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Chapter 1216 Troublesome

Qu Jianlei also knew very well that there was no point in getting Hook's public schedule.

But he still nodded, "Okay, you go get the schedule... By the way, we can just go, you don't need to follow."

"I don't need to go?" The young master blinked, "Don't you need to take care of me?"

"Following you will only be a burden," Qu Jianlei replied without hesitation, "Can you guarantee that the Dyson consortium will not anger you?"

"I'm mentally prepared," the young master said rarely in a serious tone.

"Anyway, if you steal his magic weapon, you will definitely offend him, so there is no point in worrying about it!"

"The boss said that we are on the Pillar Star!" Nutrients couldn't help it, "We can leave safely, are you sure you can leave?"

The young master was immediately speechless. The Shui Group had many partners on the Pillar Star, but who was willing to face the rampaging Dyson?

However, he was still a little reluctant and discussed it with his family on the way back.

"Uncle Chen, I want to go to the mainstay. Even if I wave the flag and shout, it can distract the other party's attention, right?"

Uncle Chen pondered for a moment and then spoke, "I think it's okay... The Shui family asked Dyson's senior management for an explanation. Is it normal?"

At this Fortune Forum, it is impossible for Dyson’s top executives to go to Hook alone.

The young master wants to try his luck with the senior management, which is logically normal and completely in line with everyone's understanding.

When Qu Jianlei heard this, he withdrew his consciousness, shook his head helplessly and smiled, "There are so many stubborn people."

That night, they got the event schedule of the entire Fortune Forum.

Of course, it is only the part of the public schedule, but it is not easy, and it is enough to prove the influence of the Shui Group.

The forum will start in five days and last for two weeks, but the first five days are the most formal.

We were a bit pressed for time, but fortunately Ship 1314 was already on standby in space, so it was basically in time.

The group of people teleported away from the rock without saying a word, leaving only Bentley and Flower Scorpion to guard the prisoners.

It took the starship five and a half days to reach the main star - thanks to the pass, there was really no way to go faster.

However, it was still too late. The forum had already started. Ship 1314 was not a starship registered in the core circle and could not land at all.

Fortunately, Nutrients made arrangements in advance and someone drove a short-range starship to pick him up.

The one who was picked up was Qu Jianlei. His mental power had a stronger influence on ordinary people than Jia Shuiqing.

After landing, he chose a secret place to place the teleportation array, and then left on a short-distance starship the next day.

There is no need to elaborate on the reason why he made a special trip to create evidence of his alibi and prevent any further investigation.

Then everyone was teleported to the Pillar Star again, and everyone still had their own division of labor.

The security of the conference is not as strict as usual. If you want to get close to the forum, which is 50 kilometers away, you have to go through at least three strict inspections.

Qu Jianlei's mental power once again worked, and the interrogation they endured was not strict.

From 50 kilometers away to 20 kilometers away, you have to go through two more inspections, and face random inspections from time to time.

Fortunately, the people at Nutrients were really resourceful and managed to get two hearings!

There are only two, and there can be no more. The empire has a population of tens of billions, and the number of spectators can only be tens of thousands.

If it wasn't for the need for some popular support, it wouldn't even have this certificate, and it would just be a closed-door meeting.

Qu Jianlei tried to release his spiritual consciousness twenty kilometers away, but the result was that the relevant equipment triggered an alarm.

The alarm was not particularly loud, but security personnel at the venue still checked the surrounding area.

"Nothing can be done," Qu Jianlei spread his hands and looked at Mrs. Jia and the nutritional supplements, "You two can sneak in."

His mental power is good at influencing people, but his spiritual consciousness is really inferior to these two, especially not as good as the old lady.

"You and Senior Jia, please come in," the nutritional agent gave a rare concession, "I will meet you two outside."

They were stuck in their schedule, and when Hook appeared on the stage the next day, they made a special trip to get there.

Although they said they were close to each other, the distance was actually more than one kilometer. The empire spanned many star fields, and the buildings were not ordinary grand and domineering.

Hook walked out of the hovercar under the protection of two bodyguards and entered the main venue in a short time.

Mrs. Jia, who was still waiting outside the venue, took the time to release a stream of spiritual consciousness and attached it to the other party.

This spiritual consciousness was very slight and did not trigger an alarm, but it seemed...it still attracted some attention.

Because in the coming time, the inspection of the venue will be more stringent.

Qu Jianlei and the old lady sat in the outer venue, endured the morning, and then left without looking back.

There was still inspection when they left, and the inspector even asked them why they didn't sit in on the afternoon forum.

Qu Jianlei said angrily, "If I had known that the investigation would be like this morning, I wouldn't have come!"

"Haha," the inspector smiled nonchalantly, thinking to himself, if it weren't for the purpose of clinging to a big shot, would you have come to listen?

Now I can't even stand a little anger, and I don't know who to show it to... If I want to cling to the powerful, is it possible that I won't be angry?

Mrs. Jia's spiritual consciousness attached to Hook's body is very weak. If it is farther away, she can't even eavesdrop, she can only locate it.

However, it was good to be able to locate him. Another night, a local big shot in Panshi invited Hook and others to a banquet.

The level of the banquet was very high, the guests were also very distinguished, and the number of people present exceeded a hundred.

However, the banquet is scheduled to be more than 500 kilometers away from the main venue, and the security level is still not comparable to that of the main venue.

Of course, the difference is not much different, the main thing is that the intensity of expelling idlers and others is slightly different.

After learning the news, Qu Jianlei, Nutrients and Mrs. Jia all rushed over.

The three of them spread out and took turns to test, and finally figured out what kind of spiritual consciousness would attract the attention of the equipment or high-level awakened people.

During the testing process, some minor confusion inevitably occurred.

Fortunately, just as they thought, most people thought it was a mechanical failure and the testing equipment was too sensitive.

After the banquet, when Hook was about to board the hovercar, Mrs. Jia slightly enhanced her original consciousness.

Next, just continue to wait patiently.

Fortunately, Hook didn't keep them waiting too long. The five-day formal forum was over, and he only stayed for one more day before leaving.

Before leaving, he held a thank you banquet - reciprocity of courtesy is inevitable.

Outside the thank-you banquet, an interesting tidbit occurred - Shui Xisheng, the young boss of the Shui Group, appeared.

He got an invitation and wanted to enter the venue, but was stopped.

Even without the small dispute between the Shui Family and the Dyson Consortium, he would not have been qualified to enter the venue. His father's presence was barely enough.

In view of the current unfriendly relationship between the two companies, Dyson's senior executives came forward and politely persuaded him to quit.

Later, there was a quiet argument between the two parties, but fortunately in this noble occasion, everyone was very image-conscious.

Originally, Hooker planned to rest here for one night before leaving, and Qu Jianlei and the others also planned to take action at night.

However, due to the Shui clan incident and other reasons, Hook Supreme decided to leave the Pillar Star overnight.

Qu Jianlei and others discussed it and felt that attacking Hook on the way to the star port would easily make things worse.

Anyway, it would be easier to attack once the opponent leaves the planet, so there is no need to provoke the organizer of the conference.

After they confirmed that Hook had boarded the starship and set off, the group teleported back to the starship waiting outside.

1314 first traveled more than 50 million kilometers, and after confirming that there were no surveillance equipment around, everyone transferred to a company-class ship and continued driving.

——It is not easy to modify it once. There is no need to expose the 1314 ship immediately.

A company-level ship has a secret status. Once you need to rush, you have to take your time, but this position... is almost there.

Unfortunately, something went wrong, and Hook's starship actually deviated a little from the direction they estimated.

Even if the yaw is only a little bit, it is still quite a distance when it is 40 million kilometers away.

Fortunately, thanks to Mrs. Jia's spiritual guidance, not only did everyone discover the situation, but they also had time to get on their way.

Finally, they caught up with Hooker's fleet from the side and rear.

——Yes, it is really a fleet. Hook is on a heavily armed merchant ship, and there are two armed merchant ships escorting it.

While chasing, the company-class ship signaled, "Stop the ship and undergo inspection!"

When the opposing fleet discovered that a starship was chasing them, it became very vigilant.

When they realized that there was no paint on the company-level ship, they immediately became more vigilant, and even the muzzles began to charge.

In the public channel, someone spoke in a deep voice, "This is the official merchant ship of the Gale Fund. Please identify yourself when you come to the ship."

Gale Fund is a branch of the Dyson Consortium. It has considerable influence and has some cooperation with the military.

The opponent's signal like this not only shows their vigilance, but also threatens the company-class ship: You'd better know something!

Qu Jianlei sighed softly when he heard this, "Let's do it."

Under Xiaohu's control, the company-class ship took the lead and opened fire on the opponent.

Qu Jianlei had fully overestimated the other party. He did not expect that the combat power of the three armed merchant ships was not inferior to that of the battalion-class ships.

However, even so, it was just an ordinary business trip for Hook. The background of the top ten financial groups was really deep and scary.

But the good thing is that the other side only left one escort merchant ship to deal with the company-class ship.

Another armed merchant ship protected Hooker's car and escaped straight ahead.

This gave Qu Jianlei every chance to break through.

The company-class ship did not fight with the armed merchant ship that was lagging behind, but bypassed the opponent's interception and continued to pursue Hook's car.

At the same time, the company-class ships did not give up their attack on the lagging armed merchant ships.

The starship's attack direction is omnidirectional. While flying forward, it can shoot backward.

In addition, the company-class ships were still dodging erratically from left to right in order to avoid attacks from the rear.

In fact, this situation is very unfriendly to the starship that is pursuing it with all its strength.

The armed merchant ships attacking from the rear only need to lock in the general direction to affect the pursuit of the company-class ships.

This chapter has been completed!
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