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Chapter 1064 Defense Change (Second Update)

The matter of observing the fluctuation points has been roughly finalized, but Hua Scorpion still has another big task.

She needs to ask clearly: Where are we going, and what kind of trouble might we encounter under extreme circumstances?

This is a very legitimate request - although you have paid me enough, we have the right to know the difficulty of the task.

It can't be a mission that involves knowingly risking death, but it can't be another opportunity to observe fluctuation points, right?

However, the official answer is: the mission location is kept secret - this is originally the military's style, and they are not allowed to comment.

As for what kind of trouble you will encounter, it's hard to say. You can bring no more than two armed merchant ships.

If there are battle losses, the military will provide corresponding compensation.

The military can also provide compensation for casualties, but in that case, the military needs to dispatch intelligence agents.

Because of information barriers, many groups are very resistant to intelligence agents, so this is only a suggested option, not a hard and fast rule.

Hua Xingzi said that he was very repelled by this task - he was not sure about anything, so he asked us to take over the task?

Even if you try to deceive people, you won't do it in such an insincere way.

Officials contacted the military again and finally received a new explanation.

This task only requires you to discover strange people and things and report them in time. There is no requirement to participate in the battle.

It's good to be able to participate in the battle, you can get the corresponding battle bounty, and you won't be held accountable if you retreat in time if you find that you are beyond your capabilities.

For the military, this condition can be said to be quite sincere. At least it sounds like it is not cannon fodder.

However, the premise of the mission is a bit confusing, and Hua Scorpion doesn't dare to make a decision, waiting for the boss's instructions.

In the main manor, a group of consciousnesses were having a meeting.

Bentley rarely took the initiative to speak out, "It's really too much. I hate people who are playing tricks."

But the paranoid said, "It doesn't matter if we go and take a look. If we encounter a situation, we can't fight but we can't run away?"

Strangely enough, this time it was Mu Yu who came out to sing the opposite tune, "Don't rely on the near-earth jump for everything."

"Not far from Qingyuan, there are spatial fluctuations... Have you forgotten the spatial perturbator?"

Qinghu couldn't help but add, "That's gravitational wave disturbance, and space disturbance technology... is not yet mature."

"Wait a minute," Mu Guang couldn't hold it in anymore after hearing this, "What are you talking about, is it a near-earth jump?"

"Quiet, quiet," Qu Jianlei couldn't help but express his position, "The question now is whether we can accept the mission or not!"

"I don't recommend taking it," Bentley was the first to object. "If you want to observe, I'll probably do more patrols."

"You can take it," Nutrient also expressed his opinion, "Think about it, if we encounter an enemy, which side will it come from?"

As soon as he said this, everyone fell silent, because everyone unanimously recognized that they only had two potential enemies.

After a while, the paranoid expressed his position, "I can take it. I really want to see how powerful the wonders of heaven and earth are in combat!"

"I agree to accept it," Qing Hu, who rarely speaks, also said, "If you are the person on the other side of the gap, you will have the opportunity to get to know him up close."

Mu Yu asked, "What if it's not these two possibilities?"

"Then there's no need to be afraid," the paranoid replied arrogantly. "Who in the entire empire has the strength to prevent us from running away?"

Qing Hu added faintly, "In the worst case, we will jump to the depths of space again, so just be well prepared."

Spatial disturbance cannot completely prevent the jump, but it will lose its orientation and even enter other spaces or subspace levels.

But as long as you are well prepared, at least in the depths of space, you will definitely not encounter the embarrassment last time and you can easily escape.

Mu Guang didn't get the answer about the near-earth jump and scratched his head anxiously.

But he still spoke out in support of the mainstream, "It may be related to the wonders of heaven and earth or the situation on the other side of the gap. I support appropriate risks."

Qu Jianlei actually wanted to understand these two points, and the reward was to observe the fluctuation points up close.

As for the opponent, it may be other forces... then just show them off and take advantage of them.

Anyway, he didn't think anyone could allow his team to be wiped out silently.

So he expressed his position, "Old man, it seems that you are in the minority, so I can only side with the majority."

"It's okay, it's just that I didn't think too much," Bentley said unfazed.

He didn't care about his own face, "Then I'll keep the protector, and you can just keep Yinshan."

Ben has never been a person who likes his mother-in-law. Now that the other party has decided, he will definitely not try to stop her.

Of course, leaving Yinshan behind was not because of lack of manpower, but because he could react better if something happened to the boss and others.

Whether it's revenge or searching for someone, having a clone is always much more convenient.

When the paranoid heard this, he couldn't help but praise, "Old man, I quite like your character."

After Hua Scorpion received the decision, he simply told the other party: We can go, but it will take two days to prepare.

In addition, she also required the other party to formulate all commitments into written documents, in triplicate, with each seal.

The government didn't care about this, but the military expressed dissatisfaction.

The military can sign agreements with local governments, but it never does this with social groups, let alone natural persons.

However, their dissatisfaction was in vain. The government stated that this is the strongest combat group we can coordinate.

So two days later, Qu Jianlei took five Supremes and Claire and took off on an armed merchant ship provided by the Gustin family.

In addition to Bentley, Hua Xiezi, Zi Jiu Xian and Tian Yin also stayed in the fiefdom.

The merchant ship is a bit old. After all, the Gustin family has left long ago. It is only used by employees, but its performance is acceptable.

Shortly after taking off, under the leadership of the city guard warship, the merchant ship came into contact with the military's warships - two company-level ships.

The warship's attitude towards Qu Jianlei and others was lukewarm, and they did not show any respect. Instead, they wanted to board the armed merchant ship.

Claire simply rejected the other party's request, "It has been agreed long ago that we will not accept the dispatch of intelligence agents."

The person on the other side was silent for about ten seconds, accepted the reply, and then started to set off.

Without a jump, the three starships sailed for nearly ten days before arriving at a desolate planet.

This ball is highly similar to the planet where Qu Jianlei built his new base. If it is not too cold, it can also become a habitable star.

The size and density are just right, there's an atmosphere, and there are even some fragile creatures.

This place was originally a bridgehead for the empire's expansion, with several building complexes, but they were all abandoned later.

However, even now, there is still a garrison team here.

The main reason is that on this planet, there are high-power relay signal towers and some material reserves.

For ordinary interstellar travelers, this kind of place does not have much significance, and it is impossible for passenger starships to pass by here.

But for the military and some forces with special needs, the existence of this stronghold is still necessary.

After the armed merchant ship landed, the two warships had a simple communication with Qu Jianlei.

The general idea is that there is only one functioning base on the planet. Do you all take over it, or do you need the cooperation of the stationed team?

Qu Jianlei simply chose the latter. They said there was no need for intelligence agents. What was the stationed team doing here?

There are nine people in the team, and you can see that when they left, they almost jumped onto the warship.

Being stationed in this place is really a test of one's nerves.

The stationed team left instructions for using the base, and there weren't that many precautions. They were almost fully intelligent.

The main control system is connected to other relays and is indirectly controlled by the empire.

All data such as the strength of the defensive shield, usage of energy blocks, guns, ammunition, and daily necessities are controlled.

So no matter what happens here, the Empire can quickly know that there is not much room for its hands.

However, the stationed team also has some private spaces to ensure that they are not observed by ubiquitous surveillance.

I have learned this lesson the hard way. It is too easy to suffer from mental illness while stationed here.

If all the residents are living under everyone's nose, the probability of tragedy will greatly increase.

In addition, there are a large number of observation instruments deployed around the planet.

In addition to satellites in orbit, there is no shortage of detectors millions of kilometers away.

In short, this is a pretty smart base, everything is good except it doesn't have any heavy weapons.

But there is no need to have any heavy weapons. Although the energy block reserve is a big fortune, there is monitoring.

It only took them one day to adapt to the various equipment here.

On the fourth day, there was a passing starship looking for supplies. Judging from the painting, it should be that of a military subordinate.

However, Claire refused without hesitation, indicating that there was a supply failure here and asking the other party to go around.

She did not do this on her own initiative, but with the authorization of the military.

The other party was obviously a little surprised and asked without warning what had happened and where the original campers were.

Claire just said coldly, "Don't ask about things you shouldn't ask. If you have any objections, you can complain!"

The person on the other side seemed to have reacted to something and asked Claire to contact the command center for confirmation.

Claire decisively refused again and said that if you continue to pester, you will be responsible for all the consequences!

This starship was indeed a subordinate of the military. It probably guessed that the other party was performing special military duties and turned around to leave.

In comparison, non-military starships are not so sensitive.

Another seven or eight days later, an interstellar rescue ship passed by and threatened to land, so Claire had no choice but to fire a warning shot.

The rescue ship is equipped with a special communication system and can actually complain to the residents through the relay station.

Unfortunately, all operations here have been temporarily taken over by the military.

When the news reached the military, their response was, "The military is carrying out an overhaul project and prohibits any starships from landing."

The rescue boat is not ignorant, at least it understands that "overhaul project" is just a vague term.

Since the military had a special mission here, they had no choice but to leave in anger.

In the blink of an eye, Qu Jianlei and the others had been stationed here for more than twenty days, and everything seemed to be going smoothly.

Until the twenty-first day, a military-style battleship mysteriously appeared in space.

This chapter has been completed!
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