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Chapter 1610 1627 slipping through the net 1628 pretending (four updates and 12,000 requests

Chapter 1540 1627 slipping through the net - 1628 impersonating (four updates and 12,000, please give me monthly votes)

Chapter 1627: Slip through the Net (Third Update)

What these soldiers want to ask is, can we command unmanned small ships, and if so, how to achieve it?

After the question was raised, after a while the Fourth Master replied, "Of course, your small ship can become a secondary node."

"But the key to the problem is that you must bring enough computing power...and our artificial intelligence will give it recognition."

He sent this question to the boss and then gave the answer.

Moreover, Xiaohu's authorization is quite fool-proof to operate. Soldiers can just connect to a smart terminal and leave the rest to it.

These elites in the military may not be proficient in technology, but who can't do such a simple operation?

Smart terminals... The military generally prohibits individuals from carrying them with them, but this time on the mission, the fleet brought a lot of them.

This is mainly to allow soldiers to have some entertainment through smart terminals in their spare time.

Space navigation itself is very depressing, and being behind enemy lines makes it impossible not to be under great pressure, so some entertainment activities are necessary to relieve the mood.

The computing power of these terminals is not high, but they are generally large in size. They are mainly designed to be difficult to hide and sturdy and durable.

But given the size, no matter how bad the computing power is, it won't be much worse - it's almost the same as Forerunner's computing power, not as good as Baofeng.

Anyway, with such computing power, commanding three or four small ships is not a big problem.

So those soldiers brought their smart terminals and happily applied for other small ships to accompany them.

The Fourth Master has not forgotten to warn, "Remember to add a self-destruct device, otherwise the authorization will not be successful!"

In fact, Qu Jianlei was a little surprised when the soldiers used the unmanned small ship in this way.

"Sure enough, true knowledge comes from practice... I never thought that autonomous driving could be used in this way!"

But thinking about it again, he was a bit underestimating himself, mainly because he had never experienced a similar situation in the previous battles.

Needless to say, the members of Digital Phantom have never driven a small ship to pursue a pursuit millions of kilometers away!

Normally, battles are resolved within hundreds of thousands of kilometers. Have you ever encountered such a strange enemy?

This battle lasted much longer, almost fourteen hours.

The scope of the battle was also extremely wide. The farthest was that three small ships chased for nearly 50 million kilometers and destroyed a battalion-level ship.

The battalion-class ships were unwilling to be captured and were eventually destroyed, while only two small ships returned, both with injuries.

One of them was captured by another ship - even if there were talismans, the energy blocks were not enough.

In terms of profit from this case, it was a loss to my grandma’s family, but at least one thing was worthwhile: it ensured that the news would not be leaked!

But soon, another piece of news came: I am afraid the news cannot be kept secret.

A company-class ship of the Alliance struggled to escape,

This company-class ship escaped together with a battalion-class ship, and they were pursued by six small Imperial ships.

The battalion-class ships resisted desperately, and many small ships were also released to fight.

After all, the terminals carried by the empire's small ships have limited computing power and weak intrusion capabilities, and the other party pays great attention to resisting data intrusions.

So after a fierce battle, the imperial small ships destroyed many small ships and battalion-level ships, but one company-level ship still escaped.

They pursued him for more than 30 million kilometers, but unfortunately, the other party's escape direction was rather strange.

If you escape in the direction of the previous battlefield, you have to join the support team. This is the choice of many alliance warships.

After all, this is just a squadron in the main fleet, and combined with the other two squadrons, it may not be without the ability to fight.

At the very least, it's a matter of sticking together to make fire and escaping. You must choose a place where you have your own people.

But if they really choose this, they will inevitably encounter other small ships from the empire, and it is basically impossible to survive.

The escape direction of this company-class ship is completely opposite, and the several small ships of the empire are really... powerless!

Even with the support of holding objects, the storage space is limited. It is "no longer short-legged" rather than worry-free.

However, although this battle lasted a little longer, fortunately it didn't take long to clean up the battlefield.

The battle was scattered throughout space, and the participating starships cleaned up the battlefield after finishing the battle.

It only took about three hours to clean the battlefield. The results were good, but the harvest... was just average.

The soldiers of the Empire already know that the Digital Phantom intends to make full use of the Alliance's warships and be somewhat reserved when attacking.

I'm really looking forward to thinking that in the future I can pretend to be an enemy and at least disrupt the battlefield.

But it's obvious that the other party is also aware of this situation.

In addition, they were running away in all directions, and once they were caught up, they resisted very resolutely.

——There are so many people, but if you don’t chase me, you have to chase me. There is no way to escape, so you have to fight hard.

Therefore, among the captured starships, only one regiment-level ship, four battalion-level ships and eleven company-level ships are still usable.

Of the three battalion-level ships they invaded from the beginning, one battalion-level ship directly self-destructed manually.

There are still more than two hundred small ships, but half of them are damaged.

There were not many prisoners. The three regiments only captured more than 2,000 prisoners. Many people would rather commit suicide than surrender - it is said that the imperial army killed prisoners.

Being a prisoner means death. It is better to commit suicide. Maybe you will be called a "virtuous scholar" and your family will also receive some preferential treatment.

On the other hand, the Imperial Army lost many starships and suffered casualties.

Not to mention too much, at least there are three talismans that can never be taken back.

Qu Jianlei called the fleet together and discussed it for a while.

Although not much was seized this time, some starships that could be used or not had to be blasted.

Because... no matter how large the team's storage space is, it is still limited and cannot collect too much junk.

Therefore, he declared that everyone should not think about seizing for the sake of seizing in the future. Protecting yourself should always come first.

The soldiers nodded repeatedly when they heard this, but they were muttering in their hearts: If the storage space can fit into a division-level ship, will there be a shortage?

However, the stealth transfer of division-level ships is also the basis for victory in this battle. It is indeed necessary to leave room for this tactic.

But... how are division-level ships transferred? Countless people want to ask this question, but no one dares to ask.

Secondly, there is the issue of small ships as secondary nodes. There is no doubt that this is a new type of tactic.

However, Qu Jianlei did not recommend that everyone actively consider it. He emphasized one point: harassment from behind enemy lines...the battle must be controllable.

Being controllable means fighting when you want and leaving when you want, rather than chasing someone tens of millions of kilometers away and having to fight.

He is not denying everyone's fighting spirit, but he must emphasize that successful harassment should be sent and received from the heart.

This time is an exception, because we originally planned to avoid it, but if the other party insists on finding us at all costs, we will fight passively.

But at the same time, as a new type of tactic, everyone still needs to be fully familiar with and master it to prepare for emergencies.

Finally, the seizures this time will be tallied up, and if you have any relevant needs, just ask.

Behind enemy lines, we are one, there is no difference between digital phantoms and the military.

After the summary meeting, the colonel made a suggestion: Should we capture the other side's major general again?

After coming to the Alliance, so far, they have captured a brigadier general and captured as many as 8,000 people.

On any battlefield, if an army of more than a thousand people captured 8,000 prisoners, it would be considered an incredible achievement.

But as a soldier, who would think that he has many achievements in battle?

The Fourth Master was the one who passed the message on Qu Jianlei's behalf. He pondered for a while and said, "But in this battle... there is no chance that the other side will not be able to discover it."

It's hard to say how far they are from the Brigadier's position, but it's always somewhere between 1.8 billion and 1.8 billion kilometers.

In space, 1.8 billion kilometers can be said to be very far, but it can also be said to be very close.

If two cargo ships are traveling quietly and pass each other a million kilometers away, they may not be able to detect each other.

But when a space war breaks out, the violent energy fluctuations and conspicuous light can be observed from more than billions of kilometers away.

Especially without cosmic rays or abnormal light to cover up, it can travel farther.

Just like sunspots on a blue star, without the influence of solar rays, the abnormalities of the sunspots are not difficult to see with the naked eye.

But with the sun, it can basically only be observed through instruments.

To put it simply, Qu Jianlei didn't think that the major general couldn't pay attention to the battle here - he just couldn't catch up.

But the colonel thought, "He only knew that a battle took place here, and he was not sure who won, right?"

The Fourth Master pondered for a long time, then sighed, "Our mission is to harass, is it worth being so persistent...?"

"Imperial soldiers must have their own glory," the colonel replied solemnly, "Master Zhenshanbao, you should also understand."

"If you kill another major general, it will not only be a meritorious service, but it can also effectively deter the alliance. This is the purpose of our coming here."

In fact, the fourth master's mind is more inclined to the boss's opinion - just stop the harassment when it's good.

But he also understands that soldiers who dare to come and cause trouble within the alliance are full of shit.

Those who dare to come are not even afraid of death. Are they still afraid of being more dangerous?

They are just afraid that the credit is not great enough and that the results of this campaign are not brilliant enough.

The boss has made it very clear that the emphasis of the raid mission is controllability.

But the opportunity is right in front of them, and some soldiers really can't hold back. This is really...understandable.

The fourth master communicated with the boss with his spiritual consciousness and spoke slowly.

"In principle, we don't support this unnecessary risk, but... we won't do it next time!"

A cheer suddenly erupted from each starship.

Two days later, the division-class ship's fleet, a patrol ship on peripheral alert, spotted a dilapidated company-class ship approaching from a distance.

It can be recognized from the hull number that this company-class ship belongs to the local army and belongs to the squadron composed of three regiments.

The patrol ship was very vigilant and directly asked the other party to report its identity and serial number, and also checked the battleship's unique identification code.

The other party complied, and there were no loopholes. Then they said they had urgent military information to report.


Chapter 1628 Impersonation (fourth update)


Faced with the company-class ship's request, the patrol ship remained unmoved and must conduct strict inspections at all times!

They asked the other party to explain the situation first, but the company-class ship said that this is not what you should know!

Of course, military information is classified, and the patrol ship cannot force it, so we also said that we would board the ship for inspection.

This kind of inspection between friendly forces is a bit excessive, but the patrol ship said, we noticed that you have encountered the enemy.

For such reasons, you can indeed board the ship for inspection.

The patrol ship is also a type of small ship. There are only six people on board, and two of them boarded the ship for inspection.

They unexpectedly discovered that there were even fewer people on the other company's ship, only five, three men and two women.

There was also a man with half his body missing, lying in the nutrition cabin in a deep coma.

The man in the lead said that this was our colonel who was injured in the battle.

He did not tell the story of the battle or why only five people escaped.

However, the patrol ship basically figured it out and figured out a tragic battle on its own.

Needless to say, the colonel and the regiment leader are injured like this, how can the others be better?

After checking the ID of the group leader, the two people who boarded the ship evacuated.

The four people on the patrol ship watched the entire process through observation equipment.

After asking their superiors for instructions, they monitored the company-class ship as it moved forward.

Half a million kilometers away, a company-class ship was on alert. When they saw them coming, they boarded the ship to inspect it again.

The inspection this time was extremely detailed, and the situation was reported directly to the team leader.

This regiment is also a local regiment, and the leader has a good relationship with the injured leader.

He briefly asked about the battle, glanced at his injured friend, and then asked a few daily questions.

It's obvious that he doesn't trust these five people - at least, in this situation, it won't hurt to be careful.

The regiment leader did not find any clues, so he asked again, what military information do you plan to report?

As a result, the five people who escaped said that they wanted to see the major general before reporting. Their tone seemed to be a bit hidden.

The regiment leader was quite annoyed by this, but the hidden truth...could it be a conflict between the regiment directly under him and the local government?

Even though he is second only to the rear admiral in the fleet, there are some things that should not be inquired about.

However, the other party, as a local army, did not trust him as the leader, which really made him very angry.

So he ordered his own people to control the five other people.

If you don't accept control, don't blame them for using force and just take it down.

Through the observation equipment, the regiment leader confirmed that the five people had been controlled, and then asked his soldiers to bring the starship to see him.

Two company-level ships arrived next to the regiment-level ship, and the regiment leader sent his adjutant to learn about the situation.

All in all, they were very careful, and even those who later drove the ragged company class ship were their own people.

At this moment, the regiment-level ships are not far from the division-level ships. They are all considered the main force cluster, but their main force cluster is divided into three.

Around the division-level ship, there are divisional troops guarding it, and the scale is not small.

In order to avoid suspicion, the regiment-level ships did not approach, but let their own company-level ships escort the ragged company-level ships there.

No matter how you look at it, this escaped warship is under absolutely effective supervision.

However, the division-level ship still did not let the company-level ship get too close, and just opened the video connection.

The major general spoke solemnly, "Tell me exactly what happened to you, without leaving any omissions!"

The man at the head of the group spoke seriously, "I've seen you, sir, so please keep the others away."

The major general snorted indifferently, "My people are all reliable, just say so."

While they were talking, no one noticed that a flash of darkness quietly flew out of the weapon hole of another company-class ship.

This darkness traveled 40,000 to 50,000 kilometers and directly released a huge warship.

Darkness floated into the cabin of the starship and released two more people, it was Hua Xingzi and Yuanyuan.

Hua Scorpion took over the soul sac, released hundreds of life-saving capsules, and opened them instantly, "Get ready to board the ship!"

Imperial soldiers jumped out one after another, all with excited faces, "Have you finally arrived?"

At this moment, the rear admiral did not notice at all that there was something wrong with the company-class ship performing the escort mission in the fleet he commanded.

He was asking solemnly, "The Digital Phantom has a division-level ship...are you sure?"

"Sure," the man opposite nodded, then raised his hand and pointed, "Just like the one behind you, sir!"

The fleet directly under the division-class ship is very vigilant, and the current situation cannot be relaxed.

But the current situation is everything is controllable. Even if two company-class ships come, the distance is still quite far.

Therefore, their supervision is mainly focused on external affairs, and there is really not much internal supervision.

Under such circumstances, a huge starship suddenly appeared inside, which was really unexpected.

Before they could react, several hatches of the division ship opened at the same time, and the small ship rushed out like dumplings.

At this time, someone reacted in shock, "This is... the painted mark of the Digital Phantom!"

It turns out that the Digital Phantom division ship I just heard about actually exists!

But what's terrible is that this giant ship suddenly appeared inside the protective circle!

Whether you have served in the military or not, you all know this. During your leisure time, you should not point your gun or cannon at your own people.

The same is true for battleships, whether they are daily or in a state of combat readiness.

Even if the weapons are properly charged and ready for battle, they cannot be pointed at friendly forces.

Of the many warships directly under the Guards, none of them had their guns pointed inside the protective circle.

Changing the direction of the muzzle or activating the corresponding firepower point will take a certain amount of time.

At this moment, Digital Phantom's division-class ship is also in a state of rapid recharging, and this is the time difference.

The next moment, countless small ships fiercely pounced on the Alliance warship.

Most of these small ships that launched the attack were somewhat damaged, and some were of Empire type or Alliance type.

Almost instantly, the major general reacted, "It's being controlled...attack!"

There is no doubt that our company-class ship has been controlled, and the authenticity of the video conversation just now is seriously doubtful.

As for why our own soldiers cooperated with the other side - after being subdued and then being impersonated, is it difficult?

There are many masters of digital phantom, so it is really not easy to do this.

But what is certain is that there should be people in these two company-class ships, and they are important figures in the Digital Phantom.

He ordered to fire without hesitation, because many starship weapons were pointed at the dilapidated company-class ship.

Weapons cannot be pointed at one's own people, but so far, the identity of the other party's "friendly forces" is still in doubt.

Considering the need to protect the major general, there is no harm in being a little rough with the friendly troops, right?

Countless rays of light lit up, and the dilapidated company-class ship suddenly turned into a ball of fire.

"And that company-class ship," the major general said coldly, "destroy them together!"

It's not that he is cruel, but that he must be ruthless towards his enemies.

Our own company-class ships have obviously been tricked, and things like artificial intelligence will be spread through various forms!

The escorting company-class ship is very close to the junk company-class ship, and the attacking weapons require little adjustment.

The next moment, the friendly ship was also beaten into a violent rage.

Seeing this scene, the regiment-level ship that was not too far away was stunned for a moment, "My people...were impersonated?"

He really didn't expect that the people he just talked to were not only fake, but also controlled his soldiers.

Fortunately, the opponent's target was a major general, otherwise he would never be able to react if he used this method against him.

But then, he shook his head and said, "At this time, do you still think about this?"

"But there's something wrong with your reaction, sir. Why don't you deal with those small ships?"

In fact, there is no need for the rear admiral to worry about dealing with small ships. He has a direct fleet responsible for defending them.

It's just that the direction of these starship weapons is wrong, coupled with some necessary reactions, they were stagnant for about ten seconds.

But there was only such a small time gap, and then, overwhelming artillery fired at the division-level ship that suddenly appeared.

The division-level ship's protective shield is far from being upgraded to the highest level, but its own armor is also extremely thick.

With the firepower directly under the escort fleet, attacking such a giant is really almost meaningless.

Only division-class ships can deal with division-class ships - this is somewhat true.

Especially for these starships in the escort fleet, although some of the cannon muzzles are charged, the charging level is not too strong.

In this case, it is not unusually difficult to break through the defense of a division-level ship.

Some warships were self-aware and directly targeted the small ships that rushed out.

Small ships also have similar problems. Although they rush out, they don't take long to start.

Not only was the speed unsatisfactory, but the protective shield was also not raised, and the original crispy skin... became even crispier.

Then one after another light groups lit up, indicating that the small ships had been destroyed.

But in the midst of the volleys of fire, small ships rushed out one after another without fear of death.

Seeing the shabby small ships launching attacks on various warships, someone in the alliance military finally understood.

"Be careful, this is an unmanned small ship. They want to use these junk to consume our firepower."

Those who can become guards are veterans who have experienced many battles and can understand many things at once.

Seeing the damaged Alliance small ships, many Alliance soldiers felt raging anger in their hearts.

What pain and devastation our friendly forces... suffered!

At this time, the rear admiral issued another instruction, "Send out all the small ships and pile them up to kill each other!"

After the initial surprise, he now felt uncontrollable anger in his heart.

He no longer wanted to think about why the other party was so bold and dared to go deep into his own cluster.

He only knows that this division-class ship of Digital Phantom must be destroyed - at any cost!

(Four updates are 12,000, please ask for monthly tickets and follow-up subscriptions.)

This chapter has been completed!
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