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Chapter 1639 Backdoor

Chapter 1569 Backdoor

The fourth leader can understand the difficulties of the army, but at the same time, he hates going back on his words the most.

The admiral immediately said, "It's not what you think. We promise not to analyze those fragments."

"The key is that you may not know that the Alliance and the Federation have joined forces."

When the Fourth Master heard this, he raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Didn't they join forces a long time ago?"

"It's not the kind of cooperation we had before," the admiral smiled bitterly and shook his head.

In the final analysis, the alliance was frightened by the attack method of Digital Phantom.

The opponent has launched targeted "space bubble" tactics and used jump jammers to interfere with the navigation of enemy ships.

However, these two tactics are only passive defenses and are not that effective. They can only barely maintain order around the habitable star.

Even the safety of freight routes cannot be guaranteed.

The tactics of the Digital Phantom are almost unsolvable, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are dimensionality reduction strikes.

At present, the alliance has gone crazy and is frantically developing artificial intelligence, without even considering the hidden dangers.

In addition, they informed the Federation that the Empire has this tactic. If you don't exert pressure, we will perish together.

So although the alliance's morale is currently low, the federation's attack intensity has increased a lot.

In the past six months alone, the Federation launched three large-scale attacks on the Empire.

The Imperial Army had the upper hand over the Alliance, but on the battlefield with the Federation, it was very difficult to resist.

The general said frankly that when the military asked you if you were interested in military honors, it was not referring to the alliance battlefield.

The military very much hopes that the digital phantom can go to the Federation to replicate a battle on Kochi Star and attack the opponent's arrogance.

When the fourth master heard this, his expression was a little strange, "Same fighting method... do you think the other party is that stupid?"

The admiral shook his head and replied very firmly, "The alliance will not reveal all the details. After all, we are two countries."

"They just want to drag the Federation into the water, just like they gave up the passage to drag the Empire into the water."

This answer directly explains the relationship between countries - in the face of national interests, how big a deal is it to cheat allies?

The military originally wanted the Digital Phantom to take action to scare the Federation.

Finding that the goal could not be achieved, the admiral resorted to the next best thing and wanted to borrow fragments of the other party's artificial intelligence.

As long as all warships participating in the war are equipped with this clip, it will be enough to teach the other side a profound lesson.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to declare that the military was only borrowing it and had absolutely no intention of using those data fragments.

Having said this, he looked at Put again and said, "Your Excellency, you can be a witness."

Putt came with him. This was also one of his important tasks.

Hearing this, he nodded, "I can guarantee that if anyone dares to disobey the agreement, I will definitely give you an explanation."

This promise is already quite heavy. Currently, the only person the military can easily recruit is Put.

The military will never force such a trump card.

The fourth master has met Putt not only two or three times, but also knows his character.

He pondered for a moment before answering, "I will report this matter. I can't guarantee whether the team can agree to it."

"Okay," the general nodded, "if it can be done, it will be considered as your military merit."

The fourth master raised his hand and touched his forehead. Has military success become so cheap now?

However, he didn't ask any more questions and just nodded slightly, "How are the aliens in the Federation doing?"

"The offensive was also very fierce, and the Federation suffered a lot of losses," the admiral replied casually, "but in terms of weirdness, it was three times worse than the aliens from the Alliance!"

The fourth master nodded. According to the boss, the alien group called "Ashura" was just a little more powerful individually.

Unlike the trees and locusts in the locust world, there are really endless weird methods.

"This is really unclear," the fourth master shook his head again, "You are so busy with your own affairs, why do you still have the leisure to provoke the empire?"

After the admiral left, he immediately contacted the boss and explained the situation.

Qu Jianlei checked with Xiaohu whether this data fragment could be sent out.

"Spread the word," Big-headed Butterfly replied lightly, "Didn't you say last year that I could also design a few backdoors?"

It is originally impossible for it to design a backdoor for its own fragments. As an artificial intelligence, why does the control subroutine need a backdoor?

But the alliance's backdoor irritated it - the backdoor was even solidified in the chip to prevent theft.

This incident caused some trouble for Qu Jianlei at the time, so he solved the problem by rubbing the chip with his hands.

Later, he asked Xiaohu to make targeted improvements to bypass the backdoor on the chip.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible to take away so many alliance warships last time.

Later, Qu Jianlei casually mentioned that Xiaohu could also build two back doors just in case.

I didn't expect that it really took it to heart and actually came out.

On the third day, the admiral came again and asked how things went.

Following the instructions of the boss, the fourth master authorizes you to use it, but it will only last for two years.

When it is about to expire, I hope you can delete it completely, otherwise any problems that arise will be your own fault.

The general's expression changed when he heard this. As a senior general, he still had this common sense, "Back door?"

The fourth master replied disapprovingly, "We are just lending you our own things, so why should we be surprised?"

"I don't know if it's a back door. If you're not satisfied, you don't have to use it."

The admiral was immediately speechless. The empire's control over military products was really strict and there was no room for manipulation.

If you use shoddy products like this, you will basically lose your head if you are discovered. As for the backdoor - if you don't get punished by the clan, it is just a case of favoritism and perversion of the law.

But the other party was right. This was not sold to the military at all, but loaned out—the kind that you could borrow or not.

Hearing this, the general couldn't help but think of another voice from the military.

Some people believe that the artificial intelligence of Digital Phantom cannot be easily accepted, otherwise military warships will be in danger of losing control.

The Alliance's front line fought well, but it only equipped a very small number of warships, and the main ones were captured Alliance warships.

It is understandable that something like this happens to the battleships ahead. After all, there is a strong need for combat, and it is necessary to make changes.

But if other warships are also equipped with artificial intelligence in large numbers, what if one day something goes wrong with the Digital Phantom?

Well, even if this team is very trustworthy, has no interest in imperial power, and is very stable...

But what if artificial intelligence mutates?

Don't think that this kind of thing won't happen. In the past, there were only so many warships implanted with fragments, and the scope was relatively narrow.

Once the scope of application expands, the stability of artificial intelligence... will be difficult to say. No one will be held responsible if something goes wrong.

Because of the alliance's record, this kind of voice is not the mainstream in the military, but the military has never lacked conservatives.

The admiral shook his head, pushed this thought to the back of his mind, and then asked in a deep voice.

"Can you give us a relatively guaranteed data fragment?"

The military's final choice is to believe in the digital phantom, even if the other party still emphasizes that the stability is not very good.

In the final analysis, there is no choice. The Alliance battlefield was fought like that, but the Federation battlefield was fought like that.

In particular, the officers in charge of the federal war situation urgently need to find their place to take revenge and get rid of their incompetent reputation.

Therefore, even if the Digital Phantom emphasizes that their own artificial intelligence is not yet mature, they will only assume that the other party is deliberately hiding their clumsiness.

But when it comes to the specific implementation level, the military still made its own request: it hopes to get customized fragments.

Statements such as two-year expiration are not unacceptable. The key is the customized model... which also represents trust in Digital Phantom.

——We recognize your team anyway. If there are any problems with customized products in the future, we will have to ask you to deal with them.

The Fourth Master did not expect that the situation would develop in this direction. He stood up and left, saying that he would convey this meaning immediately.

When Qu Jianlei heard this, he was worried about whether it would be easy for him to control the other party if they copied Xiaohu's clips on their own.

The customized version is easy to say. As a standard for promotion, even the functions can be partially improved.

The fourth master left for about ten minutes, and then came over carrying a vortex terminal.

He took out a memory and put it on the terminal to read the fragments.

In about ten seconds, the fragment was read, and then he handed it to the admiral, "Encrypt it in front of me."

The admiral took out his terminal and started to encrypt, and then asked, "So fast...can it also be transmitted over civilian networks?"

The fourth master did not answer his question, but said, "Someone should have suggested it, and we must ensure the computing power."

"We understand this," the admiral nodded, thinking about the matter of computing power, and would implement it in detail later.

"Then that's it for today," the Fourth Master said calmly, "Do you need me to wait here for a reply?"

This is what urges foreigners to enter the country - our clips are very enjoyable to give.

The admiral replied with a wry smile, "It's best if someone is here, but we have to test and put pressure on the government, which also requires a process."

The fourth master replied nonchalantly, "What I mean is...it won't take too long."

He also knows the military's style of doing things, and it can be vigorous and resolute internally, but it is really troublesome to negotiate with the officials.

However, when he came back this time, he really had nothing to do. He was still far away from advancing, so he might as well just stay on the Rock Star for a while.

After wandering around for a few days, he purchased some materials and asked his boss to help build a core.

This trip to the alliance also made him realize that it was necessary to create a clone.

Qu Jianlei didn't leave either. Recently, Xiaohu began to study how to use tree fragments and space stones to create time differences.

This requires purchasing a large amount of raw materials for experiments, and this condition is not available at Shuguang Base.

On this day, Jing Yuexin and Yuanyuan also teleported over. The weapon spirit was a little anxious and urged for materials to set up the transformation array.

This chapter has been completed!
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