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Chapter 1598 Everyone has their own responsibilities

Chapter 1528 Everyone has their own responsibilities

Although the colonel already knew that the Alliance planned to conduct a major inspection, he did not intend to give up ambushing the Alliance's starships.

This is also a common problem among imperial soldiers - I know the situation is dangerous, but I can't afford to lose this person if I run away without seeing the enemy!

Not only did he think so, the commanders of the other two squadrons also expressed their views.

Even Qu Jianlei did not object to this consensus.

In his opinion, although the empire has many shortcomings, the bloody courage of the people of the empire is really rare.

This kind of temperament is engraved in the bones...even in the genes, and it deserves recognition and encouragement.

If an ethnic group loses its enterprising spirit, or does not have the awareness to be prepared for danger in times of peace, its future will be worrying.

So this squadron ambushed four more merchant ships in the following time.

In the blink of an eye, another three days passed without any accidents.

The senior colonel even had some doubts: Is there really no problem with this supreme news?

The three dispersed squadrons all acted independently.

Although the action area and activity rhythm have been agreed before, communication with each other is not easy.

It is not easy to contact friendly forces, so how did the news about the alliance reach this supreme leader?

He already knows that members of the Digital Phantom may have the ability to communicate over long distances - most likely it is simple information.

But he didn't know this principle clearly, and it wasn't easy to ask casually.

So he just reminded his subordinate officers and soldiers: The time is getting closer and closer, everyone must be careful, these days are the most dangerous moments.

On this day, the squadron continued to remain invisible, waiting for the passing fat sheep to come to their door.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no sign of the starship passing by.

However, this is also normal. Recently, there have been too many cargo starships mysteriously missing in this waterway.

There is actually some information communication between the cargo starships.

They are all in the same industry. Which industry is not easy to move in recently and what risks there may be, there will be relevant information exchange.

The communication speed of this information is not slow either: I helped you today, and you will give me back in time tomorrow.

Even if there is no authoritative news from the government, everyone knows that this area has not been very peaceful recently.

In the blink of an eye, most of the day passed, and suddenly, the artificial intelligence issued a warning on a company-level ship.

"Starships appeared in front, two in total!"

For the imperial soldiers, this kind of early warning is not unusual, because they have also deployed a large number of detectors in this space.

The military has no shortage of such detectors, and there are more detectors similar to Digital Phantom, which can indeed provide early warning.

There is no artificial intelligence embedded in the battalion-class ships - the pride of the military does not allow it.

But if the company-class ship can receive the information, it will definitely inform its superiors as soon as possible.

The battalion-level ship began to move slowly, intending to cooperate, when suddenly another company-level ship sent a message,

This company-class ship received intelligence from another direction, and an unknown number of starships appeared in the surrounding area - at least four or five.

The monitor was discovered by the other party and destroyed, and there was no follow-up news.

After all, the number of monitors they brought is still limited and cannot be deployed in unlimited quantities like the alliance.

These monitors did not accurately identify the type of starship before they were destroyed.

The information they sent back can only be roughly determined. Two of them may be armed merchant ships, but one is definitely not!

What the soldiers are most concerned about is that this ship is "definitely not"!

An armed merchant ship can be a cover, but what is this starship that is not an armed merchant ship doing traveling with other starships?

The imperial soldiers didn't need to think much before they saw two words on the red berry fruit: trap!

No matter what happened to the unknown starship, just think of it as an Alliance warship in disguise.

As for the method of disguise, there is no need to think too much. Whether it is mimicry or something else, it is enough to know that something is wrong.

But even so, they didn't want to just run away.

Regardless of whether it was a trap or not, they were planning to touch each other... and retreat without saying a word. They really couldn't afford to embarrass that person!

What if it’s not a trap? Of course, this possibility is unlikely, so you have to understand the opponent’s strength, right?

The colonel also asked Qing Hu about this decision.

Qinghu’s attitude is very clear, it’s up to you how you want to fight. Anyway, just follow the plan.

If I want to put it in more detail, it means don’t get into a fight. Do you understand this?

Of course the colonel understood, but the other person mentioned it in a key point, which made him hesitate a little.

So he went to discuss with his subordinate soldiers, and Digital Phantom emphasized that even if he was ambushed, he could not get into a fight.

The colonel is the chief officer leading the team, and since he is behind enemy lines, he doesn't need to ask anyone for instructions, so he can supposedly make the decision with just one word.

But his men are all elites selected by the military, and he feels it is necessary to respect everyone's wishes.

Qinghu's request may not sound like much, but the people present are all military elites, so they naturally know the cruel reality hidden behind it.

If during the battle, if a warship is damaged, our side may not have time to rescue our comrades in order to leave the battlefield in time.

It is also necessary to participate in such a battle with harassment behind enemy lines to conceal one's own true strength and fighting purpose.


To put it simply, when Imperial soldiers are abandoned by their comrades, they need to kill themselves in time.

However, when faced with this problem, some junior officers still said, "We have to touch it. We can't just fire two shots and leave, right?"

Someone even echoed, "How can you judge the enemy's strength without touching it?"

"In case the opponent is too strong, we cannot rely on the support of friendly forces, but must draw the enemy away."

I have to admit that those who dare to come behind enemy lines to cause destruction are all bloody men.

"What are you talking about?" The colonel shook his head, "If you want to conquer us, even a full division-level fleet won't be enough!"

No matter what, everyone agreed that they must touch each other and resolutely safeguard the honor of the military.

The next step is to select the members of the small ship. In this upcoming battle, the crew of the small ship is the most dangerous.

But there are really many soldiers who are eager to fight - fighting in small ships is only dangerous, but not fatal!

Military medals are all earned at the cost of one's life! Who needs less blood?

Qinghu was also quite surprised by the enthusiasm of the soldiers. She found the colonel and said, "Small ships...leave me one."

"If you are too late to rescue, I can try."

The colonel originally wanted to refuse, but after hearing the last sentence, he finally nodded, "Thank you."

The Digital Phantom is powerful in all aspects. Not long ago, he saw the opponent's individual combat power go crazy, directly destroying an Alliance warship.

And there are definitely more than three or five such people in that team.

There are two company-class ships led by the Colonel, and three starships are quietly hidden in space.

Everyone even shut down the power system and only turned on the backup power to support the warship's stealth.

However, the starship is not stationary and can still glide at a certain speed in space.

More than three hours later, two cargo starships appeared, which should be fishing bait.

The three Imperial starships made no move, just waiting quietly for the follow-up fleet.

If you just attract the opponent to chase you, attacking the bait is enough. If you touch it, you will face the main follow-up force.

Half an hour later, the following starships appeared in the distance, with six starships at the front.

Six starships formed a fusiform fleet, and there should be starships behind them, but they cannot be observed at the moment.

When the shuttle fleet was about 1.5 million kilometers away from them, an alarm sounded from the battalion-class ship.

This is when the starship was discovered by the opponent and began to lock its position and investigate carefully.

"Activate," the colonel directly issued the order without thinking, "Attack!"

The three starships instantly ignited, loaded their main power systems, and rushed toward each other at extremely fast speeds.

Among the six starships of the Alliance, the first two were pretending to be armed merchant ships, but they were actually all Alliance soldiers.

Among the four starships at the rear, there is an assault ship, two company-level ships and a battalion-level ship.

These four ships are all standard warships, but they are all properly disguised - this is also simple, just add some outer armor.

The Imperial starship was discovered by a company-class ship, which was equipped with a digital combat system.

This kind of system can better detect stealth warships and has certain digital combat capabilities, but it is not too strong.

But its ability to protect against digital attacks is... relatively stronger.

However, this kind of digital combat system is only a trial model and is far from mature. Tianyuxing only has three sets in total.

This time, the alliance suspected that the attack was caused by the Digital Phantom team, so it sent two starships, each carrying one set.

When the three starships of the Empire began to speed up and attack, the stealth was basically ineffective.

The alliance military recognized the ship type immediately and couldn't help but be a little surprised, "There are only three starships?"

Because Tianyu was attacked, they specially learned about the situation of the Digital Phantom team through military channels.

There is one regiment-level ship, three battalion-level ships, and there should be about ten company-level ships.

Of course, this is a known situation. According to people who have followed this fleet, there seem to be several battleships.

But what exactly happened is hard to say.

Especially the regiment-level ship with the LOGO, which can also carry company-level ships, it would not be surprising to overestimate the opponent's strength.

But right now, there are only three ships.

Even though one of them seemed to be an imperial battalion-class ship, everyone still couldn't help but have a thought in their minds, "That's it?"

"Prepare to fight!" the fleet commander issued the order, "Don't put aside your armor for the time being to confuse the opponent."

"Once again, our mission is to fight. If you catch each other, you will win!"

More than three million kilometers behind them, there is also a large army of our own, which can rush to reinforce at any time.

According to the drawn up battle plan, the front is the bait. They are responsible for fighting and can call for support from their own side at any time.

At present, the number of our own warships has an absolute advantage, but we still cannot underestimate the enemy.

(Updated to summon monthly tickets, follow-up subscriptions and recommended tickets.)

This chapter has been completed!
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