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Chapter 1279 Seizing the Ship

When the two starships at the back faced the military's questions, they did not answer directly, but said that we were just asking casually.

Is there such a casual question? Hill definitely didn't believe it, so he asked the messenger to answer.

"Tell them that our actions are military secrets. If you don't want to cause trouble, leave immediately."

After receiving such an answer, the other starship adjusted its direction slightly, obviously not wanting to communicate anymore.

However, the direction adjustment is not too drastic.

Although the two sides will part ways sooner or later, the latter two starships are extremely fast, and the distance between them and the regiment-class ships is still getting closer.

When the distance reached about four million kilometers, the regiment-level ship discerned the other party's origin, and its voice suddenly became heavier.

"The first merchant ship is registered from Valencia."

It is really not difficult to identify this. The regiment-level ships have huge databases and have strong active detection capabilities.

Ordinary warships will not connect civilian data, but regiment-level ships have corresponding information reserves.

Realizing that there was something fishy about the other party, the relevant data link was established, and then the problem was discovered.

Valencia's starship... The storm in Tres has not subsided yet.

Although the storm is coming to an end, the separatists' emotions have been fully mobilized throughout the incident.

Then the purpose of the other party asking for frontline information is very questionable. Everyone would consider whether they want to cause sabotage?

You know, ordinary starships are strictly prohibited from approaching the front line.

Immediately afterwards, the origin of the starship behind was also recognized. It turned out to be from the Golden Sun Star Territory!

This is no ordinary mystery: How did the two get together?

The key is that there were problems in the Jinyang Star Territory a while ago, and the military and self-defense forces suffered considerable losses.

Hill made a decision, "Ask the other party about their intention, and the attack ship is ready to attack!"

However, the other party ignored the cross-examination and just said that since it was not going their way, everyone should go their separate ways.

Since when can the military track the whereabouts of civilian starships?

Hill was born as a general and was more vigilant than ordinary people.

He said decisively, "Order them to approach and accept inspection, otherwise we will use wartime laws!"

The order was sent out, but the other party still ignored it. His attitude was clearly "as if you dare to take action."

Hill laughed angrily, "The first team of attack ships is ready to eject, the second team is on fire and on standby, and the other teams are arranged in columns."

The regiment-class ship is quite large and can carry six squadrons and eighteen small ships.

When the warships came out this time, although the number of personnel was not enough, the number of small ships was full, and there was no shortage of crews.

Anyway, if the other party continues to ignore it, he really dares to take action. There are many dogs in the gate, but he is not.

Six small ships are enough to stop the opponent and launch an attack.

As long as something goes wrong, the remaining four teams can quickly attack.

There was nothing wrong with Hill's arrangement, but as soon as the order was sent, someone exclaimed, "Oops, the control system failed!"

Immediately afterwards, someone shouted, "Power, the power system failed!"

Hill's face turned pale instantly, "Manually disconnect the control and power systems, and activate the backup system immediately!"

"Also, is the control of the attack ship flexible?"

"If it is flexible and controllable, the vacuum door can be opened manually, and the attack ship will glide out...the faster, the better!"

He issued instructions one after another, looking very orderly and calm.

But his face was quite heavy, obviously he was under a lot of pressure.

The first team of the attack ship reported quickly, and sure enough... the control failed, and the power system that had been activated stopped.

Immediately after the starship reported, the backup power system and control system also lost control.

Previously they had been operating at cruising speed and did not use the backup power system.

But when the starship left port and took off, it used afterburners and turned on the backup power.

As for the backup control system, it often needs to be synchronized with the main system to receive real-time information including orientation.

The captain whispered, "It seems that the other party installed a backdoor program before leaving port!"

He knew very well that the other party had not activated it before, probably because the distance was too far and it was not convenient to control the back door.

Now that the distance between the two sides has narrowed, and one's own side has to send out small ships, the other side starts to take action.

Hill had already reacted and did not dwell on this. Instead, he asked in a deep voice, "Where is the emergency warning system?"

Before the person below could reply, a female voice came from the intercom, "Don't think about the warning system."

"Currently the only thing you can use is the communication system. We keep this system just to facilitate dialogue!"

The emergency warning system is not for the warship's own use, but to warn the military from a very long distance that something is wrong with the ship.

Hearing this, Hill still had no expression on his face and just expressed it lightly.

"The Separatists actually colluded with the evil empire. Have you thought about the consequences of doing so?"

He had already figured out a lot that the other party used the separatist soldiers in the army to quietly leave a backdoor for the starship.

If we still have to rush to the front line, we can only say that there is a bigger intention - 90% of them are already on the line with the empire.

"If you insist on talking about collusion... then that's up to you," a male voice said, "Anyway, we are used to being framed."

"Now we want to know, are you planning to surrender?"

Hill replied calmly, "There are no surrendered soldiers in the Triangle Military District, so don't expect us to take you to the front line."

He is not stupid, and the other party's intention is already clear.

"You really think highly of yourself," the man said lazily, "We have obtained the electronic version of the observation procedures."

"I just want to confirm, do you want these 486 people to be buried with you?"

Hill's face paled when he heard this, and finally he could no longer calm down, "You really dare to kill us all?"

"Then you can give it a try," Qu Jianlei replied nonchalantly, "If you ask me, you'd better choose suicide."

"Arrogant!" Hill snorted coldly, "Only the soldiers who died in battle or died with the enemy, if they are brave enough, kill us all!"

He really didn't believe that if the other party dared to kill everyone and everyone disappeared, the military would definitely do its best to investigate the truth.

Then, the process of the other party implanting the backdoor is very likely to be investigated.

The Federation has been battling wits with the Separatists, but the relationship between the two has not become tense to the point of life and death.

The previous death of the veteran on Tres was just an example. The Federation was not as iron-blooded against the separatist forces as the Empire was against the rebels.

It is mainly the federal structure that determines the relationship between local and national governments.

If the local government feels that its family has been treated unfairly, it will naturally start to think about division. If everyone agrees, they will come and go if they don't.

On the other side of the empire, if the rebels want to overthrow the rule of the empire, they will of course see red with their bayonets.

Hill believes that it is impossible for the other party to kill everyone on his side - once the truth is found out, there will definitely be an uproar.

In the final analysis, there is really no need to do so. If you don't say anything about offending others, it will make your own family look hideous.

But Qu Jianlei told him so much with only one main purpose: don't damage the starship!

Xiaohu did get an electronic version of the observation procedures, but if there was only an electronic version, it felt like it was not that interesting.

It would be best to have a warship accompanying you, which can reduce the military's vigilance to the greatest extent.

And if you get such a regiment-level warship, you will definitely be very distinguished when you return to the empire!

The two sides didn't speak much after that, and the two starships slowly approached.

At this time, the nearly five hundred officers and soldiers on the regiment-level ship were really feeling mixed emotions.

No one wants to bear the humiliation of being captured, but if you want to risk your life, you don't think it's worth it.

Because everyone knows that the separatists will not kill military soldiers at will - they have their own demands for justice!

Soon, the hatch of the regiment-level ship opened, and the boarding battle was about to begin.

The military is well prepared and plans to give the opponent a hard blow at the cabin door - do you really think we will be helpless?

As for the possible damage to the starship during the battle? The soldiers did not consider this at all.

Regiment-level ships are very well-built. Even if the interior is damaged, it is not difficult to find a safe place to hide.

Anyway, there are no soldiers who surrender without a fight, and it is impossible for the opponent to kill them just because they encounter resistance.

——This is nothing more than a normal boarding battle. If you can't afford it, don't join the boarding. Why are you pretending to be tough?

However, the script was obviously ready, but something unexpected happened at the end of the day.

After the hatch was opened, no intruders appeared. Instead, a powerful pressure surged in instantly.

"Supreme Breath!" More than one person exclaimed.

There is no Supreme Commander on this regiment-level ship, and the one with the highest cultivation level is only A-level.

However, these officers and soldiers are qualified to participate in this operation. They are all elites, and most of them have the honor of meeting the Supreme Being.

However, some people's expressions changed, including Hill - this aura is probably more than just Supreme~

Those who thought so were indeed right. The next moment, the aura suddenly exploded, and ninety-nine percent of the people fell into coma on the spot.

In fact, some ordinary people and modified warriors are not just unconscious.

Some people were bleeding from all their orifices, and some even had massive bleeding in their internal organs. Two people almost died.

Only people with extremely high cultivation or good hiding can escape this disaster by luck.

Immediately afterwards, five or six capable men and women rushed in, with at least A-level cultivation.

They controlled everyone in the battleship one by one.

Because the battleship was too big and there were too many people to control, it took a long time.

During this process, some people woke up, but were knocked unconscious again, and those who wanted to resist were treated more roughly.

Two people were beaten to death with uncontrolled force.

In addition, a C-class soldier also died - he directly detonated the explosive.

This man had a deep hatred for the separatists, and his father died in the battle to encircle and suppress the separatists.

(End of chapter)

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