schedule is very tight, but he is someone who can't take any time off, so he enjoys this kind of life.

During this period, some cultivation resources were also used.

Two days before Bentley returned, Qu Jianlei broke through the eighth level of Qi training again.

However, this was due to his accumulated experience. He estimated that it would take him a year to break through to the ninth level of Qi refining.

As for how long it will take to make a breakthrough in the Qi refining stage, it's hard to say.

So he can relax appropriately and focus on making some money.

Just when he was considering which way to make money, Bentley came back.

(The fourth update is here, the 14th consecutive day of updates with 10,000 words, please support with monthly tickets and follow-up subscriptions.)

This chapter has been completed!
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