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Chapter 201 Acquaintance Guarantee Monthly Pass in August)

 When the three of them drove to Zhouliu, it was the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, and winter was coming soon.

They had been sleeping in the open air along the way, and even though they had some cultivation, they were extremely tired.

So the three of them unanimously decided to go to the settlement and rest for two days.

In the past four months, they have also entered the settlement, repaired it, and sold some loot. The pass is very useful.

But when I wanted to enter Zhouliu, I was stopped by the guard at the city gate, saying that I had never seen such a certificate before.

The other party not only stopped the person, but also had a very bad attitude. He even took off the Gauss gun from his shoulder, looking like he was planning to take action.

The driver was Youyou. She pulled out her laser pistol and pointed it at the other person's head.

"Make way! I'll count to three. If you have the guts, shoot. I really know how to shoot!"

People in power generally don't care about small people because there is really no need.

But this little ant dared to barge at her. She didn't mind shooting him to death, and she didn't even bother to explain.

She said this with confidence, and that kind of arrogance from the bottom of her heart is definitely not something that ordinary people can learn.

The guard was stunned. Seeing this, the other guard raised his hand and pulled out the laser pistol from his waist.

A ray of light flashed and knocked away his pistol, but it was Xiao Moshan who fired.

He looked at the guard expressionlessly, "Do you really want to die?"

The guard held his broken finger, grimacing in pain and gasping for air, but he did not dare to react.

Anyone who dares to attack openly at the city gate cannot be offended by just two guards.

Youyou didn't look this way, but started to count, "One, two..."

The guard who was so arrogant just now covered his chest and made an "OK" gesture.

But he was neither humble nor arrogant, "Sir, there are rules in Zhou Liu!"

"You don't even know the ID, what a fucking rule!" Youyou shook the laser pistol in her hand, "Get out of the way!"

The guard quickly jumped away, saw the other party starting to throttle, and quickly called the others with the radio.

This is the rule of the settlement. He can make temporary concessions, but not just anyone can get by by bluffing!

After entering the settlement, Youyou sensed it, locked the wealthy area, and drove there.

When going to the wealthy area, there were still guards checking the ID on the road, and Youyou showed her ID again.

What's more embarrassing is that this group of guards don't recognize the ID.

But they knew that the other party had forced his way in through the city gate, so they didn't dare to stab him. "Sir, this certificate of yours is..."

"If you don't know me, go away," Youyou said angrily, "What kind of quality do these Zhou Liu guards have?"

The guard hesitated for a moment and then answered bravely, "Sir, the people who live here are all dignitaries with status."

Youyou became more and more impatient, "You don't even recognize my ID, you damn noble person!"

"You Zhou Liu, who has the most status, are just bigger ants in my eyes. Do you understand? Get out of my way!"

These words were so overbearing that some residents passing by looked at her angrily but said nothing.

However, Youyou simply ignored the looks of others and pulled out the pistol again, "Go away or not?"

This time, she didn't even give the other party a chance to count.

The guard quickly stepped aside and did not dare to stop him.

The truck drove into a wealthy area, walked around a bit, and found a hotel that looked pretty good.

"This is the only one, I feel like there won't be any better one."

The hotel in Zhouliu is indeed very low-end. There is a yard in front where you can park your car, and there are three three-story buildings inside.

The three of them got out of the car and walked directly to the small building. The goods on the truck were left in the car without fear of being stolen.

In fact, along the way, there were almost three digits of thieves who wanted to steal goods, but they had no chance to regret it.

The front desk of the hotel is very simple, but the price is not cheap.

However, hotels in wealthy areas also have some advantages. They will let you stay for a fee, regardless of your status.

While I was checking in, three cars drove into the yard, and more than twenty city guards came out of the cars.

A person who looked like a leader spoke loudly, "If you are not in a hurry to apply for accommodation, can I take a look at your ID first?"

Youyou didn't mean to cause trouble. When she heard that a salesperson was here, she showed her ID with no expression on her face.

This guy is really knowledgeable. He can tell by looking at his ID that he is the person who came down from above.

He hurriedly apologized, and then led a group of people away in disgrace.

After the three of them checked in, Youyou and Xiao Moshan looked at the room and both said that the accommodation conditions... were too bad!

They gave the hotel one hour to make corrections. It doesn't matter if you pay a little more, but it must be almost done.

Then the three of them stood in the yard chatting. It took them so long to wait a little longer.

While they were chatting, a motorcycle drove up outside the courtyard gate with two people on board.

The motorcycle rushed directly to the side of the three people, then braked suddenly and swung its tail again.

The man in the back seat of the car raised his chin and said indifferently, "Are they the three of you? Show me your IDs... take them out and let me see!"

This was said very rudely, and his tone and body language were even more rude.

When Youyou heard this, she immediately became unhappy, "Who do you think you are..."

"Okay, let's show him," Xiao Moshan said, not wanting to get into trouble - the other party was also the ultimate warrior.

The man took the ID and glanced at it, then handed it back and whispered softly, "Sure enough, it's from Central City..."

Then he cast a sidelong glance, "I heard that you are nobler than everyone else in Zhou Liu?"

"I said that," Youyou raised her chin and replied proudly, "Do you have any objections?"

"I am not from Zhou Liu," the man replied, "I am Zheng Weifang, the guardian of Zhou Zi District... Do you understand?"

Youyou really didn't understand because she had never been out of the canyon, so she looked at Xiao Moshan - Jian Lei was not as knowledgeable as him in this area.

Xiao Moshan replied expressionlessly, "Every settlement is guarded by ultimate warriors, and the period of time can be long or short."

"It turns out to be a baby," Zheng Weifang smiled nonchalantly, "No matter where you go from now on, remember to be restrained!"

"Don't think you are the only one who is great. There are many people you can't afford to offend in those inconspicuous places!"

Youyou was unhappy, "Are you done talking nonsense yet? They are all B-level, why do you educate me?"

"Just because I am the guardian of Zhouzi District," the man replied nonchalantly, "This is my territory, understand?"

The guard mission he accepted was issued by Central City, and other B-class warriors still had to listen to him when they came to Zhouzi District.

Want to point fingers at him? Please ask Central City to cancel the mission first!

"Your territory?" Qu Jianlei couldn't help but speak out, "You have such a big face."

"Another one who doesn't know the depth," the man rolled his eyes helplessly, feeling a little headache for a moment.

He was basically certain that the three opponents were all ultimate warriors... or at least transformed warriors.

He had never encountered this situation of forming a group to come to Zhouliu before, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

I'm sure he's not afraid, but it's not appropriate to be tough--he might suffer in a real fight.

So he stressed, "I don't care what you are here for, I am responsible for guarding the stability of this aspect!"

"You are so shameless!" Qu Jianlei couldn't bear it anymore.

"Snatching other people's mutant crystals, killing people to seize the treasure when they see the money... Do you call this protecting the safety of one party?"

That's right, the two people in front of me are really not strangers, they are the two hunters who used to ride snowmobiles.

Later, they also stopped Qu Jianlei and his group, and planned to silence him for the sake of the Snow Hidden Leopard's crystallization!

The deep-seated feeling of powerlessness and vague despair at that time is still fresh in Qu Jianlei's memory.

"You want to kill someone to seize the treasure after seeing the wealth?" The man's face changed when he heard this, "I didn't... don't talk nonsense!"

"I wronged you...you deserve it?" Qu Jianlei smiled coldly, raised his hand and moved forward, "Iron cage!"

The iron cage was modified and designed by him based on Bai Yansheng's fire cage, with the purpose of trapping his opponent.

This technique was just calculated by him. He is not very mature or very good at it.

But there is no way, this is the condition during the rush, and the two people are responsible for driving and guarding most of the time.

With the iron cage together, no matter how stupid the man is, he knows that he will hit the big wall. He raised his hand and made a sign, "Ice Arrow!"

However, it was useless. The attack power of the ice arrows was not very strong. Even though the iron cage had not yet taken shape, the gap in cultivation level existed objectively.

Seeing that the Ice Arrow was in vain, the man was horrified, "A-level?"

Qu Jianlei looked at him expressionlessly. This man who once felt hopeless now had a look of horror on his face.

I don't know why, but he didn't feel the pleasure of getting revenge at all. Instead, he felt a little uninterested.

He was not interested in saying anything more, "If you dare to quibble, I will not only kill you, but also your whole family."

In the wasteland, using family members to threaten the person concerned usually does not have very good results.

Everyone has today and no tomorrow, family and so on... It is true that you live first, at least you will have a chance to take revenge in the future.

But since the other party is a B-level warrior... then there is an exception.

It is very difficult for most ordinary people to become the ultimate warrior - there is no need to mention qualifications, just assets.

Just look at Bentley and you will see that he was originally from an above-middle-class family and his qualifications were good enough, but he was impostered.

As for advancing to B level, you need stronger assets.

Why did Black Panther fail to recover? It's not that his family lacked strength, but that his future was hopeless and he couldn't keep his family property.

So this ice-attributed B-level warrior should have a rather small family behind him.

The family gave him support, and of course he wanted to repay it instead of bringing disaster to the family.

Zheng Weifang fell silent when he heard this. He didn't dare to bet on whether the other party would really dare to take action.

No one knows better than him the status of A-class warriors in Central City.

Since the opponent is A-level, even if you kill him, there won't be much consequences.

(The third update is here, please ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket for August.)

This chapter has been completed!
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