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Chapter 1243 An acquaintance

Qinghu snorted coldly when he heard this, "It's nothing more than a spokesperson. When the mine becomes bigger, you will naturally take over!"

Huanyu Group is large enough and its development strategy has always been known for its stability.

They can make less money, but they must be safe enough. Such a large group really cannot waste money casually - the consequences will be too serious.

So let others take the lead, and then increase your shareholding or make acquisitions after you are sure there is no risk.

The young master could not deny this statement, and could only reply angrily, "This time I came to Planet 4, it actually has something to do with Planet Zarif."

However, he was willing to explain, but Qu Jianlei and the others were not interested in asking at all.

The small ship quickly arrived at the star port and landed in the star port brazenly.

However, the surrounding troops on alert had been notified, and no one showed any signs of making a fuss.

When a small ship enters a battalion-class ship, naturally no one will talk about it.

Half a day later, the other three teams also turned around one after another, and the battalion-level ship issued a liftoff request.

At the same time, everyone talked about their respective situations after the separation.

The paranoid team captured two supreme leaders alive and killed one, while Mrs. Jia's team captured one alive.

What was unlucky was the Fourth Leader's team. Youyou was slightly injured while protecting Tianyin and Claire.

Everyone has experienced similar things. Others have also seen a lot of ugliness in the world, and they all feel a little emotional.

Qu Jianlei didn't bother to worry about this, "Have you heard about the star beasts invading the Federation?"

As he spoke, the starship took off, but when the other three teams heard this, they were all stunned, "Star beast?"

Although this name is not difficult to understand, it is really scary when it is related to invasion.

Unfortunately, there is no relevant information about the other three teams. Qu Jianlei and the others know the most.

However, the one with the most solemn attitude was Mrs. Jia. She spoke in a deep voice, "This is a battle between ethnic groups. Boss, we can't just watch."

"That's for sure," Qu Jianlei replied without hesitation, "Now it's better to improve your cultivation level first."

When other people saw two strangers in the starship, they couldn't help but ask about the situation.

After figuring out the whole story, before anyone else could say anything, Mu Guang snorted coldly, "Young Master of Huanyu... Haha, what's your name?"

Qu Jianlei and the other four were startled at first when they heard this, and then they all laughed one after another.

The young master knew what they were laughing at. From the time they met until now, no one had even asked their names.

Even when they arrived on each other's starship, no one asked questions. It wasn't until they finished chatting that they thought of themselves.

To be honest, it's a very humiliating feeling, being completely ignored and not even worthy of naming me.

But how could he dare to have an attack? He could only reply with a blushing face, "My grandfather is Nandez, and my name is Nanlio."

"Is it this old guy?" Mu Guang snorted coldly, "You are lucky."

"Nandez?" Mrs. Jia raised her eyebrows, "The one who followed the original warriors from our ancestors?"

"My ancestors were also primitive warriors," Nan Leo muttered softly, but said no more.

After a while, Mu Guang spoke, "Where can I get the magic weapon, the Pillar Star?"

"Go to Kunhai," the short man said, "Now the main business of the family owner is in Kunhai."

Kunhai is located in the Pearl Star Territory and has a lower status than the eight stars in the core circle, but it is actually quite prosperous.

The last auction of divine treasures was originally scheduled to be held in Kunhai, but later due to some reasons, it was changed to Fantasy Star.

This is not the first time that Qu Jianlei has gone to the Pearl Star Territory. There is even a teleportation array there.

However, if you go there on a battalion-class ship, it still feels a bit high-profile.

So everyone transferred to ship 1314 and continued moving forward.

Seven days later, the starship arrived over Kunhaixing and issued a request to land.

However, Kun Hai is really not an ordinary arrogant person, saying that although you have a core circle pass, you still need to get a new star domain pass.

"No need to do it!" Nan Leo's face turned a little blue, "Uncle Jin, ask the other party to state his name!"

The short man heard this and spoke quickly, "Young Master, when we come back this time... we need to keep a low profile."

Nan Leo just wanted to take a breath, thought for a moment after hearing the words, and then nodded slowly, "Uncle Jin, you can make arrangements, I will listen to you!"

The short man immediately went to make arrangements, and not long after, a commercial starship flew over from Kunhaixing.

The commercial starship was not here to pick up people, it directly signaled "Follow".

Then a sweet voice sounded from the public channel, "Welcome all distinguished guests to Kunhai. We apologize for the poor reception."

Nan Leo's expression suddenly changed when he heard this, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "Thirteenth Aunt?"

The short Uncle Jin's face paled slightly, "How did the head of the family arrange this?"

Nutrients grabbed the microphone and spoke calmly, "Lead the way!"

The commercial starship's card is really big, and it will fall directly down with the 1314th ship, without any more words.

The public channel of 1314 was always open, but no instructions came from it.

The two starships landed one after the other and unexpectedly landed in a private starport.

The starship had just landed, and two huge hover vehicles were already slowly approaching.

Then two young and beautiful women flew out and said, "Please get in the car."

He really came out of nowhere. Not only is he young and beautiful, he is also an A-level awakened person!

"Gravity Technique~" Qinghu raised his hand and made a seal, and the two women fell to the ground like wild geese hit by arrows.

She said coldly, "Don't fly freely in front of my adults, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences~"

Nutraceutical gave her an appreciative look, and then nodded imperceptibly: Qing Hu... Well, you are good!

However, clearing the arc also means to apply a small amount of punishment. The gravity spell will be retracted as soon as it is launched, and it will take less than half a second.

The sweet voice came again, "Your organization is really full of talents...it's really good at gravity."

Gravity spell can be regarded as one of the most difficult earth attribute spells and requires the most talent.

Even in the highest earth attribute, most people cannot do instant retracting and releasing, let alone such precise micro-operation.

"It's just a simple skill," Qinghu replied casually.

Two hover cars landed, and immediately after, a man stepped out of the business starship, with an unusually fiery figure.

In Qu Jianlei's aesthetic sense, he is considered slightly fat, but in the empire, he is slim. The key is that his curves are exquisite and graceful.

It's a pity that for such a good figure, his face is a bit ordinary, and can even be considered ugly.

Thinking of the woman's sweet voice before, Qu Jianlei couldn't help but have an idea in his heart.

"It would be nice to have a facelift with such a face," even the nutritional supplements around him sighed in the same way.

"The empire's technology is so advanced, right boss?"

"Whether she has plastic surgery or not, what are you telling me?" Qu Jianlei looked at her strangely.

After a pause, he said something mysteriously, "No matter how much plastic surgery I do, I can't keep up with you!"

"Well," the nutritional agent nodded casually, but then she was stunned, "Huh? What did you say, boss?"

"I didn't say anything," Qu Jianlei took out a cigarette and lit it, raising his chin slightly.

"Where does this woman come from? Aunt Thirteen...reminded of an acquaintance from long ago."

"I don't know," the nutritional agent shook his head, and then asked casually, "Are you familiar with... from the junk planet?"

"Well... no," Qu Jianlei pondered and shook his head, with a smile appearing on his lips again, "It's all in the past."

Nutraceutical was silent, and after a while he spoke, "I'll arrange for someone to inquire immediately."

Aunt Thirteen came forward and just said hello. In view of the strong momentum of the other party, she did not deliberately come over.

The suspended car carried a group of people to Xueyun Peak not far away.

The Nan family has a lot of property in Kunhai, but the entire family family lives here, covering an area of ​​more than a thousand square kilometers.

Xueyun Peak is the fifth highest peak in Kunhai and the only private peak. The other four peaks are all occupied by the military.

Xueyun Peak is surrounded by white snow, and there are no households. There are only seven or eight thousand people on the top of the peak.

In addition to more than half of the hired workers and security guards, there are less than 200 households directly descended from the Nan family living on the top of the mountain.

This is the sacred place of the Nan family. Once the relationship distance is exceeded, or the conditions for separation are met, they must move out.

The top of the mountain is not as cold and snow-capped as I imagined.

The empire's most cutting-edge technology is used here, with flowers blooming over a thousand square kilometers and four distinct seasons.

When the surroundings are covered with snow, you sit on the top of the mountain and enjoy the warm summer sun. How comfortable is that?

Qu Jianlei and his party were arranged to enter the VIP Villa on the top of the mountain.

The ancestral land of the Nan family is a place specially used to entertain distinguished guests, so the dignity can be imagined.

But when Nan Leo wanted to leave, Yuanyuan snorted coldly, "Don't leave~"

"We are here to get the magic weapon. You are not allowed to leave until you see the magic weapon."

I came to my house... and you still won't let me go? Nan Leo was a little surprised, do you know where this place is?

You know, at least five supreme beings can be summoned from around the ancestral land!

Okay, you are more supreme, but... don't you think it's demeaning to be so fussy about things?

Yuanyuan seemed to have read through his thoughts, "You can leave if you want, but if we can't communicate effectively, don't blame us for ruining this place."

"No kidding, I'm telling you seriously, do you think these weapons around you are useful?"

Xueyun Peak is the fifth highest peak in Kunhai. In fact, it is also equipped with rail guns to defend against space invasion. It is easy to destroy division-level ships.

But it's really useless. The weapon is indeed very powerful, but it means nothing if it can't hit it.

Nan Leo sighed secretly, you have already come to my house, and you are still so rude...

I have to admit that I have never seen such a vicious guest on Xueyun Peak.

These words soon reached Thirteenth Aunt's ears through the waiter's mouth.

She frowned, then sighed softly, "It's really difficult to deal with, but it's still honest and can save a lot of trouble."

With Nandez's name, she really hasn't encountered many bad customers, but being so strong and open is not entirely a bad thing.

"Take the information about the magic weapon first."

(Updated to summon monthly tickets, follow-up subscriptions and recommended tickets.)

This chapter has been completed!
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