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161 Unknown people - 162 Wanted criminals get together

 Chapter 161: Unknown Person (First update: He Mengzhu is cold-blooded)

Jamali chose to come to the courtyard at noon. In addition to asking about the situation, he also wanted to go to the restaurant to enjoy himself.

In addition to him, there were Qu Jianlei, Xiao Qin and Black Panther in the private room.

He just pretended that no one could hear him, so he asked loudly, "Jian Lei, what is the direction for you to continue to improve?"

Qu Jianlei answered without hesitation, "Improve resource utilization, reduce body damage, and increase the speed of cultivation."

He answered very simply, but the three people listening were stunned at the same time.

Is there any problem with the answer? No, but...this kind of normality is outrageous.

The Black Panther's question can represent everyone's mood, "In two or three months, can we take care of all three?"

Qu Jianlei rolled his eyes helplessly, "What if I have to rest later? It's really tiring."

The two fell silent, and Jamali thought for a moment and asked, "How much can this resource utilization rate... be improved?"

Qu Jianlei thought for a moment and then replied, "At least ten times."

The inspector thought for a while, then picked up the wine glass and said, "This is a toast to Jian Lei. Thank you for your hard work. I wish you success as soon as possible."

Qu Jianlei drank a glass of wine and took a deep breath, "Boss, I used a lot of crystals in the calculation process..."

"It won't be short of yours," Jamali waved his hand, "I will arrange for the Black Panther to bring it to you in two days."

Two days later, Black Panther handed five B-level crystals to Qu Jianlei.

"The inspector general said it, if it's not enough... By the way, he asked me for a copy of the first successful training plan."

Want to learn from other attributes? Qu Jianlei was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Whatever he wants."

What he didn't expect was that Jamali took this training plan to verify a tenfold resource utilization rate.

When the inspector general thought about it, Jian Lei was indeed a very talented person, but after all, he was a bit young and energetic.

It is normal for young people to like to exaggerate. He was also very arrogant at his age.

And resource utilization is really important. The resources in the central city are not too few, but they are definitely not many.

With the same resources, if one B-level warrior and ten B-level warriors are piled up, will it be the same?

He didn't even expect to reach ten times. If it reached six or seven times, he could count it as ten times.

If it can really reach ten times, then it will not only be a question of how much the reward will be, but also this person... he will make great use of it!

However, he didn't want Black Panther to know about his thoughts. He was especially grateful to Jian Lei for his new life.

But wind has an abnormal attribute, and there are not many such ultimate warriors. The key is to be strict with your words.

More than a month later, when he was checking a piece of eucalyptus, he unexpectedly found a suitable candidate.

He was a descendant of the Douglas family of the Thirty-Sixth Generation, his name was Mike, and he was about thirty-four or five years old.

This man has always had a good reputation, and he has a stable atmosphere. The key is... the B-class soldier of the Douglas family died three years ago.

The Thirty-sixth Family has a default rule that B-level warriors must be in charge, and those who are not members of the clan must be married.

Even if it's not possible, you'll have to hire a frontman and the family will support you.

If there are no B-level warriors in the family, the impact may not be significant in the short term, but it will definitely not be effective in the long term.

The B-class warriors of the Douglas family are direct descendants of the family and are in their prime - at least far from their life expectancy.

So there is no need for this family to hire B-level warriors anymore.

There are many theories about the cause of his death. In the past three years, the family has been contacting B-class soldiers.

But unfortunately, the Douglas family has not deliberately tried to please any B-class warrior before.

The total number of B-class warriors in Central City is only in their early sixties, and two from each of the thirty-six aristocratic families are not enough to allocate.

Some well-connected B-class soldiers promised to help protect the Douglas family, but not in name.

In the past three years, the Douglas family has acted very low-key, but its power has continued to shrink.

For ten years at most, if there is no nominal B-class soldier in the Douglas family, the consequences will be serious.

Jamali was not very familiar with Mike, but he believed that the other party would not dare to go against his words.

Even if the B-class soldier of the Douglas family was still alive, he would not dare not take him as the inspector general seriously.

In a caring tone, the inspector asked about Mike's training and how long it would take before he could advance to level B.

Mike was flattered and said that Class B was out of reach and would take at least twenty years to accumulate.

Jamali pretended that he didn't know what the other party's attribute was, and asked casually, but the other party said it was wind attribute.

Then the inspector general said, my people have developed a training method, which happens to be of wind attribute. Can you help me test it?

There must be no problem with Mike. He is eager to get closer to the inspector general.

As for the need to sign a confidentiality agreement regarding cultivation methods, this is not a problem at all. It is simply common sense.

He didn't even ask anyone to testify - to do so would be to disbelieve Jamali and would offend people.

Although the Inspectorate has a notorious reputation, it still has a reputation for fairness.

Then Mike went to the inspectorate, was blindfolded, and drank a bowl of something unknown.

Then he was taken into a sealed space.

The strongest attribute of wind is the ability to perceive. Mike can sense that there are some strange devices around him.

He couldn't tell the specific situation, but there was no problem in analyzing one or two of them.

Then he calmed down, at least this was a normal cultivation mode and no one was trying to harm him.

After the death of the pillar of the family, he was also one of the children who had high hopes for him, so he had to be cautious.

However, the next moment, his calm heart became violently agitated, because someone put a stone in his hand.

He knew very well what this was, "B-grade crystal?"

Douglas's family really doesn't lack this thing, and Mike is a wind attribute warrior.

Even if he has never seen a B-grade crystal, he can still feel it, let alone having five of them in his own collection.

"Don't talk," Jamali's voice sounded, "just follow your daily practice."

Mike also guessed the other party's intention, and his heart was beating wildly for a while, "Okay, thank you for your help."

It took him almost five minutes to calm down and then started to do the exercises.

The sensitivity of the wind attribute made him feel it immediately, "Do you directly use B-level crystals to practice?"

Although he had vaguely guessed it, this surprise still interrupted his performance.

"Huh?" Jamali snorted unhappily, "Don't be distracted, remember the feeling."

Mike quickly gathered his mind and performed the exercises again two minutes later.

I don't know how long it took, but a cold voice sounded, "That's it."

Mike slowly finished the exercise, then stood up, without taking off his blindfold, and bowed deeply in the direction of the voice.

"Thank you Lord Jamali. This kindness will be unforgettable."

"Nothing to thank," Jamali said coldly, "come with me."

After walking out of that place, Mike took off his blindfold and his first words were:

"Thank you, sir. Our Douglas family is willing to purchase this cultivation method at a high price."

In his opinion, the inspector general did this in private just to sell the exercises at a high price.

Cultivation methods are not allowed to change hands privately. This is Central City's rule. However, this cultivation method is obviously not obtained in the right way.

Even if the other party is not allowed to spread it, it doesn't matter. If he practices in this way, he may be able to advance to B level within ten years.

Just to alleviate the family's crisis, this is what he will get no matter how much he spends.

Jamali looked at him blankly, "Who asked you to acquire it?"

Then he turned around and left slowly, "Remember to keep it a secret."

Mike stood there and was stunned: Don't say anything, what are you planning to do?

He moved his mouth, wanting to speak, but in the end he didn't dare to make a sound.

But this discovery made him think more and more weirdly. After returning home, he couldn't help but ask the elders in the clan for advice.

——Jamali asked him to keep it a secret, but people within the family... just don't pass it on to the third person.

What he was looking for was an elder in the clan, a water-attribute warrior who was well-informed and most importantly, very wise.

The elder was shocked when he heard what he said, and asked again and again if it was your hallucination.

But hallucination... how is it possible?

Not to mention that there are no warriors with spiritual attributes now. Even if there are, Mike is best at perception.

After the elder was finally sure, he pondered, "Is this... he is playing hard to get, trying to get a high price?"

Mike has also considered this possibility, but he can analyze it calmly, "This possibility is possible, but it is not very likely!"

"Jamari has a good reputation in this area, and he is the inspector general. How greedy does he have to be to dare to violate the rules?"

"You must never regard anyone as a good person," the elder smiled nonchalantly.

"Who he is, we have to find out in private."

The elder's connections and mobility are certainly much better than Mike's, and he even has a good relationship with several B-level warriors.

However, after asking for more than ten days, he had to admit, "This Jamali is really good at what he does."

When Mike heard this, he really couldn't hide his disappointment, "Then... let's forget it?"

"How could we just let it go?" The elder was not willing to let it go... The family was too short of B-level warriors.

He pondered for a moment and said, "This kind of cultivation method is unheard of, and it is a relatively unpopular wind attribute..."

"It's very possible that Jamali got it by accident. He wanted to find you to test the effect."

"Since he refuses to sell it, let's think of a way to see where he has been recently and find it ourselves."

Facts have proved that the inspector general of Dizifang is very busy and travels all over the central city.

The Douglas family still had to investigate secretly, which was a very laborious process.

The result is also obvious, many of the messages involve simple barriers.

But when I checked Jian Lei's information, I found that he was a "Mechanical Maintenance Consultant", which seemed to have nothing to do with the way of cultivation.

Moreover, Jian Lei lives in Central City, so it is unlikely that this peculiar cultivation method will appear in Central City.

Otherwise, someone would have discovered it long ago, why wait until now?

Then, someone finally discovered the anomaly, "Last winter, Jamali used to travel frequently to Tianzi District!"

(First update, He Meng focuses on the cold-blooded animal jellyfish.)——————

Chapter 162: Wanted criminals gather together (Second update: Congratulations to Meng Zhu Fenglu)

While the Douglas family was secretly investigating Jamali, Qu Jianlei was improving his cultivation methods without knowing anything.

On this day, the improvement of the exercises was relatively smooth, but it was a little too late to make the next improvement.

So Black Panther left early, and Qu Jianlei planned to stay at home until dinner time and then go to a restaurant to eat.

But just when it was getting dark and dinner was about to come, someone knocked on the door.

The small courtyard has been renovated quite well now, and Qu Jianlei found out through surveillance that it was an unknown young man.

He was too lazy to go out and asked directly on the intercom, "What's the matter with you?"

The young man shook the envelope in his hand and said, "Someone asked me to bring you a letter, saying that you would give me three silver coins."

"Huh?" Qu Jianlei frowned and walked quickly to the door.

He took the envelope, opened it and looked at it. Seeing that the young man was a little anxious, he casually gave him three silver coins.

The little guy spread his legs and disappeared with a puff of smoke.

With Qu Jianlei's character, he is very careful about everything, but "three silver coins" itself is a code.

He walked back with the letter, which contained the secret code of the agreement.

It was said that one had to do calculations and comparisons to know what was written, but when he walked back to the house, he had already understood it.

It was Bentley who came to Central City, but there was a problem with his identity, so he could only stay outside the city. He was worried that he would not be able to withstand the investigation when he entered the city.

It's been almost a year since they said goodbye, and Qu Jianlei misses them very much.

So he drove directly out and arrived at his destination more than an hour later.

Bentley had a small trinket draped over his shoulder and was standing on the roadside selling goods. He looked like a small vendor at first glance.

This guy's level of makeup is also quite high, and his figure has even changed. He looks like a stout middle-aged man.

Qu Jianlei didn't even recognize him, but he shouted from about ten meters away, "Jian Lei!"

Because he was looking for someone, Qu Jianlei drove slowly. Hearing this, he quickly stopped. When he saw him, he nodded and said, "Get in the car."

After Bentley got in the car, he smiled and said, "Have you obtained your official identity?"

"I got it," Qu Jianlei nodded, "But I've been in a lot of trouble lately, so it's not convenient for you two to come."

According to the rules of the central city, formal residents can sponsor up to three people to enter the city.

But the price of residence is very beautiful, and the price is on a ladder.

To sponsor one person, the one-month residence fee is one hundred silver dollars, for the second person, three hundred, and for the third person, nine hundred.

Is it too expensive? If it’s expensive, don’t come here. Even a poor guy wants to vouch for someone?

If Qu Jianlei guarantees three people, he won't be able to afford the rent of his front house.

However, if he guarantees two people, it will only cost four hundred silver dollars, which is not a big burden for him.

"It's good to rely on each other," Bentley smiled nonchalantly.

He has lived in Central City for so long that he is not unfamiliar with it at all.

He focused on another question, "Trouble... do you need help?"

"Wait until you reach Class B," Qu Jianlei smiled upon hearing this, "The main thing now is not to embarrass you two."

"Who are you looking down on?" Bentley was unconvinced after hearing this, "Now let Jamari come over and see how I torture him."

You may not be able to torture him, Qu Jianlei knew very well. Regardless of the conflicting attributes between the two, the Inspector General is still a B-level person.

Last time, the two of them were not familiar with each other, and Jamali suffered a disadvantage. Even if he was prepared, Bentley probably couldn't beat him.

The old man's cultivation may have improved a bit recently, so it's understandable to brag, but it's wrong to take it seriously.

So Qu Jianlei directly changed the topic, "Old Ben, what's the last name of your enemy in Huangzi District?"

Bentley looked at him suspiciously, "Didn't I say that it was my business?"

"I asked Jamali," Qu Jianlei replied with a frown, "From what he said, the water in Huangzi District is relatively deep."

"The Hedley family?" Bentley snorted, then shook his head, "Not his family."

The Hedley family is also one of the thirty-six aristocratic families. "At most, we have some friendship with Hedley. They are the Bunker family."

"Bunker?" Qu Jianlei nodded slightly, secretly remembering this family.

Bentley looked at him and said, "Unless I die, otherwise, you can keep these people for me."

Qu Jianlei nodded when he heard this, "How is Huang Xiezi now? Can he keep up with his cultivation speed?"

Bentley smiled, with a father-like expression, "Dai Xingyan has had a lot of contact with her... They are all caring people."

Qu Jianlei looked at him strangely, "When I was here, your relationship wasn't very good, right?"

"Isn't this because you are gone?" Bentley replied casually, "We can only rely on each other for survival."

Qu Jianlei smiled and said, "Go to my place to stay for two days? Consultant of the Inspection Office, most people don't dare to investigate."

"Whether you want to go or not," Bentley said firmly, "I can go back once I know you're okay."

How could Qu Jianlei let him leave like this? "There are delicious food and some banknotes, take them back and spend them."

When the two of them arrived at the small courtyard, the restaurant was already full, so Qu Jianlei asked the cook to send them to the second floor.

When Bentley smelled the aroma of the food, he couldn't sit still anymore, opened his cheeks and started eating.

After a hearty meal, the two of them slipped back to the bungalow.

Bentley mentioned some doubts about cultivation - some were his, and some were Hua Xiezi's.

In order to prevent Xiao Moshan from eavesdropping, Qu Jianlei closed several doors.

However, after chatting until late at night, Xiao Moshan still appeared in the courtyard and coughed lightly.

Qu Jianlei opened the door and welcomed him in, while Bentley looked at him curiously.

Xiao Moshan ignored him and spoke seriously to Qu Jianlei.

"Someone has been asking about you recently, and it feels like... it should have something to do with the Frost Wolf."

"Frost Wolf?" Qu Jianlei pondered for a moment, feeling a little bad, "Isn't the matter already exposed?"

Xiao Moshan replied sternly, "I heard that that person is rather sinister. It's normal to hold grudges and settle accounts later."

Qu Jianlei thought about it. At that time, he kept the man's severed palm, which was considered as not giving him face.

But tens of thousands of silver dollars, in exchange for a broken palm, is quite a deal, right?

"Is it the ice type?" Bentley narrowed his eyes, "Dare you find trouble?"

"Forget it, just worry about it," Qu Jianlei glanced at him. The traces of the electromagnetic attribute attack were very obvious.

Xiao Moshan said, "I just want to tell you that if there is any abnormality, I will warn you in advance."

"Friends with wind attributes?" Bentley had guessed just now, but now he was finally sure, "The early warning is good."

Xiao Moshan didn't have a good temper. He looked at him indifferently and said, "If I really want to take action, my electromagnetic properties may not be worse than yours... Huh?"

After being stunned for a moment, he said thoughtfully, "Has the method of cultivating electromagnetic properties been lost?"

Bentley's eyes flashed fiercely, and he glanced sideways at Qu Jianlei, "Jian Lei?"

That is to say, he saw that the other party had a good relationship with Qu Jianlei and seemed to want to please him, otherwise he would directly take action.

However, is the perception ability of a wind attribute warrior really that strong?

Qu Jianlei smiled and shook his head, "It's okay, his identity is somewhat similar to yours."

"Oh," Bentley understood instantly and immediately let go of his vigilance.

But he still warned the other party sternly, "Don't mention the electromagnetic properties anymore, you can't afford the consequences."

"What can't you afford?" Xiao Moshan smiled disdainfully, "Isn't it just him who calculated it for you?"

Bentley's eyes flashed with fierceness again, and he stared at the other party, but he was calling Qu Jianlei.

"Jian Lei, this guy... really doesn't need to be killed?"

"Haha," Xiao Moshan sneered, "Let's not talk about whether you can solve my problem..."

"Even in terms of charges, you are much younger than me. If you don't believe me, just ask Jian Lei."

Qu Jianlei looked at Bentley and spread his hands helplessly, "This...he comes from the canyon!"

"Canyon?" Bentley's eyes widened instantly. It could be seen that this word still shocked him.

Then he looked at Xiao Moshan up and down, then at Qu Jianlei, and couldn't help but ask questions.

"Jian Lei, isn't this... a fugitive from the canyon?"

Neither of them answered this question.

"I feel relieved now," Bentley finally relaxed completely.

After a pause, he burst out laughing again, "Jian Lei, who are the people you come in contact with?"

Then he looked at Xiao Moshan and said, "Sit down. I will pretend that I don't know your identity. Don't tell anyone about me."

Boss Xiao Moshan sat down unceremoniously, "Jian Lei will deduce the techniques, and I'm not the only one who knows them."

"What?" Bentley continued to be dumbfounded. He looked at Qu Jianlei in disbelief, "Are you really not afraid?"

Qu Jianlei really didn't know how to answer this question. The explanation was too complicated and sensitive.

The most important thing is that he was accidentally peeked into the background, which made him feel ashamed of his IQ.

"Anyone who knows will not talk nonsense," Xiao Moshan came to the rescue.

With his perceptual ability, of course he knew that there were three more insiders, but those three... none of them were absolutely reliable.

Bentley looked at Qu Jianlei again in surprise, "Do you already know so many wanted criminals?"

"How are you talking?" Qu Jianlei rolled his eyes helplessly, "I just think that sooner or later, I have to integrate into normal life."

"Tch," Bentley and Xiao Moshan snorted when they heard this.

Xiao Moshan looked at him deeply and said, "Stop thinking so much. Normal life... is too far away from you."

Qu Jianlei raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise, "How did you say that?"

Xiao Moshan couldn't answer this question, so he could only change the topic and looked at Bentley.

"This Frost Wolf, should we strike first?"

"As long as you are interested, I will definitely accompany you." How could Bentley tolerate being looked down upon by the other party?

Then he looked at Qu Jianlei, "I haven't been around Central City for a long time. Who is behind this guy?"

"Also, why did he have a grudge against you?"

Ask the other party's power first, and then ask the reason. Once you hear it, you will know that it is one of your own.

(Second update, He Meng is the master of Maple House.)

This chapter has been completed!
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