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Chapter 1252: Eye-Opening (Third update, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket)

The Nan family actually had two abandoned mining stars, so they just invested it casually - it was not short of money anyway.

On the eighth day after Qu Jianlei and his party left, a private starship landed at an unknown starport.

A group of people came down from above, including two supreme breaths.

They came to escort the magic weapon, but when they arrived, they discovered that the Digital Phantom team had left and took Nan Leo away with them.

"Doesn't this take us too seriously? Do you want to chase after us now?"

"Wait a moment. It's because they're not here, and it's not that the magic weapon hasn't been delivered."

Qu Jianlei and his party have already arrived at the mineral star... but they actually have to go through a jump to get there.

The planet is the size of a habitable star, but the density is much higher. Without protective equipment, the human body cannot support its own weight.

There are a lot of heavy metal mines in this place, and they are still far from being completely mined, but the big veins are gone.

The remaining mines are extremely difficult and costly to develop - many planets do not have no mines, but it is just not cost-effective to develop them.

So the government gave up, but from the data, the development value here is still far better than that of many unknown stars.

Later it became a military training ground.

In addition to testing the power of weapons, you can also practice tactical coordination in a hypergravity environment.

A hundred years ago, the Nan family acquired this place at a very low price.

However, they have not developed it. They have only kept a small number of stationed personnel and outsourced some small minerals.

Since it can be outsourced, there will definitely be people to develop it, but the profit is thin and the people who come are all small teams, with only a few people.

In addition, it is also a transit station, providing some services to passing starships.

In short, this is an abandoned planet that can barely maintain its own consumption, and occasionally needs a little subsidy from the Nan family.

But to the Nan family, this really doesn't matter. They are betting on the secondary development rights, and it doesn't matter if they lose a small amount in the early stage.

Qu Jianlei and his party drove 1314 to the planet. After landing, Nan Leo took over the management of the planet.

There are many satellites above the planet, all belonging to the Nan family.

In the high-tech era, these things are not worth much. The key is the right to launch and use satellites rationally.

Although Rio Sul is still a hostage, it still has the power to shut down all satellite surveillance.

On the current planet, there are only four small teams mining, and the area they occupy is not large, and they are sufficiently dispersed.

Qu Jianlei and the others chose a place covering an area of ​​more than four million square kilometers.

If you draw a circle in the center of this place, the radius can exceed a thousand kilometers, which is enough for basically anything.

They chose an abandoned mine and transformed it into a livable place. Everything was better except that the gravity was stronger.

Next, Qu Jianlei set up the spirit gathering array that Xizhao had been thinking about, and it was six super spirit gathering arrays.

The obese baby dove right in, not caring about any courtesy - he has been really hungry these years.

Duo Gan abandoned his followers and came alone. He was not in a hurry to enter the spirit gathering array, but just looked around curiously.

Those who are anxious to enter the spirit gathering array are Yuanyuan and Youyou.

The former wants to extract spiritual energy as soon as possible, while the latter was injured on the fourth star. Although he has recovered, he still needs to rest.

Only when others began to enter the spirit gathering array one after another did Duo Gan find Mrs. Jia.

"This kind of spirit gathering array doesn't seem to be a product of the divine system?"

"The boss designed it himself," Mrs. Jia replied solemnly, "No matter who has the inheritance, the one that is suitable for use is the best."

Her words were vaguely aimed at Xizhao, but Duogan could only pretend that he didn't hear her.

Also using the divine system, Xizhao can only look for spiritual energy everywhere, but the boss can already convert spiritual energy in batches.

At least at this point, it is obvious who is strong and who is weak.

However, Mrs. Jia did not just complain, she still gave some suggestions.

"When you start practicing here, don't take too long. The spiritual energy needs to be transformed bit by bit."

Duo Gan has never entered the Spirit Gathering Array to practice, because he is not clear about the taboos of these things and wants to figure it out.

There was no way, no one took her to familiarize herself with these things, probably thinking that with her cultivation and vision, she wouldn't be able to understand.

And Duo Gan himself was considered supreme, so it would be a bit difficult for her to ask others rashly.

It's just that she's not in a hurry. She's hundreds of years old, so she still has some patience.

The proper thing is to observe it carefully first, and then gradually adapt to it. If you sharpen your sword and don't waste time chopping wood, the effect should be better.

However, Jia Shuiqing was willing to give advice, so she casually asked some questions to familiarize herself with these new situations as soon as possible.

Generally speaking, it was still the conflict the night before. Although she had joined the team, she really almost died at that time.

Therefore, this kind of communication is helpful to eliminate grudges - both parties have such needs.

It's just that Jia Shuiqing doesn't know much about the Spirit Gathering Array, so what he can explain is limited.

After Duogan asked for a while, he tried to enter the spirit gathering array to practice.

The first time she entered, she didn't practice. She just sensed it for about ten minutes and then came out of the formation.

Then she felt her physical and mental conditions, sorted out her thoughts, and then entered the spirit gathering array again.

Next, everyone saw the two new companions treating the Spirit Gathering Array in completely different ways.

After Xizhao ran into the spirit gathering array, she lay down directly on the ground and fell asleep.

However, even though it fell asleep, its demand for spiritual energy was huge, and an air vortex even formed in the spirit gathering array.

The energy blocks driving the formation dissipated at an extremely fast speed, and the supply conveyor belt rotated rapidly.

After Qu Jianlei found out, he had to specially arrange three more robots to continuously carry energy blocks into the energy cabin.

Duogan is another extreme. He goes in for a while and then comes out, rests for a while and then goes back in again.

In the first three days, she could come in and out dozens of times a day.

Later, the time she entered gradually increased, and finally stabilized at the frequency of going in for half an hour and coming out to rest for an hour and a half.

Seven or eight days passed in the blink of an eye, and Qu Jianlei suddenly realized: he had not arranged for anyone to take Duo Gan.

So he arranged this matter for Qinghu. Although the two were quite different in level, they were actually quite similar.

Both of them are people who pay great attention to laying a solid foundation. Not only do they have a solid foundation, they are also meticulous and pay attention to micro-management, and they are extremely powerful.

Moreover, both of them had almost reached their upper limit before gradually starting to refine spiritual energy - especially Qing Hu.

After Qing Hu received the mission, he first taught Duo Gan the instant dodge technique.

Duo Gan has long known that the team has special body skills. Although she also has good body skills, she relies on her cultivation.

It's not like the Digital Phantom team, who can even use A-level or even B-level skillfully.

Moreover, the nutrient supplement also reminded her that the physical skills performed by relying on cultivation can easily cause backlash.

So even though it was just a small skill, she was still very pleased: at least the team began to accept her.

I have to admit that Dogan's understanding is also extremely amazing. It actually took him two hours to master the true meaning of blinking.

Of course, you still need more practice to use it skillfully.

The second benefit brought out by Qinghu is the use of spiritual consciousness.

For Dogan, this is still the icing on the cake, but it can't stand...it's really useful.

The third benefit completely surprised Dogan: this team actually has identification cards that can use magic to identify ourselves and the enemy!

Forgetting the Mountain Collapse Technique that followed, she unexpectedly discovered that the team not only had the Five Elements Battle Formation, but also the Three Talents Formation!

Dogan felt a little numb...how many secrets did this team have?

By the time she heard about the art of clones, she was no longer very good at turning around.

While she was absorbing a lot of new knowledge, Xizhao slept for ten days and nights, finally yawned and sat up lazily.

Qu Jianlei had been waiting for it for a long time. When he saw it wake up, he directly took the talisman he made.

"Senior Xizhao, I hope you can give me some advice on making talismans."

"Actually, I'm not very good at it," Xizhao scratched his head, "What I know is just common sense, and it may not be too profound."

However, what Qu Jianlei needs most is common sense. He has no shortage of samples and some incomplete information.

But trying to copy those things always feels a bit out of reach.

With Xizhao's guidance, Qu Jianlei made rapid progress, and soon the power of the talismans drawn on the skins of exotic animals was increased by half.

In addition, the success rate has gradually increased, and soon reached about 80%.

With this change, he plans to use octopus skin again to draw higher-level talismans.

However, he just took out the octopus skin and wanted to make talisman paper. Xizhao's consciousness instantly dropped, "Where did you get this thing?"

Not to mention that this guy is awake now, even when he is fast asleep, a subtle sense of consciousness spreads to protect himself.

Anyway... there's another guy in the team who likes to peep.

Qu Jianlei told the story once, Xizhao's spiritual consciousness scanned it again, and then sighed softly.

"This guy's strength is not bad... he should have been killed by the power of space. It's a pity that the space barrier is closed."

Qu Jianlei happened to think of another question, "Senior, do you know what a star beast is?"

"Star beast?" Xizhao and Dogan have been looking for the digital phantom and have had contact with the military, but they have never asked about the star beast.

It said with a little surprise: I don't know what the star beast you are talking about is, but similar creatures are not uncommon in the world of immortality.

Seriously, he heard that both the Alliance and the Federation had encountered star beasts, and he was a little excited for a moment.

"That's great. If you get through the world of cultivating immortals again, you'll have a chance to go back!"

But the human race in this world may be miserable. Qu Jianlei said leisurely, "What if the connection is to other worlds?"

"Then this will be a big trouble," Xizhao became a little solemn, "Racial war... That is not my race, it must be different!"

You don’t seem to be of the same race as me... Qu Jianlei secretly complained in his heart.

"I will stand with you," Xizhao guessed what he was thinking.

"I'm kind of looking forward to it. Is there any spiritual energy in the world opposite?"

(The third update is coming, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket for February. Also: automatic update is invalid, sorry.)

This chapter has been completed!
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