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Chapter 1471 The dragon has its head but not its tail

Chapter 1401 The dragon has its head but not its tail

The Mining Management Headquarters was able to bite the bullet and agree to these three cases not only because of the strength of the digital phantom, but also because of the saying that if you seek one, you will lose three.

Abandoning three mines is the upper limit. As long as there is no follow-up, the incident will come to an end and it will be over.

However, now, Kunhai is saying that it is not over yet, the three mines... Pearl Star Region has not even compensated for one!

This attitude made the people at the headquarters so angry that they vomited blood: Mingzhu did not pay compensation, but the headquarters coordinated the compensation.

Can you not know what happened to the Hegel family a while ago?

But Kunhai is very innocent: If you compensate, what does it have to do with our Pearl?

At the beginning, the headquarters made it clear that the matter of seeking one for three was limited to the Pearl Star Region itself and had nothing to do with the outer star regions!

When the people at the headquarters heard this, they were immediately speechless. This was really what happened at that time, and they had already given up on the Pearl Mine Management Department!

In the end, he had no choice but to say: Anyway, it is impossible for the headquarters to approve another mine. I hope you will take care of yourself!

This is my own right, Mingzhu! The people from Kunhaixing said that it was authorized by the headquarters!

If the headquarters goes back on its promise, it will be difficult for the teams below us to lead, and if other accidents occur, I cannot be blamed.

There can never be harmony between the headquarters and the local areas. Everyone is in different positions and has different interests and demands.

The people at the headquarters were so shocked that they couldn't help scolding each other: Are you so pickpocketing?

Kun Hai replied coldly: When I was given up, no one said I was eating everything.

Now we want to know, what is your attitude towards this application for assisted investigation?

If rejected, please ask the relevant person in charge to sign.

Who the hell dares to sign? People at the headquarters were furious: Is this considered a threat?

There is no threat! The people from Kunhai replied: At least I have an explanation, and it is none of my business.

However, we will continue to report such indulgence in private mining of energy stones!

At this point, the people at the headquarters are helpless. In this case, there is no need to wait for others to intercede.

The Mingzhu Mine Management Department insisted on investigating, but it was really difficult for the headquarters to reject it.

The interests between the local area and the headquarters are never consistent. Legal support is important, but substantive support is even more important!

However, the receptionist was rather rigid, but there are also lively bosses in the headquarters!

A while ago, many big bosses criticized the mining management department of the Pearl Star Territory, but in private they took the initiative to say that it was just a formality.

Therefore, those superficial articles in the government must not be taken seriously. The key is to see what the other party has done!

Three days later, the mine owner hiding in the core circle was captured, and it was the local city guards who took action.

When he was arrested, this guy was quite unconvinced and said that I was in the Mining Management Department, but I knew some important people, so you should take care of yourself!

That big shot was promoted from the Pearl Star Territory, the current predecessor.

However, the big shot said, I am not familiar with this person and he has nothing to do with me!

After the mine owner heard about it, he said angrily that after I came back to atone for my sins, I would have to ask for an explanation sooner or later!

Unfortunately, he didn't have time to atone for his sins, so he died in the room in the middle of the night due to internal disorder...

As for other small and medium-sized shareholders? They have expressed their willingness to refund the income from private purchases.

Moreover, they fully realized their mistakes and actively paid the fines, saying that they would not make similar mistakes again in the future.

Most of the time, people who know how to lose money to stay safe will go further.

This process took two weeks, so don't feel like it's dragging you down. In the Age of Discovery, this was already top-notch efficiency.

There are many supreme beings involved, and the relationships are intricate and complex, making it difficult to choose.

The territory of the empire is so large that it will take some time for information to be transmitted and government orders to be communicated smoothly.

That is to say, the matter involves the Digital Phantom, and Pearl Star Zone relies on the support of someone to make the matter bigger.

If we weren’t worried that the matter would get out of hand and someone was trying to please him, it would have been impossible to handle it so neatly!

However, now that the overall situation was decided, Qu Jianlei and others did not wait any longer and left half a month later.

They didn't wait until the dust settled because they didn't have to.

Under this continuous high-pressure situation, if there are still people who dare to behave like monsters, it is definitely worth their while to come back.

Qu Jianlei and the others were not in a hurry to return to Tianfeng. Duo Gan, Da Vinci and Yi He were there, so they were absolutely safe to protect themselves.

Seriously, there are many spells or other experiments. You need to find an uninhabited planet and practice them carefully.

At the same time, people came to visit Tianfeng's experimental platform from time to time.

In fact, the surrounding area of ​​the experimental platform is protected by Tianfeng garrison.

But there is no way, there have been too many high-level awakened people arriving from the empire recently.

Digital Phantom's reputation is at its peak, but its whereabouts are extremely mysterious. It is rare to stay in one place for such a long time.

Many of the high-level awakened people who came to visit were out of reach for the Tianfeng military.

You can stop him appropriately, but you never dare to stop him forcefully.

However, people on the experimental platform never go out, and they are always in the way of all kinds of requests - we don't see anyone who has nothing to do with us.

Some people came to see me on behalf of the Supreme Being, but it was in vain.

Usually a very ordinary female voice responds, indicating that we have no such friendship.

If the opponent is a little tough, they will provoke Zhenshanbao. He said that the team also has activities outside.

"We have people in both the Pearl and Thorns Star Territory, why do we have to come here to bother them?"

This actually makes sense. Jing Yuexin, one of the two supreme figures of the Digital Phantoms, is openly operating outside.

What, you said you can't get in touch? That's your own problem, okay?

Since I can't contact Master Jing Yuexin, do you think this experimental platform is easy to talk to, or do you think I, Zhenshan Fort, are easy to bully?

What the Fourth Master said was very rude, but it was not unreasonable.

However, the problem is that the digital phantom that goes out is not only elusive, but also difficult to approach.

At the very least, if there are three supreme beings together, who would dare to break in?

Moreover, most of the highest officials in the empire are proud of their status.

Just like Pute, the former top master in the military, he also stayed on Tianfeng Planet for more than a year.

He once tried asking someone to contact Digital Phantom, but found that the other party was too arrogant, so he stopped contacting him and has not recovered to this day.

So on Tianfeng's side, the experimental platform has suffered some minor harassment, but the problem is not that big.

However, not long after Qu Jianlei and his party left Kunhai, more and more people came to visit the experimental platform.

The soldiers guarding the surrounding area can all prove that the team that the Digital Phantom left has not returned.

But is this important? As long as the Digital Phantom people want to come back, where can you monitor them?

However, the experimental platform still has the same calm attitude: we are sorry for not accepting it, but those who want to force their way in can give it a try.

In the blink of an eye, it has been three months since the regiment-level ship left the Pearl Star Territory, but Tianfeng Star is still calm.

In fact, Qu Jianlei and the others had already returned, but they left again not long after.

There is a teleportation array not only on Tianfeng Star, but also on the experimental platform. The main one is that it comes and goes without a trace.

They came back with energy blocks. The energy blocks amounted to over 200 billion, which was enough for the cave to consume without any worries within a year.

The purpose of leaving was to test new spells and conduct new experiments.

Half a year later in the Tianhe Star Territory, someone saw the Digital Phantom's regiment-class ship on a desolate planet.

Violent energy fluctuations were heard on the planet, attracting passing starships to investigate.

As a result, a small ship flew over and said that the team was here to conduct a spell test and that if nothing happened, please leave.

Today's small ships are even painted with the Digital Phantom logo.

After the starship recognized the painted mark, it didn't dare to stay. After saying a few words, it turned around and left quickly.

Regardless, it's a great honor for this starship.

The empire is so big, it is really rare to meet such a legendary team.

So not long after, several more starships headed to the planet, including military warships.

The Digital Phantom was so disturbed that he had to leave the planet.

Three months later, on a desolate planet in the Warhammer Starfield, another battalion-class ship of the Digital Phantom was discovered.

Similarly, this team was practicing magic on the planet, but was discovered and left again.

As time went by, the empire formed such an understanding of the digital phantom.

The experimental platform of this team is on Tianfeng Planet, but the main force has been practicing their techniques in various parts of the empire.

If you have anything to ask Digital Phantom, you can go to Tianfeng. There is no guarantee that it will be done, but there is no problem in passing the message.

This understanding shows from the side that the team is most concerned about improving combat effectiveness and actively trying to improve the power of spells.

This is good news for most awakened people in the empire.

Digital Phantom's research on the divine system has been quite in-depth, and some of its abilities have even surpassed those of the divine society.

If they study so diligently, sooner or later the group of awakened people will benefit from it.

In addition, it can also be seen that the Digital Phantom's attitude towards wealth is not as greedy as everyone imagines.

Of course, not loving money does not mean that you don’t need money.

There are many high-level awakened people in this team, and just the training needs of these people require a lot of funds.

The many tests they conduct are even more expensive. People who have done research on this point know very well.

Therefore, supporting the operation of this team will inevitably require massive funds.

So, it is understandable that they previously obtained some energy blocks and energy stone mines in Pearl Star Territory and other places.

At the very least, they don't seem to be insatiable in the field of energy stone mines.

The senior management of the Mining Management Department, who had been paying attention to this trend, gradually let go of their worries.

Three more months later, Supreme Buckingham and his friend Nelson came to Tianfeng to visit the Digital Phantom.

In the ranking of Qu Jianlei's team, these two are quite friendly.

Zhenshanbao made an exception and welcomed the two people into the experimental platform and asked them their purpose.

There is nothing special about these two people. They just came to pay a visit when they have free time.

At the same time, they also sent a message to the military, asking if they were interested in entering the Mysterious Mansion to do some research.

This chapter has been completed!
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