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Chapter 1080 Image is not important

Mrs. Jia was chatting with nutritional supplements, and there were of course a lot of spiritual consciousness around her.

Mu Yu in the distance nodded, "Senior, in his youth, in addition to being a genius in cultivation, he was also famous for his beauty."

"It's none of my business," the paranoid shook his head disapprovingly, "It's only serious if you go tell the boss."

"Huh?" Qu Jianlei, who was letting out his consciousness, frowned.

He hadn't thought about this at first, but he just felt that there was nothing wrong with his orientation, so it was good.

But after hearing what they said, he couldn't help but feel a little curious - what did Xiao Jing look like?

Nutrients shook his head indifferently, "Since we have embarked on the path of cultivation, does appearance matter?"

"That's true," Mrs. Jia nodded, but there was a strange light in her eyes.

This time, she really was a bit duplicitous - you don't care about your appearance, that's because you already have it!

The two chatted for a while, and then they talked about the magic weapon used in nutritional supplements.

Mrs. Jia only heard about it in general and didn't know the whole process. She asked questions without being seen.

"How does your magic weapon work?"

There was a trace of embarrassment on Nutrient's face, and she knew very well how many spiritual consciousnesses were surrounding her.

But Jia Shuiqing is from the same era, and besides the boss, she is the one with whom she has the most topics in common.

Although Mu Yu can barely be counted as a contemporary, she was frozen a long time ago, and her life in the past two hundred years has been a blank.

She thought for a moment and then expressed her stance.

"Well, I just want to ask the boss for advice. You can go with me and see if the boss lets you listen."

Huh? Qu Jianlei frowned again when he heard this. This soul-suppressing bell is obviously a magic weapon from the Nascent Soul stage. What do you want to ask me for?

But no matter what, Xiao Jing was his earliest comrade-in-arms in this life and the most trustworthy person.

The little guy at that time lost his memory, and even though he was having a hard time surviving, he still saved Rift, which wasn't bad in terms of his nature.

So he didn't want to hide anything, so when he saw the two of them coming, he even spoke for the nutritional supplements.

"Senior Jia, this involves her trump card, it's hard for me to make a decision... Is it possible for you to ask her in the future?"

When Mrs. Jia heard this, she turned and left without saying a word.

For her, Qu Jianlei's words are more effective than everyone else's words put together.

Then Qu Jianlei activated the defensive formation again, and all the peeping toms could only look at each other, "Here we go again..."

Nutritional supplements, I have too many questions about the Sacrifice Refining Soul Calming Bell, because it was not convenient to ask for advice before, so I always tried to figure it out on my own.

Fortunately, she still has a copy of the advanced techniques for Nirvana.

Although it is just a simple advanced technique and not complete, it does have an overall outline after all.

Otherwise, everyone who dares to think about attacking the supreme is not simple.

Nutrients not only successfully advanced by learning from it, but also found a way to sacrifice magic weapons.

Although Qu Jianlei is not good at sacrificial refining, he still mastered some relevant knowledge through the sacrificial refining of Jianwan.

With his shallow knowledge, he could also analyze that the other party's path was not completely correct...some of them were obviously going astray.

But the most critical thing is... the nutritional supplement itself is insufficient in spiritual energy.

To paraphrase a sentence, it is "Reiki is not omnipotent, but without Reiki nothing is possible."

Since the other party has the inheritance of cultivating immortals, there is nothing he can't say about his experience of sacrifice.

Anyway, both of them are in the exploratory stage, and communicating with each other can inspire each other.

Of course, in this process, the harvest of nutritional supplements is far greater than that of Qu Jianlei.

For many of her uncertain guesses, the boss would directly give a positive answer.

Qu Jianlei is not at a loss either. Although his gains are not much, he has made great progress and it is already difficult to make further progress.

Unknowingly, the two of them talked all day and night.

Many spiritual consciousnesses outside the defensive formation have never left - there are really few people who can achieve the highest level and give up easily.

Although the two of them communicated happily, they also knew that going too far was not enough.

Qu Jianlei took the initiative to stop and said, "You need to digest it first, and then carefully calculate for a while. You won't become fat after eating it in one sitting."

"Yes," the nutritional agent nodded, "I will sort out the Nirvana technique as soon as possible."

"By the way, I still have some sacred materials, I'll ask them to bring them over later."

When Qu Jianlei heard the word "them", he was a little curious, "How many supremes do you have under your hands?"

"Those who are trustworthy... four or five," the nutritional agent replied casually, "there are more people who are willing to help me."

"But for the latter, I won't use it easily... The loss last time was too big."

Qu Jianlei has also figured out that Xiao Jing was once turned into a human being. He nodded when he heard this, "So I am very suspicious."

Before, he always secretly laughed at himself, saying he was a patient with "persecution paranoia", but at this moment, he could really say it openly.

Nutrients nodded slightly, "I trusted others too much before, otherwise I would be so resentful of Imperial College?"

Qu Jianlei was a little curious, "Were you tricked by someone from that college?"

"Basically," the nutritional supplement replied angrily, but it was obvious that she was not interested in mentioning this matter more.

"Anyway, I was the one who killed Babs. I own the blame, but I don't believe they dare to continue to pester him."

In fact, at this moment, the Qingyuan Military Region is divided into two camps.

One camp believes that no matter what, the Eighty-seventh Army is one of its own, and this is its natural position.

"No matter how much the military makes mistakes, it's not outsiders' turn to take action... Just kill the military police, that's one of the seven trump cards!"

The other camp believes that its own side is already very passive and cannot go further down the wrong path.

"So what about the Seven Aces? The incident happened on our territory, and we are the ones who are passive!"

The other party retorted, "Who do you think you are if you still refuse to be called up? What if others learn from your example... In troubled times, you should use important codes!"

"At least five of the highest combat forces have been pushed to the opposite side. Do you want more combat forces to withdraw from the recruitment?"

However, even in such a heated argument, both parties had a tacit understanding not to mention anything.

In that battle, someone from the Supreme Being disappeared.

Because Qu Jianlei and the others did not survive, the military was not sure about Babs' life or death.

Even the news that the Supreme Being participated in the war was only known to a few people, and was strictly forbidden to be leaked.

But the others are not fools. They know that among the people participating in the war, there must be people who are more noble than ordinary supreme beings.

Anyway, no one is sure that Babs must be dead.

Most people guessed that there was a high probability that the important person or persons had escaped - at least someone had escaped.

As for the possibility of being killed by the Supreme Being? Don’t be ridiculous, even if you can’t defeat it, you still can’t run away?

During this dispute, they received questions from the military headquarters.

The members of the Eighty-seventh Army left their posts without authorization and went to a place that did not belong to them. Are there any relevant procedures?

It is an iron law that the army must not leave its station without permission - most mature human societies will have this understanding.

Of course, necessary exchanges can also be carried out in the military, but the prerequisite is that there must be complete reporting procedures.

However, even if all the procedures are in place, members of the Eighty-seventh Army are prohibited from provoking fights outside their garrison.

The person who raised the question from the military was not the person in charge specifically, but his status was not low.

This person said that the nature of this incident was very bad and had a very bad impact.

The empire is at a time of employment, and if such a major incident occurs, the Qingyuan Military Region cannot escape responsibility!

The most urgent task now is to take care of the matter.

Investigate the origin of the incident, severely punish those involved, appease the emotions of local recruiters, and prevent similar incidents from happening again.

It sounds like official talk, but there is a hidden meaning behind the words - don't force this kind of combat power to the traitors.

How serious the current situation is, I am afraid that only the military headquarters knows about it, and even the Qingyuan Military Region does not have a lot of information.

But the military region knows one thing. At the moment, the military headquarters attaches great importance to local security. There must be a reason for this.

But the scolding from non-supervisory superiors still made them a little confused.

The military is an interlocking war machine, and the most important thing is that everyone performs their own duties. There won't be a power struggle at the headquarters... right?

So someone else inquired carefully - not all military personnel are simple-minded people, there are many people who are good at figuring out what is going on.

Then I vaguely got this information: There are people with status more noble than the Supreme, and they are very dissatisfied with the current situation of Qingyuan Star.

Let’s just say it’s the highest, maybe... or the backstage of the tenants of Gustin’s fief?

If Babs hadn't disappeared, he might still be qualified to stand up and compete in the ring. At least someone would share the pressure.

But now... Needless to say, those who advocate appeasement have the upper hand.

Qu Jianlei and others did not pay too much attention to this. Nutrients had already said that they would deal with the matter, so there shouldn't be much of a problem.

On the other hand, Bentley was concerned about observing the fluctuation points in space, and frequently asked his boss if he wanted to finalize it with the military.

No matter what happened during this garrison, they persisted for a month and should get the rewards they deserve.

Qu Jianlei said: You can wait a little until the wound is healed.

Anyway, the initial application deadline was three months to six months, so there was no need to be in such a hurry.

In fact, Qinghu's injury was only one factor, and another factor was... he had obtained a lot of divine information.

This is due to the contribution of nutrients.

Now that the words have been spoken, she not only sorted out the techniques for nirvana, but also collected other information.

This includes her exclusive information, as well as secret information obtained through other channels.

For Qu Jianlei, there is really a lot of useful information.

Among them, the Nirvana method he has studied the most is not only because the method is relatively complete, but also because it is related to the backlash that Xiao Jing encountered.

Since he is called boss, he certainly cannot sit back and watch his younger brother lose his life time and time again.

This chapter has been completed!
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