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Chapter 1232 Search

Qu Jianlei nodded, thinking that this possibility did exist, "Did you bring a portable terminal?"

Sural really brought a portable terminal, and it was a second-generation Whirlpool. Although it was not a top-of-the-line terminal, it was worth tens of millions more.

If you don't say that he will be remembered, it will really give people the feeling of a big dog.

Qu Jianlei pretended to be playful and handed the terminal back to the other party.

"If you have anything to do, please input it directly on the terminal. However, our response may not be timely. Please try to delay as much as possible."

Then he looked at Shui Xisheng again, "If it's convenient for you at that time, you can help him first. Is that okay?"

"This is necessary," the young master kept nodding. "We get along well."

If this thing hadn't happened, he really wouldn't be qualified to be friends with Sural.

Sural hesitated and said, "By the way, boss, do you still need a magic weapon?"

"Of course," Qu Jianlei replied without hesitation, "As much as you want."

Shui Xisheng glanced at Sural suspiciously, thinking to himself, is this a business robber?

Sural then explained the situation and took out the holographic image of the magic weapon to show the other party.

Qu Jianlei blinked: Is this a change from The Romance of the Gods to Journey to the West?

Nutrients looked at him and said with great interest, "Shenwen Society... Haha, it's a bit interesting."

She knows best how cold the boss is to Shen Wenhui.

When Mrs. Jia heard this, she coughed lightly and said, "This Galileo... I have heard about it, but his attainments in divine literature are not too high."

Qu Jianlei didn't care much about the identity of this person's Divine Wenhui.

It was a huge force with fierce internal factional struggles and could not be regarded as a whole.

He frowned and said, "You didn't say anything about the content of the transaction?"

"That's right," Sural nodded, "I asked many times, but he insisted on meeting before talking. It seems a bit sensitive."

Qu Jianlei glanced at Mu Guang - this guy should be able to sense something is wrong, right?

Mu Guang really understood what he meant and frowned, "Maybe it's a trap?"

No wonder everyone thinks so, even the appearance of Galileo is very reasonable.

However, the magic weapon is not at hand, and an interview must be conducted, which gives people a somewhat strange feeling.

You must know that the digital phantom is notoriously mysterious, and it is not easy to find opportunities to contact it.

Of course, if it is a trap, it may not necessarily be malicious, but there is no doubt that the opponent's backup plan should be strong enough.

When Sural heard this, he was immediately stunned - had I been fooled?

He can participate in the Purcell Consortium, so his IQ is naturally not bad. Then he nodded thoughtfully, "It's really possible."

Shui Xisheng pursed his lips tightly, not daring to say a word and could only mutter secretly in his heart.

How do these people's brains grow? Each one is more vigilant than the other.

"So what if it's a trap?" The paranoid man said, "The worst thing is to do it!"

"That's true," Qu Jianlei nodded and spoke expressionlessly, "We don't cause trouble, and we're not afraid of it."

Then he looked at Sural again, "You inform him that if you really want to have an interview, bring a magic weapon with you, otherwise we won't see you."

Sural got the opportunity and left with the young master - it was not appropriate to contact Galileo here, as his position would be exposed.

On the way back, he asked aloud, "Lao Shui, are they a little annoyed with that person?"

"That's not necessarily true," Shui Xisheng replied casually, "but you are really lucky that others actually make the move first and then receive the goods."

After Galileo received the news, he hesitated a little, "If you want me to bring a magic weapon...how can I ensure safety?"

The magical weapon of the Bright family was snatched away without any further greeting.

Sural was a little speechless. His experience proved that Digital Phantom has a bottom line when doing things, but the bottom line... seems to be more flexible.

After all, he also heard from Shui Xisheng that Hu Ke's supreme magic weapon was snatched away by those people under a clever pretext.

——The young master is really not afraid to talk about this. He even thinks that it is his proud work.

Sural hesitated and said, "Maybe it's because you took the initiative to come to the door, and they can choose to take it or not."

He knew how much the Digital Phantom wanted magic weapons, but it was impossible to tell the other party - after all, they were his potential customers.

"Tsk," Galileo smacked his lips, sounding a little embarrassed.

After a long time, he said, "Can we invite them to meet at Dongliangxing?"

"This is unlikely," Sural said, knowing very well the suspicions of Qu Jianlei and others.

He doesn't want to cause such trouble. If there are any consequences, he will definitely not be able to bear it.

"If you feel it is inappropriate, then I will tell the other party quickly...people's time is precious."

Galileo pondered for a moment and replied, "We'll talk about it later."

So forward-looking and hesitant... Sural shook his head subconsciously and asked calmly, "Can you give me a deadline?"

"The deadline..." Galileo hesitated for a while before replying, "from three months to half a year."

"Then there's nothing we can do," Sural said, saying he was helpless.

"If I miss this period and contact them again, I can't guarantee that I will get a timely reply."

Galileo was a little unhappy when he heard this reply, "Is it because you can't guarantee it, or the other party can't guarantee it?"

"Of course it is them," Sural replied patiently, "They are always busy!"

Busy? This was the second time Galileo heard this reason, and in the end he just sighed, "It's hard to ask for help."

After Qu Jianlei and his party received the news, they said without hesitation, "Then we will leave first."

Although magic weapons are precious, there is no need to spoil certain people, not to mention the potential risks involved.

After returning to the Skyhook Star Territory, they encountered an inspection by the military on their way to the Skyhook Star.

This kind of inspection in space is really difficult to prevent, not to mention that the military has obviously increased its inspection efforts recently.

Fortunately, the origin of ship 1314 was innocent, and they did not react excessively. Just check it.

In particular, Starship has just applied for a pass for the core circle.

I have to admit that this pass is not generally easy to use.

When the military verified the origin of the starship, their tone became much more polite when they saw this certificate, and they did not even go on board the ship for inspection.

They just asked for a few pieces of identification to be projected.

The certificates of Qu Jianlei and others were all issued by the people who made the authentic certificates, and the projection showed no problem at all.

After only showing three pieces of identification, the patrol boat said it was OK and reminded them to be more careful on the road.

In this case, 1314 simply drove to the vicinity of Skyhook, preparing to land directly at the star port.

However, before the landing application was issued, the big-headed butterfly turned, "There is no one in the other courtyard!"

Qu Jianlei frowned when he heard this, "Bentley and the others haven't come back yet?"

Lao Ben, Fourth Master and others are just going to Hope Star Territory to have a look. If everything goes well, it will only take about half a month. How long has it been?

When he told everyone, everyone agreed to go to the Hope Star Territory.

It is very difficult to find starships in space, but everyone knows that Bentley once drove a starship to search for everyone for many years.

After arriving in the Hope Star Field again, ship 1314 first sailed to the fourth star.

To the public, contact with this habitable star has been lost, and Qu Jianlei and others are also very curious and want to know what happened.

Ship 1314 sailed very carefully because everyone knew that the military had blocked the perimeter of the fourth star.

However, they did not expect that the military cordon was extended very far.

When there were still 70 to 80 million kilometers away from the fourth star, the main control room sounded an alarm, "Military micro-detector discovered!"

"Leave," Qu Jianlei made a decision immediately. If he didn't leave, the warship would chase him.

They ran very quickly, but not long after, a warship chased them and released a small attack ship.

After all, the performance of 1314 was excellent. Even after running away with all its strength, the small attack ship did not catch up.

After all, the attack ship had short legs. After chasing nearly two million kilometers, the energy block couldn't hold on any longer.

After such a chase and escape, Qu Jianlei and others also concluded that something serious was probably going on with Star No. 4.

The paranoid suggested that we first go to the Blade Star Territory and take out the battalion-class ship. The stealth performance of that starship is quite good.

Qu Jianlei thought about it and said that he would first go to a few possible places to have a look. If he couldn't find it, he would go and get the battalion-class ship.

After all, the battalion-class ships have the paint and LOGO of the Digital Phantom.

If others find out, it will cause some associations - what does this organization mean by coming to Hope Starfield?

Ship 1314 jumped again and arrived near the garbage star. Unexpectedly, the level of alert here was not much worse than that of the fourth star.

Fortunately, Xiaohu turned on the active detection mode this time and discovered the micro detector from a distance.

Without waiting for any reaction from the other party, Ship 1314 fled again. This time, it did not notice whether there was a starship chasing behind it.

The paranoid said, "Is this the garbage star? It must be a key target of prevention. They are all descendants of betrayers!"

Qu Jianlei also had to admit that he was hasty in choosing this place.

Next, they jumped to the vicinity of Zarif Planet.

If you can no longer find the ominous ship here, you will have no choice but to get the battalion-class ship.

The vigilance of Planet Zarif is much worse than that of the previous two planets.

This is just a planet that is still in the pioneering stage, and it doesn't even have a decent city.

Not only is this place sparsely populated, it also has no decent industry.

Even if the rebels occupy this place, they will not get any decent supplies, so it is not cost-effective at all.

Ship 1314 started searching on the outer edge of Zarif Planet, and Qu Jianlei set a five-day deadline.

If the ominous ship cannot be found within five days, everyone will leave.

However, on the third day of the search, the big-headed butterfly suddenly turned around and said, "Our detector was discovered!"

The detectors on the ominous ship are all marked by our own side, and there is absolutely no mistake.

Half an hour later, Xiaohu finally contacted the ominous ship.

"He actually hid more than 100 million kilometers away...this wretchedness is comparable to that of you, boss!"

This chapter has been completed!
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