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Chapter 1446 Dont be surprised

Chapter 1376 Don’t be surprised

After three energy fluctuations, the group of people mysteriously disappeared.

It would be too difficult to find out the direction. The turbulence just now seriously affected everyone's observation.

After another half an hour, the warships that had been swept away gradually returned to their original locations.

The beam of light is still there, but it's getting dimmer.

The military began to investigate whether a starship had just flown out of space from here - or whether it could be considered a physical flight.

The methods of those who escaped were quite strange, and it is not ruled out that they used some unknown method to escape.

Fortunately, although many man-made satellites in space were blown away, some satellites recorded the relevant processes.

The excitation and movement principles of energy turbulence are still being analyzed, but it is certain that no starship will be launched from here!

As for the physical body? It’s basically certain that it doesn’t have one, but it will blow away a lot of messy things.

Especially around Tianfeng Star, there is a "space cemetery" zone, which, like Blue Star, is where space junk is located.

With the empire's technological power, it is very easy to clean up space junk, but it is not necessary to clean it up in real time.

When the garbage accumulates to a certain extent, it is enough to clean it up again.

Some of the space junk that was blown away was not very small, so it was difficult to distinguish clearly.

But generally speaking, no objects containing life energy have been observed entering space!

"Probably still in Tianfeng!" the leader of the regiment-level ship made a judgment, "Turn over Tianfeng!"

At the same moment, in Tiangou Mi Mansion, Jing Yuexin and Duo Gan looked at Qu Jianlei, who was less than one meter tall, with strange expressions.

"What are you..." Jing Yuexin glanced at it carefully, then nodded, "It's a matter of proportion, not Nirvana."

"Don't interrupt," Qu Jianlei waved his hand, "I will continue to retreat. Who has any objections to the arrangements?"

Jing Yuexin and others all shook their heads, but Duogan was a little reluctant, "I'm taking advantage of that Da Vinci guy."

After the fourth master fanned himself three times with a banana fan, everyone took advantage of the chaotic energy to escape.

Everyone who was originally in Mi Mansion, except Mrs. Jia, has returned. Among the nine people, only Xiao Moshan and Xiao Qin continue to stay in the mine.

——Originally, the mine was occupied by people, and it would not be appropriate for them to suddenly be gone.

The two of them were relatively weak and alone, so Zhenjun Yi He also stayed.

With Yi He's ability, it should be easy to deceive Tianfeng's military search, and he didn't want to do anything himself.

Mrs. Jia took the ruler and teleported to the starship with the other seven people, intending to temporarily avoid the limelight.

With Xizhao's ability to travel, she can travel between Tianfeng and the starship even without using teleportation. This is a double insurance.

Jia Shuiqing did not return to the cave because... Da Vinci was also taken aboard the starship, and she wanted to prevent him from causing trouble.

After just such an operation, the "near-earth jump" mastered by Digital Phantom can no longer be hidden from this person.

But Qu Jianlei believed that this person had made great efforts before and destroyed a company-class ship of the military.

This can barely be regarded as a certificate of nomination. In addition, Leonardo Da Vinci has always been interested in the digital phantom and agreed to prepare energy blocks.

The team has not yet decided whether to recruit this person, but if he has such sincerity, it never hurts to know more information.

As long as the samples of the teleportation array are not circulated, what will happen if there are some gossips?

Of course, this would expose Digital Phantom's escape card, but now that the team is growing rapidly, they no longer rely on this method.

Anyway, with Leonardo da Vinci's various performances, he is qualified to know a few secrets.

If this guy has evil intentions, besides Jia Shuiqing, there is still sunset on the starship... There is really no need to worry.

In fact, after Leonardo da Vinci was teleported into the starship, he didn't show much interest in the teleportation array.

He just said casually, "You also made a near-earth jump? It's really amazing!"

In his opinion, this theory has been proposed by others a long time ago, and the other party just broke through some kind of barrier and realized it in reality!

If this result had been achieved by someone else, he would have been surprised. But for the Digital Phantom... he would not be surprised.

In comparison, Da Vinci was more interested in the methods of the Fourth Master.

"You don't know what to call this metallic boss?"

The Fourth Master changed his appearance to temporarily cover his base. His identity has long been known to everyone.

So he answered simply, "Zhenshan Fort... I don't dare to call myself a boss in front of you!"

"So you are the hero in the army!" Da Vinci gave a thumbs up.

"I have a question now. I'm very confused. I don't know whether I should ask it."

"Actually, it's not that mysterious," the fourth master also knew what the person wanted to ask, so he replied casually.

"But should I tell you that I can't make the decision in this matter?"

While talking, he also glanced at Jia Shuiqing.

"The power of the magic weapon," Mrs. Jia said calmly, she still had this authority.

Anyway, the other party already knows about the near-earth jump. It’s better to know a little more. It’s not a secret that the Digital Phantom is good at using magic weapons!

"But I hope what you heard and saw will not be spread out again!"

Da Vinci nodded simply, "Of course I understand this point of propriety, but... my energy block is almost here, what should I do now?"

In fact, he was still trying to find out in a roundabout way: Does the use of this energy block have something to do with your boss's level advancement?

However, Mrs. Jia is also a human spirit. She replied calmly, "Then wait a moment and let your people stand by."

What are the rules for being on call? Da Vinci wanted to continue asking, but seeing the expressionless expression on the other party's face, he finally stopped asking.

In fact, I have received a lot of news today, so I should be satisfied.

Seriousness is the process of observing the calamity thunder, and it needs to be carefully recalled.

"I want to sort out today's gains. Can you arrange a room for me?"

Four days later, a huge fleet arrived at Tianfeng, with more than a dozen starships.

In addition to warships, the fleet also has two strange-looking starships, which are scientific research ships with different purposes.

Unfortunately, they had already learned the news on the way here and knew that they would not gain much this time.

Not only did the real owner run away, but the beam of light also dispersed. The key point is that the original scientific research strength on Tianfeng Star is not bad.

I wrote down a lot of relevant data, but I couldn't analyze more, and the subsequent support forces completely failed to catch up with this wave.

But now that we are here, there is no need to say anything else, just continue to look for clues.

Tianfengxing was indeed investigated, but only three or two cats and dogs were caught.

Not a single person from that mysterious team was caught, not even a suspect!

Most of the cats and dogs that were caught were fugitives who normally hide in hiding.

In the past, Tianfeng's investigations were very strict, but some people were able to get away with it, but this time, the good times are over.

This search was not as strict as usual. In addition, Tianfeng's population was not large to begin with, so almost no one was spared.

Even Xiao Moshan's identity was almost exposed. Finally, it was Zhenjun Yi He who took action and influenced the investigators' thinking.

However, the military did not make things difficult for these fugitives and dealt with them as they should.

This is not because the military is showing great kindness, but because Zhenshan Fort appeared a while ago.

In other words, a certain fugitive is very likely to be a member of the Digital Phantom.

This kind of correlation is a bit absurd to imagine, but no one really knows what the conditions for recruiting people into that team are.

Especially those suspects who may have been wrongly accused, the military will be somewhat polite.

However, some cats and dogs were severely tortured by the military because they were involved in the death of soldiers.

After careful investigation, the military can basically confirm that the man was indeed bribed by the alliance.

There are various signs that this person has never impacted the Supreme at all!

In other words, the highest level of cultivation that day was temporarily forcibly improved by this person!

This method is not mastered by ordinary people at all, and it has extremely serious consequences.

Coupled with this person's actions that day, it can be determined that he wanted to die!

What kind of deep hatred could lead him to do such a thing?

There is only one possibility: this person was bribed by the Alliance and came specifically to cause destruction!

All the people related to him were strictly investigated, and two of them committed suicide before the military could arrest them.

Anyway, when they realized that the alliance's hand had reached Tianfeng, the military was completely shocked and quickly revised many planet terms!

I hope that the tragedy of Star 4 will be unbearable to witness, but when it comes to seriousness, ten Stars 4 cannot compare to Tianfeng!

Among the reinforcements this time, there are eight Supreme Beings. As for whether there are any Supreme Beings... there is no official statement!

However, more than one supreme leader asked: Have you thoroughly investigated the Tiangou Mansion?

There is no way to thoroughly investigate that place! The military’s answer is straightforward: A thorough investigation there will trigger unknown changes in the Mysterious Mansion!

Historically, My Mansion has been shut down for rest three times because researchers took too drastic actions and the environment changed.

This time the military only conducted a moderate inspection inside the Mysterious Mansion and found no clues.

Besides, who wants to enter the Mysterious Mansion without taking the main entrance?

However, after all, some people still said that this matter...maybe really related to the Digital Phantom!

The reason is simple. Eliminate all possibilities and what remains is the truth.

However, people who talk like this will be warned immediately by others... You really can't say this kind of nonsense, it will be serious if it spreads!

The last time someone had made Digital Phantom unhappy because of Pats, Tianfeng couldn't stand the second time.

Even the last time Digital Phantom didn't explain the thunder disaster in detail, it was all blamed on Pats.

Regardless of whether this is the case or not, who would not use it if there is a ready-made target to dump the blame on?

There was a commotion outside, but Qu Jianlei was practicing peacefully in Mi Mansion.

However, after all, he still couldn't stay stable forever. After practicing for ten days, he asked Xiaohu to reduce the consumption of energy blocks by half.

This decision led to the reappearance of the human face, but it did not express dissatisfaction. It just asked in the retreat, "No more?"

"There really aren't many left," Qu Jianlei's spiritual consciousness came from inside.

"They are currently working hard to raise funds outside, but in the short term... it is inconvenient!"

(Updated to summon monthly tickets, follow-up subscriptions and recommended tickets.)

This chapter has been completed!
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