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Chapter 1169 Magical Weapon News

When Qu Jianlei heard this, he smiled indifferently, "Where are we now! The magical power of the magic weapon is beyond your imagination."

Nutrients blinked and asked doubtfully, "Boss, have you guessed this possibility before?"

"No, I don't care," Qu Jianlei shook his head and answered calmly.

"It wasn't until you mentioned it now that I realized that this possibility does exist. How should I put it? The magical weapon of the divine system..."

He was in a daze for a moment before continuing to speak, "There is really everything you need. There is nothing you can't think of, and there is nothing they can't do."

So what if the star is a magic weapon? It may not even be as good as an ordinary cave.

Sky-opening axe, sun-shooting bow... let’s understand? Let alone the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map, is the Sky Hook Mi Mansion just bad?

Hearing what he said so confidently, Nutritional Agent looked at him deeply and said, "You know so much...don't you regret it?"

"What regrets do you have?" Qu Jianlei smiled, not even bothering to explain, so as not to let others laugh at his pretentiousness.

The paranoid came to his senses at this time, and then gave a thumbs up, "I admire the boss's magnanimity..."

However, despite admiration, he is not very calm when it comes to magic weapons.

"But it doesn't matter. Since Senior Gao didn't realize this, she will still ask for something from us in the future, and everything will come in time!"

Nutraceutical was silent, thinking, are you so anxious to stop people?

Qu Jianlei didn't pay attention and just replied casually, "We'll see what happens in the future. At the moment, it's just about settling the grudges."

He has a high opinion of Dogan - she is also half a lunatic, but her acting style is a bit aggressive and he doesn't like her very much.

The key is that it is another fire attribute, and it is still the highest. It cannot fill the vacancy of the highest fire attribute in the team.

During this conversation, they arrived at a location where they could teleport.

The first person to be alarmed by the spatial fluctuations of the teleportation array was Mu Yu.

Although she is talented enough and is not too young, she has been frozen for two hundred years and her real cultivation level is much worse than that of Qing Hu.

Even Mu Guang's cultivation level is higher than hers.

However, she has not been separated from her paranoia for many years. Even if she has been wandering around, she still feels that her life is very fulfilling.

This time the senior went to seek revenge from the Supreme Being. It would be a lie to say that she was not worried at all, even though she knew that something was unlikely to happen.

Her consciousness has been paying attention to the direction of the formation disk. After sensing the fluctuation, a flash passed.

Xiao Moshan, who was on duty at the teleportation array, couldn't help but roll his eyes when he saw this: We are an old married couple, what about you?

After Qu Jianlei and others came back, the first thing they saw was Mu Yu.

After saying hello, Mu Yu asked first, "Senior, is that Duo Gan difficult to deal with?"

"Well...the harvest this time is not small," the paranoid replied with a smile, "and I have good news for you."

"Huh?" Mu Yu raised her brows slightly and muttered softly, "Why do you feel like something is wrong?"

When the other three heard this, Mrs. Jia could still hold her nerve, and Nutrient and Qu Jianlei both had strange expressions on their faces.

Fortunately, Mu Yu's thoughts were not on them, otherwise the problem would have been discovered at the first glance.

Qu Jianlei suppressed his smile and walked out with Nutrients, just as Qinghu and Bentley arrived.

When talking about this time of going out to seek revenge, the two of them concealed their paranoia and only said that Duo Gan knew he was outmatched and surrendered decisively.

Qinghu felt a little strange. When did his family begin to accept surrender?

But this is not an important matter, the key is that the gains are not small.

The lack of magical tools and weapons in the divine system has long been a major concern for everyone in the team.

Fortunately, the cohesion of the team itself is good, and they have risked their lives many times in fierce battles, which also cultivated a deep fighting friendship.

Coupled with the fact that there is a boss that everyone trusts, there will be no problems in the short term.

But this contradiction between supply and demand exists objectively.

Most of the members of the team are either Qu Jianlei's die-hards, or they are the pride of heaven, and basically all of them are arrogant.

Therefore, being able to resolve this conflict as soon as possible is very helpful to the stability of the team.

The two magical artifacts and four weapons retrieved this time have well met the urgent needs.

Some people are still using those broken weapons. In fact, from the perspective of the effect of the essence of spiritual energy, it doesn't matter whether the weapons are complete or not.

Qu Jianlei specifically found Claire and asked her if she was willing to learn whipping.

Claire agreed almost reflexively - how honored is it that the boss can open a small stove alone?

Unexpectedly, their conversation was heard by the omnipresent consciousness.

In the afternoon of the same day, Xiangxue came to the door and expressed that she also wanted to learn this whipping method, and at the same time promised not to argue with Claire about the whipping method.

Qu Jianlei knew in his heart that Mu Guang must have overheard and relayed the information, but Xiangxue's image... was indeed a bit queen-like.

If you want to learn, then teach him. He is not short of one more student.

At the same time, Qinghu found the nutritional supplement, and the two hid in the room and whispered.

"Sir, Yuanyuan is planning to attack the highest level, should we..."

Nutrients have a good memory, "Is that the little girl who got my 'Ion Purification Armor'?"

Before reuniting with her boss, she, like her master, was also looking for a successor - the Nirvana inheritance cannot be cut off.

However, the main purpose of nutritional supplements is to keep her healthy. She won't show up when she teaches the exercises, and those lucky ones don't know she exists.

Anyway, she is still young, so she will first slowly observe the overall quality of these people, and then also look at their future development.

This Yuanyuan's talent was average, at least not as good as hers, but he was able to cultivate the ion purification armor even at level A.

Just because the fire attribute affinity is high, nutritional supplements still won't matter - wait until the little girl reaches the highest level and we'll see.

But Yuanyuan later became involved in society and became known as the Four Kings and One Queen in some fraternity, and thus came into contact with the boss!

There is no need to go into details about what happened next. By a strange combination of circumstances, Qinghu joined the team, but Yuanyuan lost contact with the boss!

Just when Qu Jianlei and others went to seek revenge, Qinghu inquired about Yuanyuan's latest movements.

Nutritional Agent thought for a moment and said, "You have to ask the boss about this, but normally... he is nostalgic."

Qing Hu smiled when he heard this and said, "That is your candidate for apprentice. I must ask you first."

"My disciple..." The corner of Nutrient's mouth twitched. The Nirvana technique has a lot of flaws!

If you don't meet the boss, it's a chance. If you meet the boss, it's a reminder.

However, only the boss knows about Nirvana's flaws at present, and Jing Yuexin cannot mention it to outsiders.

She nodded slightly, "Yuanyuan doesn't know about my existence anyway, so you can just ask the boss."

Qu Jianlei was stunned when he heard the news about Yuanyuan, "Do you still have contact with her?"

"Isn't this the case in Tianhook recently?" Qinghu answered casually, "I still have some connections."

Even though she was placed under house arrest by the military, she is now on the missing persons list, and there is a reward for her recovery.

But she cannot live in vain for more than two hundred years, and there are some reliable secret relationships that the official is not aware of.

Seeing that the boss was still brooding, she added, "That thunder disaster of yours, Ran Bingluan, also dragged her down."

Now the Brotherhood has been disbanded long ago. It was originally a gray organization. Once the official investigation was carried out, it was impossible to hold it back.

Yuanyuan has also been investigated for several years, even though all signs prove that she and Ran Bingluan are just strangers.

It wasn't until five years ago that her grounding order was lifted and she could travel to other planets.

This means that the official surveillance on her was completely removed and she gained real freedom.

"..." Qu Jianlei was a little speechless. He thought that he had given Yuanyuan a lot, but there was no doubt that he had indeed hurt the other party.

After pondering for a moment, he spoke up, "But you also know the nature of our team... and she has just landed."

Qinghu shook his head when he heard this, "She has a strong opinion against the government. As a target of suspicion, it will be troublesome to use the training room."

This was still caused by Ran Bingluan.

Yuanyuan is only half a step away from the peak of A-level. Back then, they were both A-level, and the "First Queen" even beat the "Four Kings"!

However, her suspicion has not been cleared, and the government must be on guard. It is naturally inconvenient to use the Qi Gathering Formation.

After all, the government didn't want to completely offend similar people, and her family had some background, so no one dared to directly ban her from using it.

But when using it, there are many more procedures and processes, as well as many instructions and guarantees.

This is a very humiliating feeling, and the process does not always go smoothly - there are many people who deliberately do things wrong and want to make profits from it.

Furthermore, there are also restrictions on the frequency of practice.

Yuanyuan originally thought that she was unlucky and encountered an unreasonable disaster, but she was forced step by step to hate the government!

Many times, she even practices with crystals. Fortunately, her family is not short of money!

Qu Jianlei was quite speechless, and finally expressed his voice.

"Just because she hates the government, it doesn't mean she doesn't hate me. If you explain it clearly to her... you can consider giving some financial compensation appropriately."

After all, people are separated from each other, and team stability is rare. If money can solve the problem, that is the best.

"Also, more than one person in the team can predict malicious intent and spiritual consciousness... You also know, let her think clearly."

Time will change a lot of things. He is willing to help his friends, but if he has ulterior motives, it is better to forget each other in the world.

Qinghu had just left when Mu Guangshen came over mysteriously.

"Boss, there is a Supreme Being who wants to donate a magic weapon and join our team. Are you interested?"

"What the hell?" Qu Jianlei thought he had heard wrongly. Not only was this news unbelievable, but it also contained a lot of information!

He asked expressionlessly, "The other party knows our team well?"

If this is the case, he needs to consider how to treat Mu Guang.

Who is Mu Guang? There are all kinds of people in the Archeology Enthusiasts Association.

He knew very well that even though the boss had no expression on his face, there was always the possibility of him taking action at the next moment.

"Boss, don't get me wrong," he said calmly, "he doesn't know us at all."

If you don’t understand, you have to give up the magic weapon? Qu Jianlei nodded calmly: Keep talking!

This chapter has been completed!
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