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Chapter 1261 Sorry

The Supreme Leader came here with the intention of rectifying military discipline, but he cannot be said to be a pure soldier.

Otherwise, why would he be opposed to courtesy when everyone was in favor of it, and why would he even take the initiative to ask for inspection?

If he can suppress the opponent's momentum, he is qualified to apply to lead this team forward.

But now the other party's reaction was extremely fierce and he said he didn't mind killing people, so he had to give in.

With his cultivation level, he could certainly feel the obvious murderous intention of the other party.

However, the intention to kill is not important. What is important is that if he really forces the other party to leave, he cannot bear the responsibility.

So he could only snort coldly, turned around and left the starship.

When the two soldiers who followed him onto the ship saw this, they glanced at him fiercely and left reluctantly.

Hua Xingzi glanced at the B-level female officer and said expressionlessly, "If anyone looks like that again, they will die in battle."

The corner of the female officer's mouth twitched, and she followed out of the starship.

On the battlefield, it is understandable that soldiers are under great psychological pressure and emotionally unstable.

But I can't stand it... These people really don't want to do this!

Three days later, someone else boarded the starship. This time they were two B-class, one male and one female, both with wind attributes.

They are here as guides - the military no longer takes the lead, but it still needs to provide manpower.

This definitely has the purpose of supervision, but some unique situations on the front line cannot be written down and can only be expressed orally.

Anyway, it can be guessed from the cultivation of the two that the military has completely given up on the idea of ​​controlling this team.

As for the two people who had followed from the inner circle, they only accompanied him and did not participate in the subsequent actions.

The two wind attribute B-levels are also full of vigor, but their words are very gentle in conversation, at least not so sharp.

After they arrived, they first gently reminded that it was necessary to replace the starship.

The gap in the barrier ahead is more than two million kilometers long at its longest point. There is still a lot of energy turbulence, but there are also a lot of detection equipment.

In this harsh environment, ordinary testing instruments cannot be used, and both sides of the confrontation have developed special testing equipment.

Of course, even if they are dedicated, these devices cannot monitor too far and can only be compensated by quantity.

At the same time, the turbulent flow of energy causes equipment to be easily damaged and must be constantly replenished - this is war.

However, the effect of such an operation is also very obvious. It is not difficult for the opponent to penetrate it.

The two B-levels said that it was absolutely impossible for a starship like 1314 to escape the other party's monitoring, and they had to change the starship.

Of course, Qu Jianlei and others would not question this kind of professional advice, so the military sent four miniature starships.

This starship is about the same size as a lifeboat, with a standard crew of four - after all, it also has armor and some weapon systems.

Ordinarily, as the military envisioned, if it was a ten-man team, plus a guide and eleven people, two ships would be enough.

But the entire Qu Jianlei team arrived. Not counting the ruler, there were 19 people. Plus the two guides, the three ships couldn't even fit in.

After changing to the starship, Qu Jianlei entered last. Before entering, he raised his hand to put away the 1314 ship.

With just this action, many soldiers inside and outside were dumbfounded - Come on, there are still such large space items?

As we all know, the bigger the space items are, the more difficult they are to make. There are not many such large items in the imperial military.

After Qu Jianlei boarded the ship, the female B-class couldn't help but said, "If your starship is parked here, nothing will happen. No one will move it."

Hua Scorpion replied calmly, "Obviously you have never wandered in space."

When the female Class B heard this, she immediately fell silent, but she was thinking in her mind: Have these people ever wandered in space?

Small starships are not only crowded, but the riding experience is also quite unpleasant. The worst part is that they don’t even have a gravity system.

It's okay if the team is B-level or above. Tianyin was vomiting loudly and had to waste a holding charm, and Claire was also in a sluggish state.

But the two B-class soldiers didn't react much. They had to admit that professionals are professionals.

Such an unbearable time lasted for five full days before the four starships quietly reached the edge of the federal cordon.

In the process, they also encountered a lot of detection equipment.

Finally, the small ship had good stealth performance and good luck, and managed to survive without any danger.

Four starships were hidden in the energy turbulence. Everyone allowed the starships to bump up and down and carefully analyzed how to break through the cordon.

As the turbulence gradually decreases ahead, there are already federal warships patrolling, and as far as the eye can see, there are dense monitors.

The B-level male soldier asked in a low voice, "Can your artificial intelligence invade the other party's system?"

Xiao Moshan replied without hesitation, "This is impossible, the interference is so strong and the distance is too far."

He actually didn't know if Xiaohu could do it, but he had been a soldier and had a background in intelligence, so he answered like this.

The B-level male soldier said calmly, "Then we can only wait and see if there is a chance to capture the two patrol boats."

It is a very common thing for soldiers to lie in wait for ten or eight days or even longer, just waiting for an opportunity.

Of course, if there weren't enough Supremes in the team, capturing the patrol ship with tiny starships... would be a dream!

However, these words surprised Xiao Moshan, "Don't you have to catch the Supreme to complete the mission?"

The B-level male soldier has always had a good temper, but when he heard this, he couldn't help but sigh.

"I thought in case I could use your artificial intelligence, but you... no one dared to ask you."

The Digital Phantom is so powerful that the military has serious concerns.

You asked for this... Xiao Moshan was also a little helpless. He actually sympathized with these comrades.

But Bentley was thinking about something else, "If we capture two patrol ships and are guaranteed to survive...the mission will be considered completed?"

The B-level male soldier was speechless. It took him two or three seconds to answer, "It's impossible for me to understand this kind of thing."

That's what he said, but he had a guess in his mind that one mission might not be enough.

If we can really capture two patrol ships and guarantee survival, it will be a rare achievement in the past two years.

But according to the military's style of conduct, I'm afraid there will be trouble - with such a strong combat power, how can it be enough to use it only once?

The Digital Phantom is very arrogant, but the military does not need to use force. It can just say that it has not achieved its goal.

Moreover, the military cannot always hold on to this point and can agree to other conditions - just tell us what you want before we can continue.

However, he really couldn't express these speculations, and it was not his responsibility.

After Qu Jianlei heard about it on another mini-ship, he quietly took out a ruler and sent out a spiritual message, "Senior, please."

"Is there anything wrong?" The ruler twisted slightly, "I'm not good at this kind of physical work."

Qu Jianlei already understood this guy's laziness, "Senior, I'm sorry..."

He opened the weapon's release port and threw the ruler directly.

"I, you..." Zhizi's consciousness was swept away by the turbulent flow of energy halfway.

But this guy's consciousness is really amazing, and he actually made adjustments in the turbulent energy flow.

"I'm telling you, this requires collecting spiritual stones."

"What else are you thinking about?" Qu Jianlei snorted and muttered to himself, "Did I charge you for accommodation?"

The ruler is not long to begin with, just over thirty centimeters. This size is very inconspicuous even in ordinary space.

Not to mention the energy chaos here and the space debris produced in many wars, which is becoming more and more common.

The ruler was twisting slightly while flying, and it was obvious that there were some mood swings.

But after all, it will not delay the serious business. Unknowingly, some fluctuations occurred in the turbulent flow of energy.

A small patrol ship discovered the anomaly and decisively began to report it to the superiors.

"It was discovered that an abnormal core was generated in the turbulence, which may lead to an energy storm."

Under the influence of energy turbulence, it is easy to generate inexplicable storms. The cause and mechanism have not yet been determined.

The superior immediately replied, "Are you sure it's not man-made?"

Just like meteorological weapons before the interstellar era, countries are now also developing space and astronomical weapons.

However, celestial phenomena are much more complex than planetary weather, and the development of celestial weapons is also extremely difficult.

At present, many experimental celestial weapons have been developed, but there are very few that can be used in actual combat.

And those actual battles are all used for domestic security warfare, to wipe out star thieves or rebels under complex celestial phenomena.

If you want to use celestial weapons in national wars, you must solve at least two points - suddenness and the ability to make something out of nothing.

But unfortunately, the existing celestial weapons cannot meet any of the requirements.

However, at the gap, the celestial phenomena are also quite complicated, and there is no need to consider the issue of making things out of thin air.

The Federation and the Empire have tested a variety of celestial weapons here, and it is true that top technology was first used in the military.

However, in addition to preventing the opponent from evading, suddenness also includes concealment capabilities, and the weapons tested cannot guarantee concealment.

In other words, no matter what kind of celestial weapons either party uses, the opponent will always find that it is man-made.

This is a difficult hurdle to overcome - poor practicality.

In addition, when new weapons are tested on the battlefield, the consequences would be too serious if the opponent obtains them, so there are not many similar tests.

The patrol ship answered honestly, "The celestial phenomena and environment are too complex, and it cannot be determined to be man-made at present."

——No one dares to judge, but the platform on which celestial weapons can be used will definitely not be small, and how big is the ruler?

"Then continue to monitor," the superior starship replied.

Not long after, a violent energy storm appeared, affecting a wide area.

The patrol ship is not big in size, but its speed is not slow. It is said that it can be evaded in time.

However, the scope of the impact is too wide. If it continues to develop, it will form a large vacuum zone that cannot be observed temporarily.

Therefore, several patrol ships arrived to patrol the edge of the energy storm to prevent a sneak attack.

This kind of behavior is extremely risky. If you are not careful, the ship will be destroyed and people will be killed. However, this is war.

(End of chapter)

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