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173 The Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit-174 A Family Reunion

 Chapter 173 The Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit (First update to congratulate the cute master Liao Dabao)

The residence was very inconspicuous. There was a young man inside, sitting in a wheelchair and looking pale.

After listening to the gangster's report, he casually popped out a banknote and said, "This is for you."

The face value of the banknote was not high, it was only ten silver dollars. The gangster took the banknote, nodded his thanks again and again, then turned around and left quickly.

The young man in the wheelchair coughed and said, "Jian Lei, there is still no news about Terry. He is leaving."

The person who spoke was none other than Xiao Moshan, but those who saw him must not associate him with the cook.

A figure flashed over like a ghost, his movement skills were no less impressive than Xiao Moshan's a year ago.

He raised his hand and lifted Xiao Moshan onto his shoulders. Then he waved his hand and the wheelchair disappeared.

Then he dodged and disappeared into the night, as fast as he could.

Other people's evaluation of Qu Jianlei is already quite high, but no one could have imagined that his current physical skills are not inferior to Xiao Moshan.

During these few months, the two lived together, running wildly and constantly changing places of residence.

It must be admitted that those who can survive in the wasteland are well versed in the principle of "three cunning rabbit holes", especially wanted criminals.

Xiao Moshan has only been in Central City for seven or eight years, but he has built countless safe houses and secret camps.

Qu Jianlei didn't abandon him because of his moral bottom line. Xiao Moshan didn't say it, but he also gave him generous rewards.

Not to mention anything else, Xiao Moshan has provided him with at least thirty B-level crystals in the past few months.

As for the price? Xiao Moshan never mentioned it, he just expressed it.

"You have always protected me. As long as there is something for me, it must be for you."

Qu Jianlei was also very moved and almost told the other person - actually I was a bit of a swindler.

But after thinking about it, he finally didn't say anything. These words were really annoying - the key is that he himself was a little unwilling to do so.

In addition to hiding, he has figured out two more techniques in the past few months.

One of them is "Wind Floating Willow" with the attribute of wind. This is a body skill that can come and go without a trace.

Qu Jianlei indeed lacked a body skill, but essentially, he wanted to learn the "particle" skill.

It's good to be able to run, but wouldn't it be better if you could anticipate the enemy's opportunity?

Xiao Moshan said frankly: I can let you calculate, but the interference of this technique is too great, so I don't recommend you to use it.

The two have been working together for several months and have gained a lot of experience, and there is no problem with their mutual trust.

But there are some things that cannot be said that really cannot be said.

Is it possible for Qu Jianlei to say that his soul comes from Blue Star? That’s impossible!

And Xiao Moshan seems to have more secrets than him, so of course he can't force it.

So he calculated the movement technique of "Wind Piao Liu", and because of Xiao Moshan's cooperation, he didn't use many crystals.

Seriously, Xiao Moshan looked at his calculation process and saw the consumption of B-grade crystals, and he was really horrified.

"Are you sure you weren't born in the canyon?"

Now it is inevitable that the two of them come to Central City to inquire about the news, because... Xiao Moshan does not have an A-grade crystal in his hands.

When he defected, he stole a large number of B-grade crystals, more than two hundred in total.

But the A-level crystal...he didn't think about it. Firstly, it was difficult to steal, and secondly, he didn't think he could use it.

As for Qianrou being seduced by a gang of gangsters, Xiao Moshan had already discovered it - who told them to keep an eye on Jian Lei?

It's just that Xiao Moshan has too many things to worry about and doesn't care about such trivial matters at all.

It was this time that they wanted to come back to inquire about the news, so they thought of using this channel.

Xiao Moshan really shouldn't be too experienced in dealing with such people, just use coercion and inducements to make them submit easily.

When they were sure, there was still no news about Terry and Huang Xiezi, so they fled again.

Ten days later, another gangster committed another crime, and he accidentally revealed that someone had ordered him to go to Jian Lei's yard.

Later, the news spread to Dizifang, and Jamali directly arranged a crime and sent several gangsters to jail.

He didn't want any news about the fortress to get out.

However, Ma Long told Xiao Qin Digu again, "During the wanted period, I did not forget to think about my old friend... Jian Lei is a person who can get along."

Xiao Qin said coldly, "This is not good. His enemies will target this weakness."

Ma Long replied nonchalantly, "To touch his friend...it's best to think about whether you can withstand his wrath."

"You know, Jian Lei is already B-level. He is so young. As long as he doesn't die, he will reach A-level sooner or later."

One month after this incident, someone encountered an old man with a broken arm in the Dizi area who could send out thunder and lightning attacks.

Unfortunately, by the time Jamali got the news and sent people to search, it was already more than ten days later.

How is it possible to find someone in this situation?

However, the inspector general was finally able to confirm that Terry was still alive. As for what happened to Flower Scorpion, that was... hard to say.

Half a year later, in an orchard more than two hundred kilometers away from the central city, there was a vague aura fluctuation.

The next moment, Xiao Moshan's voice came out, "I'll go, I finally made a breakthrough."

This orchard was their new hiding place. Instead of hiding in a secret camp, the two of them showed up openly.

They contracted the orchard and recruited nearby villagers to help work in the orchard.

Roughly speaking, this orchard is making a small profit or even just enough to save capital, but this is not their ambition and they don't care.

However, the salary they paid was not low, and many of the people who helped were old, weak, sick and disabled, so they had a good reputation.

Xiao Moshan is a genius in the canyon, and he has been exposed to the B-level threshold early.

It's just that in these years, he has been hiding in the market and has not had much time to practice.

Moreover, cultivation resources are also a problem. If you purchase too much, your identity may be exposed.

Now he has finally reached the B level as he wished, and he is very happy.

Qu Jianlei was practicing not far away. He felt his movement, stopped his practice and walked over, "Congratulations!"

Three days later, Xiao Moshan basically stabilized his state, "Do you want to take revenge?"

The two of them are on the run, thanks to the Douglas family. If they don't avenge this, they really don't have a clear idea.

Qu Jianlei glanced at his left leg, "Isn't your leg... not in the way?"

His left leg was injured to the bone. He nursed it carefully for a long time, but he still couldn't use the strength.

Xiao Moshan replied proudly, "One leg is enough. It's level B. I don't care about that."

Qu Jianlei shook his head, "Let's rest for a while and get familiar with it... It's a pity that we can't reach A level."

The idea left to him is that if you want to be strong enough, just go out and show off as a B-level person, which is really not safe enough.

However, although they have a lot of B-level crystals, they may not be able to reach A-level.

The key is that he has never been exposed to A-level training methods.

His nameless Qi Refining Technique can be roughly calculated, but the practice of wind attribute will probably take a lot of effort.

No matter what, when it comes to cultivation techniques, one cannot be too careful.

In the past, when there were no conditions, he could only choose to be reckless, but now... he must try his best to create conditions.

"My legs... don't necessarily need to wait until Grade A," Xiao Moshan shook his head.

After thinking for a moment, he revealed a secret, "Actually, there is a potion for regenerating severed limbs in the canyon."

"What?" Qu Jianlei was shocked for a moment.

He didn't think that the canyon didn't have this level of technology, but when he heard about it for the first time, he couldn't help but be surprised.

"Can you mend your leg?"

Xiao Moshan nodded, "Of course, but this potion is also very rare in the canyon and cannot be obtained by ordinary people..."

At this point, he looked embarrassed, "I guess it will take some effort to get it."

Qu Jianlei thought of the Black Panther's legs, "Are B-level warriors not qualified?"

"B-level is just the threshold," Xiao Moshan sighed softly, "you still need to have money and meritorious service."

Qu Jianlei turned his head and thought about it, "After a month of repairs, let's go grab the money."

A month later, the two quietly arrived outside the central city, and then sneaked in quietly under the cover of night.

The Douglas family built a large manor on the outskirts of the city, and about 30% of the family lived in it.

Most of the various small courtyards in the surrounding area are also occupied by members of the Douglas family.

The two of them came over quietly and were shocked to find, "Let me go, there are so many more cameras?"

"Let's see if the defense is tight," Xiao Moshan said, confident in his ability to disguise himself.

The defense was really not that strict. After walking a few steps on the street, someone came forward to check.

Xiao Moshan was limping on crutches. He asked in surprise, "Is this... a curfew?"

"We are screening wanted criminals," he said, quite politely, "This street is in charge of the Douglas family."

Qu Jianlei and Qu Jianlei looked at each other, turned around and left angrily.

The interrogator pursed his lips, and the two transformation warriors followed them from a distance.

The Douglas family has been strictly guarding it for almost a year, and yet there are still people who don't know about it. This is very suspicious.

Of course, if I showed my ID, I could pass by, but the other party chose to make a U-turn.

Facts have proved that the other party is indeed very strange, because the two reformed warriors they followed never came back.

When the Douglas family realized that someone was missing, they immediately gathered all the family members into the manor and reported it to the security team.

Normally, they could contact the Inspectorate or the City Lord's Mansion, but in the matter of sneak attack on the simple fortress, they went too far.

Jamali still feels resentful about it and would like to beat the Douglas family from time to time.

Therefore, it is only proper to report the matter to the security team honestly.

Qu Jianlei learned from the two reformed warriors that one of the three ultimate warriors who attacked Bentley was killed and one was seriously injured.

However, the two people who were slightly injured and seriously injured had returned to Central City. After recovering from their injuries, they were assigned to the "Atonement Squad".

Bentley and Flower Scorpion were not killed on the spot, and Bentley once appeared in the area and broke his arm.

"Limb regeneration potion"! Qu Jianlei couldn't help but think of this name.

But the next moment, he smiled bitterly and shook his head. Even Xiao Moshan didn't have this confidence. I... How could he be so good?

"Forget it, let's deal with the Bunker family first."

(First update, He Mengzhu Liao Dabao.)——————

Chapter 174 Family Reunion (Second update)

The disappearance of two reformed warriors from the Douglas family aroused the vigilance of the security forces.

This family has offended quite a few people, but the ones who have the motive to do this at this time are most likely those two.

Their results in the last battle were too shocking, and coupled with the canyon's high regard, the two of them have been classified as "extremely dangerous elements."

Moreover, Jian Lei itself is already a B-level warrior, so a city-wide investigation is inevitable.

The drag-net investigation lasted for three days, but there was no trace of the two men, but a dozen more wanted criminals were arrested.

The strange thing is that the two reformed warriors did not leave any traces, as if they simply disappeared from the world.

Qu Jianlei and Xiao Moshan were not far away, they were hiding outside the city.

After advancing to B level, Xiao Moshan's "Particle Technique" has been greatly improved. If the two of them are careful, they really don't have to worry about being discovered.

There was a lot of noise about a city-wide investigation, but Xiao Moshan scoffed at it.

"It's just to scare people, tell us not to bother, but they also want face, just give me a little bit."

Qu Jianlei looked at him speechlessly, "You have experience being wanted!"

"Aren't you afraid of death as the ultimate warrior?" Xiao Moshan snorted, "The right way is to scare us away."

Qu Jianlei was least good at dealing with people. Hearing this, he nodded, "You have the final say."

On the fifth day after the large-scale investigation, the two quietly entered Central City again.

The Bunker family is not that big, with only over 400 people in total. At its peak, it produced two ultimate warriors.

At that time, there was a soldier in the Bunker family who was an officer in the security force. He has died of old age now.

There is also an ultimate warrior in the current family, who has also passed the peak of his prime.

In addition, there are three transformation warriors and several teenagers who are receiving injections of transformation drugs.

The ratio of reformed warriors in Central City is almost one in a thousand, and the Bunker family is one in a hundred, which is already quite powerful.

Moreover, they are under the protection of the Hedley family, which is one of the thirty-six aristocratic families and has B-class warriors.

The Bunker family has a fairly small estate, but there are also family members living in other parts of Central City.

Qu Jianlei had inquired about the Bunker family before he was wanted.

Anyway, based on his memory, he basically knew where the members of the Bunker family lived.

He and Xiao Moshan worked hard for most of the night and finally evacuated quietly before dawn.

After leaving the city, Xiao Moshan couldn't help but say, "You are really ruthless and will not let anyone go."

Qu Jianlei sighed softly, "I think back then, Terry's whole family didn't leave a single person alive."

Xiao Moshan was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise, "The infants and young children were not spared either?"

Qu Jianlei replied expressionlessly, "In this land, everything can be tolerated, except kindness."

Xiao Moshan was silent for a long time before he sighed softly, "It's more cruel than I thought."

Qu Jianlei looked at him in surprise, "Isn't it like this in the canyon?"

"Canyon..." Xiao Moshan blinked a few times, thought about it, and shook his head with a wry smile.

"The canyon is a different kind of cruelty. It's not the same as Central City anyway."

Qu Jianlei glanced at him, "Tell me about it?"

"Just stop asking," Xiao Moshan shook his head expressionlessly, "It's really not good for you to know that..."

At dawn the next day, shocking news came from Central City: the Bunker family was wiped out overnight.

You must know that there are more than 400 people living in different areas of the city.

However, something still slipped through the net. There was a reformed soldier who was serving in the military and did not go home that day.

The soldier's eyes were splitting after hearing the news, and he begged his commander to make the decision for him.

The chief found out about the situation and felt a little helpless, "There is a message from the murderer on the wall. He is here to take revenge."

The murderer's message was - seventy years ago, he was substituted for the injection quota, and his kindness of destroying his family was finally repaid today!

If the commander doesn't doubt the murderer at all, how could the murderer be so insane and insane if he didn't have such deep hatred?

The reformed warrior's eyes were red, "But my wife and children...are they all members of the military, right?"

The commander had a headache, thinking that it wasn't you, the Bunker family, who had done the evil first. Is it possible for others to be like this?

But what the other party said is correct. Military families are indeed protected to a certain extent.

So he could only say, "Let me find out more about the situation."

Detailed news soon came that most of the Bunker family had died of suffocation in their sleep.

Only a few people were killed, including the ultimate warrior.

The Ultimate Warrior probably discovered something was wrong and was beheaded in the bedroom. Strangely, there were no traces of a fight.

Later, someone invited Central City's only wind attribute B-level warrior to help analyze it.

The soldier sensed it and said in surprise, "This is the wind of silence... It is a technique that can only be mastered by B-level."

Then, the question arises: among the more than sixty B-class warriors in Central City, he is the only one with wind attributes. Who will be the murderer?

Anyway, it involves B-class soldiers, no one dares to look down upon this trick.

Then someone remembered the inspection two days ago and asked cautiously, could it be that the Qingfeng Shadowless Knife has advanced to B level?

"Qingfeng Wuyingdao, I am from the canyon, okay?" Everyone was a little speechless.

Can the Bunker family take over Canyon's injection quota? Don't be ridiculous, okay?

Then someone asked, could it be a simple fort? It was said that... it had no attributes.

"Jian Lei is not even thirty-five at that age. How can he be robbed of his spot?"

Then everyone was shocked to find that several safes in the Bunker family had been cut open using metal magic.

Metallic C-class warriors can cut open safes, but they can't do it with such ease.

So this metallic murderer should also be Class B.

In other words, there were at least two B-level warriors among the murderers who had committed such a shocking act.

Anyway, he was persecuted when he was young, and he grew up to be a B-class warrior and later took revenge... There is no problem with this logic.

Moreover, in the wasteland, the idea of ​​​​great revenge is actually recognized.

So some good people began to search for information about old events.

Not to mention, it really happened. Bentley was only ninety years old. In the same year as him, someone awakened his attributes and became the ultimate warrior.

At that time, this incident did not spread to the public - after all, it was a scandal, wasn't it?

But the injectors of the same year had heard of it to some extent, not to mention that Bentley also killed the person who tried to replace him.

The young people at that time are all old now. They did not dare to speak out before, but now there is no problem in proving it.

The Bunker family did do such disgusting things!

They stood up to testify, and even the Hedley family did not dare to say anything.

I'm really not afraid of these old men, but I'm afraid of those two B-levels hidden in the crowd!

The reform warriors of the Bunker family refused to give up and kept shouting that their wives and children were military relatives.

As a result of his shouting, he was beheaded at the gate of the military camp that night.

It was possible to survive without the quarrel, but now it's better...the family is reunited.

But the military was really angry about this and killed people at the gate of the military camp... What did they think of us?

So there was another wave of investigations, and even experienced bosses were once again investigating the murder of the Bunker family.

They found out that Qu Jianlei and Xiao Moshan re-entered Central City at night.

Both of them assumed the identity of reformed warriors and walked to Douglas's house.

There were still people blocking their way, but the two of them took out their identification documents and said, "We are from the military, looking for clues to the demise of the Bunker family."

It is relatively simple to transform a soldier's identity certificate, and generally few people forge it... If you don't have the strength, it will be useless if you forge it, right?

The person on the other side also knew this very well, and asked Ai Ai every time, "Do you two... have resident status?"

"Eh? How brave!" Xiao Moshan glared at the other party, "Is it because the military's proof is ineffective, or is it because you have a guilty conscience?"

These words made the other party afraid to say anything, so they could only let them enter the block.

In the final analysis, the Douglas family is not as good as before, and they really don't have the guts to cause trouble anymore, even if the other party is just a reformed soldier.

As the two walked around, they stopped people at random to ask questions, acting like they were doing business.

However, there are also soldiers from the military in the Douglas family, and soon someone came over after hearing the news, "These two comrades... are a bit unfamiliar."

Xiao Moshan raised his eyebrows when he heard this, but Qu Jianlei's reaction was not slow this time.

He spoke expressionlessly, "Call us comrades? Take a look at your ID card!"

The other party really served in the military and handed over the certificate without hesitation.

Qu Jianlei looked through it, put the certificate directly into his pocket, and said calmly, "Go to the management office to find me tomorrow."

It's true that he's not good at socializing, but he still has no problem with bluffing people.

The man was stunned immediately, "Comrade, which management office?"

"What do you think?" Qu Jianlei snorted coldly and left leisurely with his hands behind his back.

He has already thought about it. If the other party keeps pestering him, he will take action and "severely punish him".

For him, it's really not that difficult to pretend to be a bad-tempered soldier.

As a result, the person was stunned: Which yamen does this person belong to if he is so arrogant?

The two people who left were also cooing softly, and Xiao Moshan said calmly, "You really know how to do it."

Qu Jianlei replied expressionlessly, "Impartial and selfless...it's easy to play, right?"

You call this "selfless"? Xiao Moshan raised his eyebrows and was too lazy to talk to this guy.

The two walked through the entire street, stopping a few people from time to time to check, and occasionally knocking on a few doors.

After all, this time we are here to step on the plate, and only after we have figured out the overall layout of the Douglas family can we start.

Most of the Douglas family members hid in the manor, and the manor was extremely well-defended.

After observing for a while, the two looked at each other and left expressionlessly.

However, before they could walk out of the street, two people appeared in front of them, blocking their path.

Among them was the reformed soldier in the army, "Comrade, where is the management office?"

(It was recommended above. Let’s add another chapter and update it with 10,000 words a day.)

This chapter has been completed!
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