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Chapter 1423 Chapter 1432 Old Place 1433 Request (Two in One

Chapter 1353 1432 Old Place-1433 Request (please vote for two chapters in one)

Chapter 1432 Hometown (Second update)

Cabos was trembling not because of fear, but because he was too excited.

Then he waved his right arm fiercely, "That's great, it's really great! I know that there is no perfect path!"

Then, he bowed deeply and said, "I'm sorry. I apologize for being suspicious just now."

"It's not necessary," Xiangxue waved her hand, and then asked, "Is the name of Digital Phantom... trustworthy?"

"Of course," Cabos nodded seriously, "I know Lord Buckingham's students!"

In the Black Zone, Buckingham gained both fame and fortune, so he naturally wanted to boast about the Digital Phantom.

For those who are not involved in academic circles, it is difficult to imagine how deep the water here is. Don’t the digital phantoms crave fame and fortune?

So Buckingham’s gratitude comes from the bottom of his heart!

Especially when he knew that Jing Yuexin was also a member of Digital Phantom, he promoted it even more vigorously - this person is from an acquaintance!

In fact, even without Buckingham's praise, Digital Phantom's reputation is not bad.

By bringing up this person, Qaboos was simply showing that he absolutely believed in him.

"Do you know his students?" Tianyin heard this and couldn't help but ask, "Why don't you ask him for help?"

Her uncle, Lord Concei, who had been robbed by force, was so similar to this one? She couldn't help but feel some resonance.

"Haha," Caboose smiled bitterly, "This... doesn't make sense."

In fact, it was only one thing that he couldn't talk, and the other was that... he didn't dare to bet on Buckingham's character!

In the face of such overwhelming interests, it is not easy to control greed.

Even if Buckingham's character is acceptable, he is just a supreme leader and may not be able to withstand huge pressure.

Under the attack of huge interests and huge pressure, it is normal to sacrifice the interests of some ants.

Only a giant like the Digital Phantom has the ability and confidence to withstand this kind of attack.

So when Caboose was sure that the other party was really the Digital Phantom Team, he was basically relieved.

And the other party's reaction proved to be worthy of the Digital Phantom's cards!

"Okay, let's get down to business," a clear voice came out, "hurry up and get on your way."

Caboose looked at Xiangxue suspiciously: Who is this?

"This is senior Jing Yuexin," Xiangxue replied seriously, "You don't need to meet senior to confirm, right?"

"Don't dare, don't dare," Qaboos waved his hands repeatedly, "With this senior here, I feel more at ease."

At this time, he finally realized why the other party was so secretive before... This is a digital phantom!

Not only is he famous and mysterious, but there are also many impostors, so empty talk is really useless.

Even if the other party shows his identity, he can't be sure whether he is a member of the Digital Phantom.

There are only three confirmed members of this team so far!

Moreover, the true identities of the team members are well protected. It is said that the military once wanted to investigate, but was rejected without hesitation.

In any case, after confirming that it was a digital phantom, the six of them were completely relieved.

Next, is the whereabouts of Cabos' five friends.

The cargo starship has been exposed, but it doesn’t matter, it’s the cargo company’s starship.

Just throw it near any habitable star, and the shipping company will naturally take it back.

It's true that the identities of these five people have been exposed and they need to hide appropriately, but these five people also have similar connections.

Again, even though they are willing to go out of their way to help Caboose, there are not many good birds who have been sailing in space for a long time!

However, when they know that what they are clinging to is a digital phantom - is there any need to hide?

They simply stated that they would work with Brother Qaboos from now on - wouldn't mining also require manpower?

So they simply set up autopilot and let the cargo starship sail to the nearest habitable star.

Automatic driving cannot use jump, but it only takes a little longer on the road, which is somewhat risky.

When near a livable star, the autonomous driving cannot land, but the freight company can just send people there.

In fact, it is very likely that the freight company will discover the situation while the cargo starship is sailing.

All in all, these tricks were very simple. Next, these six people honestly entered the cargo hold of the regiment-level ship.

Qu Jianlei put away Ship 1314 and drove the regiment-level ship straight to the Hope Starfield.

That's right, Caboose's niece is hidden in the Hope Star Field, and she is the second star that Qu Jianlei, Mrs. Jia, and Zi Jiuxian know.

Speaking of which, it was a coincidence that when the incident occurred, his niece Katya had just helped a friend who had smuggled himself from the Hope Star Territory.

Hope is originally an edge star field, and personnel entry and exit management is very strict, especially when entering the inner circle star field.

Traveling, visiting relatives, going to school, etc. are not very restricted, but the crux of the matter is... you must return when it expires!

Now that Hope Star Territory is in such chaos, Katya's friend brought his whole family and smuggled over.

Katya must have been sponsoring her friends secretly, and she happened to have learned a lot about the Hope Star Territory from her friends.

When she discovered something was wrong at home, she decisively sneaked into a cargo starship heading for the Hope Star Field.

It is common knowledge that people can be smuggled into the cargo hold, and anti-smuggling ships often check it.

But at this time, no one really checked the cargo ship heading to the Hope Star Territory - the war was in chaos, who could afford to go there?

When Katya left, she invited Qaboos to go with her.

But Qaboos believed that the two of them were more risky together, and he wanted to observe to see if the situation would turn around.

When he realized that the situation was irreversible, he chose to risk his life and board his friend's starship, but still did not go to Star 2.

——Only when Katya is safe can everyone have the slightest hope of survival!

Looking at the familiar planet in front of him, Qu Jianlei's expression was a little strange, "It's been going around in circles, but it's back again."

The appearance of the regiment-level ships alerted the military, and the two regiment-level ships took off to greet them.

There is no indifference like the Tianfeng Military Region - the current atmosphere in the Hope Star Territory is extremely tense. Who dares to slight the Digital Phantom?

The person who came forward to contact was the Fourth Master. As soon as the two sides informed, the supreme commander of the military region could only smile bitterly, "We are strangers and acquaintances."

Now Hope Star Territory has found out that Zhenshan Fort was the original fourth master on Zarif Planet.

Fortunately, he has no evil deeds on his name. He had no choice but to seek refuge with the Star Thieves in the first place. The wanted order has now been cancelled.

But nowadays, the family of soldiers and bandits always makes people feel a bit...that!

The fourth master didn't pay too much attention to it, that's just his character - since he has been a star thief, don't blame others for gossiping.

He said very straightforwardly that if my companions thought it was appropriate for me to come forward, then I would be the one to handle it.

The military leader is more concerned about: Are you here to support us?

The fourth master said directly that we were just passing by and heard that there were some clues about the magic weapon here, so we came to check it out.

The military was also speechless. Everyone had heard about the Digital Phantom's obsession with magic weapons.

However, the Supreme Leader still said, you have helped the military a lot, is there anything we need to cooperate with?

"No, just don't disturb us. By the way, if someone from the Supreme Being comes after you, please let me know."

This was the one who was in Tianfeng not long ago. It's hard to say who the news of Jie Lei will attract.

But his attitude is very clear: as long as you dare to come, we dare to bury you!

The military commander also knew what these words meant - the Tribulation Thunder had reappeared, and the word had gone crazy in the circles of high-level awakened people.

However, Digital Phantom's name is so famous that the alien management department who used to pursue Ran Bingluan didn't even dare to say a word about it.

The military supreme leader does not want to get involved in this matter - although he himself has needs, the safety of this star region is more important.

So he could only express tactfully: On Star 2, if anything happens, you can call the military to come forward, and try not to do anything!

In any case, at this critical time, having such a team on the planet can at least help stabilize people's hearts.

The regimental-level ship landed at the military port, and a group of people came out in a big way, some even wearing helmets, but no one checked at all.

A friend of Qaboos couldn't help but exclaimed, "This is life!"

Qaboos smiled bitterly upon hearing this, "First of all, you must have this kind of strength... If you are on the wanted list, you will definitely not be able to cancel it."

The group rented a few cars and soon disappeared into the busy city.

As for the people being followed? No one is following them at all - the further away from these men, the better, so as not to get angry.

This was a return trip to Qu Jianlei's hometown. He even made a special trip around Teng Wenli's house.

Xiangxue followed him and sighed softly, "The first time I encountered an assassination in my life was here."

Nutrients heard what the boss said about Teng Wenli, and asked unwillingly, "Why don't you go and take a look at the old days?"

"He was a little bit involved by me, but luckily he came out," Qu Jianlei replied calmly, "There is no need to disturb him anymore."

Nutrients rolled his eyes, "Isn't there a business tour guide? What's his name?"

"Sofia," Qu Jianlei felt that there was nothing wrong with saying this, "she is already married."

"You also know that she is married?" Nutrients was a little surprised, and then he nodded in realization, "Oh, artificial intelligence."

The next moment, the big-headed butterfly started turning again, "Boss, Kabos has contacted Katya."

"Just keep an eye on it," Qu Jianlei ordered, "wait until he is willing to take the initiative."

He never likes to force others, and Qaboos is also responsible for doing Tunkajia's ideological work.

Two days later, Qaboos finally told Xiao Moshan, who was following him, "Katya agreed to leave with us."

"Okay," Xiao Moshan didn't say much - in fact, if the other party delayed for two more days, wasn't he testing his own attitude?

That night, the group returned to the military port. This time, there was a tall and strong woman.

The woman is not only tall and strong, she is also A-level, and she has mutated ice attributes!

After the regiment-level ship took off, Katya and Cabos entered the regiment-level ship's lobby, and the former asked Xiangxue questions.

"I'm willing to accept all my cousin's suggestions, but I have a small request... Should I just tell you about such a big thing?"


Chapter 1433 Please ask (third update)

Hearing this, Xiangxue said nothing, raised her hand and snapped her fingers, "Boss!"

"Are you greeting your pet?" Qu Jianlei appeared and sat down.

"Let me introduce myself, I am the boss of Digital Phantom! Do you have no objection to all the conditions?"

"No!" Katya replied simply, "I just want to meet you, the head of the family."

"And... I hope to rescue my family as soon as possible."

"Haha," Qu Jianlei smiled, "Don't worry, they won't dare to take action again until they find out where we are coming from."

Katya nodded, "After finding out where you came from, they will be even less afraid to take action... But I still want to rescue them as soon as possible."

Her request is really reasonable. Let alone the dead, it would be good for the living... to suffer one less day.

"We have arrangements for this," Qu Jianlei replied noncommittally.

Instead, he asked, "Your enemies... don't need our help in revenge?"

He was really curious. Neither Qaboos nor Katja asked for revenge.

Katya blinked, and then asked aloud, "If I ask for it, what will it cost?"

"The price..." Qu Jianlei smiled, "If you don't take the initiative to ask, there may be one, but if you ask, there won't be."

In all conscience, he is tired of the drama of avenging others - he is not a team member, just a partner.

It's not that he can't kill some ants, but he really doesn't like the trouble.

Whether it's inquiring about information, hunting down people, or looking around for fish that have slipped through the net, everyone's time will be consumed.

As a cultivator, you must clearly distinguish the key points. Not only does he hate these things, but no one in the team likes to meddle in other people's business.

But if the other party makes it, it is a legitimate and reasonable request. As a partner, he cannot refuse.

So we can only set some thresholds - let us help, you have to pay the price, right?

However, now that the other party was so single and took the initiative to ask the price, he felt a little unable to open his mouth.

Forget it, since you are on the right path, then I will also be on the right path - sensible people should be rewarded.

What's especially rare is that the other party is still a woman and she actually understands these truths.

Katya thought for a moment and shook her head, "If we can cooperate with Digital Phantom, our market will get better soon."

"And once the mine is opened, we can make a lot of money in the future... We need money and people, and sooner or later we can take our own revenge!"

"You should understand," Qu Jianlei nodded. The other party's idea was really clear and in line with the facts.

In fact, what he admires the most is this kind of partner, who is what he is.

There are many people in this world who are unclear, but there are also many smart people.

Katya hesitated for a rare moment, and then spoke again, "I have a question that I really want to ask, but I feel a little presumptuous."

"Presumptuous? Haha," Qu Jianlei smiled. You know it's presumptuous, but you still ask?

"Well," Katya nodded, "As a partner, I would like to know how many supreme beings you have?"

This... is not absolutely presumptuous, Qu Jianlei replied after pondering.

"We went to the Federation and killed four supreme alien space creatures without any casualties on our side. Is that enough?"

"I want to emphasize that we are fighting against four supreme beings at the same time. We in the Federation also killed other supreme beings!"

Yes, they also killed a powerful guy, thinking that they would bring out the power of out-of-body power, and they were very frightened for a while.

"Then I have no doubts," Katya nodded.

After pondering for a moment, she suddenly asked, "But I didn't ask you to take revenge. Is that considered a bonus?"

"Forget it," Qu Jianlei nodded and replied seriously, "It's still not too late to regret it now!"

"No," Katya shook her head simply, "I plan to keep it... This is a plus point for the Digital Phantom."

"Talent!" Qu Jianlei nodded, gave a thumbs up, stood up and left.

Talents really don’t necessarily appear in big powers, talents will pop up from time to time in the nooks and crannies.

Two days later, the regiment-level ship jumped again, and the target of this jump was still the core circle.

After arriving at the core circle, only the fourth master and Bentley were left to guard the regiment-level ship, as well as Katya and seven other people.

Qu Jianlei and his party boarded the 1314 ship and headed straight for the Pillar Star.

I have gone to Panshi Star too many times, and there are many people squatting there to guard the digital phantoms, so I have to change places.

Previously, they were stationed on the Pillar Star to guard the boss of the Dyson Group, Hook, who had placed many teleportation arrays.

After being teleported to the planet, Jing Yuexin began to contact her and Duogan's men.

Neither of them has much main business in the core circle. The reason is very simple. There is a lot of money in the core circle, and there is also a lot of right and wrong.

Given their state of mind, they are not afraid of right and wrong, but once there are too many right and wrongs, there will be more social interactions and more favors.

If you want to practice freely, it's better to go to the places below to grab some business and make enough money.

The key is that if you take action frequently, the backlash will be a headache, so for the Supreme Being, this choice is really not surprising.

But similarly, they both have their own arrangements in the inner circle, which are mainly used to collect various information.

A while ago, the military wanted to establish effective communication with the Digital Phantom, and the core circle was also a key area.

Therefore, the two of them exchanged some personal information with each other for the convenience of emergencies.

Nowadays, it is quite convenient for nutritional supplements to contact people in Duogan, which is almost the same as contacting one’s own family members.

The purpose of the contact is also simple: to set up a mining enterprise.

The mine is in the Pearl Star Territory, but when it comes to deploying manpower, the core circle is the most convenient, and it is also convenient to customize mining equipment.

As for rescuing some people on the Paradise Planet, Nutritional Agent didn't let it slip at all, and there was no need for their people at all.

The two of them will completely separate this matter - to outsiders, the Digital Phantom has nothing to do with the 1314th ship!

Qu Jianlei was responsible for this matter, and he contacted Da Vinci's contact point on the Pillar Star.

When Leonardo da Vinci heard that the people from the Digital Phantom were looking for him, he immediately came back to communicate.

Qu Jianlei said straight to the point, there is something I want to ask you to help me with, and it is best not to make people think of Digital Phantom.

"No problem," Da Vinci agreed without hesitation. He had been trying to get closer to the other person, but he just didn't have the chance.

Of course, he is somewhat uneasy - isn't it something you can't afford to offend?

But in good conscience, he really couldn't imagine that there were other forces in the empire that would give the Digital Phantom a headache.

So he just asked, "Is it inconvenient for you?"

"Yes, it's not very convenient," Qu Jianlei explained the general situation, "...I don't want people to know that we have a mine."

"Don't worry, I won't let your help go in vain. Is five billion enough?"

"You're talking about money with me, aren't you talking too much?" Da Vinci laughed, "Do you still want more energy stone mines?"

"This is enough for now," Qu Jianlei replied seriously, "If you can help me, I must give you money. One code will equal one code."

Da Vinci smiled bitterly, "You saved my life, but you only received 5 billion... Is my life worth only that little?"

Qu Jianlei insisted, "If you don't accept the money, I won't ask you to help me... We never owe favors."

"Tsk," Leonardo da Vinci gnashed his teeth in distress, "Your request really puts me in a difficult position."

"Well, I heard that you guys made some noise in Tianfeng a while ago?"

"It's just a coincidence," Qu Jianlei didn't want to talk more about the matter.

However, I thought that this matter might be targeted by others, and there are not many people in this group of Supreme Beings.

So if you can fight for one, it’s better to fight for one more.

Doesn't the so-called struggle mean that you make many friends and only a few enemies?

Thinking of this, he smiled slightly again, "Do you have a lot of contact with Tianfeng?"

"I was once stationed in the Mystery Mansion," Da Vinci replied casually, "but that was all hundreds of years ago."

"Actually, I'm really interested in this Thunder Tribulation. If you can help explain it, I will definitely do it for free this time."

Qu Jianlei remained silent for a while before speaking out, "Jie Lei is meant to temper the physical body and even the spirit."

He really didn't want to reveal the secrets of the immortal cultivation system, and the awareness that "those who are not from my race must have different minds" was deeply rooted in his bones.

There is no other reason. Blue Star’s China has suffered too many similar blows.

Although China can be revived again and again, how can he forget the suffering he experienced every time?

It's true that he has flaws in his character, but those are the folks he loves deeply!

However, principles are principles, and every time he sees the confusion of these awakened people, he feels a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Many even top-level people want to see the scenery on the top of the mountain, even at the risk of their own lives.

Paranoia, nutritional supplements, Mrs. Jia... which one is not like this?

Of course, the most important thing is that many inheritances of immortal cultivators have been spread here.

"Thunderbolt... can really temper the spirit?" Da Vinci couldn't help but ask.

This proves that Tribulation Thunder can temper the physical body, which is already a small-scale consensus in the empire.

Even the idea that tribulation thunder can temper the spirit has probably been put forward, but Da Vinci just wanted to confirm it.

"Of course," Qu Jianlei replied without hesitation, "Spiritual power is also a kind of wave, and of course it will be affected by the magnetic field."

He has decided that he does not need to instill systematic cultivation ideas into the other party, but there is no need to worry about solving individual problems.

"So if you don't experience the thunderstorm, you won't be able to refine yourself enough and you won't be able to go far."

Da Vinci was silent, and after a while he asked again, "But there are theories that the human body is infinitely close to perfection."

This theory also has a certain market in the empire.

But Qu Jianlei answered without hesitation, "That's only at the life level of ordinary people."

"If you want to see a higher level of scenery, of course you must work hard to improve yourself and achieve a jump in life levels."

"Otherwise, you won't be able to go far!"

(The third update is coming, calling for monthly tickets, follow-up orders and recommended tickets.)

This chapter has been completed!
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