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Chapter 1133 So thats it

Just because Qu Jianlei said taking action doesn't mean he wants to kill these people.

But catching the opponent off guard and then getting your own supplies back is what you should do.

If it goes smoothly, then you can rob the other party of some supplies, which can be considered as compensation for having to move your base.

There was nothing wrong with Qu Jianlei's plan, but as expected, something unexpected happened.

The second starship that arrived was also a large cargo ship, and two small ships were released before landing.

Then the two small ships kept flying over the planet and launched exploratory attacks from time to time.

It is conceivable that the latter must have been reminded by the first starship that there might be someone on this planet.

Of course, it is not outrageous for the other party to think so. After all, in addition to the low temperature, it is indeed relatively livable and the cost of survival is low.

Many people wanted by the empire may indeed be hiding in similar places.

The body like the body seized by the paranoid man was formerly a supreme being hiding in the asteroid belt.

The second starship also put down more than 60 people. There are really many people in this organization.

Later teams just disembarked from the starship and began to dig a second cave. Obviously, they needed to build more than one base.

After putting down the people, the starship took off again and hung in the sky.

More than thirty satellites already have overwhelming detection capabilities, and coupled with starships, they are enough to deal with any possible accidents.

The latter's active detection ability was so strong that Mrs. Jia and Paranoid had to be careful when they went to investigate.

Fortunately, both of them had mastered the art of divine consciousness. They threw a few divine consciousness on the opponent's A-level body and quietly withdrew.

The perception ability of the divine consciousness is still good, so everyone learned the next day: the opponent has at least six supremes!

There were at least four on the first boat, and two on the second boat.

Qu Jianlei didn't care - his team had more supreme players, but Mu Guang's face became ugly.

Speaking of these organizational structures in society, he knows the most among the team, "This number... there is a big problem!"

There are actually six supremes in two starships... This kind of power is not as simple as tyranny at all.

Zi Jiuxian was the least interested in this kind of thing, so he asked aloud, "Are you a little worse than us?"

"Our team..." Mu Guang smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Who can compete with us?"

This is a team with more tops than A-levels, more A-levels than B-levels, and no C-levels at all!

Qu Jianlei planned to launch it in two days, but with so many supreme powers, he had to consider that he might stoke a hornet's nest.

However, the development of the situation exceeded his expectation. Near dusk the next day, a shelter was discovered.

This discovery was quite accidental, and it was a bit dumbfounding.

It was an attack ship that managed to blow up a shelter in a tentative attack.

What's worse is that this is actually a disguise and not a real shelter.

He dug deep into the real shelter. Although the attack ship's attack was sharp, how strong could the exploratory attack be?

Unfortunately, this shelter was originally used to attract firepower when attacking possible intruders!

Therefore, the location of the shelter is relatively critical, and the warehouse is dug relatively shallow, and some insignificant materials are also placed.

The main thing is a deception.

Fortunately, the attack ship happened to blow up this disguised shelter.

The reaction to breaking a shelter is definitely different from the effect of a normal attack.

A large hole suddenly appeared on the ground, and there were ammunition and energy blocks in it, triggering an explosion.

This abnormality instantly aroused a strong reaction from the other party, and in the blink of an eye another attack ship rushed over.

The most important thing is that the armed merchant ship hanging in the sky also slowly moved over.

While moving, they did not forget to send out active inspections around them, obviously to be on guard against possible enemies.

Another armed merchant ship also took off, quickly but not in a panic, looking very organized.

Who is not talented among Qu Jianlei's group? Xiao Moshan could see his talent at a glance.

"These people's reactions are quick and stable. They should be... at least at the reserve level."

Bentley looked at Qu Jianlei and said, "Boss, it seems that this place is really unsafe. You said you don't have to worry about the pots and pans."

He has no prejudice against Mrs. Jia, but he hopes that the boss can just cut it off and not get entangled in the details.

"Yes," Qu Jianlei nodded, "We are summoning starships to come."

Evacuation is inevitable, but the situation is not too urgent and there is no need to use the teleportation array.

Seriously, the opponent's method is very weird. If you teleport away, if the opponent discovers the teleportation array, you will be in big trouble.

The teleportation array can self-destruct, but if it wants to completely self-destruct, the energy fluctuations will not be too small.

So it's better to call in starships, suppress the opponent in a grand manner, and then leave calmly.

They were making thorough preparations. After the other party discovered the shelter, although they became obviously nervous, they did not overreact.

The other party went down with a few people, checked Huo Bao Huo Zha's shelter, and then started discussing.

In the end, it was probably decided that some force might be behind this place.

So four small ships came out together, and more than ten flying mechas were sent out to cooperate with satellites to search the entire planet again.

This time during the search, there were not many probing attacks. When a suspicious location was found, mechas were first sent out to test it.

It can be seen that the other party hopes to discover a new secret camp and at the same time try not to damage the materials inside.

Qu Jianlei felt like he wanted to complain: Are you playing "Looking for Pirate Treasures" here?

However, the other party's search for suspicious locations was really not bad at selecting points. There were some key points that he didn't even care about.

Unfortunately, these people were deceived by the depth of the first shelter.

They were very close to another shelter, but that point was more than fifty meters deep into the mountain. They didn't expect it to be that deep.

In addition, the small micro-sensor outside was completely turned off, so the other party did not notice it and just passed by the shelter.

In the process of their search, as they needed to verify various information, the communication between them suddenly amplified many times.

The consciousness of Mrs. Jia and the paranoid finally found out the origin of the other party: they were a rebel organization!

When Qu Jianlei heard the news, he couldn't help but snorted, "They are really... the same as each other!"

The empire does act with little care for human life, but how can this rebel... be so good?

However, after confirming the identity of the other party, he put down some worries and said, "Xiaohu, we can invade!"

Although the rebel organization is also powerful, it is relatively scattered and its technological level should not be much higher.

Even if the other party also has artificial intelligence, so what? Even if Xiaohu is exposed, will the other party have the ability to organize a large-scale search?

Not long after, the big-headed butterfly sent back a steady stream of information.

Then Qu Jianlei suddenly realized that in fact, the spiritual perception of cultivators is not omnipotent.

This group of resisters is currently trying to build a base, but their division of labor is very clear and there is not much communication with each other.

Moreover, these people come from all over the world, and face the strong pressure of being wanted by the empire, so they are also very cautious when communicating.

This is a bit similar to Qu Jianlei's team. Everyone has their own secrets. Unless they are willing to take the initiative to talk, no one will rashly ask.

In this case, Jia Shuiqing and the paranoid consciousness would not be able to gain much useful information.

On the contrary, Xiaohu got a lot of information after invading the opponent's control system.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the resistors' fleet only consists of these two starships.

And establishing a small transit base on this desolate planet is only one of the ideas of the two starships.

This is a bit like Qu Jianlei building secret camps everywhere, mainly to prepare for emergencies and to rest when necessary.

Of course, the scale of this secret camp is far greater than Qu Jianlei's work - the gap between the number of people is more than an order of magnitude.

But what is certain is that when the other party builds such a base, it will also be kept confidential.

The reason why the two starships came one after the other is because in space navigation, there is a rigid need to respond to each other.

Just like when Qu Jianlei and others are sailing in a starship, other starships will be hung behind them for support at any time.

Using this planet as a base is only one of the options for the rebel organization. They also have a lot of information about similar planets.

This is not surprising. Not only are the resistance organizations numerous in number, but they also have a long history. It is normal to have a little accumulation.

The big-headed butterfly turned around and said, "I have never heard of a lot of planet information before, but I have already recorded it."

"It can only be used as a reference," Qu Jianlei replied casually, and then explained two more sentences.

"On unknown planets recorded by others, you can still try to risk building a base, but the rebels... forget it."

That is an organization that is being watched closely by the empire. If you borrow their information, it will be fine if nothing happens. Once something happens, it will definitely be a big deal.

After a pause, he asked again, "Does anyone in their organization know that they plan to build a base here?"

The big-headed butterfly turned around and replied, "That's not clear. After all, there must be a horizontal connection with the other party."

It can obtain information through the Internet, but some interpersonal relationships are really beyond its control. After all, the Internet cannot replace reality.

Then it gave another suggestion, "According to your logic, boss, let's give up here decisively and don't take any chances."

Qu Jianlei was silent, when will this life of constantly running around end?

After a while, he asked, "We are just building a base. Why do the other parties have so many supreme beings?"

The big-headed butterfly replied, "This cannot be determined for the time being. Those supremes seldom communicate with each other."

"Keep an eye on it," Qu Jianlei told it, "I always feel... maybe the other party is planning some big move."

The last time the rebels gathered in the Supreme Court, it was because of Corian's plan, and even he was affected.

And Qu Jianlei didn't want to encounter such an unreasonable disaster again.

This chapter has been completed!
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