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Chapter 1533 The fire dragon burns the warehouse

Chapter 1463 The fire dragon burns the warehouse

In the outer space of Bitao Star, there are also many starships that refuse to land, which is somewhat similar to the Empire.

The difference is that there are a lot more starships here.

Xiaohu quietly invaded the network system, only to find out that this place has been managed under semi-military management, and the entry and exit cards are very strict.

The alien invasion is imminent, and if proper management is not done, everyone will disappear long ago.

Therefore, foreign starships will not take the initiative to apply for landing unless they have no choice - it will be bad if they can't get out.

As a result, a group of local short-legged starships were born, specializing in space and ground transportation.

Not long after the heavily loaded merchant ship stopped, someone contacted them and asked what kind of cargo they were carrying.

This person said that he could transport it on his behalf, and if there was no consignee, he could also purchase it on his behalf.

The fourth boss replied, we have already made arrangements, you can go find someone else.

There are too many starships parked in space, and it is not uncommon for them to refuse to be disturbed.

In the quasi-frontline war zone, there are so many different kinds of transactions, many of which are shady, and everyone is used to it.

The starship stayed for a day, then bought some ingredients from a short-legged starship, and then wandered in outer space.

Xizhao has already set up a teleportation array on the ground. The fourth master stayed behind on the starship while the others teleported to Bitao.

When I first came to this planet, the first thing I had to solve was the clothing issue.

The Alliance's clothing is quite different from the Empire's, and Bitao's clothing has a unique style.

Apart from anything else, it is very speechless to say that men generally wear skirts and women wear pants instead...

But since you're in the countryside, just follow the local customs. Xiaohu has already chosen a clothing warehouse and just let Xizhao steal some clothes.

Then everyone started to wander around the planet in groups of two or three.

It must be admitted that there are still many differences between the Alliance and the Empire, and people generally live a more relaxed life.

Now Bitaoxing can almost be regarded as a quasi-frontline, but the general state of the residents is still relatively relaxed.

There are many checkpoints on the streets, randomly checking pedestrians, which should be considered a war atmosphere.

But most people still looked calm, some were singing and dancing in the street, and some were sitting on the roadside drinking.

Some people also cursed loudly, saying that the residents should be relocated earlier. The current countermeasures are equivalent to trapping everyone to death.

However, very few people said this, and many people refuted it, saying that everyone has the responsibility to protect their homeland.

Others said with certainty that when the resistance is no longer possible, the alliance will naturally evacuate residents on a large scale.

This is not something out of thin air. Similar emergency evacuation plans have been rehearsed many times.

But those who complain still believe that those evacuation plans are just a fool's errand.

After a few words of argument, two city guards came around the corner and took the grumbling one away.

The reason is - I suspect you are an imperial spy and are deliberately disrupting social order.

Others suddenly realized that this explanation was reasonable, even if someone had been this person's neighbor for many years.

So what do the Bitao people say? I don’t know if they are big-hearted or really simple.

The overall social atmosphere is not as oppressive as the empire, and it lacks a little murderousness.

Of course, this is different from the alliance spies that Qu Jianlei came into contact with, but the people who carried out the infiltration mission are definitely different.

Seeing them chatting happily, Qu Jianlei, as a passerby, couldn't help but interject.

"Didn't you say that we want to release detailed information about the alien race? Why haven't we released it yet? How can we prepare for it?"

Someone glanced at him casually, smiled and shook his head, "He is another one who wants to start a war. Don't worry, it won't be as fast as you think."

Obviously, resisting aliens is the right thing to do, and those who want to fight against them will also gain general favor.

Qu Jianlei couldn't help but said, "Wouldn't it be better to prepare early?"

As a result, the other party replied disapprovingly, "Just start fighting. If you can't beat me, just run away. Is there any use in being more prepared?"

This is really arrogant, but then again, as the people at the bottom, do we have more choices?

They stayed in Bitao for three days and basically didn't gain any more information about the alien race.

Even Xiaohu couldn't find any relevant information online. The only thing that was certain was that the lost planet... would be difficult to get back!

Listen to what these are saying, war is imminent, and the information blockade is still so strict.

On the fourth night, Qu Jianlei and Xizhao sneaked into the alliance's military warehouse.

It is not a local military region, but a warehouse directly under the army. The ammunition reserves here are far better than those in the local area.

The weapons and ammunition of the Alliance and the Empire are not universal, and the ammunition carried by heavy-loaded merchant ships is not much, so it is necessary to supplement them.

Qu Jianlei collected as much ammunition as possible, as well as some weapons and equipment.

As for the consequences of the theft of the arsenal, he didn't bother to think about it.

If the other party thinks that it was done by local forces, that's the best thing. Anyway, no one can be sure that it was done by imperial infiltrators.

Xizhao thought even more harshly, "It's better to blow up the warehouse directly. The allusion of 'fire dragon burning the warehouse' is yours."

"This... let's forget it," Qu Jianlei thought for a moment and finally shook his head.

The Alliance and the Empire are sworn enemies, but if the arms warehouse is blown up and the aliens come over...how can ordinary people resist?

But Yi He actually agreed with Xizhao's suggestion, "With information blocked to this extent, does the alliance treat the people under its rule as human beings?"

Qu Jianlei thought for a moment and replied, "Then... let's blow up a small warehouse."

This is also a last resort. The key is that no more detailed information about the foreign race can be obtained through any channels.

The military doesn't have similar information? That's simply impossible. It's been stuck like this, and I don't know who to guard against.

Half an hour later, an earth-shattering firestorm erupted, and the ground trembled.

The army directly under the alliance was immediately alert, and countless people rushed to the scene.

What was detonated was a medium-sized ammunition depot, mainly containing an incomplete variety of small ammunition depots.

After careful inspection, the military took a deep breath. It was just a little bit close, and several nearby ammunition depots would be detonated.

It can even be said that the fact that other warehouses were not affected was purely due to good luck, and there is no second explanation possible.

They really didn't expect that this would be the result simply because someone protected other warehouses.

The person who detonates the explosion is the one who protects... This kind of logic is not something that normal people can think of!

The military's management of warehouses is extremely strict, and with the alliance's technological level, it is absolutely impossible for inexplicable spontaneous fires to occur.

Therefore, the military immediately made a judgment: this matter must be the work of an infiltrator from the empire.

The alien race actually arranged for people to blow up the alliance's arsenal. It was indeed worthy of the name "Evil Empire".

Then the government and the military joined forces and began strict inspections, and the relaxed atmosphere on Bitao Star disappeared.

No matter how scary the alien race is, they are still far away after all. The Huo Ba Huo Zha happening around us is real.

While there was chaos on Bitao Star, Qu Jianlei and others had already teleported back to the heavily loaded merchant ship.

But they did not leave, but closely watched the reaction of the planet below.

Is it just a matter of strictly investigating spies? Obviously it’s impossible, everything always arises from the mistakes.

The local army first put forward its own opinion: the ammunition storage method of the alliance's direct army is too dangerous.

If you weren't lucky enough, your losses would have been huge this time.

In the final analysis, it is still a dispute caused by different interests. The local military has always been a stepmother in front of the directly subordinate military.

It can even be said that the latter is the real military, while the former is similar to the National Guard.

The local military regions also have sufficiently advanced weapons on hand, but the problem is that they are not large in number and do not have much ammunition.

In order to protect the interests of the country, the alliance will definitely be wary of local forces becoming bigger and stronger - at least to ensure its advantage in the military field.

Normally, local armies recognize this division of labor, and there should be differences between the regular army and local armed forces.

But now the aliens are coming to kill them, and a large number of weapons and ammunition are still controlled by the direct army. This is really inappropriate!

The directly-affiliated army also has many local bases, but they are far inferior to those of the local army.

A limited base stores most of the ammunition - how can this be safe?

The local army believes that sabotage by spies must be strictly investigated, but the safety of ammunition must also be considered.

So they used this incident to express that this mechanism must be adjusted!

——Forget it in normal times, now it is under semi-military control, and the local arsenal must be effectively replenished.

When aliens invade, arsenals everywhere will ensure that weapons are delivered to the people as quickly as possible.

The military directly under the Central Government also knows that the demands of local troops are not unreasonable.

But handing it over like this not only violates the principles of the alliance, but also confirms our own accusation of negligent management.

There should indeed be wartime rules during wartime, but the military cannot act on its own - the alliance's army can only listen to the alliance's orders.

The military said it must report it and obtain authorization from the alliance before it can operate.

There is absolutely no problem with this answer, but the local army cannot accept it.

Report it to the bosses in the alliance, who knows when the results will come out.

Therefore, what was originally an issue of vigorously tracking down spies has gradually transformed into a competition for the right to allocate military resources.

However, the alliance's response this time was not slow, and it quickly came up with a compromise plan.

Part of the arms can be dispersed locally, but for the convenience of management, only a limited number of storage points can be added.

Moreover, these storage points must be guarded by the alliance army, and the local army can at most provide assistance and cooperation.

However, these dispersed arms cannot exceed 20% of the total stockpile.

The proportion is a bit small, but the alliance military believes that Bitao Star has very rich supplies for war preparations, and 20% is not a lot.

However, both the local army and the government were quite dissatisfied: Where are you sending these to beggars?

Although the total number is indeed not small, once the aliens attack, all the people of Bitao Star can be regarded as soldiers!

No matter how huge the number is, averaged over an individual, it is still an inconspicuous number.

This chapter has been completed!
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