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Chapter 1291 But labor and management are uneducated

Projection has a very short adaptation period - just a moment in fact.

However, such a lag was enough. Before all the strange shapes could take effect, the melodious sound of bells came.

In fact, in space, the sound is almost hallucination, and the most terrible thing is the attack on the soul.

Thirty arms stopped there, and at this moment, time seemed to freeze.

"I'm so stupid..." At the same time, countless sounds of sucking cold air came from several starships.

"Hey, so many eight-armed star beasts? This is a big prize!"

"It's over, how can we fight like this? Four of them!!!"

"Bullshit support for the front line, obviously our place is the real front line..."

Before everyone could finish breathing in the cold air, they suddenly felt like someone was strangling their throats, "I'll go..."

"What is that? It's so amazing. That phantom...is it an illusion?"

"It's not an illusion, it's a magic weapon. I'll kill it. I didn't expect to see someone using a magic weapon in my lifetime!"

"What does it mean to be someone? If you want to call me an adult... if you dare to say something rude, believe it or not, you will be stared at to death by someone else?"

"It's going up, it's going up... it's going up again, it's just amazing!"

Amid everyone's exclamations, the seven- to eight-meter-long bell shadow grew again, until it reached a height of more than a hundred meters.

Most people were shocked by the bell shadow, but few noticed that a faint white light flashed past, faster than lightning.

Lightning instantly penetrated the injured eight-armed Asura's head.

The asura struggled desperately, and then its limbs began to twitch in confusion, which was a neurological reflex at the moment of death.

The people of the Federation discovered this hidden white light from the images during the subsequent battlefield review, but that was a story for another day.

However, everyone on Qu Jianlei's side knew that the boss had taken action, and that Nascent Soul Asura... no longer needed to be taken care of.

When the second melodious bell rang, the figures of the four newly projected Asuras began to sway.

The second time the nutrient supplement triggered the soul-soothing bell, she almost hit the upper limit and issued it - any more, and her lifespan would be shortened again.

Strictly speaking, there is no strict standard for whether to shorten one's lifespan, but she has a subconscious intuition.

If it exceeds a certain limit, her perception will remind her that something is going to happen!

However, the effect was also excellent. The four Asuras were so confused that they could hardly even stand still.

"Okay!" Qu Jianlei's consciousness turned to the nutritional supplement, "That's it!"

At the same time, the Sancai Formation issued another heavy blow.

The yellow light, which was as solid as a substance, directly penetrated the chest and abdomen of a Nascent Soul Asura, making a transparent hole as big as the mouth of a bowl!

The distance between the two sides is really too close, so everyone just needs to deal with this attack without distracting themselves from other controls.

"I'm so stupid~" The officers and soldiers watching the battle felt that their eyes were open again, "Aren't these brothers...these adults a little too aggressive?"

"It's not enough. It's really not enough. For the supreme star beast, such a small hole is not enough."

"You go ahead, come on."

"Aren't you a arrogant person? I didn't say they were bad, I was just worried that they would make things worse... They really can't be careless."

"Okay, you've only seen so much of the world, wouldn't those adults understand this?"

Immediately afterwards, a thunder dragon went straight towards the only six-armed Asura.

However, this time, Bentley miscalculated.

After this Asura received such a blow, its body was shaken, and it suddenly woke up, with its six arms moving in unison.

It was originally mentally weak, but this time it came with lightning protection gear - Asura's IQ is not low.

Given the strength of Asura's body, he would normally resist lightning strikes, but if you look around, you can also find lightning protection gear.

After eating such a blow to the Brontosaurus, it regained consciousness.

But in fact, its mind is still a little confused, but Qu Jianlei and others don't know, right?

At this moment, the nutritional supplements are a bit exhausted, but Dogan's response is not bad at all.

As soon as she raised her hand, she knocked the two injured Asuras away, and at the same time sent out a stream of consciousness, "Starship attack!"

The divine consciousness was directed at Qu Jianlei because she had clearly analyzed that these four Asuras were a bit strong.

If the team goes all out, it will not be difficult to kill these four instantly - even if the paranoid comes out of the cabin, the situation will be different.

At present, the team has exposed a lot of strength, but it is unable to quickly kill the opponent.

Among the supreme leaders of the empire, Dogan is considered to be powerful in combat and has quite a lot of combat experience, so he made the decision in an instant.

In this case, it is better to send out two Asuras and let the artificial intelligence solve it.

What does it mean to fight an old battle? This is it, the battle reaction is imprinted in the bones.

But the only flaw is...she exposed her subtle analysis of the boss.

Everyone knows that Qu Jianlei and Xiaohu can communicate seamlessly, and the boss occasionally reveals this.

But it's not appropriate for the boss to say that they are thinking about this matter.

So everyone sees through it without saying anything, but time is urgent right now and we really can't afford to worry about so many taboos.

Qu Jianlei also understood her meaning in an instant, then nodded and directly instructed Xiaohu to attack the two.

Forget about the six-armed golden elixir, the Nascent Soul with a hole in its chest and abdomen must be taken seriously.

The Supreme Being of the human race can continue to fight even though he has lost half of his body, let alone Asura, who has more tenacious vitality?

It just so happened that Xiao Hu had just stopped destroying the last sub-nest and was about to turn his attention to the only three remaining small nests.

Upon hearing this, it changed the focus of its attack without hesitation.

The attack on the Star Nest is still continuing, but the main guns and large-caliber artillery of the regiment-level ships are taking care of these two.

This change was discovered by the onlookers and soldiers, "Let me go...isn't this cooperation too tacit?"

In fact, when they sighed, they were already half a beat too late.

After Qu Jianlei issued the order, he decisively sent out his spiritual consciousness, "I will take over from Senior Jia!"

Bentley's shot of thunder dragon just now almost turned into an own goal. He was a little distrustful and was about to use the thunder dragon.

Upon hearing this, he flashed his body and took over Jia Shuiqing's position, making a temporary substitution in the Sancai Formation.

Just attack this move, and the onlookers and soldiers will not accept it. When the battle begins, the battle formation will seamlessly switch between candidates. How tacit understanding does this have?

Tacit understanding is something that cannot be cultivated over time. It requires not only trust, but also talent and understanding.

However, what shocked them was the next scene.

Mrs. Jia just escaped from the battle formation, and the big hand appeared from behind Duogan's head, grabbing an eight-armed star beast.

While the other party was still awake, she threw the star beast directly out!

"Why don't you crush this guy?" Some people couldn't help but ask - they are all supreme, is it necessary to be afraid of the star beast?

But these are the words of a hot-blooded person, and all serious and sensible people will understand. This operation... is not bad!

At least separate the two remaining eight-armed star beasts so that you can concentrate on dealing with one of them!

To say that the star beast also has long-distance attack methods, and the level of magic is not bad, does it seem to have little meaning?

People who think this way are really wrong. Obviously, they have forgotten the essence of "back-to-back" battles!

Without the protection of your companions, your back will inevitably become a weakness—even if you have eight arms!

However, how can ordinary people understand Duogan's methods?

Her next actions made those who thought they understood it feel like they couldn't!

The big hand threw the eight-armed star beast three to four hundred kilometers, and then jerked it back with an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, Mrs. Jia had already offered the seal.

The seal quickly grew in size in space and hit Asura hard, who flew back quickly!

This is due to the fact that the team has done a lot of tactical drills before. Otherwise, no matter how tacitly they understand each other, they would not be able to achieve this step.

——Even if you have practiced, it is not possible for ordinary people to achieve such a tacit understanding in this kind of lightning room.

It can only be said that these two have lived long enough and have enough fighting talent!

"I'm so stupid, how can I still do something like this? These are two sisters who grew up together, right?"

"I'm so stupid. Didn't anyone notice that it's another magic weapon?"

"I dare to attack like this. Could it be that this... this gentleman is also the supreme being?"

Countless voices of "I'm stupid" resounded in various starships. It really means "how come the labor and management are uneducated".

What these people don't know is that this Nascent Soul Asura has basically regained its consciousness after going through such a torment.

But Mrs. Jia would not leave any chance to the opponent. When she raised the big seal, she launched a spiritual attack first!

She didn't think that her mental power was necessarily stronger than Asura's... This kind of information was still not passed down from above.

But just in case, she had to do this, even if it means "killing the enemy eight hundred and losing one thousand to yourself".

The main theme is a "calculation with heart but no intention"!

No matter how strong the opponent's mental power is, after all, he has just been tortured twice by the soul-killing bell, and his sanity cannot be restored instantly.

From her point of view, she already had the upper hand and was mentally prepared. Even if her mental strength was slightly weaker, it didn't matter.

Even if she was slightly injured, it was still worth it. She didn't have to worry about backlash anyway.

In fact, today's three-talent formation also fully considers the factors of backlash.

Otherwise, why would she, who is the most powerful in combat, become a member of the Three Talents Formation? It’s not like there aren’t others around her!

It is precisely because of this that the Sancai Formation can frequently launch powerful attacks in a short period of time.

——If it were left to those two masters who would have backlash, the boss would not agree to such a wild play.

That's all. Mrs. Jia's big seal hit the Asura Nascent Soul in the air hard!

The two collided, causing violent fluctuations in an instant. Asura Nascent Soul flew upside down, faster than when it came!

"Come again~" Mrs. Jia sent out her spiritual consciousness towards Duogan, "The boss said this guy is rough-skinned and thick-bodied~"

The speed at which spiritual consciousness transmits information is much faster than speaking, and thoughts can be transmitted in an instant.

Dogan also answered simply with his spiritual consciousness, "Okay~"

This chapter has been completed!
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