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Chapter 1190 All means are used

Mrs. Jia's attack to control the seal was too powerful.

Under the shocking collision, the trajectory of the entire star was slightly affected!

For a star with a diameter of only a little over a hundred kilometers, this situation is not too surprising.

However, the battalion-class ship is indeed strong enough. It was only flattened by half and its height was reduced by about half.

Of course, in this case, it is impossible to continue to control, and the crew members inside don't know how many are left.

Xiaohu couldn't help but complain, "The battalion-class ship is really... a waste."

It also plans to launch another data invasion after breaking through the defensive formation, and include this starship in the team.

There is no need to count on it now. It is squeezed and deformed and cannot be sold at a good price even if it is junk.

The huge hull of the battalion-class ship withstood the seal, allowing the two supreme commanders to narrowly escape disaster.

However, before they had time to rejoice, another muffled sound came from their ears, "Duang~~~~"

It's still so dull, so melodious, and endless.

The nutritional supplement was stuck at the point where it fired the second blow, because before that, Jia Shuiqing was controlling the seal.

The old lady is very resistant to her soul-killing bell, and she has an identification card to help evade it, so she shouldn't be affected too much.

But only Nutrients can understand how much spiritual energy Senior Jia's attack will consume, and how much spiritual energy needs to be condensed.

Especially the seal itself is incomplete, which will bring great inconvenience to Jia Shuiqing's control.

She didn't deliver the second blow until the seal landed.

The two Supreme Beings were so horrified that their hands and feet felt sore. If they had not been strong-willed enough, they would have collapsed to the ground at this moment!

The Supreme who used blood-burning methods felt a tightness in his chest when he first saw the big seal smashing against the battalion-level ship, "Despicable!"

I was so excited that I was about to carry it on, but you actually turned to me. Your majestic Supreme Being, could you please give me a little face?

He tried his best to let his two comrades escape, but now, his efforts have become a joke.

The burning blood state is meant to stimulate potential, and the spirit can easily become excited.

He had endless strength in his body, but after waiting for nothing, he realized his miscalculation and was about to go berserk!

When he heard the bell ringing, he couldn't help but open his mouth and spit out a bloody arrow.

Under normal circumstances, this blow may not cause him to spurt blood.

However, once the blood-burning secret technique is activated, his body and mind will be in an extremely unstable state, and the sound of the bell will also affect his spirit.

He was already anxious and angry, but now he was so angry that he spurted blood.

The two Supreme Beings were already dizzy, but when they saw him spurting blood, their expressions suddenly changed, "It's broken..."

Burning Blood is a forbidden technique that pursues the ultimate explosion.

Once the burning energy has an outlet, the result...is there any need to talk about it?

Even if the companion can forcibly stop the catharsis, the energy lost and the backlash will be the minimum price, which is to greatly shorten the blood-burning time.

At the same moment, Xiaohu gave up the attack on the battalion-class ship and turned to attack the super particle cannon.

It has not completely invaded the opponent's defense system - it even has some doubts about whether this secret camp has a unified control system.

However, the sharp increase in the energy of the super particle cannon still attracted its attention.

In just an instant, Xiaohu and the boss completed their mental communication, and the boss authorized it to launch an attack - an all-out attack!

Qu Jianlei was always on guard against the opponent's back-up moves. How could a weapon that was charging rapidly at this time be any worse?

In most people's minds, the rebel organizations are stragglers with no fixed abodes and should not have any decent heavy weapons.

Not to mention that this is a black zone, not suitable for human beings to live for a long time, and it is impossible to establish a stable base.

But what Qu Jianlei has always believed in is: never underestimate your opponent, otherwise it is very likely that you will die.

After issuing the order, his consciousness swept over and he was stunned for a moment. This is... a super particle cannon?

He had only seen this kind of defensive weapon twice on Planet Zarif, and he was very impressed.

Ordinarily Xiaohu should also have an impression, but Big-headed Butterfly mainly analyzes weapons and equipment through instruments.

Therefore, no matter how powerful the technology is, it is not omnipotent. Xiaohu's inability to use his spiritual consciousness is really a big shortcoming.

But then, he and Big-headed Butterfly both realized something was wrong, "Are there any hidden weapons?"

There were so many weapons in the secret camp. What they both sighed was: another weapon was hidden under the super particle cannon!

This idea is very clever. After ordinary people discover energy fluctuations, they analyze it and find it is a super particle cannon, which is basically confirmed.

Not many people would have thought that there might be powerful weapons underneath the super particle cannon.

Even Qu Jianlei and Xiao Hu didn't consider this - because it was unnecessary. Being cautious does not mean being suspicious.

Thanks to the big seal from the old lady just now, the star was directly hit and changed its trajectory!

The trajectory change is not very obvious, but sometimes, a little bit is enough.

When the energy fluctuations of the super particle cannon cannot completely cover up the energy fluctuations below, it will be discovered sooner or later!

Qu Jianlei's surprise was no small matter. How could a weapon that could be concealed by a super particle cannon be so simple?

Feeling the strong fluctuations below, he didn't even bother to analyze what kind of weapon it was.

His body shook and he rushed out of the starship. He opened his mouth and shot a white light towards the super particle cannon.

The speed of Jianwan is extremely fast, and it can cover thousands of kilometers in an instant.

There is also a small defensive formation above the super particle cannon, but it was just destroyed by the 1314 ship.

The white light directly chopped open the huge super particle cannon and continued to drill underground.

"This is..." One of the supreme sentient beings was still numb, but he immediately became numb, "What else?"

What amazed him was not only the appearance of a third magic weapon, but also the unexpected discovery that another supreme being had appeared!

Because he is so familiar with the layout of his camp!

The super particle cannon itself has a fragile structure and poor stability, and its key links are easily affected by external factors.

But it is precisely because of this that the super particle cannon has a powerful shell and many additional stabilizing parts.

After all, no one wants such a powerful weapon to break down easily.

In addition to the super particle cannon's own system, in order to protect the weapons below, additional thick armor is also installed in the middle.

As a result, the opponent emitted a subtle white light, which not only cut open the cannon body, but also penetrated the armor instantly.

He had never seen such a precise and powerful attack.

Considering that the other party is located thousands of kilometers away - if it is not at the highest level, can it be done?

Qu Jianlei was able to identify what kind of weapon system it was while cutting open the weapon below, and he was secretly speechless for a moment.

It turned out to be an antimatter annihilation cannon. These guys were really desperate for their lives!

Annihilation cannons are different from anti-matter fire bombs. There are no existing anti-matter shells, and anti-matter must be temporarily created.

To put it simply, this is a crazy weapon that is extremely unstable and can hurt others as well as yourself!

This kind of artillery fires slower, but when the antimatter is formed, it is too late to destroy it!

If successfully launched, it can annihilate the opponent. If it is forcibly aborted - everything around it will be destroyed.

After destroying this system, Qu Jianlei couldn't help but secretly sighed. Fortunately, he didn't find out what weapon the opponent was using first!

This is really a matter of seconds. Even if the attack is delayed even a moment, it may lead to great disaster.

Antimatter can cause huge damage and is also listed as a taboo item in the empire.

The instability of the annihilation cannon means that the military can only use it in certain special positions.

In short, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Qu Jianlei would never have imagined that there was such a weapon here.

The world of Jianghu is indeed dangerous, and all kinds of methods are really hard to guard against!

Now that the opponent's situation is over, what we need to guard against is that the opponent jumps over the wall in a hurry and gets angry out of desperation!

We even have antimatter annihilation cannons, what else can’t the other side do?

However, the self-destruction he imagined did not occur.

On the contrary, there were still two company-class ships and seven or eight small ships, which wanted to take off and escape after being activated.

Under Xiaohu's attention, these starships had no chance to take off. As soon as they started, the control system failed.

This guy is really not an ordinary money man. He missed a battalion-level ship, and now he refuses to let go of even small ships.

However, three small ships saw that the situation was not good and directly activated themselves to self-destruct.

Qu Jianlei highly doubted that these three ships were controlled by Alliance soldiers, so they were so decisive.

In contrast, at this moment, various chaotic shouts came from the public channels.

Some people even shouted, "Digital Phantom! It's the Digital Phantom!"

"I'll go," Qu Jianlei was secretly stunned when he heard this, what the hell... are there any spies in the starship being inspected outside?

But it’s not surprising that even the government and even the military can insert spies, let alone these forces from the private sector?

Such a serious matter was actually shouted out, which shows that the mentality of most people on the other side is indeed broken.

The current battle in Germany has entered its final phase.

In addition to the 1314th ship, which was still removing threats at certain points, Qu Jianlei and the other three were watching this scene from a high position, which could be regarded as guarding.

The only one wandering around the battlefield was Mu Guang, who came out last. He was a little worried that the other party would destroy the magic weapon.

At this moment, a starship sailed in the distance. It was none other than the young master's gang that had left before.

Facing the continuous artillery fire and the devastation, the young master was dumbfounded - how long have I been gone?

But then, he noticed three cold gazes projected from a distance.

He hurriedly shouted through the public channel, "Don't get me wrong, I'm here to help!"

Qu Jianlei was quite speechless. This guy really stepped on the line and kept testing on the verge of death.

But thinking about the other party's state when he left, he felt that the credibility of this statement was relatively high.

So he raised his hand, made a prohibitive gesture towards the other party, and then sent out a spiritual message.

"Do you want your life? You dare to get involved in anything, so don't come close!"

"Wait until we clean up the traces of the battlefield before you can enter again!"

This chapter has been completed!
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