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Chapter 1368 I cant pretend anymore

Chapter 1298 I can’t pretend anymore

Scott felt something strange. However, it was impossible for him to contact Qu Jianlei directly for verification.

He does want to sell a favor, but military discipline is no small matter, especially if it involves the Special Operations Department.

So he contacted the major general who had been in contact with Qu Jianlei.

The major general was holding an important military meeting, and his adjutant wanted to inquire about the situation, but Scott could not speak directly yet.

——Hill is a powerful resource. Although accidents may happen, it cannot be contaminated by others.

Time passed little by little in this kind of suspicion and speculation.

After the major general finished the meeting and received the news, he pondered for a moment and asked, "Didn't the notice come from a top-secret channel?"

After confirming it, he suggested that Scott take the initiative to contact Hill to find out what was going on.

The major general didn't want to get involved in this matter, but to Scott, he was just following orders from his superiors.

At least with such a name, he is not considered to be having an affair.

Qu Jianlei brought three starships to the front line and was applying to the front line troops to continue their observation.

The troops on the front line actually hate this kind of thing, so they want to politely refuse - the observation team is really hard to take care of.

The key is that the opponent does not have escorted warships, and warships must be arranged to escort the front line.

Otherwise, if something happens to the observation group, the frontline troops will also bear considerable responsibility - can't you just stop and calm down?

However, thinking that way, they couldn't refuse directly.

So they just said that you are just here to observe. If you want to go out, let the rear arrange warships to escort!

He made his attitude clear in his words: We will not serve!

However, Qu Jianlei said: We are just going to take a look, you don't need to arrange for warships to accompany you.

In fact, at this point, you can just force your way in, but wouldn't it be better if you could go a little further forward?

He said it very bluntly, but the frontline military still wanted to refuse: How can you go out casually without people from the war zone accompanying you?

However, as the words came to his lips, a thought suddenly popped up in this man's mind: Since he wants to make trouble, let them let them go.

Without a warrant from the war zone or accompanied by personnel, it is said that you cannot leave without authorization - even the two are indispensable!

But there are always exceptions to everything. As a group, the "Observation Group" does not have the possibility of surrendering to the enemy in a team sense!

——Even if there are a few of them with evil intentions, it is impossible to kidnap such a large team, right?

So generally speaking, as long as you are accompanied by someone from the war zone, you do not need a war zone warrant.

No one wants to offend the high-ranking military officials and elites who came to inspect.

What the frontline troops care most about is the safety of the observation group, and everything else is trivial.

It is not uncommon for someone in the observation group to accidentally want to go out - there are many restless soldiers.

It's just that I was accompanied by people from the war zone before, but not this time... Actually, it's not a big deal.

After obtaining permission to move forward, the three starships moved forward unhurriedly - observation must be like an observation.

At this moment, Scott called Qu Jianlei, "Hill, what's going on between you and the Special Operations Department?"

"What could happen?" Qu Jianlei replied slowly, "They commandeered me without authorization and ruined some of my things..."

"In short, it's not very pleasant to get along with them, but we have an excellent record and there's nothing they can do about it."

Excellent record... When Scott heard this, he immediately connected with "Jinyang Merchant Ship is powerful".

So he simply said directly, "It's like this, the war zone received a notification from the Special Operations Department..."

Qu Jianlei listened to the other party's statement and was not in a hurry to speak. All he had to do now was delay time.

After the other party finished speaking, he snorted softly, "We also rescued friendly forces... What does the Operations Department mean?"

I still want to ask you, Scott sighed, "Someone is meddling now, saying that they didn't board the ship to check you, and there was a lack of procedures."

"Tch," Qu Jianlei snorted disdainfully, "I'm really full. Okay, I'll let the people from the war zone board the ship in a while."

"I'll just say it," Scott secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the other party's still unhurried attitude.

"I'm just telling you, if there's something like this, don't pay attention to these bastards... What are you doing now?"

"Choose an area to stay in," Qu Jianlei replied casually, "The results will be available soon."

"Uh, I mean where are you? I'm going to find you now. After we finish the work, we can just get together with the seniors."

"I'm on the front line now, go out and observe."

"The front line is like... uh, the front line?" Scott was stunned, "Why did you end up there? Do you have procedures?"

"No," Qu Jianlei replied slowly, "If you just observe it casually, how can you still be afraid of this little danger?"

"Then who is with you?" Scott was really anxious, "If there are no procedures, there is no process!"

"It's just our three starships," Qu Jianlei said, still unhurriedly, "Going through the formalities... you also know my wife's situation."

Most of his acquaintances know about his marital status - even if he is the queen of the family, he is still in a high position.

Even his wife's influence in the family is well known to everyone.

Some people even joked that even if Hill advanced to the highest level, he might not be able to withstand his wife's anger.

Of course, these rumors are just gossip, but they spread really widely - it also involves high-level developments!

Scott naturally knew this and laughed, "Isn't she concerned about your safety?"

But after saying this, he frowned. Why did he always feel that... something was wrong?

Almost at the same moment, the big-headed butterfly started turning.

"The command headquarters issued an order to the front line, requesting boarding of our starship for inspection... This was feedback from the confidential room."

The co-author who received the notice still relayed the situation.

They believed that their side had left enough time for Scott to react, and reporting at this moment did not constitute offending his colleagues.

As for whether Scott can handle related matters in time, that is not their concern.

The notice was forwarded a bit late, and they were worried that the higher-ups would be held responsible, so they even gave an explanation.

Because it concerns high-level friendly forces, we checked the situation specifically.

The improper process was that the three starships were not boarded for inspection, and other than that, no other abnormalities were found.

No one can say anything about this smooth report.

After receiving the notice, the frontline troops immediately began to call for regiment-level ships.

Finding that the opponent was unresponsive, the two battalion-level ships activated instantly and chased after them, all the while flashing their lights.

——The reaction of the frontline troops was really not exaggerated. The reaction lasted no longer than five seconds.

Qu Jianlei delayed for about ten seconds before answering the call and spoke directly to the other party.

"Ship 18926, Ship 18926, following the command from the front, your ship will stop immediately and undergo a comprehensive inspection!"

Really unable to pretend any longer, Qu Jianlei snorted and said, "Speed ​​up across the board, Tres Merchant Ship takes the rear!"

The three starships originally flew in a triangle.

The regiment-level ship suddenly accelerated, and the Jinyang merchant ship also accelerated suddenly, and chased the rear of the regiment-level ship.

The Tres ship made a big turn and landed behind the two ships - it was obviously cannon fodder that blocked the artillery.

Qu Jianlei had originally planned to abandon these two merchant ships. Now that he could enter the control area, he naturally wanted to use the waste.

These moves are all obvious, and he is not afraid of letting the other party hear them.

The three starships suddenly changed their formations, completely shocking the troops on the front line.

Although they realized that something might have gone wrong, they never expected that the observation group would surrender to the enemy!

The two battalion-level ships that were pursuing were stunned for a moment, and then they hurriedly asked their superiors whether they wanted to attack the fleet.

Although they start quickly when pursuing pursuit, the authority to decide to fire is not in their hands.

This is different from the enemy. If a starship suspected of being an empire appears, it can be attacked directly without asking for instructions.

But this is our own starship, and what’s even more terrible is that it’s not that big!

If you have a slightly stronger association, you will think of plots such as political struggles and high-level strife.

So this decision to open fire is really not theirs to make!

The headquarters is now in a state of chaos - this incident has completely confused everyone.

The observation group in the Triangular Star Region actually surrendered to the enemy, and... it was led by the grandson-in-law of a certain admiral!

Even the best screenwriter wouldn’t dare to make up stuff like this, right? Reality is indeed more absurd than drama!

Finally, someone continued to call the regiment-level ship, "Hill, do you know what you are doing?"

Regardless of whether the other party answers yes or no, as long as there is an answer, you can fire!

They will not give the other side a chance to delay, and while asking this question, it will not affect their own combat preparations.

However, a cold snort came from the other side, "You still want to get Hill? He is still alive!"

Oh my god...the lieutenant general who shouted suddenly wanted to curse. Was Hill captured?

However, this answer does make the situation clearer - this should also be the only reasonable explanation for the regiment-level ship to surrender to the enemy.

There was really no doubt that Hill would surrender to the enemy, even if the military was preparing to attack.

After a general, his qualifications are astonishing, his actions are prudent, and his backers are strong! Such a person will surrender to the enemy, who else would be without suspicion?

Now that the mystery has been solved, the question arises again... Should we still open fire?

Qu Jianlei had been in the Federation for so long, and he knew that this society was not as iron-blooded as the Empire, so he just opened fire if he left it to the Empire.

But he still emphasized, "We still have more than 400 federal military prisoners of war on our hands!"

"Of course, these soldiers are all from the Triangular Military Region... This military region is relatively weak, you can open fire!"

Just one Hill was enough to overwhelm the headquarters, not to mention the more than 400 federal soldiers!

The headquarters was really worried. Hill was a prisoner and it was easy to talk to him. He could just contact the general directly and open fire.

——Yes, just send the contact. There is no need to wait for a reply. It just represents the respect for the general in the frontline theater.

But there are still more than 400 soldiers... things are really difficult.

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