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Chapter 1151 Big Trouble

Unlike security ships and warships, the people on Stepford's planet belong to Dogan's personal influence.

Others can hide, but they... really can't hide!

The relationship between honor and disgrace has weakened at this time. How can I explain it to Lord Duogan?

In fact, these people are not afraid of each other. In their impression, there is no problem that their own adults cannot solve.

Rather than saying they were afraid, they were angry.

To be bullied at your door is an intolerable shame, even if it is left to ordinary people.

Because the incoming starship ignored the security ship and opened fire on the warship, the person in charge decided to communicate first.

This can be regarded as the rules of doing things - you can't cause trouble to Lord Dogan casually.

But they really didn't expect that the other party would be arrogant enough to directly insult Lord Duogan!

So the person in charge didn't say anything, and just let people open fire - a mere cargo starship, dare to come here and act wild?

There are a total of seven bases on the Stepford planet, six of which are controlled by Dogan's people.

The remaining small base is inhabited by people from the military and government.

There are also people from Dogan's side at the base, but they are mainly responsible for docking.

After receiving the order, the six bases opened fire at the same time, with dense firepower, and rushed towards the lone starship at the same time.

However, to everyone's surprise, the reaction of this strange starship was not as violent as it had shown before.

The ominous ship nimbly shuttled through the gunfire and did not fight back, but only taunted coldly.

"Is this the only trick? It's really eye-opening. A dignified and supreme person can only hide behind ants?"

On the Stepford planet, some people immediately quit, and the person in charge of one of the bases issued an order.

"Increase the firepower, increase the shooting frequency, don't worry about losses, and try to beat these madmen to nothing!"

After arranging these things, he contacted his superiors and said, "Boss, can't you please send someone in? This is too insulting."

It would be best if Lord Dogan could come forward. Not only could it boost morale, but it could also slap him in the face in public.

The person in charge snorted coldly upon hearing this, "Are you sure this is not a trap?"

"If the other party is so powerful that it can really use traps to harm you, it would be irresponsible for us to inform you."

"If the other party has not set up a trap, it means that it is not strong enough. Why do you need to ask the adults to come forward? It will not lower your status!"

"It's really stupid not to seize this rare opportunity to make meritorious deeds!"

There's certainly nothing wrong with this logic... of course.

In other words, no matter which angle you look at it, it is extremely irresponsible to rashly alarm Lord Duogan now.

Six bases launched attacks at the same time, and the density of artillery reached a jaw-dropping level.

But unfortunately, he still didn't hit the opponent.

That weird starship dodged nimbly, like a slippery fish swimming in the water.

The base's artillery cooperation is actually very tacit. Many people have worked here for 20 or 30 years, so it's hard to imagine that they don't have a tacit understanding.

They can cleverly force the starship into a small space through various means such as inducement or suggestion.

Facts have proved that they did indeed do it. On several occasions, they unknowingly pushed their opponents into despair.

However, here's where things get weird.

Even if they are in a desperate situation, the other party can break out of the encirclement at the last moment.

Once is a coincidence, twice is a coincidence, and if it happens three or four times, it is definitely not a coincidence!

After noticing this, the person in charge remembered the suggestion from the person in charge of the base.

He snorted coldly, "Turn on the maximum firepower and destroy the opponent regardless of losses."

Maximum firepower not only refers to the unit's attack power, but also the attack frequency!

If both of them are raised to the highest level, not only the consumption will be greatly increased, but also a new problem will be brought about - the wear rate of weapons will be greatly increased.

This wear rate does not increase linearly, but increases in a geometric progression as the first two increase.

The consumption of the former two, plus the wear and tear of the latter, when the three are counted together, it is called loss.

In other words, the person in charge is really cruel and would rather cancel the weapon system than keep the other party.

But this is a normal reaction. In order to maintain Lord Duogan's dignity, it is worth paying no matter how high the price is.

As the firepower intensified, the ominous ship began to be hit, especially the mimic boards used for decoration, which were scattered in all directions.

But these are all insignificant damages, and very few of them can hit the real hull.

And even if it hits, it is a relatively weak artillery piece, and the ballistic trajectory when it hits is either extremely large or extremely small.

In short, the damage caused by the artillery to the ominous ship is so minimal that it can be ignored.

These words may sound long, but in total, they only take more than a minute.

Including the ominous ship being surrounded several times, each time it passed back and forth it only took about ten to eight seconds.

If you think about Blue Star's air combat, you will know that it usually only takes about ten seconds for a fighter plane to break out from being surrounded.

Once it exceeds half a minute, it is basically impossible to escape - what is the effective distance of an air-to-air missile?

Without further ado, within just over a minute, the ominous ship had already begun to take hits.

However, for more than a minute, it never launched an attack, but passively hid here and there.

Finally, a soft sigh came from the public channel, and it was a female voice.

"Dogan, I have always tried to save your dignity, but now...since you don't know how to cherish it, I won't be polite anymore!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the strange starship emitted a white light, and the next moment, a small fortress on the ground was directly blown up.

Seeing this, the onlookers' company-class ships couldn't help but gasped, "Isn't it...this kind of power?"

He is a garrison member of the military, and no one knows better than him the power of this gun and the taste behind it.

He was not surprised that the starship had no reaction when it was hit just now, because the ground fire of the Stepford Planet... was not very powerful.

Yes, although this star is very important, its defensive power is not very strong.

There are a lot of weapons, but they are not very powerful. This place is already close to the core circle, and the control of heavy weapons is very strict.

For the same reason, even though this is a very important mineral planet, it does not require a strong defensive force.

As long as the defending side resists for a while, the surrounding security teams and military will soon arrive.

After all, the security in prosperous areas is different from that in edge star areas.

Including the entire Smiley Nebula, the main force for public security comes from the government, not private self-defense.

Therefore, civilians do not need too powerful weapon systems, but should pay attention to avoid suspicion.

Stepford Planet has received intensive care, and there are garrison troops to assist in its defense.

However, these defenses are all about counterattacks against invaders, not defense.

In terms of pure defense, the defensive capabilities of these bases on the Stepford Planet far exceed its counterattack capabilities.

In short, single-crystal space carbon is indeed precious enough to warrant enhanced defense without causing official dissatisfaction.

The ominous ship can kill a fortress with one shot, which shows its powerful attack power.

The commander on the company-class ship observed carefully. He believed that the weapon system of this starship did not exceed ordinary specifications.

The reason why the attack can produce this effect is mainly because the time and angle of the attack are grasped very accurately!

Theoretically speaking, it is possible to defeat the defense with one shot, but it is difficult for ordinary artillerymen to achieve such accuracy.

This starship is still dodging ground gunfire. If you want to do this while moving at high speed, it will be even more difficult.

But the other party just did it, and the output was powerful enough. It's not surprising that it has such an effect.

The powerful attack power of this starship comes from the crew and gunners, rather than from being equipped with weapons that exceed specifications!

Without exceeding specifications, the military has one less reason to intervene.

The combatants in the opponent's starship are definitely not simple people - it is difficult for even the elites of the military to achieve such accuracy.

Realizing this, the company-class ships continued to stand still: the situation was obviously getting more serious.

The faces of the people in the ground base also changed. They also realized the strength of their opponents, "It must be a coincidence, right?"

Unfortunately, the next moment, another white light flashed through, and the second fortress was also blown open.

There are dozens of fire fortresses on the planet, as well as hundreds of shooting holes. The destruction of two fortresses is not considered a big deal.

Immediately afterwards, the seventh base where the military was stationed also began to output firepower.

When the commander of the company-class ship saw this, his face suddenly darkened, "Who asked them to fire?"

Relevant information was immediately fed back: it was not the soldiers who opened fire, but the people responsible for the connection, who belonged to Dogan's forces.

Those few people saw that their side was at a disadvantage, and through the coordination of government officials, they temporarily borrowed weapons from the military.

After the commander figured out the whole story, he could only sigh, "What the hell..."

When the military and civilians cooperate to defend together, this kind of situation does not happen often, but it is obvious that Lord Dogan's face is big enough.

Even after the commander heard about it, it was inconvenient to call it a halt and he could do nothing but sigh.

However, even with additional firepower, that weird starship can still dodge flexibly.

The movement of the starship is extremely light and agile, as if it is a dancer dancing on the tip of a knife.

At the same time, it is erratic, and its unexpected movements almost violate everyone's conventional understanding.

This feeling...is very much like a top assassin with wind-attributed body skills, no matter how difficult it is to deal with!

The commander sighed softly, "We are in big trouble!"

The trouble was indeed serious. After the starship destroyed two more fortresses, earth-shattering alarms sounded from each base.

The person in charge of the base is urging the military to join the war. In desperation, he has resorted to various means of coercion and inducement.

When he heard the siren, he was stunned for a moment. When he figured out the reason, his face turned dark.

"I'll go...the control system failed and the defense system began to disintegrate?"

This chapter has been completed!
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