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Chapter 11

After the initial surprise, Qu Jianlei calmed down and began to think calmly.

In fact, he has never been very interested in things like "systems".

From a rational point of view, carrying a remnant old man with you is more reasonable than the system.

If there is a system, especially one that can issue tasks and the like, what kind of terrifying existence must be behind it?

Qu Jianlei believed that he could not give up his IQ casually, so he began to make careful calculations.

Then he silently recited the "Unknown Qi Refining Technique" for a while, savored it many times, and finally sorted out the clues.

This Qi Refining Technique really deserves to be called "unnamed". It is just over 4,000 words long, and many details of the practice are left unclear.

It's not that the explanation is unclear, it's purely a "lack of details" kind of thing.

And the lack of details is not because there are no cultivation ideas, but... there are more possibilities.

Qu Jianlei slapped his thigh: I finally understand, this "Unknown Qi Refining Technique" was basically deduced by me!

Xiaohu most likely followed him through time. After all, artificial intelligence... can also be regarded as a piece of electromagnetic coding.

Previously, because this body was too weak, it was impossible to awaken Xiaohu.

This time with an unexpected opportunity, he took a large amount of nutrients, and the small lake was activated.

Xiaohu and him could communicate through brain waves, so they felt what he wanted just now.

So the artificial intelligence started working, improvising and hastily deducing a practice method...

Is it fantasy? Of course it is fantasy, but Qu Jianlei feels that this rationality is better than possession by the system.

What can be used as evidence is that many Taoist scriptures that he did not remember deeply enough can now be recalled word for word.

Yes, originally it was just about strong computing power, but now it also has super memory power.

However, supermemory patients have a more difficult life than supercomputing patients. They cannot forget what they see, and they are very helpless...

Well, these are not important things. What is important is that this explains why there are ambiguities in "The Unnamed Qi Refining Technique".

How powerful can a skill that can be performed in just an hour be?

Moreover, what supports Xiaohu’s computing power is not China’s huge supercomputing team, but a malnourished human brain.

The power is no longer a steady stream of huge electricity, but...a few tubes of nutrients.

Although it is said that "the human body itself is an endless treasure", with this result at present, I can be satisfied.

Qu Jianlei calmed down and rewarded himself with a large drink of water.

He thought for almost two minutes and made a decision: Reckless!

Insufficient Qi Refining Technique? It doesn’t matter, as long as it can be proved that there is a sense of Qi in the lower Dantian, that’s enough!

He spent ten minutes and conducted eighteen experiments.

The last trial was conducted after a five-minute interval to prevent habitual illusions.

After another half an hour, he tried again, but still no problem: now everything is alive!

It really doesn't matter if the Qi Refining Technique is incomplete, as long as you have a clear idea and slowly deduce it step by step.

Although Qu Jianlei has a super high IQ and very quick thinking, he does not have the impetuousness of a high IQ.

It is normal to work on a project for three to five months. He enjoys the process of exploring difficult problems very much.

The most important thing is that from now on, he has a direction to work towards.

The most terrifying thing in life is confusion and despair. Once you have hope, your energy and spirit will become different.

Then he stood still for another ten minutes. After being exhausted, he lay down on the ground and fell asleep.

The duration of his sleep shouldn't be very long, but the quality of his sleep was excellent. Qu Jianlei felt a hundred times more energetic when he woke up.

Then he took half a tube of nutritional supplements and returned to his residence with yesterday's seizure.

The residence is almost 40 kilometers away from the shelter, which is also the radius of Qu Jianlei's daily activities.

The farthest distance he can move is more than 60 kilometers, and it will never exceed 70 kilometers, otherwise it will be too dangerous.

His place is a semi-underground building, almost nine square meters in size, and this is the result of his expansion.

When Qu Jianlei first traveled through time, this small building was not much bigger than the shelter.

There are about a hundred similar buildings around his residence, which can be regarded as a settlement in the wilderness of the wasteland.

However, this settlement was formed spontaneously. There is no manager and no one can control anyone.

The owners of some buildings will suddenly disappear and never appear again, and then new people will occupy the building.

If attacked by mutant beasts, the residents in the building can choose to escape or resist without any responsibility or obligation.

But it's different when it comes to formal settlements. Responsibilities and obligations are clearly defined, and there is a corresponding reward and punishment system.

Therefore, in such a wild settlement, petty theft is inevitable.

But strangely, particularly serious violent incidents are rare.

In the final analysis, it is just a group of survivors hugging each other for warmth. If the security conditions are too bad, who will come?

When encountering mutant beasts, everyone can still choose to run away, but when encountering fallen ones, running is useless and they can only fight to the death.

Qu Jianlei hadn't been home for a week. When he went back to take a look, he found that it was okay and no one was occupying his little nest.

But the spare tricycle in the room was missing, as well as several metal rods and most of the charcoal.

Charcoal is a very important resource in the wasteland. It can not only provide heating, but also resist poisonous gas and filter sewage.

Qu Jianlei didn't store much charcoal, only about ten kilograms.

It's not that he doesn't want to save more, but that the more he saves, the faster he loses it, and as a standard poor man, he won't take such a risk.

Normally, if he loses this bit of charcoal, he will probably curse it without any pain - he can't find it back anyway, and it won't be pleasant if he doesn't curse.

But this time the spare tricycle was also lost, which was a bit much.

So he walked to another semi-underground building and said in a deep voice, "Fat sister, I want to ask you something."

A plump woman walked out of the underground. She was about 1.6 meters tall and weighed about 160 kilograms.

She heard Qu Jianlei's voice, which originally looked impatient.

But when he saw the Gauss automatic gun behind him and glanced at the laser pistol at his waist, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"It's a little song. Do you have anything to do with the fat lady?"

Qu Jianlei asked expressionlessly, "Let me ask, who took my spare tricycle...and the charcoal?"

"How did I know this!" The fat lady's face suddenly dropped, and her face changed as fast as she could.

"I run a grocery store and sell some odds and ends, and I'm not the guard of your house. If you ask me this...are you stupid again?"

There is also a grocery store in this wild settlement, and the fat lady sells meat part-time.

Qu Jianlei's face darkened, "You have bought my tricycle twice from outsiders."

Although Fat Sister does small business, her business scope is very large, and it is common for her to acquire stolen goods.

She definitely didn't steal it anyway, she could even tell who sold it to her.

To her, doing this kind of business is already a very particular thing - if I steal it from you personally, you can't do anything to me.

But when the fat lady heard this, she immediately stopped, "You have got two guns, do you think you are great?"

She dares to do this kind of business, and it’s not without support from people behind her - you can be powerful if you have a gun?

In fact, this is exactly the dilemma Qu Jianlei encountered before.

Although Qu Jianlei is weak, if he really wants to get a gun or an oscillating knife, the difficulty... is not particularly difficult.

He is good at setting traps, and hunting and killing is too common in the wasteland.

For example, whenever there is a conflict between two groups of people, he just needs to keep a close eye on it and he might be able to catch it.

Qu Jianlei would not do that, because he knew very well that even if he could get a gun, he would still be a mere commander.

If more than a dozen guns surround him, he can only kneel down. There is no point in resisting.

Unless he can rely on his own ability to form a team and form a force.

However, this is unrealistic, as his social skills are extremely poor.

Qu Jianlei had only made one friend with all his heart, and had once had such an idea, but that guy died two days ago.

So even if he can get a few guns, he will only end up humiliating himself in the end, and may even be in danger of losing his life.

The desire to kill with a sharp blade arises from within, so it is better not to use that brain.

Fat Sister also knows this very well, so she is not afraid at all when facing the heavily armed Qu Jianlei.

Qu Jianlei silently took off the Gauss automatic gun he was carrying and turned on the safety, "Can you say it again?"

"Are you crazy?" The fat lady's expression changed. To be honest, she was really worried that this fool was being stupid.

"My brother is a hunter... from the Red Bull team! My brother is in the Speedster Gang!"

This is what she relies on to do business. Her younger brother is her biological brother, and her elder brother is her daughter.

It's hard to say how strong the relationship is, but it does matter.

"I already knew it," Qu Jianlei smiled slightly and pulled the trigger.

The Gauss automatic gun hit the ground, scattering dust and leaving a hole the size of a wine glass.

"But since I have two guns, I have to give it a try."

What a fool you are! The fat lady cursed in her heart: What a complete fool.

But she has no choice when it comes to such a stubborn master. She can't wait for him to go crazy, can she?

So she answered simply, "I heard that Morrison recently used a tricycle to pull goods at the mine. I don't know if it belongs to you."

Morrison? Qu Jianlei actually knew this person, and his expression instantly became a lot weirder.

"Can he endure this kind of suffering?"

"Maybe he just wants to sell the tricycle," the fat lady replied bitterly.

She knew Morrison better. He might be able to sneak around, but he would never suffer.

Qu Jianlei looked at her for a while, and then asked suddenly, "My charcoal... did you accept it again?"

Fat Sister’s grocery store itself sells charcoal, which is not produced locally...there are no trees around!

Qu Jianlei's charcoal has been stolen dozens of times, and many times it went directly back to the fat sister.

After all, charcoal all looks the same, so there is no way to mark it.

Even if it is marked with a secret poke and it breaks into several pieces with a kick, how can it be checked?

This chapter has been completed!
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