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Chapter 1665 Where did the signal come from? (1st update)

Chapter 1595 Where did the signal come from? (1st update)

After Qu Jianlei interrogated the colonel, he interrogated the leader of another fleet, the supreme commander and the colonel.

The attitude of these two people was not very friendly, especially the colonel, who actually spoke rudely and expressed his fearlessness.

"I admire tough guys the most," Qu Jianlei didn't bother to pay attention to him.

"When you meet a foreign race, I will send you out of the cabin and give you a set of space mechas."

Then he no longer looked at the other person's discolored face and directly let Yinshan take him down.

The next question Qu Jianlei faced was: Should we continue to conduct experiments here?

He has managed this place very well, and the experiment has reached a critical moment.

However, if we continue to research underground, this teleportation location will be targeted sooner or later, and we will lose a choice in the future.

So after thinking about it, he still performed technical treatment on the stone chamber, leaving only the teleportation array hidden deep underground.

Then he took the captured starship into space and arrived 80 million kilometers away.

There is a small meteorite here, with a diameter of more than 500 meters, which is not as big as the captured regiment-level ship.

However, with such a meteorite, it is not very difficult to choose two battalion-level ships to disguise themselves together.

Qu Jianlei has tried mimicry disguise before and is no stranger to this. There are also materials used for mimicry in the storage ring.

It is difficult to disguise a regiment-level ship, so just put it away. Anyway, there is still space in the storage ring.

After all, what is left outside now are two battalion-level ships and four company-level ships, and there is no shortage of small ships in the cabin.

One of the battalion-class ships is an imperial warship marked with a digital phantom.

This time, thanks to the capture of a batch of warships, he didn't need to use his old capital, and it didn't hurt at all to use them.

With these starships outside, they can be activated at any time, making it easy to deal with unexpected events.

Anyway, the space of the battalion-level ship is large enough, not only can it set up the spirit gathering array, but it will not affect research and development.

Then Qu Jianlei calmed down and analyzed the reasons for the last failure with peace of mind.

The transformation plan was quickly finalized, and Qu Jianlei tried a new version of the space-time differential five days later.

This time it was successful, but within ten seconds the differential collapsed.

After the collapse, a huge power of time was released, stronger than the previous times.

The meteorite was 10 million kilometers away from the test site. It was washed away by energy and the starship's mimicry was destroyed.

Fortunately, the starship itself was not seriously damaged.

Qu Jianlei quickly found out the reason. It was that the material of the differential itself was too poor and could not withstand the distortion of the force of time and space.

In fact, he has no shortage of materials on hand, but just for experiments, it is enough to choose some scraps.

So in the next version, it should be possible to create a relatively stable differential.

Qu Jianlei did not dare to neglect and immediately invested in new improvements, because there was really not much time left for him.

If the Alliance can send the first fleet, it can naturally send the second fleet, and it is not difficult to determine that the first fleet is missing.

The main reason why Qu Jianlei insists on doing experiments here is because this is a semi-occupied area.

It was not convenient for the alliance's troops to come over, so he could concentrate more on his research.

Even if the alliance now knows that something is fishy here, it is impossible to send heavy troops.

If a foreign race were to come over, Qu Jianlei wouldn't mind starting another killing spree as long as the situation allowed.

But thinking of this, he felt a little regretful that he didn't bring Feng to forget it.

Otherwise, with the help of the traitor, you might be able to gain new conveniences and gains.

Anyway, he felt that after this experiment was completed, he could leave at any time.

Although he was in a hurry, he still spent six days on this transformation.

The new differential used large pieces of space stone and fragments of trees with a diameter of 800 meters. The test was a great success.

It lasted for a full two hours - this was when he observed the slight aging of the differential and decisively stopped the test.

Next time, he believed that the differential he made could greatly enhance its durability.

Since he had accomplished his set goal and could leave at any time, he took the luxury of doing another divination.

The time differential is a very important part, and it is very necessary to maintain stability.

This time he divined carefully enough, and the direction of improvement was very clear.

But... some consequences also occurred, and he felt obviously mentally exhausted again.

He told Yi He about this situation and asked him to help him analyze the reason.

This senior's thinking is a bit like "other people's children will never die", but he still has a clear vision.

Yi He was a little surprised, and even felt his condition - normally, such an operation would be offensive.

He really felt the difference, "Your condition is indeed not very good. It has not damaged your roots, but you still need to recuperate."

"But it's strange. Just segment-oriented divination can have such a big impact?"

But a few seconds later, he suddenly realized and said, "I know, this is probably... the first time it appears in our world."

"Forget about other changes, but the time difference... will affect the way of heaven."

You said something I dare not say! Qu Jianlei is not without speculation, but he needs to find someone to verify it.

Facts have proved... Yi He really dares to speak out!

But at the same time, Qu Jianlei was also a little lucky. Fortunately, he did the divination in detail only at the last step.

If you divine like this from the beginning, your life may not be saved, but at least your vitality will be severely damaged.

But no matter what, now that he had the divination results, he couldn't give up and started intense improvement work.

However, on the third day of improvement, when he was concentrating on his work, the big butterfly began to turn.

"Boss, another starship is coming, but it seems to be the imperial army."

Qu Jianlei was startled when he heard this, "Is it a standard warship of the empire?"

"I don't know," the big-headed butterfly turned its body, "I just sensed my data fragments from the monitor."

Because the meteorite's concealment ability was so poor, it did not dare to vigorously explore its surroundings, so it was already too late when it received the news.

The escaping starship was only over 20 million kilometers away from the meteorite.

At such a close distance, Xiaohu was able to sense fragments of himself through the weak relays on those monitors.

These fragments are like Qu Jianlei's separate spiritual consciousness, and have a weak connection with it.

But the difference is that the boss loses his consciousness and has to rest for a period of time, but the damage to the fragment is extremely slight.

Qu Jianlei pondered for a moment and said, "The starships are ready to be launched. Let's wait and see first."

Anyway, 20 million kilometers is still far away, so just be on guard first, and you can react in time.

Seriously, it's hard to say what's going on with this starship. Maybe it's trying to contact the main force or something.

That's right, it's just a starship, Xiaohu said it's not a fleet.

Seriously, he can't delay his current work, and there is no need to be distracted by trivial matters.

However, not long after, the big-headed butterfly started turning again, "It's a small ship!"

"Small... type ship?" Qu Jianlei was a little stunned when he heard this, "Then send a small ship to dock with us."

It is really rare for a small ship to travel alone in space.

Although the problem of short legs can be solved by carrying a holding charm, the skin is still brittle and it is very unsafe to travel in space.

The most critical thing is that as a short-range attack starship, the small ship simply does not have the ability to travel long distances.

This is not only a problem with the energy block, its design structure is such that the components wear out at an alarming rate.

In other words, the holding talisman can only solve the problem of short legs in combat, but due to the design structure, it has short legs!

Just one point can explain the problem: small ships are obviously much faster than company-class ships, but the latter can jump, but it cannot!

Therefore, it is absolutely abnormal for a small ship to speed through space...

A'Bo looked at the dark space ahead and sighed softly, "The observer reported how the engine is doing."

"The degree of wear exceeds 35%, infinitely close to 40%," someone replied in a deep voice without saying a word more.

There are eleven people on board, which is already very crowded for a small ship.

The key is that there are three of them who look tired and have restraints placed on them - they are three prisoners of the alliance.

The atmosphere in the small ship was extremely depressing - it had nothing to do with the crowding, it was just heavy.

Apu spoke in a deep voice, "The energy block in the talisman is fine. There are also spare attack ships, submersibles and lifeboats."

He left with all the belongings of the assault camp, and he had more than a dozen talismans on him.

But unfortunately, most of them are ordinary holding talismans, with a maximum of no more than twenty-five cubic meters.

There is only one oversized storage talisman, which can accommodate a small ship.

The military's equipment is like this, most of it is standard, but it is already very, very good.

If you look at it among the people, the talisman that Qu Jianlei snatched was fifteen or six cubic meters in size, which is considered to be very large.

The fact that the military can equip so many talismans this time, including ones that can accommodate small ships, is purely a temporary over-allocation.

This is all thanks to the tactics suggested by Digital Phantom. If you don’t believe me, you can ask, which battalion-level unit can be equipped with so many talismans?

However, everyone also knows that small ships are really short-legged, and even if there is one, it is impossible to escape back to the empire.

The submersible is the same one that Qu Jianlei and the others used when they sneaked into the Federation. It is smaller than a lifeboat.

This thing's maneuverability is acceptable, and it also has some weapons, but its main emphasis is on stealth.

In short, as long as the current situation continues, it will be almost impossible for them to escape the alliance.

The only hope is that they can contact the regiment headquarters before all resources are exhausted.

However, this is far from easy! The various raiding units are too scattered!

In the dead silence, a voice suddenly came from the console: "State your number and purpose. Do you need help?"

"I'm stupid..." A'Bo's nerves were already tense, and he was immediately frightened when he heard this.

"Where does this signal come from?"

This chapter has been completed!
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