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Chapter 1557 Imperial Military Intelligence Department

Chapter 1487 Imperial Military Intelligence Department

Apu sat on the small stool beside the bed, looking at the ceiling with his eyes blankly, motionless, like a statue.

He is not very tall, only about 1.6 meters tall, and his body is very thin, as if he could be blown over by a gust of wind.

But in fact, despite his green and immature face, he is one of the best artillerymen in the regiment.

However, after being captured, he forgot his specialty and became a worker washing animal offal.

He was a regular soldier of the empire, and the information he had was limited. He was thrown into prison after interrogation.

Prisoners cannot eat or sleep well here. One dose of nutritional supplements can last for five days. Who can believe this?

As the saying goes, it is easy to cause trouble when you are full...and it is easy to cause trouble when you are asleep.

In addition, prisoners also have labor tasks. If they fail to meet basic targets, they will not even be able to drink water!

Labor is definitely hard and tiring work, and it is quite dangerous.

It's a pity that Keqi Planet has no minerals, otherwise the prisoners in this prison will definitely be sent down.

But Apu's job wasn't much better - washing animal internal organs, mainly the large intestine.

With the development of science and technology, machine washing has long been possible for this kind of work, but it can be washed cleanly by hand with less damage, so it is of the highest quality.

Apu's task today was not completed, mainly because someone deliberately made trouble while he was working.

So he had nothing to eat and sat on a small stool in a daze, trying to reduce consumption as much as possible.

Moreover, there is no obstruction above the stool, so he can absorb more light, which can be regarded as energy intake.

Seeing his appearance, the nine prisoners in the same room exchanged glances, but no one tried to provoke him.

Apu comes from the "Evil Empire" and is the lowest status person in the room.

Although he was very good at fighting, nine people swarmed him... and crushed him to death.

However, the other nine people also knew very well that it was best not to provoke Ah Bo in his current state.

Because this guy is driven into a hurry, he will really bite people - the key is that he bites people to eat meat!

How miserable can a hungry person be? It’s hard to generalize.

Even though he was extremely hungry, he could still maintain his sanity and stay there quietly.

But at this time, if anyone wants to bully him "as usual"... I'm sorry, that guy really eats people!

Of course, there are always people who do not believe in evil. Not long ago, they covered him with a quilt and beat him.

Finally, someone yelled, "Ah, my little toe!"

A'pu was under the quilt and didn't resist at all. He grabbed a foot and bit it directly without using any strength to struggle!

By the time everyone pulled him out of the quilt, their toes had already entered his stomach.

——Soldiers do have wilderness survival training, but it is really rare for those with such a strong survival instinct.

Apu tried his best to clear his mind and not think about stomach problems.

He doesn't want anyone to bother him, because... human flesh really doesn't taste good!

If he hadn't lost his mind every time, he would have wanted to vomit out the human flesh he swallowed.

Wait...who the hell wants to disturb labor? His eyes narrowed slightly.

Fortunately, no one in the cell wanted to look at his appearance for fear of irritating the guy and making him run away.

Immediately afterwards, Apu heard a strange sound, which seemed to be ringing directly in his head.

"The special service team of the Imperial Military Intelligence Department will come to rob the prison at two o'clock in the morning three days later. Don't react in any way. Just put your right hand on your left chest."

Hmm? This seems to be...

This sound was repeated three times, and A'Bo's slow brain began to spin, trying to imagine it in his mind, "Sir, wait a minute..."

"Huh?" The voice rang in his head again, "How could you, a little B-level person... be able to do something wrong?"

"There are traitors... among the imperial soldiers!" A'Bo tried hard to imagine, "When your Excellency informs everyone, please screen them out."

The voice became more and more interested, "Oh, how many are there?"

"I know, there are only two," A'Bo felt that his head could hardly turn.

He reported two identities, "...I'm not sure who else there is."

"Your mental strength...is not good enough," the voice muttered, "I should have met someone with extraordinary talent."

"The main reason is that I'm too hungry," A'Bo expressed his words very smoothly. "Sir, do you have anything to eat?"

"It's easy to eat," the voice said without hesitation, "Just go to the toilet and pretend to go to the toilet and open your mouth."

"Go to the bathroom..." A'Bo's head turned even slower. At this moment, he really wanted to cry.

"I don't have to pee, let alone have a bowel movement, how can I pretend?"

"Don't you understand?" The voice became impatient, "I'll let you pretend!"

"Do you know what pretending is? Having poop and pee...that's really going to the toilet!"

Uh... is it affected by mental power? A Bo's mind suddenly became alive. He knew this statement.

It's just that those who can do this must be at least Class A, and this prison should have similar monitoring equipment.

The one who can evade the monitoring equipment must be the supreme one, or... the supreme one?

"You still know about the influence of mental power... go ahead," the voice snorted coldly.

A'Bo waited for four or five seconds, stood up slowly, and carefully felt the status of the other nine people.

His cultivation was banned and his mental perception was useless, but he still had a warrior's intuition, which he was not bad at.

When he came to the toilet, he suddenly discovered that there were three tubes of nutritional supplements and a bottle of water floating in front of him!

There are no people, no air currents or energy fluctuations, and things are suspended in front of you.

He looked at the others out of the corner of his eye, but no one was paying attention.

In fact, when he was so hungry, he still remembered to observe his surroundings when he saw food, which was the ultimate achievement.

The next moment, he decisively tore open the seal of the nutrient supplement, swallowed two tubes, and took a sip of water.

After drinking half the bottle, he swallowed the third tube of nutritional supplements and drank two more sips of water.

The outer packaging of three tubes of nutritional supplements mysteriously disappeared under his nose.

He turned around again and looked at the nine people in his room. Those nine people seemed to be in a state of wandering.

So he plucked up the courage to ask, "Sir, can you give me a few more tubes of nutritional supplements?"

"Are you sure you want more?" The voice said calmly, "Your level of cultivation is not suitable for overeating."

"We have received professional training," Apu replied seriously, "I can still eat three more tubes to store energy appropriately."

"Then I'll give you three more tubes," three more tubes of nutritional supplements suddenly appeared, "Look at your terrible bodies..."

"Who else is as trustworthy as you? You must be 100% sure that there is no rebellion!"

I am 100% sure that this requirement is a bit difficult, people will change, and between life and death... there is great terror!

A'Bo thought for a long time, "I can confirm that it is Haote, who is also from our group!"

In fact, it was difficult for him to identify traitors, but for Qu Jianlei and others, it was almost easy.

Among the nine people who came this time, except for two A-level ones, everyone else could accurately sense the emotions of others.

If you were the supreme person, you might be able to hide your disguised emotions, but the supreme person is really not good enough.

However, this kind of contact also showed from the side that Qu Jianlei and the others had overestimated the darkness of the rescue.

They thought it was very difficult and had to rely on their own efforts to plan the situation, but they ignored that they were rescuing the elites of the imperial military!

These elites were accidentally captured... There is no reason for this. Sometimes it is not based on human will.

There are also elites who betrayed Guojia. This is still not surprising. There are all kinds of birds in the forest.

In the end, they judged that five of the more than 200 prisoners had betrayed the empire.

As for misjudgment? It doesn’t exist! If one person can’t judge accurately, then everyone should come to the consultation!

Soon, the day of the promised prison robbery arrived. In the evening, it began to rain lightly.

This is the rain praying formation set up by Qu Jianlei. Neither the Divine Wen Society nor the Empire's Future Star found any abnormalities.

Although the alliance military is not bad in strength, it is impossible to imagine that such a new product has recently appeared.

As mentioned earlier, one side of the prison is adjacent to the desert, and it rarely rains in the desert.

However, this time the rain praying array did not cover the desert, because everyone had no intention of going in that direction at all.

There are not many troops stationed in the desert, but survival is not easy, and there are no people around, so it is difficult to hide without human cover.

In the early morning, Hua Scorpion took the lead and quickly killed a sentry and replaced him.

While she was changing her appearance to kill her companions, Yuanyuan took over in time.

Then Claire approached from the main entrance, and with the cooperation of Hua Scorpion, killed the guard and took Tianyin into the prison.

Next, Tianyin filled Hua Xiezi's vacancy and occupied a sentry tower with Yuanyuan.

Then Claire took over the duty of guard, and Hua Xiezi, Bentley and the Fourth Master went straight to the duty room.

The two guards on duty in the corridor were killed by Flower Scorpion, and Bentley took over.

I have to admit that although the wind attribute is fragile and has poor attack power, Yin people are definitely easy to use.

Most of the killings tonight were carried out by Hua Scorpion. When it comes to killing people invisible, she is much better than Bentley.

It wouldn't be a problem for Bentley to pretend to be two guards on duty. At worst, he could pretend to be another person to go to the toilet.

Then Hua Xiezi and Si Dangjia went straight to the central control room and killed the two personnel on duty.

Although Qu Jianlei said it was not appropriate to go on a killing spree, it was impossible to save people in such a heavily guarded place without killing people.

Just looking at the positions they occupy, you can tell that there are several positions that must be occupied.

In the corner of the sentry tower are Tianyin and Yuanyuan, Claire is holding up the door, and Bentley is holding up the corridor - luckily he can hold up both of them.

After entering the central control room, Xiaohu directly took over the system.

When it is outside, it can forcibly take over the system, but it can easily be suspected of being artificial intelligence.

Taking over at this time can be done by any hacker with some ability.

Xiaohu quickly issued instructions, turned off many monitoring equipment, and silenced the sound and light alarms of many equipment.

At this point, you can relax a little bit.

Hua Xiezi stayed in the central control room, and the Fourth Master rushed out like an arrow, "I'm going to save people!"


This chapter has been completed!
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