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Chapter 1434 Cant hide it

Chapter 1365 Continuous Killing

Yuanyuan's information is naturally also in the character template library. Then everyone can correlate it and know what the deceased was searching for.

Some people have really big imaginations, and they actually think that there is some connection between people within the template library.

Well, it doesn’t matter whether they are related or not. What matters is, who gave them the courage to include this person?

Then everyone implemented it again, and sure enough, someone went to a certain courtyard a few days ago to search for Yuanyuan.

This villa is quite famous in Tiangou, and the previous owner had a high status.

As for now, it was bought by an unknown guy, and his identity is as innocent as a piece of white paper.

The more such a person is, the more it means that there is something not simple behind him, and everyone knows it very well.

However, the current owner does not live there. The registered tenant is a tenant, whose identity can be verified, and who is an idle awakened person.

To put it simply, if you want to know who really lives inside, you must first find the real owner.

It's a pity that he can't be contacted at all now.

The other step is to find out the situation from the original owner, but the original owner expressed unwillingness to cooperate.

——If someone gives me money, I will sell the other courtyard. Is there any problem with this? The process is all completed in the government.

If you need anything, just go find the current owner and don't disturb me, otherwise don't blame me for being rude.

What, if you can't offend others, how can you offend me?

The Tiangou government is not afraid of this person. So far, they have only asked politely without forcing him.

However, once force is used, another question will arise: Who are you trying to target with such a big fanfare?

Regarding Yuanyuan? It seems there is not much need. The other party just disappeared during the travel restriction period.

It would be possible to go online indefinitely, but... what is the purpose of doing this?

Everything stems from one question: Why do these overfed guys add Zhenshan Fort to the template library?

The most fundamental question is, is Yuanyuan related to Zhenshanbao or Digital Phantom?

If it is really relevant, the previous actions were wrong. What are you doing to pester a person who has "restricted travel"?

These dead ghosts are staring at Yuanyuan, isn't it because her identity is not revealed and she might not be a digital phantom?

Of course it's okay to pretend to be deaf and dumb, but it's just a way of saying that those who don't know are not guilty - at least this is a good excuse.

But now it's too bad, the data has been copied away!

Even if Yuanyuan has nothing to do with Digital Phantom, just find a way to send the data there.

Realizing this, someone raised a new question, "Could this person's information be maliciously forced into the template library?"

However, this is somewhat wishful thinking. The access logs of the data center can be verified.

After checking, someone even snorted, "Even if it may have been forced on me, do you have a chance to explain it to those people?"

This is a very real problem. Digital Phantom does not provoke people casually, but it is also an extremely strong team.

Everyone is analyzing, and there is new news. One of the officials who died last night, his superior, died at home!

This man died in his basement, where he practiced his skills.

What's especially bad is that this person was already A-level, but he died silently under the wood attribute spell.

Using magic to kill people was originally a provocation to the government.

And the movement is so small, even if the murderer is not the Supreme, there must be the Supreme to help him!

The most important thing is that it was this dead official who strongly suggested that the city guards go to another courtyard to search Yuanyuan.

So there is almost no need to ask who the murderer might be!

If there is no mountain fortress in the template library, the army of city guards can now directly surround the other courtyard!

But now, we really can't do this, otherwise we might provoke that terrible team!

So, is this thing just over? It doesn't seem very appropriate, after all, so many people died.

The person in charge of the case was still struggling, and that night, bad news continued to come.

Two of the city guards who participated in the search of the other courtyard were killed, also using magic.

Two searches of other courtyards involved more than 30 city guards.

These two... had a rather arrogant attitude, and it was said that they casually smashed some flowers and plants.

There were quite a few people like this among the city guards. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a subconscious act. These two people were not the only ones who did this at that time.

However, the others stayed in the city guard's barracks for one reason or another.

In fact, most of them were afraid and hid, but these two did not believe in evil, so they died.

This news expressed the anger from Yuanyuan: This matter is not over yet!

Of course the government was quite annoyed, but they really had no choice but to pursue the case further, and even took the initiative to make some concessions.

For example, people from City Guards actually took the initiative to find another hospital, apologized, and were willing to compensate for the losses caused.

There was opposition among the city guards to this kind of behavior - if a colleague was killed, they would naturally show their dissatisfaction.

However, someone pointed out that a certain supreme leader who betrayed the army and killed his comrades in the army has now removed the reward!

If you think you are stubborn, you can give it a try!

The city guard's apology arrived, but the man guarding the yard said: I don't know what you are talking about.

Did you damage the property of other courtyards? I really don’t know, isn’t it said that the city guards are all law-abiding?

That night, another city guard who had lost his hand died in his dormitory.

Yuanyuan does not think that she is killing innocent people indiscriminately: You said you were acting under orders, but destroying other people's property is also acting under orders?

She has the simplest view of right and wrong: when you don’t treat others as a human being, then don’t blame others for not treating you as a human being!

This matter went on for five or six days, and in the end, the city guards who owed money each asked someone to make a generous apology.

At this point, Yuanyuan's torment against Cheng Wei came to an end.

But about ten days later, the Digital Phantom's regiment-class ship appeared on Skyhook.

Zhenshanbao appeared on the regiment-level ship and asked the local person in charge of the alien management department to come on board and explain the reason for looking for him!

The people in the Foreign Affairs Department didn't dare not listen. Although it was a bit humiliating, they could only go on board to explain.

Not surprisingly, he chose to pass the blame, saying that it was the people below who were doing this without his knowledge.

In order to express the apology of the Department of Foreign Affairs, he was willing to pay 50 million in cash to perfectly end this misunderstanding.

Of course, he won't pursue the dead one either.

"Not enough!" The Fourth Master said simply, "Digital Phantom is not that cheap...five billion energy blocks!"

"You don't have to agree, but wherever our team goes from now on, no one from the Special Affairs Department will be spared!"

"We must let others know what will happen to those who try to take advantage of us, so that we can warn others who come after us!"

This matter was quickly reported to the headquarters of the Alien Management Department.

In the end, the Alien Management Department raised two billion energy blocks and invited comrades from Zhenshan Fort Ziri to speak out, and the matter was revealed.

As for whether Bie Yuan belongs to Digital Phantom and whether Yuanyuan has joined the team... these are no longer important.

From then on, the Tiangou government completely stayed away from the other courtyards.

This incident lasted for more than a month, and out of concern for face, the government did not make any public announcement.

But even so, there are still many well-informed people paying great attention to this matter.

For the main members of the team who are practicing far away on Tianfeng Star, what they have done can be regarded as effectively attracting attention.

Half a month later, new news came - the energy stone mine in the Pearl Star Territory was also in trouble!

The empire's department in charge of mining noticed that someone was mining energy stone without a license, and the amount was not small.

As for how it was exposed, the mining people don't know.

However, they analyzed that it was probably because the mine had been rapidly increasing production, so it was noticed.

Frequent purchases of mining equipment, large purchases of certain consumables... In short, there are many possible reasons.

The mining department has not yet determined the location of the mineral star, but is already investigating.

They paid a lot of attention to this mine and even passed the information to the Energy Block Alliance and related freight companies.

As mentioned before, the transportation of energy blocks has very strict requirements, and there are special freight companies involved in the transportation.

Like Qu Jianlei, they often carry a large amount of energy blocks, which are only for their own use, so no one cares about them.

However, the energy blocks circulating in the market must have corresponding provenance.

Just the investigation by the mining department is already a headache, and the reach of the latter two is even wider.

Relevant news was passed to other courtyards, and the nine-person group discussed it and decided to let the mine ignore it.

We are currently only investigating, and it is far too early to discover the mineral star.

Even if the mineral star can be discovered, it will take about ten months to reach it by conventional navigation, so there is no need to mess up the situation.

After that, the news spread to Tiangou Mi Mansion, and Jing Yuexin and other four giants also thought so.

However, after another half month, the situation changed dramatically.

The mining department's Tamaruha starship actually arrived directly at the mineral star!

This change is really surprising.

Fortunately, the defense system of the mineral star has been established, and the supreme leader of the town knows this and decisively refuses to inspect!

Just as the paranoid instructed, he said simply that we mine the energy stone for our own use and you have nothing to do with it!

As for forced inspection? Don’t even think about it. There are people behind us. You’d better find out before making a decision!

Tamaru's inspection starship tried to land by force, but was directly hit by a warning shot!

The people in the mining management department were at a loss as well. Not only did the other party have a bad attitude, but the key was the tight defense and amazing firepower.

Especially if the star is in the depths of space, in such a remote place, if our side dares to use force, it is very likely that the ship will be destroyed and people will be killed.

So while they were applying pressure, they started calling for support.

The mines are also panicking, so the latest news is, "We have withstood it, but the situation is deteriorating rapidly!"

The boss behind the scenes has to take action when it’s time to take action. He can’t wait until there’s a big fight, right?

When the nine-person group received the news, they were a little confused, "Why does this happen more often at such a critical time?"

(Updated to, summon monthly tickets, follow-up subscriptions, recommended tickets.)

This chapter has been completed!
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